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Is india stronger than china?

India by paying Indian journalists to inflame anti-China feelings in India.
respectfully disagree. Indian journalist are paid. To either have a hardline ant-china view. Or a positive China view!
It is the subliminal messaging the Chinese recieve from their state media which is controlled.
My own experience has shown me that the Chinese view of Indians is drastically negative. More Chinese hate Indians than Indians hate Chinese!
The view of Chinese being:
Indians are boastful. and Chinese are rising peacefully. (this they assume from the Indian media, the same Indian media they get negative news of India from!(
Indians are gearing up to attack China (Indians are gearing up their military in response to the changing environment)
Indian democracy is failed! (this is the excuse used to stop the talk of a democratic China! it is what the CCP needs. Truth be told, India is 10 years behind in terms of GDP.)
The views expressed by nationalistic Chinese and even the not so nationalistic is negative, either Indians are an ally of the United States or are dark and developed like Africans.
But this is propaganda. The CCP doesn`t want to smear their image. But with them controlling the media, who else can?
Indian media OTOH isn't just biased, its from both sides of the spectrum. Much like what you find with Fox News and CNN! two sides of the ultra spectrum. At least you can get some bad or good news pending on how you look at it.
This aside, as far as the Military strength is concerned.
The view from the Indian side is that India does and can not afford to match the PLA pound for pound. Not only is this expensive but its stupid.
With logistics in Tibet being as they are, the Indians don't need numbers in a drastic scale.
However, Pakistan is the bigger challenge. They have a naturally large unblocked border with India!
Which is why tanks exist in the subcontinent!
For the PLA, which hasn't had a enemy since the collapse of the cold war. Its a different story, they may beef up their defence in Tibet to some extend, but doesn't change the picture.
The PLAs aim is Taiwan. Can they take Taiwan now? No!
The PLA is in a transition stage.
Spending years in miltary isolation has left the PLA with out a clue, you could say.
Their military spending is in bulks, and they are waiting to move onto a new doctrine.
In the mean time the PLA have taken defensive posture. and the mojority of the PLA have become civil servants, addressing and saving the nation during national calamity. and they do this very well!
so while they spend 70 billion on military, they don't intend to use it anytime soon. Atleast not until the technological gap is broken.
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