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Is India just a customer and not a friend?

Of course you are correct...Let us agree to some extent with the intent of the post rather than outright rejecting it..

Politically Hindu assertive India has no friends...But more submissive India has some potential friend...

But i will go little bit offbeat to say that any time in future if any country has the possibility to become a good genuine friend....Then it will be Pakistan...And same way it can be true for Pakistan too..

Friendship and bond are created between nation with a shared culture and common aspiration of our normal people....If ever religion and purchasing defence equipment can make friends then Middle east would have been peaceful so does many South American countries too...

So now choice ours..India history nees a course correction ...Last 300 year of Mughal and rule of inavaders have confused the mindset and aspiration of our generation...I hope it will end soon.
Have you ever seen Israelis or Americans on LOC fighting with you? Keep that to yourself because it is you that need Taliban to fight India in the future...:lol:

Have you solved Nanda Devi mysteri yet? That is what Americans do to you lol. :wave:
Yeah Yeah you humiliated us by dropping your load in empty lands without even entering our air space , very humiliating indeed. Even more humiliating is to see your PM dial Delhi to make peace.
tree for tree empty land for empty land . according to indian military we crossed loc.
we shot down your planes.we got your pilot as a trophy .what do you have ? rather then just claims without any proof to back them ?
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tree for tree empty land for empty land . according to indian military we crossed loc.
we shot down your planes.we got your pilot as a trophy .what do you have ? rather then just claims with and proofs to back them ?

Three Indian aircraft shot down: Two fixed wing jets and one helicopter.

Potentially one Indian pilot is still in Pakistan's custody. The Indians will never admit to losing an SU-30MKI to Pakistani fire.

The USA is an empire. Empires take no one's side except their own.
If look back at events of February in the mid of fog of war one reality which is heavily being ignored is that in time of war India has no friends. May be because India diplomacy is engage all and stick to know one or what ever but not even Indian closest Ally Israel never gave a warm word to defend India. In case of Pakistan first voice of support came from Turkey and it was a loud voice and firm one.

Looking at India where it's diplomacy moves from Russia to America and in middle East one reality which was visible was that India has no allies and every one just looks at India as a customer who will pay good for praises. It seemed no one was ready to fight India's war not even Afghanistan who enrolled in silence as PAF ripped hole in Indian Land and humiliated it force to the point of being useless. It is such time when countries need help from friend and in case of India there were none to fire a bullet or just make political threats even.

All this has made me thinking that no one in the world take India seriously and every one is making fool of India. Like Russia Israel USA even Europe every one silently watched Indian humiliation and no condolences came. So is India a foolish customer and not a friend to the world?

This is what I keep telling Indian members in my every post were they bragged about India status in the world. No country trusts India as a friend and no country will give support to India in any conflict either with Pakistan or China, look even Bangladesh did not come out openly to Support India
This is what I keep telling Indian members in my every post were they bragged about India status in the world. No country trusts India as a friend and no country will give support to India in any conflict either with Pakistan or China, look even Bangladesh did not come out openly to Support India

Sir why would they. The country just had a reality check and the Feb 2019 is the date India actually came to know what Pakistan is and world came to know what is Pakistan. This is a reality check for the world and India about the potential of Pakistan. You think it is India no the whole world is in shock for what you have done. I know the whole drama that played some in time I will explain.
Of course you are correct...Let us agree to some extent with the intent of the post rather than outright rejecting it..

Politically Hindu assertive India has no friends...But more submissive India has some potential friend...

But i will go little bit offbeat to say that any time in future if any country has the possibility to become a good genuine friend....Then it will be Pakistan...And same way it can be true for Pakistan too..

Friendship and bond are created between nation with a shared culture and common aspiration of our normal people....If ever religion and purchasing defence equipment can make friends then Middle east would have been peaceful so does many South American countries too...

So now choice ours..India history nees a course correction ...Last 300 year of Mughal and rule of inavaders have confused the mindset and aspiration of our generation...I hope it will end soon.

There was a Time When India was Led by people like MM singh, APJ kalam .. and now Modi , Yogi , Sambit etc and on the other hand , there was a time when Pakistan was ruled by Musharraf , Army , Zardari , Nawaz .. and now we have Imran Khan , Shah Mehmood etc .. A very significant change in leadership on both sides also in the people .
There was a Time When India was Led by people like MM singh, APJ kalam .. and now Modi , Yogi , Sambit etc and on the other hand , there was a time when Pakistan was ruled by Musharraf , Army , Zardari , Nawaz .. and now we have Imran Khan , Shah Mehmood etc .. A very significant change in leadership on both sides also in the people .

I am a optistic person...So i hope with the passage of time...people of both nation will realize religion can not be a factor to make friends...Even today, if i see any Pakistann or BD people, we get a warm feeling that he is like me....Now it is a different matter if we are fighting with each other too...That "me" factor canot be reciprocated with any one else.....
I am a optistic person...So i hope with the passage of time...people of both nation will realize religion can not be a factor to make friends...Even today, if i see any Pakistann or BD people, we get a warm feeling that he is like me....Now it is a different matter if we are fighting with each other too...That "me" factor canot be reciprocated with any one else.....

agreed , trust me if congress wins the election than expect Pakistani artists performing in India before the end of 2019 .. people , Politicians and Armies needs to understand that we are neighbors and we just cant triumph over each other , nor we can change our geography so we gotta accept things move on , sit our a$$'s down and solve our issues based on points where everyone wins . only than can this whole region can progress towards peace and prosperity .
agreed , trust me if congress wins the election than expect Pakistani artists performing in India before the end of 2019 .. people , Politicians and Armies needs to understand that we are neighbors and we just cant triumph over each other , nor we can change our geography so we gotta accept things move on , sit our a$$'s down and solve our issues based on points where everyone wins . only than can this whole region can progress towards peace and prosperity .

Do not trust Congress...they are vile snakes of Indian polity...There is a saying that you should always trust a bitter enemy who confronts you in front than snakes who talk sweet in front of you but bite you in your back...
BJP and Modi are here in Indian politics for last 5 year...that does not mean, our relation with Pakistan was full of bed of roses....
BJP and Modi are not morally corrupt...They are upfront with their view about Hindu domination in India...Now...they may shout as much as they want but Modi is person to take risk to resolve issues...After our election if Modi is elected to power, he will reach out to Modi....But India need support from Pakistan where armies militancy support for Kashmir should stop in Kashmir....It is fine if you keep on talking about diplomatic and political support..
Returning our pilot, taking actions against terrorism, USA, UK, france, China, Russia all did their part and have supported India, My grandfather was in charge of transferring POW's and their families after 1971 war, he was stationed in rani khet at that time, met some really fine men, POW's were almost like family to him....
In reality no country can ever be a friend of other country, there are only temporary targets that are achieved together, China has its own agenda, Russians have their's and USA has its own, they sell weapons and keep everything on slow flame so that it keeps simiring, All countries should rely on their own ability.

Mr.Imran khan was forced to return our pilot within days, you have taken action against terrorism what all do you want to see, China was on backfoot, Russians, Americans, french all have condemned the actions of terrorists and supported actions of India, what else do you want to see?
are you expecting Americans to fight our wars?

LOL@ forced.
You people are shameless.
Of course you are correct...Let us agree to some extent with the intent of the post rather than outright rejecting it..

Politically Hindu assertive India has no friends...But more submissive India has some potential friend...

But i will go little bit offbeat to say that any time in future if any country has the possibility to become a good genuine friend....Then it will be Pakistan...And same way it can be true for Pakistan too..

Friendship and bond are created between nation with a shared culture and common aspiration of our normal people....If ever religion and purchasing defence equipment can make friends then Middle east would have been peaceful so does many South American countries too...

So now choice ours..India history nees a course correction ...Last 300 year of Mughal and rule of inavaders have confused the mindset and aspiration of our generation...I hope it will end soon.

India can change everything in South Asia by one move. Hold a plebicity in Kashmir and honor the people's wishes.

That one move will allow Pakistan and India to become good friends, we can have a EU type system and India can actually focus on becoming a supper power.

India has more to gain by this move than anyone else.

Of course I doubt India will do it, so here we are, Pakistan has a knife to the back of India and India will never truely be able to extend it's wings.
India can change everything in South Asia by one move. Hold a plebicity in Kashmir and honor the people's wishes.

That one move will allow Pakistan and India to become good friends, we can have a EU type system and India can actually focus on becoming a supper power.

India has more to gain by this move than anyone else.

Of course I doubt India will do it, so here we are, Pakistan has a knife to the back of India and India will never truely be able to extend it's wings.

Do you know recently, India has made land swap agreement with BD where India lost territory to BD...Not a single noise from any part of India although we have lost territory to BD...Is it not something to be closesly observed as a case study here?? In spite of BD being a same Muslim majority state, why no one in India complained to make any noise here where as the whole world falls apart from when concerssion is given by either India or Pakistan to each other in any form??

For a moment, think it rationally....it is happening becuase, our objective of any change in boundary in associated with a win loss attitude....Pakistan feels, if India loose Kashmir, then India will be looser...India is fine to loose territory to BD but not ready to eveb ceede any small part of its territory to Pak...Both nation has to convert this Kashmir issue from win loss mindset to win win mindset...Where both India and Pakistan will gain where Kashmir issue is resolved...It is a difficult task, but till the point we find a way, where both parties consider Kashmir issue as showing low on others, we will be deadlock for ever...
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