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That seems justified financially. If i am not wrong than for every procurement, our armed forces have to pay half (or some %) of the amount of the deal in advance after the signing of the contract, now that means we are talking about billions of dollars of advance payment, how could IAF pay it in mid fiscal?? but they can pay it if the fiscal ends & they get new capital budget.

i dont think ..funds will be released per year not half
Guys it has always been the end of this FISCAL year that this deal would be signed, so by March 2013. Wait a few months before you start getting nervous.
8 months to sign a contract.... seems rather lengthy especially for a military deal which are usually cleared soon.

That's because this is not merely a pay and buy deal - this is a major deal that is supposed to kick start a major aviation industry across India, and to give Indian companies the core competency in advanced manufacturing practices. There is a lot more at stake than just the procurement of 126 jets. Negotiations are not merely going on for price, but for very detailed agreements regarding transfer of technology, where each component and sub component will be manufactured and so on. Other than HAL, hundreds of smaller industries will be created as a result of this deal. Hence the inordinately long time even after the fighter was selected.
That's because this is not merely a pay and buy deal - this is a major deal that is supposed to kick start a major aviation industry across India, and to give Indian companies the core competency in advanced manufacturing practices. There is a lot more at stake than just the procurement of 126 jets. Negotiations are not merely going on for price, but for very detailed agreements regarding transfer of technology, where each component and sub component will be manufactured and so on. Other than HAL, hundreds of smaller industries will be created as a result of this deal. Hence the inordinately long time even after the fighter was selected.

I always new that if there were going to be any delays or hiccups in the discussions post announcment of L1 winner it would be because of offset and TOT negotiations.
80% of Discussions regarding ToT are resolved only thing left is AESA source code and EW frequencies.
It will be signed by April,2012
I was 5 years old when I heard my uncle saying India is looking for new jets to replace the flying coffins. And it was 1995
8 months to sign a contract.... seems rather lengthy especially for a military deal which are usually cleared soon.

We are talking about over 15 billion dollars, a future pillar of our defense, a 50% offset clause and full transfer of technology for one of the most advanced aircraft in the world. You dont just sign a contract for something big like this in a few months!

This is much more about than merely 126+ Rafales.
but i have read that dassault have already started technology transfer or kits to HAL and HAL have started work on assembling line

No contracts or Nothing being announced...Just a one word till now Rafale won the Indian MMRCA program..and our IAF Chief visited Paris and Flies in Rafale..

No more talks or No more Contracts till Now...all of them Media Propaganda
No contracts or Nothing being announced...Just a one word till now Rafale won the Indian MMRCA program..and our IAF Chief visited Paris and Flies in Rafale..

No more talks or No more Contracts till Now...all of them Media Propaganda

The IAF is talking to Dassault officials on a daily basis.
That's because this is not merely a pay and buy deal - this is a major deal that is supposed to kick start a major aviation industry across India, and to give Indian companies the core competency in advanced manufacturing practices. There is a lot more at stake than just the procurement of 126 jets. Negotiations are not merely going on for price, but for very detailed agreements regarding transfer of technology, where each component and sub component will be manufactured and so on. Other than HAL, hundreds of smaller industries will be created as a result of this deal. Hence the inordinately long time even after the fighter was selected.

If HAL is the manufacturer then there will no 'hundreds of smaller industries' that will be created because of this deal. The deal will start and end with HAL. ........ unless Rafale insists on other sub vendors.
A journo.
Both sides are have a lot of debate on AESA source codes.

Did the journo report this, or was it a private conversation? If it's top secret, the journo wouldn't know. If it is not secret, he would report it, instead of just telling you, because that's what journos do.

The fact that the AESA source codes will have to be transferred was a mandatory requirement, even during the selection stage. Only the vendors who gave assurances of that would have been selected. Uncertainty about the same was one of the points against the F-18SH. It is impossible that dassault would backtrack at this stage and withhold the source codes. And if they have agreed to part with the source codes, which they did long back, there is no need for any delays or negotiations for that - putting it on a storage medium and handing it over is all it takes. (I'm being simplistic on that, but the point is that transferring computer code doesn't cause any delays. They are not transported from france on horseback.)
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