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Is India on its way to becoming a superpower?

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Shanghai infrastructure is actually 10 to 20 years ahead of Washington DC.

One example is the subway in Shanghai is fully computer controlled. There is no jerking when starting or stopping the train.
Compare that with DC Metro with train breakdowns every day and the whiplash of passengers is the norm. There was actually two small fires last week on the DC Metro rail (one on a train and one at a station). 10 to 20 years behind Shanghai easy.

Yea and Chinese cities are 30/40 years behind USA.

That means India is 80 years behind USA :D

So where its is 2012 in USA, India has only reached where USA was in 1932 :D

Heck, even by that time, Empire State Building was build, I say India is 90 years behind....1922 :D
there are HUGE problem for india in the years to come:

1. with these increased population, they need education and employment. when they grow up, they will start to question why everything in india is behind its opponent China. the regime in new delhi will be forced to answer it, one way or another.

2. with the current Chinese construction boom, all those resources required to build up some infrastructure is now more expensive for india.

3. the fake democracy system in india is not providing any economic benefit, but it will slow down such infrastructure construction. just think about one thing: how many indians will be happy to cry hard to slow down a project and bring more compensation? fairness for involved family/individuals are for another thread, for the country it is clearly a problem not an advantage.


To be really honest...china is considered very cheap in India. China is always equated with cheap low quality fake products. china has no respect in india (I am not talking in corporate or cultural terms).

The only chinese thing that is known in India is "noodles".

Indians are instead crazy abt the US & the UK.

Young ppl want to study and go abroad (mostly to US & UK) to live a better life. Sorry, china does not figure on the list of most of them.

china is certainly doing good but Indians hardly care. We have the US to look upto.
lols at Indian wet dreams and double lols at the video:rofl::rofl::lol::lol::wub:
1. If one follows Indian media she has been a super power a long time ago. But the truth has been told by Sashi Tharoor, MP, former UN diplomat, writer and intellectual. He says his country is not a Super Power but a Super Poor. Look at the fol indicators:

a. Let's take the mily component first. Where is the moral of an army whose Chief (including the new one) is going in and out of courts? Answer: In the boots, Sir.
b. What is the state of tanks, canons, rifles, aircraft carriers, fighters? Answer: Some tanks have the habit of falling into ditches. Canons are outdated according to the Chief. Rifles are awful as per media reports. Don't get the impression that IN has many many ACs. She has none in hand. The one meant to be scrapped by the Russians is being refitted for ever, and in the bargain one Sardar Commodore has also lost his job. The procuring process of aircraft is so mystical that these become old by the time they arrive; and begin crashing. The rate of crashes in IAF has placed it permanently on the Guinness Record.

b. How much of the land mass or the people of India are truly under control of GOI? Barely half.

c. How happy and cohesive are Indians? How strong are cast division, religious division, ethnic divide and linguistic differences? Pretty strong.

d. Who among India's neighbors will be supportive of her in case of a war? None. (Bhutan is under India's control for all practical purposes.)

e. Which neighbor will like to settle scores with an unsettled India? Which neighbor will like to redraw boundaries in case of a disintegration of India? Answer to both is: all.

f. If India is free then how come a foreigner is calling all the shots? Beats me. But she and her two sisters have so much of money in Swiss accounts that a general withdrawal may cause a run on the bank.

2. A nation that is internally weak, is a weak nation. Example is India.
PLEASE!! can you provide me with one, itty bitty, little credible Indian link which says their country is a superpower??:azn::lol:
Or for that matter, can anybody who maintains this attitude??
India is described as a potential superpower....Can't you guys get the word "potential" in your head???
This has been said time and again by the Indian at this forum, but strangely nobody ever seems to notice....:angry:
How much of the land mass or the people of India are truly under control of GOI? Barely half.
The only are out of GOI control are 1 or 2 districts in Orissa or Bihar.....they rest are "affected"......which means that there is a presence, which doesn't mean "controled"
How happy and cohesive are Indians? How strong are cast division, religious division, ethnic divide and linguistic differences? Pretty strong.
Well we seem to fare better than our neighbours atleast:lol:
Pakistan was said to be unified....30 years later result-BD
And I don't think I need to say anything about Sri Lanka....
I quote neighbours cause they are similiar countries with large populations
Who among India's neighbors will be supportive of her in case of a war? None. (Bhutan is under India's control for all practical purposes.)
Taking the latest Kargil conflict as example, ALL (except of course Pakistan, which is the only country with whom a war may be fought)
Let's take the mily component first. Where is the moral of an army whose Chief (including the new one) is going in and out of courts? Answer: In the boots, Sir.
b. What is the state of tanks, canons, rifles, aircraft carriers, fighters? Answer: Some tanks have the habit of falling into ditches. Canons are outdated according to the Chief. Rifles are awful as per media reports. Don't get the impression that IN has many many ACs. She has none in hand. The one meant to be scrapped by the Russians is being refitted for ever, and in the bargain one Sardar Commodore has also lost his job. The procuring process of aircraft is so mystical that these become old by the time they arrive; and begin crashing. The rate of crashes in IAF has placed it permanently on the Guinness Record.
That aircraft carrier is one more than any neighbour has, and the one which is never going to arrive is conducting sea trials and is going to be delivered by december 2012
The equipment is sub standard, true, but by our standards. By BD or Pakistan's standard all our equipment is perfectely fine....and dude canons were outdated in the 1890's. Nobody uses them anymore......And do you even know why migs have a high crash rate?? cause they are too powerful to be handled by rookies whom they are usually handed due to the absence of dedicated trainers until recentely......
If India is free then how come a foreigner is calling all the shots? Beats me. But she and her two sisters have so much of money in Swiss accounts that a general withdrawal may cause a run on the bank.
She holds an Indian passport and has been living in India for he last 20-30 years....that's good enough for us.....
India has achieved quite an applaudable growth during UPA 1....
To be really honest...china is considered very cheap in India. China is always equated with cheap low quality fake products. china has no respect in india (I am not talking in corporate or cultural terms).

The only chinese thing that is known in India is "noodles".

In China we consider india as dirty, poor, stupid, dishonest and lazy.

In general we don't use the term "india", we use the word "india No. 3". here No.3 is not like "No3 superpower", it is called No.3 because No.3 sounds similar to the Shanghainess dialect of "loser".

Indians are instead crazy abt the US & the UK.

We see US as a great nation, but UK? probably another "No.3". They systematically and successfully abandoned their entire industry base. We Chinese prefer hard working innovative countries like Germany.

Young ppl want to study and go abroad (mostly to US & UK) to live a better life.

that is another difference here: our young people want to study abroad and then move back, as the life at home can be better if you have the right skill and qualifications.

We have the US to look upto.

one more difference here:

we don't have any single nation to look up to, we of course acknowledge the big technology and economic gap with countries like US and Germany, but we don't have them to look up to.

you can work damn hard to follow/learn/simulate a nation, at the end, you are just a cheap copy. it is probably okay for some loser nation which need to use a foreign language English as its official language then pretend to be a long lasting civilization. however that is clearly not China's way of doing things.
India wi be powerful but not a world power. We cant fight for others the bad experience of srilanka is also there. We shall be developed or super dveloped like japan europe canada. But cant be superpower. Like usa we r not love war. We avoid wars. Hence India cant be world power.
India wi be powerful but not a world power. We cant fight for others the bad experience of srilanka is also there. We shall be developed or super dveloped like japan europe canada. But cant be superpower. Like usa we r not love war. We avoid wars. Hence India cant be world power.

how many wars you guys imposed onto neighboring countries?

1. numerous bloody wars with Pakistan. as of today, still illegally occupying part of Kashmir.
2. a very stupid war with China in 1962
3. intervene in Sri Lanka's civil war which caused the death of your PM.
4. the illegal occupation of Sikkim.
5. refuse to sing NPT and illegally developed & tested nuke.
how many wars you guys imposed onto neighboring countries?
1. numerous bloody wars with Pakistan. as of today, still illegally occupying part of Kashmir.
2. a very stupid war with China in 1962
3. intervene in Sri Lanka's civil war which caused the death of your PM.
4. the illegal occupation of Sikkim.
5. refuse to sing NPT and illegally developed & tested nuke.
Human rights violation in Kashmir
Illegal occupation of Goa
Human rights violation in NE states
Cold war with China
lol you forget many....
how many wars you guys imposed onto neighboring countries?

1. numerous bloody wars with Pakistan. as of today, still illegally occupying part of Kashmir. - Pakistan was the aggressor on all 4 occasions and Kashmir is an integral part of India so kindly enlighten me on this 'illegal occupation' u talking about.
2. a very stupid war with China in 1962 - Tell that to Mao. This time you guys were the aggressors.
3. intervene in Sri Lanka's civil war which caused the death of your PM. - We went in at the invitation of the Sri Lankan government.
4. the illegal occupation of Sikkim. - ??. More than 1/2 your country's land area is 'illegally' occupied, all the way from Inner Mongolia to Xinjiang to Tibet.
5. refuse to sing NPT and illegally developed & tested nuke. - You have nukes don't u?

Your hypocrisy is amazing dude! Please do educate yourself on the subject before rattling off on forums.

india ranked 135 out of 150. US and China ranked as 80.
you tell me whether india should be considered peaceful.

it is violent failed rogue state.

ha ha ha..global peace index actually depends on many things..remember terrorists from pakistan???its not India's fault..and they are major reason.
Alright folks.. the day India becomes a superpower, we will know.
Till then you guys arent making any actual sense or ground..
move on.
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