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Is India "Financing Problems in Pakistan"?

There is no doubt that india is spreading and supporting terrorism to destabalize Pakistan, even their own army chief General Vijay Kumar Singh admitted that they are aiding terrorists to destroy Pakistan. Thats why we often see bomb blast in our part of world but not in india.
India's main doctorine is to weaken pakistan and to occupy it.
India intesting in pakistan mainly in balochistan as india invested as in Bangladesh .
What is stable in Pak which India try to destabilize? Oh my mistake its GADDAFI STADIUM named after a great statesman and a undefeated military general.

India's main doctorine is to weaken pakistan and to occupy it.
India intesting in pakistan mainly in balochistan as india invested as in Bangladesh .
no sir we don't want Balochistan or Pakistan we even thank jinnah to partitioned us and Bangladesh is a free country
Where are those posters who were claiming that the Indians are shedding crocodile tears after the tragedy in Peshawar?
What do you say to the OP? Is he leading you on the right track?
Oh we are attacked ..It must be those kafir hindus ..Umma should be united to fight kafir yindoos ....bla bla bla
Summary of the article is, the 'world's best' intelligence agency(ISI) is finding it difficult to handle RAW....:lol:...
Did the Pakistani establishment really thought that they can get away with destabilizing other countries??
India MAY be supporting the Baloch and the Baloch only(not the Taliban) as a counter measure to Pakistan's support to the Kashmir insurgency.....
When you point one finger to blame someone, three fingers point back at you....
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They have to be funded by someone, they clearly aren't acting on the name of islam.
There have been posts all day slamming Indians, Afghans, America, Arabs, Europe and others. Is it always easy to point the finger at foreigners when tragedies occur in a land but is it fair or wise? I am not saying intelligence agencies don't do this kind of thing but shouldn't you have the tiniest amount of proof before accusations occur?
India's main doctorine is to weaken pakistan and to occupy it.
India intesting in pakistan mainly in balochistan as india invested as in Bangladesh .

Merry Christmas! :D

Well it is not hard to figure out for any one who knows the tension and enmity between the two country.
How to make Proxy War succeed in Baluchistan by Dr Amarjit Singh

"This article published in India’s official “Defence Review” confirms that the creation of Bangladesh was the result of an Indian military operation and that the “Mukti Bahini” largely comprised Bengali soldiers from Indian army. India hopes to replicate that ‘success’ with a war all along the Indo-Pakistan frontier with the BLA beefed up with “volunteers” and Pakistan’s nuclear deterrent neutralised with the help of the USA. That should wake up the political strategists who think that trade and films would rid India of its imperial ambition to block/flood rivers and to balkanise Pakistan. The conclusion is very apt; there is no need to pretend and play “quest for peace” or find excuse for covert operations; the two countries have been at war for 65 years."

How to make Proxy War succeed in Baluchistan by Dr Amarjit Singh | London institute of South Asia (LISA)
Just look at the Indians spewing their venom on this post. You know what hurts them. And hurts them in relation to Pakistan is often in interest of Pakistan and against theirs.
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