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Is Gen. Raheel Shareef the Best Pakistan's COAS Ever ??

Mushy himself could never be PM, but nice try though :D :D :D

IK believed in independence of judiciary before elections. Rona-Dhona didn't start after losing elections but a year after when judiciary failed to deliver justice :D :D :D

Trust me mate this is Pakistan we are talking about. We ex pats have to sort of re jig our thinking because we forget Pakistan is like 100 years behind Europe. Given this Gen Raheel wins my support simply because he unlike the previous muppets is serioius ( or seems to ) about sorting out the terrorism in Pakistan and that is TTP and MQM in Karachi. So let us all thank our lucky stars ....

On the subject of Chiefs I think Mushy was the worse we have had in long time. I blame him for the Kargil disaster but that is for another thread. Back to Gen Raheel he has my support for his robust stand against terrorism.

I also agree with a previous poster who said in Pakistan we have a habit of worshipping whoever is in office but soon as he goes we turn against them. This is third world mentality and not exclusive to Pakistan.
Cant believe I got a Negative rating on this thread by some insecure *****.
You can only judge the current chief once he retires. Every Pak army chief looked good when he was at the helm...be it Ayub Khan or Yahya Khan or Zia Ul Haq or Musharraf or Kayani. It's only once they retired,.. you get to hear not so good side of the story. Ayub is blamed for turning Pakistan from a social security state into a national security state, Yahya for losing half of Pak, Zia for bringing extremism into the system, Musharraf for surrendering the sovereignty to America & inviting suicide bombing culture & Kayani for being lenient towards Taliban. Hell...there was even a talk of conferring Kayani with the title of Field Marshall when he was the chief.

I don't want to sound -ve.. But that's just how it is in Pakistan. Take a look at your ex-CJP. Whole of Pakistan was behind him..& he was the darling of majority in Pak at the time. But now..hardly anyone has anything good to say about him.

Give this man the time till his tenure ends..& reserve your judgement till then.
cowards!!!???? how did you came to that conclusion?? if you want to talk about cowards then lest talk about pakistan army generals. Lt Gen Ahmed Shuja Pasha and Ashfaq Parvez Kayani.. who sold national secret to Americans for just 25 million$.. what a pathetic army. if you COAS is like this then what will be other in pakistan army?? full of CIA agents dancing for Americans but wearing Pakistan army uniform. if you want to call someone cowards then call Lt pasha and ex-COAS kayani cowards because they sold their national security for money. these two are only know cowards, the list of cowards in pakistan army is large. Lt Hamid Gul is the retard coward who allowed CIA operatives to recruit pakistanis for their operations. he setup terrorist training camps in pakistan. he is the one who bring gun culture in pakistan... well your army is full of cowards who betray their country for money offered by Americans.
ooh did i mention the greatest fool-general of pakistan mr. Musharraf?? the man behind drone strikes on pakistani solil:lol:
he even lied to commanders that he won't let Americans to use pakistani soil, next day he let Americans to use pakistan as CIA's property.
so tell me Mr. who have the coward army??.. it is Pakistan army which is full of cowards..
This is called the great game, the game of super powers. U dont know abt them coz u cant play them but here we play them, and not only that we r masters in that. We play or toy with super powers and hit them where they least expect.

Yr forces r cowards coz they cant do what our great forces does.

Comparing yrself with the deserved power they have is like being jealous. U know u cant get it so try stopping others who have earned it. Grapes are Sour.
No one els had courage to take down curreption and he is going ahead with this.. their isnt any doubt army can eliminate terrorism.
Either its a cotinuation of previous army leadership or its his..
But he is alot serious and representing the nation...
The best COAS.
Professionally he maybe the best till date..... the biggest thing to his credit is not operation zarb this or zarb that, however, he seems to be the least corrupt, and that's a HUGE plus!

I sincerely hope that he stays this way!
At least their entire progress is under that twitter account. Where is the progress of your Nooney Tunes? :D :D :D
I don't support any political party and the reason i hate PTI the most is because they promised change and i too at a point, started believing their words.
Did you even read what Faujihistorian said
I guess U should read what he said. The word Bloody Civilian is being used again and again for no reason.Of course he meant that Military guys use word Bloody for civilians. Why would he use this specific word with asterics then? Read between lines too plz.
Professionally he maybe the best till date..... the biggest thing to his credit is not operation zarb this or zarb that, however, he seems to be the least corrupt, and that's a HUGE plus!

I sincerely hope that he stays this way!

The biggest credit he deserves is that he has revived the nation and its hopes. I remember back in 2008-2012, things were so gloomy and sad. Even on this very forum, prospects of Pakistan's future were so dim as we were getting attacked by the TTP left right and centre. We simply had no answer to the menace of TTP, we were so helpless.

That has ended, the psyche of the nation is on the upswing and there is a general consensus that things will get better in the future as they are getting better in the present. Raheel has been instrumental in bringing that change and has been the bedrock of the nation. The morale of the Army has increased tenfold.
He is not the man Pakistan deserved but is the man that Pakistan needs.
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