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Is India "Financing Problems in Pakistan"?

yeah i already see this pic and even a small video , where some pashtoon are talking that what kind of muslim had tattoos on their whole back...
i dont know but some where i have read that most of the terrorists which were captured in past had tattoos in their back, its not the only incidence recorded. And i have also heard that uzbek militants mostly have such type of tattoos.

And by the way some one told me that the blood samples of these terrorists were taken for DNA test... Bro do you have any updates regarding it?
U r totally wrong,my friend. The Baloch problem has been going on right from 1948,even RAW was not born/incorporated that time. More then 5 wars have been fought till now. Indians don't come to Quetta to attack their gas pipelines or kidnap & murder Baloch activists. The Baloch hate the Pakistani Punjabis,trains coming from Lahore or Rawalpinidi r routinely attacked or bombed. About the allegations that the Indian embassies in Afghanistan have been harbouring terrorist. Let me tell u,our Indian embassies were constructed in 2002 after the Northern Alliance came to power. Before 2002,the Taliban were ruling 90% of Afghanistan,there were no Indian embassies,no Northern Alliance. The Baloch problems is a indigenous one.
I didn't say RAW created the Baloch problem......or for that matter any other separatist movements in Pakistan, those problems are inherently their own.......what I actually meant was, I wish that RAW is involved in the Baluchistan issue as a counter measure to Pakistan's involvement in Kashmir....that's why I used the word 'may' and even capitalized it to emphasize that RAW may or may not be supporting them....
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I didn't say RAW created the Baloch problem......or for that matter any other separatist movements in Pakistan, those problems are inherently their own.......what I actually meant was, I WISH that RAW is involved in the Baluchistan issue as a counter measure to Pakistan's involvement in Kashmir....that's why I used the word 'MAY' indicating that RAW may or may not be supporting them....
I guess mate you have forgotten what happened in 1971. The way your RAW infiltrated into East Pakistan and the way it helped detaching that part of our mother land is also not hidden from the world.

And as far as Balochistan is concerned i think either you are ignoring the involvement of raw intentionally or may be you dont know whats happening over there. The raw was exposed red handed in balochistan. Our FC detained many schools where the anti Pakistan literature was being taught. And plus many raw agents were captured from there too. There is a famous show on geo news, Pakistan idol, four judges of that show were arrested and they were all working for RAW.

And i guess you will be well acquainted with the fact that there is no fences on border between Pakistan and Afghanistan. And it is also undeniable fact that india has a great influence over afghanistan and it has also a great range of spies and agents operating day and night in Afghanistan. So why would someone misses such a great opportunity when it can avail it?
I guess mate you have forgotten what happened in 1971. The way your RAW infiltrated into East Pakistan and the way it helped detaching that part of our mother land is also not hidden from the world.

And as far as Balochistan is concerned i think either you are ignoring the involvement of raw intentionally or may be you dont know whats happening over there. The raw was exposed red handed in balochistan. Our FC detained many schools where the anti Pakistan literature was being taught. And plus many raw agents were captured from there too. There is a famous show on geo news, Pakistan idol, four judges of that show were arrested and they were all working for RAW.

And i guess you will be well acquainted with the fact that there is no fences on border between Pakistan and Afghanistan. And it is also undeniable fact that india has a great influence over afghanistan and it has also a great range of spies and agents operating day and night in Afghanistan. So why would someone misses such a great opportunity when it can avail it?
lol , even problem everything is done by RAW and when ask for poof, you people show cartoons as proof.

BD problem was your created when you started killing BD muslims, or in short Punjabi muslims consider themselves superior, thats why Baloch problem.

If your don't know , their is not development in Baloch and your take all Baloch resources and send them to punjab. Everything , everyone is wrong other then you.

Who created Taliban to capture Afghan?
what I actually meant was, I wish that RAW is involved in the Baluchistan issue as a counter measure to Pakistan's involvement in Kashmir.
So U wish that RAW should be involved in Balochistan. My friend 2 or more wrongs don't make one right.
Pakistan supported the Militants for some strategic depth in Afghanistan & Kashmir. Look what they got in return.Today they r paying such a heavy price which is very hard to imagine.
lol , even problem everything is done by RAW and when ask for poof, you people show cartoons as proof.
So are you trying to say that RAW are not roaming in land of Pakistan and Afghanistan and they are pro-Pakistani and they would never thinks of harming Pakistan??...What do you think about sarbjit singh who was captured from our territory and admitted that he had killed 30+ people in Pak?

BD problem was your created when you started killing BD muslims, or in short Punjabi muslims consider themselves superior, thats why Baloch problem.
I know there was a bit of our fault which caused us a big one. But still there was not much of beef between us. It was Raw who manipulated the the scenario and availed the opportunity.
And as per Indria Ghandi in B. Raman’s book, where she stated that Raw not only gave financial support but also gave them training to fight against Pakistan. And she has further stated that raw even have funded general elections of 1970 which paved the path of the fall of dhaka.

If you don't know , their is not development in Baloch and you take all Baloch resources and send them to punjab. Everything , everyone is wrong other then you.
Yes i admit there is not much of development inside balochistan but tell me there is many many places in Pakistan which are void of developmental projects so why dont we see seperatist over there. The simple answer to this question is that they dont get much attention from RAW.

And secondly, you are saying we are taking all resources out of the balochistan. Mate this is how thing goes in this world, we are all one big family, its not that we should remain conserved, if we adopt this policy then we will be left far behind. Karachi is known as economic hub of Pakistan where the government gets a large percent of money which is further distributed to other places including to the developmental projects of balochistan plus the water through which we are thriving comes from northern parts of Pakistan and are distributed throughout Pakistan via cannals and other means. And you are also aware of the fact that most of the electricity which is produced in Pakistan is generated through dams which are mostly located in KPK and some parts of panjab, so what if they say that they wont allow anyone to use electricity since its generated in their areas! its just stupidity! And just tell me what if people in AP say that no one can use the natural gas which is present in their land then just tell me if this happens then how can your country will gonna run? The fact is Allah has made us dependant on each other. The real fact is you are just trying to sow seed of hatred between brothers!

And no matter how much you deny, you cant change the fact that Raw is actually behind anti Pakistan organizations like TTP,BLA and others.

Who created Taliban to capture Afghan?
Bro you are very innocent, you have no idea what are you talking about. Do you really thinks that we created taliban to invade afghanistan? this fact of yours has nothing to do with reality. The real fact is that it was Sovient Union who yearned to capture afghanistan for an hope to get an access to warm water here in Arabian sea. But we Pakistanis and afghan locals both became hurdle in their way and defeated them and send them back from where they belongs. The problem is that people who dont know much about this topic use to relate those fighters with these TTP barbarians.

These TTP barbarians sprung from no where and started to kill Pakistanis. And another important thing is that these TTP terrorists are mostly from different tribes while those who took part in a battle against USSR were completely from different regions and tribes. There is no similarities in them they both holds different ideologies as well.

The reality is that these people who call themselves taliban are basically raw funded rats! totally and completely funded and supported by RAW. And RAW usually gives funds and support them via afghanistan and is the sole reason why india is bending towards afghanistan these days.

So U wish that RAW should be involved in Balochistan. My friend 2 or more wrongs don't make one right.
Pakistan supported the Militants for some strategic depth in Afghanistan & Kashmir. Look what they got in return.Today they r paying such a heavy price which is very hard to imagine.
Oh yea like as if Raw is just a sweet little innocent angel who believe in amn o amaan and dont want to indulge in these proxies and it prefers playing with its toys :P
Haq's Musings: Has Modi Stepped Up India's Covert War in Pakistan?

"India has always used Afghanistan as a second front against Pakistan. India has over the years been financing problems in Pakistan". US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel

Chuck Hagel should know what he's talking about when it comes to intelligence. He served on the US Senate Intelligence Committee before he became the Pentagon chief.

How does India "finance problems" in Pakistan? Here are some of the ways it does so:

1. India's intelligence agency RAW uses its long and deep ties with the Afghan Intelligence KhAD (Khadamat-e Aetela'at-e Dawlati, also known as the National Directorate) staffed by openly anti-Pakistan agents who are known to support the Pakistani Taliban (TTP). There are reports that the current TTP chief Mullah Fazlullah is being protected by KhAD agents in Afghanistan. Last year, US troops snatched former TTP chief Hakimullah Mehusd's deputy Latifullah Mesud from Afghan intelligence agents. Apparently, Latifullah had been traveling back and forth across the Pak-Afghan border to coordinate attacks inPakistan with the Afghan agents.

2. Before writing and promoting an anti-Pakistan book in India, American analyst and author Christine Fair said this in 2009: "Having visited the Indian mission in Zahedan, Iran, I can assure you they are not issuing visas as the main activity! Moreover, India has run operations from its mission in Mazar (through which it supported the Northern Alliance) and is likely doing so from the other consulates it has reopened in Jalalabad and Qandahar along the border. Indian officials have told me privately that they are pumping money into Baluchistan". Prominent Pakistani Baloch insurgents likeBrahamdagh Bugti are also being sheltered by the Afghan security and intelligence establishment along with RAW.

3. Another US analyst Laura Rozen explained India-Taliban nexus as follows: "While the U.S. media has frequently reported on Pakistani ties to jihadi elements launching attacks in Afghanistan, it has less often mentioned that India supports insurgent forces attacking Pakistan, the former (US) intelligence official said. "The Indians are up to their necks in supporting the Taliban against the Pakistani government in Afghanistan and Pakistan," the former (US) intelligence official who served in both countries said. "The same anti-Pakistani forces in Afghanistan also shooting at American soldiers are getting support from India. India should close its diplomatic establishments in Afghanistan and get the Christ out of there."

There are signs that India has stepped up its covert war against Pakistan since the election of the Hindu Nationalist government of Prime Minister Modi. The first sign is the appointment of an anti-Pakistan hawk Ajit Doval as Modi's National Advisor. As a key part of his long service to India's intelligence establishment, Doval says he served as an undercover RAW agent in Pakistan for seven years.

Given all the circumstantial evidence of Indian support of Baloch insurgents' and TTP's war against Pakistan, the Pakistani security and intelligence establishment can not rely on counterinsurgency operations like ZarbeAzb alone to stop the civilian carnage on Pakistani streets and schools. The overall counterinsurgency strategy must include serious efforts to cut off support and funding for the TTP and the Baloch insurgents from both domestic and external sources, and disruption of the Indian intelligence network operating against Pakistan from Afghanistan. It will require superior intelligence and significant counter-intelligence operations, as well as an effective narrative and powerful diplomatic offensive to put pressure on India to stop its covert war being waged on Pakistani soil.

Here's US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel talking about "India financing problems in Pakistan":

Here are video clips of Indian National Security Advisor Ajit Doval talking about his 7 years undercover for RAW in Pakistan:

Here's India's National Security Advisor Ajit Kumar Doval explaining India's "defensive offense" strategy against Pakistan: (Key statement toward the end: Pay the (Taliban) terrorists 1.5 times the funding they aare getting to buy them out. They are mercenaries)

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Haq's Musings

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Haq's Musings: Has Modi Stepped Up India's Covert War in Pakistan?
Kya baat hai, Hotlinking 14 pages, how much did it make, 5 bucks?
Okay, well, looks like I need to intervene.

So, all those who are trying to be a lawyer, saying India is funding problems in Pakistan, kindly give a proof of this. Neither I have ever seen your government handing anything to India as a proof.

Is there any proof, or just talk in air and full bhoosa?

Oh no , how can they provide proof, because they don't have one!

Aur agar kar bhi rahy hai toh theek hai.. haan kar rahy hai.. dum hai toh rok lo:mad:

So are you trying to say that RAW are not roaming in land of Pakistan and Afghanistan and they are pro-Pakistani and they would never thinks of harming Pakistan??...What do you think about sarbjit singh who was captured from our territory and admitted that he had killed 30+ people in Pak?

Absolutely not, please provide visual proofs to Indian government if they are.

I know there was a bit of our fault which caused us a big one. But still there was not much of beef between us. It was Raw who manipulated the the scenario and availed the opportunity.
And as per Indria Ghandi in B. Raman’s book, where she stated that Raw not only gave financial support but also gave them training to fight against Pakistan. And she has further stated that raw even have funded general elections of 1970 which paved the path of the fall of dhaka.

RAW would have not sit quietly, that you do misadventure in our backyard, which was effecting demography of our region In assam and bengal. India waited 1 year that you will stop there.

Yes i admit there is not much of development inside balochistan but tell me there is many many places in Pakistan which are void of developmental projects so why dont we see seperatist over there. The simple answer to this question is that they dont get much attention from RAW.
in Gilgit, as they have started asking Pak gov to make them another province , why?

And secondly, you are saying we are taking all resources out of the balochistan. Mate this is how thing goes in this world, we are all one big family, its not that we should remain conserved, if we adopt this policy then we will be left far behind. Karachi is known as economic hub of Pakistan where the government gets a large percent of money which is further distributed to other places including to the developmental projects of balochistan plus the water through which we are thriving comes from northern parts of Pakistan and are distributed throughout Pakistan via cannals and other means. And you are also aware of the fact that most of the electricity which is produced in Pakistan is generated through dams which are mostly located in KPK and some parts of panjab, so what if they say that they wont allow anyone to use electricity since its generated in their areas! its just stupidity! And just tell me what if people in AP say that no one can use the natural gas which is present in their land then just tell me if this happens then how can your country will gonna run? The fact is Allah has made us dependant on each other. The real fact is you are just trying to sow seed of hatred between brothers!

And no matter how much you deny, you cant change the fact that Raw is actually behind anti Pakistan organizations like TTP,BLA and others.

Bro you are very innocent, you have no idea what are you talking about. Do you really thinks that we created taliban to invade afghanistan? this fact of yours has nothing to do with reality. The real fact is that it was Sovient Union who yearned to capture afghanistan for an hope to get an access to warm water here in Arabian sea. But we Pakistanis and afghan locals both became hurdle in their way and defeated them and send them back from where they belongs. The problem is that people who dont know much about this topic use to relate those fighters with these TTP barbarians.

These TTP barbarians sprung from no where and started to kill Pakistanis. And another important thing is that these TTP terrorists are mostly from different tribes while those who took part in a battle against USSR were completely from different regions and tribes. There is no similarities in them they both holds different ideologies as well.

The reality is that these people who call themselves taliban are basically raw funded rats! totally and completely funded and supported by RAW. And RAW usually gives funds and support them via afghanistan and is the sole reason why india is bending towards afghanistan these days.

Oh yea like as if Raw is just a sweet little inn:Pocent angel who believe in amn o amaan and dont want to indulge in these proxies and it prefers playing with its toys

Afghanistani Taliban could not involve into Kashmir, because that was not their theatre of operation, they are more of domestic force, neither their interest.

So your ISI wanted to show India that Taliban is anti Indian and created TTP with the help of Afghan Taliban, it was your PSYWAR and covert policy to involve all groups in Kashmir. Bad luck and Osama found in Pakistan. s. So under US pressure you initiated operation Zarb e Azb. Now TTP is your number one enemy.

There is no RAW involvement. It is your policy failure.
Okay, well, looks like I need to intervene.

So, all those who are trying to be a lawyer, saying India is funding problems in Pakistan, kindly give a proof of this. Neither I have ever seen your government handing anything to India as a proof.

Is there any proof, or just talk in air and full bhoosa?

Oh no , how can they provide proof, because they don't have one!

Aur agar kar bhi rahy hai toh theek hai.. haan kar rahy hai.. dum hai toh rok lo:mad:
Absolutely not, please provide visual proofs to Indian government if they are
Look bro! sirbjit singh openly admitted that he was sent by raw to carry out attacks in Pakistan. Plus another key point that no one raises is that why india is leaning towards afghanistan too much when it has shown its back on them multiple times in past. Why india didnt came to help to save afghans during USSR and USA invasions? Why they are acting as if they are their friends? The fact is RAW has prevail its networks through out afghanistan from where it operates and play proxies inside Pakistan. Their intentions is to destabilize Pakistan via afghanistan.

If you still dont believe me that RAW operates inside Pakistan then search for the "operation blue tulse" on google.

I love the second last line of your para, atleast you have guts to admit the truth :tup: while most of your country men prefers to stay in the world of denial

RAW would have not sit quietly, that you do misadventure in our backyard, which was effecting demography of our region In assam and bengal. India waited 1 year that you will stop there.
Who has done misadventure?? Pakistan or india??
It was india who availed the opportunity and stroked Pakistan when it was weak. Do you think BD would have got its independence without indias assistance and do you also thinks that india really wanted to helps muslims of BD? i mean indias intentions was not to create BD but to break Pakistan.

In this forum i have came across many indians who use to tease us by saying "you havent forgot what we did with you on 1971" and they also use to threat us that they will break Pakistan in pieces and will repeat history of 1971 again...
So basically i just wanted to say that you indians never have accepted Pakistan as a country, most of indians still now use to think that Pakistan is still part of india. Thats why you guys have cowardly attacked us on 1971 and thats the sole reason why the RAW is operating in large scale on afghanistan. And thats the sole reason why the organizations like TTP arises from ashes and kill Pakistanis.

in Gilgit, as they have started asking Pak gov to make them another province , why?
They are demanding seperate province, so what yar! people of hazara, muhajirs and others are also demanding separate province.
Ok forget it, let me give you a good example, FATA dont have provincial status plus this area also dont have much development. The people living over there use to witness successive drones, terrorists attacks, operations and etc. So why dont they have seperatist movements???

Afghanistani Taliban could not involve into Kashmir, because that was not their theatre of operation, they are more of domestic force, neither their interest.
You have raised a good question! the reason why afghan taliban are not fighting against india over kashmir is because they are engaged with USA and NATO in their land. And for TTP why are they not fighting against india? Thats because of the fact that they have been created to fight Pakistan only. They have no intensions to liberate muslims of kashmir, their main goal is to just destabilize Pakistan and create chaos and anarchy here, for which they have been created.

So your ISI wanted to show India that Taliban is anti Indian and created TTP with the help of Afghan Taliban, it was your PSYWAR and covert policy to involve all groups in Kashmir.
Last time when we worked with our afghan brothers we ended up breaking USSR into 17 pieces. If you really thinks that TTP is created by Pakistan with assistance of afghans to fight india, then if it was true then india would have been shattered into many many many many pieces just like soviets.

Bad luck and Osama found in Pakistan. s.
I know you wont gonna believe me but osama incidence was a drama. First of all, in past USA many many times tried to attack osama in afghanistan but he, as per them, always found one way or other to escape. So why is that they managed to kill osama in Pakistan but failed when he was in afghanistan and why didnt he escaped this time? Another question why didnt they released picture of osama when he died. And another thing why did they dumped his body into sea? And that why did many of the troops who took part in that operation was assassinated? And why did this osama hunting operation took place when general elections were eminent?
And by the way what does osama has to do with TTP, osama was a member of Alqaeda and has nothing to do with TTP.

So under US pressure you initiated operation Zarb e Azb. Now TTP is your number one enemy.

There is no RAW involvement. It is your policy failure.
We didnt launched this operation on US pressure. US multiple times in past asked us to launch operation on north waziristan but we refused because of some obvious reasons. This operation was initiated and conducted solely by the collaboration and the will of Pakistani people, establishment and the government.
And zarb-e-azb is not the only operation which we have carried out, there many others which were conducted to uproot the rented terrorists from our soil in past , Rah-e-nijat in swat and many others are the examples. We have been indulged in this war on terror ever since TTP was created by RAW. We are fighting against them for at least 14 years. We have also gave away our bases to US and even assisted NATO to fight these rented terrorists.
Look bro! sirbjit singh openly admitted that he was sent by raw to carry out attacks in Pakistan. Plus another key point that no one raises is that why india is leaning towards afghanistan too much when it has shown its back on them multiple times in past. Why india didnt came to help to save afghans during USSR and USA invasions? Why they are acting as if they are their friends? The fact is RAW has prevail its networks through out afghanistan from where it operates and play proxies inside Pakistan. Their intentions is to destabilize Pakistan via afghanistan.

If you still dont believe me that RAW operates inside Pakistan then search for the "operation blue tulse" on google.

I love the second last line of your para, atleast you have guts to admit the truth :tup: while most of your country men prefers to stay in the world of denial

Sirbjit you talking about the , The witness who testify on record and on camera told " i don't know Sirbjit and i never saw him , money given me to testify against him"

This is how you produce proof..... the witness is said this and also on Camara .... you wanna see how Donkey you look front of world?

This is the same reason no now believe you, because from top to bottom you people lies nothing else.

A) Pakistani human rights activist Ansar Burney claimed that none of the four First Information Reports filed with regard to the bombings contained Singh's name nor his description and that Singh had been arrested on the night of 30 August 1990 at the Kasur border for illegally crossing the Indo-Pakistani border.

B) Eight days after, the police implicated him in the terrorist bombings.[

C) Burney also pointed out that the same magistrate had recorded the witness statements in all the four bombings, of which one had taken place at Faisalabad and the remaining three at Lahore, although the police investigations involved four different police stations and two different districts.

D) He said four different magistrates should have recorded the statements. None of the statements recorded in front of the magistrate were taken under oath. Singh had been paraded before the witnesses in the absence of the magistrate, and the police had informed the witnesses that he was the bomber. This was confirmed by Salim's testimony.

A British lawyer, Jas Uppal campaigning for his release, pointed to several problems with the prosecution in the trial.These problems included:

  • His identity was never verified or proved in court and no forensic evidence was provided at his trial to link him to the bomb attacks.
  • The trial was conducted in English, which Singh does not speak or understand, and no interpreter was provided.
  • There were allegations that he was tortured in custody and forced to confess.
  • The trial was "fast-tracked".
  • The main witness repeatedly changed his version of events.
This is you called proof???? lol most laughable your courts are and your proof are..... all mouth fed nothing else.

On 26 April 2008, the key witness Shaukat Salim retracted his statement during an interview with journalists. Salim's father and other relatives had been killed in the bombing. In court Salim testified that Singh had planted the bomb but later said that he made that statement under pressure from the police. Singh's lawyer, Abdul Rana Hamid, said that Salim's statements had no legal standing as they were never recorded in court.

Who has done misadventure?? Pakistan or india??
It was india who availed the opportunity and stroked Pakistan when it was weak. Do you think BD would have got its independence without indias assistance and do you also thinks that india really wanted to helps muslims of BD? i mean indias intentions was not to create BD but to break Pakistan.

In this forum i have came across many indians who use to tease us by saying "you havent forgot what we did with you on 1971" and they also use to threat us that they will break Pakistan in pieces and will repeat history of 1971 again...
So basically i just wanted to say that you indians never have accepted Pakistan as a country, most of indians still now use to think that Pakistan is still part of india. Thats why you guys have cowardly attacked us on 1971 and thats the sole reason why the RAW is operating in large scale on afghanistan. And thats the sole reason why the organizations like TTP arises from ashes and kill Pakistanis.
India saved BD muslims form Punjabi Muslims ...... this is straight facts... like Punjabi muslims killing ballots muslims.

Remember , you Serbia and Coratia... same case with BD and PAK.

They are demanding seperate province, so what yar! people of hazara, muhajirs and others are also demanding separate province.
Ok forget it, let me give you a good example, FATA dont have provincial status plus this area also dont have much development. The people living over there use to witness successive drones, terrorists attacks, operations and etc. So why dont they have seperatist movements???
FATA has TTP which is making separate from PAK, where no PAK govt. dare to go.

You have raised a good question! the reason why afghan taliban are not fighting against india over kashmir is because they are engaged with USA and NATO in their land. And for TTP why are they not fighting against india? Thats because of the fact that they have been created to fight Pakistan only. They have no intensions to liberate muslims of kashmir, their main goal is to just destabilize Pakistan and create chaos and anarchy here, for which they have been created.

Last time when we worked with our afghan brothers we ended up breaking USSR into 17 pieces. If you really thinks that TTP is created by Pakistan with assistance of afghans to fight india, then if it was true then india would have been shattered into many many many many pieces just like soviets.

Well they TTP is in FATA because the PAK policies..

I know you wont gonna believe me but osama incidence was a drama. First of all, in past USA many many times tried to attack osama in afghanistan but he, as per them, always found one way or other to escape. So why is that they managed to kill osama in Pakistan but failed when he was in afghanistan and why didnt he escaped this time? Another question why didnt they released picture of osama when he died. And another thing why did they dumped his body into sea? And that why did many of the troops who took part in that operation was assassinated?

Most of time Osama is surrounded by Kids and Women . knows US wont send plane or missile because of kids , One time he escaped when their is Delay in order , he was on sight of sniper.

rest of the time , he was in PAk , where PAK always tried to hide him and tell the world OBL is not in PAK.

Are you kind, how many Troops taken in the part assassinated? are you kid who learn all things wrong? The pic of his body with be release after 40 years and you can have a look on him.

And why did this osama hunting operation took place when general elections were eminent?
And by the way what does osama has to do with TTP, osama was a member of Alqaeda and has nothing to do with TTP.

We didnt launched this operation on US pressure. US multiple times in past asked us to launch operation on north waziristan but we refused because of some obvious reasons. This operation was initiated and conducted solely by the collaboration and the will of Pakistani people, establishment and the government.
And zarb-e-azb is not the only operation which we have carried out, there many others which were conducted to uproot the rented terrorists from our soil in past , Rah-e-nijat in swat and many others are the examples. We have been indulged in this war on terror ever since TTP was created by RAW. We are fighting against them for at least 14 years. We have also gave away our bases to US and even assisted NATO to fight these rented terrorists.

its co-incidence , US is not PAK , where even after Kargil , Army hide its failures and face form public. US is given money , 30 billion AID for free? PAK always asking AID to fight terrorist and it has to show now.
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I don't think India is funding TTP and not because I believe the Indian government response on this. It's because I haven't yet seen any strong allegation from the ISI (or have I missed it? Was there any?). If India was indeed supplying the TTP, ISI would know.

India probably helps BLA or at least keeps them in tow as a deterrent against Pakistani involvement in Kashmir. Although nothing solid here either.
Yes india is behind.
No Pakistani have 0.00001 % doubt that india is behind every bomb blast and terrorism in Pakistan..
Pakistan's intelligence chief met Afghanistan's new president to discuss ways to boost coordination in fighting militant attacks in the region, an official said Monday, in a sign of improving ties between the often uneasy neighbors.

It was the third trip to Afghanistan in recent months for the powerful Inter-Services Intelligence chief, Razwan Akhtar, hinting at new cooperation between the countries that have long accused each other of harboring Islamist insurgents.

Afghan President Ashraf Ghani met Akhtar on Sunday, said Ghani spokesman Nazifullah Salarzai.

"In this meeting, both sides discussed ways to strengthen joint efforts against terrorism and extremism," Salarzai said. He declined to go into detail.

Ghani - unlike his predecessor Hamid Karzai who had difficult relations with Islamabad - made a state visit to Pakistan soon after being sworn into office last year, pledging to improve ties.

In the latest meeting, the sides agreed to coordinate against militant groups that fight against each government and exploit the porous border to flee military crackdowns.

Pakistan wants Afghanistan's help in stopping the Pakistani Taliban, which is under attack by the military in its stronghold of North Waziristan, from gaining shelter on Afghan territory.

Afghanistan for its part hopes Pakistan might use its influence to bring the exiled top leaders of the Afghan Taliban, who reportedly are in hiding in Pakistan, to the negotiation table to end the insurgents' 13-year-old war against the U.S.-backed government.

Pakistan intelligence chief meets Afghan leader as relations thaw| Reuters
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