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Is India "Financing Problems in Pakistan"?

This is what i got from the Dawn link posted in the OP

Mr Hagel’s “comments on India’s role in Afghanistan during a speech in 2011 provide yet another indication that he is poorly qualified to lead the US Department of Defence”, said Lisa Curtis, a South Asia expert at the Heritage Foundation, a conservative Washington think-tank.

Another paragraph

The Times said Mr Hagel’s remarks were in sharp contrast to the viewpoint of the Obama administration that had always been in praise of India’s developmental role in Afghanistan and in fact had been pressing New Delhi to do more in Afghanistan.

Also the article itself is of 2013 and the video and the comments made were of 2011. So Mr Riaz were you sleeping all these years or you just realized that your posts count have not increased for so long so you wanted to have some fun here?
Yes, India is financing problems for Pakistan, not on the borders but also world wide by lobbying against Pakistan.
Yes, India is financing problems for Pakistan, not on the borders but also world wide by lobbying against Pakistan.
I have heard PM Nawaz Has approached UN 3 times in a single month to denounce Indian firing in LoC which was obviously started by PA.
I have also noticed that PM nawaz and team whenever finds the opportunity to defame india, they grab it with both hands.
So who is lobbying against whome?
Its pak against india
I have heard PM Nawaz Has approached UN 3 times in a single month to denounce Indian firing in LoC which was obviously started by PA.
I have also noticed that PM nawaz and team whenever finds the opportunity to defame india, they grab it with both hands.
So who is lobbying against whome?
Its pak against india

I don't have time to argue with a jabroni.
India's main doctorine is to weaken pakistan and to occupy it.
India intesting in pakistan mainly in balochistan as india invested as in Bangladesh .


India does not want to occupy Pakistan.

There have been posts all day slamming Indians, Afghans, America, Arabs, Europe and others. Is it always easy to point the finger at foreigners when tragedies occur in a land but is it fair or wise? I am not saying intelligence agencies don't do this kind of thing but shouldn't you have the tiniest amount of proof before accusations occur?

In a South Asian context context we dont waste time in niceties like proof.

Its the ' default' response that kicks .
okay, do what whatever you can, even If India is financing problems. ISI can't even do **** about it.
Summary of the article is, the 'world's best' intelligence agency(ISI) is finding it difficult to handle RAW....:lol:...
Did the Pakistani establishment really thought that they can get away with destabilizing other countries??
India MAY be supporting the Baloch and the Baloch only(not the Taliban) as a counter measure to Pakistan's support to the Kashmir insurgency.....
When you point one finger to blame someone, three fingers point back at you....
U r totally wrong,my friend. The Baloch problem has been going on right from 1948,even RAW was not born/incorporated that time. More then 5 wars have been fought till now. Indians don't come to Quetta to attack their gas pipelines or kidnap & murder Baloch activists. The Baloch hate the Pakistani Punjabis,trains coming from Lahore or Rawalpinidi r routinely attacked or bombed. About the allegations that the Indian embassies in Afghanistan have been harbouring terrorist. Let me tell u,our Indian embassies were constructed in 2002 after the Northern Alliance came to power. Before 2002,the Taliban were ruling 90% of Afghanistan,there were no Indian embassies,no Northern Alliance. The Baloch problems is a indigenous one.
Haq's Musings: Has Modi Stepped Up India's Covert War in Pakistan?

"India has always used Afghanistan as a second front against Pakistan. India has over the years been financing problems in Pakistan". US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel

Chuck Hagel should know what he's talking about when it comes to intelligence. He served on the US Senate Intelligence Committee before he became the Pentagon chief.

How does India "finance problems" in Pakistan? Here are some of the ways it does so:

1. India's intelligence agency RAW uses its long and deep ties with the Afghan Intelligence KhAD (Khadamat-e Aetela'at-e Dawlati, also known as the National Directorate) staffed by openly anti-Pakistan agents who are known to support the Pakistani Taliban (TTP). There are reports that the current TTP chief Mullah Fazlullah is being protected by KhAD agents in Afghanistan. Last year, US troops snatched former TTP chief Hakimullah Mehusd's deputy Latifullah Mesud from Afghan intelligence agents. Apparently, Latifullah had been traveling back and forth across the Pak-Afghan border to coordinate attacks inPakistan with the Afghan agents.

2. Before writing and promoting an anti-Pakistan book in India, American analyst and author Christine Fair said this in 2009: "Having visited the Indian mission in Zahedan, Iran, I can assure you they are not issuing visas as the main activity! Moreover, India has run operations from its mission in Mazar (through which it supported the Northern Alliance) and is likely doing so from the other consulates it has reopened in Jalalabad and Qandahar along the border. Indian officials have told me privately that they are pumping money into Baluchistan". Prominent Pakistani Baloch insurgents likeBrahamdagh Bugti are also being sheltered by the Afghan security and intelligence establishment along with RAW.

3. Another US analyst Laura Rozen explained India-Taliban nexus as follows: "While the U.S. media has frequently reported on Pakistani ties to jihadi elements launching attacks in Afghanistan, it has less often mentioned that India supports insurgent forces attacking Pakistan, the former (US) intelligence official said. "The Indians are up to their necks in supporting the Taliban against the Pakistani government in Afghanistan and Pakistan," the former (US) intelligence official who served in both countries said. "The same anti-Pakistani forces in Afghanistan also shooting at American soldiers are getting support from India. India should close its diplomatic establishments in Afghanistan and get the Christ out of there."

There are signs that India has stepped up its covert war against Pakistan since the election of the Hindu Nationalist government of Prime Minister Modi. The first sign is the appointment of an anti-Pakistan hawk Ajit Doval as Modi's National Advisor. As a key part of his long service to India's intelligence establishment, Doval says he served as an undercover RAW agent in Pakistan for seven years.

Given all the circumstantial evidence of Indian support of Baloch insurgents' and TTP's war against Pakistan, the Pakistani security and intelligence establishment can not rely on counterinsurgency operations like ZarbeAzb alone to stop the civilian carnage on Pakistani streets and schools. The overall counterinsurgency strategy must include serious efforts to cut off support and funding for the TTP and the Baloch insurgents from both domestic and external sources, and disruption of the Indian intelligence network operating against Pakistan from Afghanistan. It will require superior intelligence and significant counter-intelligence operations, as well as an effective narrative and powerful diplomatic offensive to put pressure on India to stop its covert war being waged on Pakistani soil.

Here's US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel talking about "India financing problems in Pakistan":

Here are video clips of Indian National Security Advisor Ajit Doval talking about his 7 years undercover for RAW in Pakistan:

Here's India's National Security Advisor Ajit Kumar Doval explaining India's "defensive offense" strategy against Pakistan: (Key statement toward the end: Pay the (Taliban) terrorists 1.5 times the funding they aare getting to buy them out. They are mercenaries)

Related Links:

Haq's Musings

Pakistan's Political and Military Policy Response to Peshawar Attack

Taliban or RAW-liban?

Counter-insurgencyOperation ZarbeAzb

India's Abiding Hostility Toward Pakistan

India's Israel Envy: Will Modi Attack Pakistan?

Who Killed Karkare?

CFR's View of the Taliban

India's Covert War in Pakistan

India and Balochistan

Obama's New Regional Strategy

Webchat On Obama's New Regional Strategy

Obama's Afghan Exit Strategy

Haq's Musings: Has Modi Stepped Up India's Covert War in Pakistan?
as always BS is USP of your most of threads..
people like you are nor less culprit for your own nation who misguide .. wither by design or ignorance .. you choose where you fit ..
you argument based on Chuk hagel statement on India role in financial help of terrorisam
see what
US says
US in damage control mode over Chuck Hagel`s India remarks | Zee News
US distances itself from Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel's anti-India comments - IBNLive

he US has distanced itself from its Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel's stand that India is building a second front in Afghanistan. In a statement, the US embassy said, "The US govt has distanced itself from the views that Chuck Hagel appeared to have held in 2011. The US embassy has has reaffirmed that India is a valued partner in Afghanistan. The United States strongly supports the positive role India continues to play in Afghanistan. We continue to support India's bilateral assistance program with Afghanistan, its leadership on private sector investment there, & promoting regional economic integration and linkages."
you belive him so much then belive this too

What he himself said in 2014
Need to co-develop defence equipment: Hagel - The Hindu
Mr. Hagel said the U.S. “recognises India’s role in regional security” on Afghanistan. Remarks in 2011 by then Senator Hagel had invited criticism here when he had said “India has always used Afghanistan as a second front, and India has funded problems for Pakistan from that side of the border.”

In Delhi, Mr. Hagel seemed to distance himself from those remarks, and in an answer to a question posed by The Hindu, he said, “Afghanistan is in India’s neighbourhood and India has a critical responsibility in terms of its security.”
Haq's Musings: Has Modi Stepped Up India's Covert War in Pakistan?

"India has always used Afghanistan as a second front against Pakistan. India has over the years been financing problems in Pakistan". US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel

Chuck Hagel should know what he's talking about when it comes to intelligence. He served on the US Senate Intelligence Committee before he became the Pentagon chief.

How does India "finance problems" in Pakistan? Here are some of the ways it does so:

what do you expect from India and their denying stratgy.. we need to eliminate terrorist behind Peshawar school and and then expose who funding them and then eliminate them.. who ever it is.
it was good substance with proves ..
This is what i got from the Dawn link posted in the OP

Mr Hagel’s “comments on India’s role in Afghanistan during a speech in 2011 provide yet another indication that he is poorly qualified to lead the US Department of Defence”, said Lisa Curtis, a South Asia expert at the Heritage Foundation, a conservative Washington think-tank.

Another paragraph

The Times said Mr Hagel’s remarks were in sharp contrast to the viewpoint of the Obama administration that had always been in praise of India’s developmental role in Afghanistan and in fact had been pressing New Delhi to do more in Afghanistan.

Also the article itself is of 2013 and the video and the comments made were of 2011. So Mr Riaz were you sleeping all these years or you just realized that your posts count have not increased for so long so you wanted to have some fun here?

Mr. Riaz has memory problem , he forgets when US says PAK is mother of all terror....:rofl::rofl:
Good show India good to pay back Pakistan in kind.

What to play game

Bring it on

What peace yeah we are listening too but on our terms
one thing that needs attention , that that white long beard hindu guy disguised as a respectable Muslim Imam ,
Mate check this out......


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