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Is India big enough to be a superpower?

yay or nay?

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Its embarrassing really when some idiots talk about being super power. Without realising house conditions.

Forget about superpower it will be good enough to keep development going tp feed somsny mouth.
Unlike the naysayers in this thread, I always believed India will be a superpower. Just look for "India 2030" for benevolent world ruled by the Dharmic Shupa Powa
@ 1.2 million sq mi + Indian administered Kashmir 40,000 sq mi totaling 12.4 million sq mi

Area wise India is huge , it has a 'lot of land , so geographically yes India can be a super power
demographically No, it just has too high a population , 1,2 billion people is way too much ,even for a & $5 trillion dollar economy ,India at present is $2.5 trillion , the population needs to be stabilized at around 80 crore
over all No it cannot be a Super Power like U.S , Russia & China ,
but Yes India can be a super power like France & the UK

France and UK are Global powers, and yes, its is possible for India to be a global power.
no single country today is capable of that

I wouldn't be so sure of that. Depends on the nature of the war.

France and UK are Global powers, and yes, its is possible for India to be a global power.

France and Britain are considered regional powers, not superpowers. They are not big enough.

1. It is 3.3 million sq km, not 3

It's 3.3 when claimed parts of Kashmir administered by Pakistan and China are included. Otherwise, it's 3.1.

List of countries and dependencies by area - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
shuper power se aik rank nichay ne chaley bhai log?
What is the fascination with super power, there is no such thing as super power, even the Americans do not like being called super power. There are big countries with big economies and big armies. A country like Germany is half the size of Pakistan and perhaps 1/15th of India !! have a good look at them and see how a major economy it is look at its Technological base and over all quality of life for its citizens. Now that is SUPER.... get it.
I don't think there is any doubt that India "can be" a super power. Whether they will be one is another question. It will depend on the Indians themselves. But in terms of the size of the land mass, resources and the population, India certainly can be a super power. Countries like Russia, Brazil and China all have the potential to super powers.

On the hand, Japan will never be a super power. Germany, U.K., Italy, France etc will never be a super power.

Whether a country can be a super power may seem to be a question out of no where. But it's actually important for countries to know their limits. Miscalculations in this aspect by Japan and Germany have led to monumental disasters.
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if stupidity was the reason for gettng a warning by rd team, many of us would have received perma ban.
What is the fascination with super power, there is no such thing as super power, even the Americans do not like being called super power. .
They just like to call themselves "the most powerful country":usflag: Look it up, that phrase is used proud and loud everywhere.
They just like to call themselves "the most powerful country":usflag: Look it up, that phrase is used proud and loud everywhere.
Yes they can call themselves most powerful country but they are not the only powerful country in the world and they re not a super power.
how dare you doubt India's shuppa powwa status.
@ 1.2 million sq mi + Indian administered Kashmir 40,000 sq mi totaling 12.4 million sq mi

Area wise India is huge , it has a 'lot of land , so geographically yes India can be a super power
demographically No, it just has too high a population , 1,2 billion people is way too much ,even for a & $5 trillion dollar economy ,India at present is $2.5 trillion , the population needs to be stabilized at around 80 crore
over all No it cannot be a Super Power like U.S , Russia & China ,
but Yes India can be a super power like France & the UK
India will dwarf Russia in any which way a few decades down the line - economically, industrially, militarily.

The only 2 countries that would remain above India in the above mentioned categories would be US and China.
lack of knowledge friends india have...
1.worlds second most populous country even denser than china.
2.worlds 7 th largest country it's not a small country either china is 4th largest.
3.Worlds third largest economy as per GDP (PPP)
4.2nd longest road network .
5.4th longest railways network.
6.Arable land in India is 52% whereas china 11.2% arable land and USA have 17% of arable land.
So if any one consider that size of land is big factor for a superpower then india has more suitable plane land than USA and china.
7.Worlds 3rd largest army after USA and China.
8.Worlds biggest democracy with multiparty election system.
9 . India is world's largest animal husbandrycountry.
10.India is also a nuclear power.
11.Its only second to USA to reach the Mars. India is very advanced in space technology.
12.worlds youngest nation .
13.India produces worlds largest no of engineers and doctors.
I can count 100 points.....bcoz list is very long...

Is India ......

Top 3 GDP ecomonic power ? - No
Top 3 manned space power ? - No
Top 3 sport power ? - No
Top 3 declared Nuclear power ? - No
Top 3 with a credible nuclear deterrent ? - No
UNSC Seat with veto power ? - No
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