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Is default in prospect?

As long as fb, twitter, social media is there, koi farq nahi perta

Eating less will be beneficial for fat obese pakistanis

No more niharis, paye, halwa pooris. Get back to fasting daily

Welcome default, enjoy it with pdm in charge!
His ignorance is shocking and astounding. At first, I thought he is playing to the gallery. But, when he stopped medicines and vegetables as the first step of import control, I started thinking he has the competence of Zimbabwe's central banker.

Frankly, with this person at helm, default might just be the desirable option. Atleast the repercussions will be swift. This mad man will put entire country through meat grinders for years just to satisfy his ego..

Why will any international organization or, even friendly nation invest in Pakistan upon hearing such remarks ?
Why will any international organization..... upon hearing such remarks ?
The news was IMF has kept the phone "off hook". They aren't hearing anything. In fact, they are not getting the calls through.
The news was IMF has kept the phone "off hook". They aren't hearing anything. In fact, they are not getting the calls through.
Saudis are probably going to give some money... Can't understand the reason though.. By now they know that any money lent is never going to come back.. They must be getting something big in return..
Saudis are probably going to give some money... Can't understand the reason though.. By now they know that any money lent is never going to come back.. They must be getting something big in return..
Wise investment. It is essentially a grant; but they are getting unconditional and absolute support. U.S. has spent 10 times more and got stabbed in the back in Afghanistan. USG is order of magnitude stupid compared to SA. Same with China. Unconditional and absolute support at a modest cost. The only change now is USG has realized their idiocy and kept the phone off hook.
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