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IS carry suicide attack on Tali shadow governor!

Good work. Why are we Pakistanis failing to take the opportunity and kill TTP with ISIS rats? I see Afghanistan having a solid policy against terrorism. Something is lacking in my countries policy.
What do you want us to do? Go in Afghanistan and get rid of them? We all know how childishly Afghanistan will retaliate, plus it's not worth the risk. I am sure if we do get a lock on high value target we will conduct an operation in Afghanistan, if we have to. We are already doing quite well against TTP and other groups here-nothing is lacking in our policy, we are targeting all terrorists; anyone who thinks otherwise is welcome to prove it .
What do you want us to do? Go in Afghanistan and get rid of them? We all know how childishly Afghanistan will retaliate, plus it's not worth the risk. I am sure if we do get a lock on high value target we will conduct an operation in Afghanistan, if we have to. We are already doing quite well against TTP and other groups here-nothing is lacking in our policy, we are targeting all terrorists; anyone who thinks otherwise is welcome to prove it .
More on above if we attack inside Afghanistan our long standing stance on Sovereignty of the country should not be negotiate at any term will effect and US will get enough chance to do more raids with troops i believe we will not go that far to damage our stance.
What do you want us to do? Go in Afghanistan and get rid of them? We all know how childishly Afghanistan will retaliate, plus it's not worth the risk. I am sure if we do get a lock on high value target we will conduct an operation in Afghanistan, if we have to. We are already doing quite well against TTP and other groups here-nothing is lacking in our policy, we are targeting all terrorists; anyone who thinks otherwise is welcome to prove it .
I want our forces to do whatever it takes including hard pursuit into Afghanistan. A week ago 7 of our men died in a TTP attack from across the border. America does pursuit within our borders-salala example, India sent planes after mumbai invading our airspace and Iran responds to each attack on its border guards with shelling. Why are we so afraid of going into Afghanistan?

My observations are based on reality. If you ask people internally from FATA they will say things like market in Makeen was bombed by the army many times. The collective responsibilities act is a system that blames an entire tribe for the evil done by a few miscreants. Then there is the claim from Swati people that Fazlullah could once be arrested by a single policeman. We failed to take up that opportunity.

Currently the opportunity is to infiltrate the TTP and ISIS and direct them to fight each other. I also want to note that the same success taliban have had in target killing and roadside bombing against our civilians can be replicated by the army to save Pakistani lives by using the same means against Taliban. Sometimes we need to adopt any means to hunt down terrorists like the TTP. Our focus on airstrikes and artillery bombardment however costs civilian lives. In short I would like us to do many things differently.

It is true that violence has fallen but it has not completely dissipated. Elders in Bajaur have been killed recently and their families mourning as we speak. My study of FATA reveals many mistakes other than some huge blunders by the government. In short I don't see it all rosy as others do. Perhaps I'm cynical but the idea should be on complete freedom from terrorism rather than patting ourselves on the back when terrorist attacks continue. By focusing on less short term defeat of terrorism we limit ourselves to a weak strategy. 2 Hazaras have been killed in Quetta recently. I mean terrorism hasn't gone completely and we are already celebrating when more than a million remain displaced from Waziristan.
More on above if we attack inside Afghanistan our long standing stance on Sovereignty of the country should not be negotiate at any term will effect and US will get enough chance to do more raids with troops i believe we will not go that far to damage our stance.
For those, especially Afghan asking us to do more seem to forget that we have almost rid our country of this mess(estimating). If you want us to do more, you should give us permission to go in and 'do more'.
I want our forces to do whatever it takes including hard pursuit into Afghanistan. A week ago 7 of our men died in a TTP attack from across the border. America does pursuit within our borders-salala example, India sent planes after mumbai invading our airspace and Iran responds to each attack on its border guards with shelling. Why are we so afraid of going into Afghanistan?

My observations are based on reality. If you ask people internally from FATA they will say things like market in Makeen was bombed by the army many times. The collective responsibilities act is a system that blames an entire tribe for the evil done by a few miscreants. Then there is the claim from Swati people that Fazlullah could once be arrested by a single policeman. We failed to take up that opportunity.

Currently the opportunity is to infiltrate the TTP and ISIS and direct them to fight each other. I also want to note that the same success taliban have had in target killing and roadside bombing against our civilians can be replicated by the army to save Pakistani lives by using the same means against Taliban. Sometimes we need to adopt any means to hunt down terrorists like the TTP. Our focus on airstrikes and artillery bombardment however costs civilian lives. In short I would like us to do many things differently.

It is true that violence has fallen but it has not completely dissipated. Elders in Bajaur have been killed recently and their families mourning as we speak. My study of FATA reveals many mistakes other than some huge blunders by the government. In short I don't see it all rosy as others do. Perhaps I'm cynical but the idea should be on complete freedom from terrorism rather than patting ourselves on the back when terrorist attacks continue. By focusing on less short term defeat of terrorism we limit ourselves to a weak strategy. 2 Hazaras have been killed in Quetta recently. I mean terrorism hasn't gone completely and we are already celebrating when more than a million remain displaced from Waziristan.
Mistakes are made, everyone makes mistakes. Secondly, we treat Afghanistan as our brother, we respect their sovereignty, even in areas which are not controlled by them. If we do go in Afghanistan will say whatnot and etc, etc. They want us to do more, what they forget is we are doing everything we can in our side of the border while they fail to clean their side of the border. I agree, we should go in, get rid of the TTP and any other organization, airstrikes are also an option.
airstrikes are also an option.
Without US and Afghanistan's consent i believe Airstrikes not feasible, today on PDF i learnt US deploys Black Widow squadron to engage Taliban and even they have heavy US air force presence We don't have the tech to go undetected and strike inside Afghanistan.
Good work. Why are we Pakistanis failing to take the opportunity and kill TTP with ISIS rats? I see Afghanistan having a solid policy against terrorism. Something is lacking in my countries policy.

Give statements like that and become the stupid tank chairman.

For Taliban to be killed by ISIS don't u think the later must first be instituted in Pakistan and allowed the same freedom of operation that it enjoys in Afghanistan ?

Is that what you are lamenting about ?

As for the OP, Afghan history is full of them killing each other, weather in form of tribes, ethnicity or Taliban or ISIS.
It's the same continuation of if history; rejection of humanity and rejection of civilization.
For those, especially Afghan asking us to do more seem to forget that we have almost rid our country of this mess(estimating). If you want us to do more, you should give us permission to go in and 'do more'.

Mistakes are made, everyone makes mistakes. Secondly, we treat Afghanistan as our brother, we respect their sovereignty, even in areas which are not controlled by them. If we do go in Afghanistan will say whatnot and etc, etc. They want us to do more, what they forget is we are doing everything we can in our side of the border while they fail to clean their side of the border. I agree, we should go in, get rid of the TTP and any other organization, airstrikes are also an option.
Well to explain my cynical outlook I will say that the death of innocent civilians is having a toll on me as is the sheer amount of intolerance in society. We are a very divided people and unless we show one face and one voice to the TTP, perhaps even adopting their tactics to kill them. I have an insane hatred for the taliban and what they have done to my country. A policy that is strong and pro active is needed.

Give statements like that and become the stupid tank chairman.

For Taliban to be killed by ISIS don't u think the later must first be instituted in Pakistan and allowed the same freedom of operation that it enjoys in Afghanistan ?

Is that what you are lamenting about ?

As for the OP, Afghan history is full of them killing each other, weather in form of tribes, ethnicity or Taliban or ISIS.
It's the same continuation of if history; rejection of humanity and rejection of civilization.
Well a good idea would have been to put our weight behind Turkestan Bhittani temporarily or the Ansar Ul Islam to beat back the TTP. Also supporting the tribal elders would not be foolish. But elders are dying like flies and the sad part: It does not even gain our attention. For example everyone knows about the Karachi airport attack or the Lahore FIA attack. But no one knows about the 200-300+ elders and more of their lashkaris who have been killed by the Taliban. It is the same story as major shafaat of severely failing to honor our heroes.

Of course this isn't a long term solution. Bhittani and AuI would have to be disarmed eventually but making TTP fight each other would be a good solution.

The best way to beat the taliban is an approach that is indirect and good intelligence. But the reality is which TTP leader did we kill other than Abdullah Maseed which was also in the early years of the war? Hakimullah, Baitullah, Wali Ur Rehman, Qari Hussain which of these died by our hand? So I mean I don't know why we face hostility when advocating we adopt a different approach. I have spent 4 years studying the region for my book and I should not provide advice here?

I have written a book on the TTP. My views are based on intense research and not a single Maseed/Burki or Wazir (Tribes in S Waziristan) has said anything positive about the government and some were very critical of the army too. It is not lack of patriotism that drives me-but finding a long lasting solution to the TTP problem.
Without US and Afghanistan's consent i believe Airstrikes not feasible, today on PDF i learnt US deploys Black Widow squadron to engage Taliban and even they have heavy US air force presence We don't have the tech to go undetected and strike inside Afghanistan.
Oh bhai, what are they going to do? We go in and conduct airstrikes, what are the yanks going to do? shoot down our birds. If we take an offensive/aggressive posture, be it Afghans or Americans they can't do anything about it. Mark my words, the second we get Intel on high value target, good Intel, we will conduct an operation similar to what Americans done in Abbottabad. We will not share it with the incompetent Afghan security forces.
A policy that is strong and pro active is needed.
Such is our need, we need to take an aggressive stand and share our concern with the Afghans.

Give statements like that and become the stupid tank chairman.
Seems like you hate current Think Tank Chairman, any reason?
Well to explain my cynical outlook I will say that the death of innocent civilians is having a toll on me as is the sheer amount of intolerance in society. We are a very divided people and unless we show one face and one voice to the TTP, perhaps even adopting their tactics to kill them. I have an insane hatred for the taliban and what they have done to my country. A policy that is strong and pro active is needed.

Well a good idea would have been to put our weight behind Turkestan Bhittani temporarily or the Ansar Ul Islam to beat back the TTP. Also supporting the tribal elders would not be foolish. But elders are dying like flies and the sad part: It does not even gain our attention. For example everyone knows about the Karachi airport attack or the Lahore FIA attack. But no one knows about the 200-300+ elders and more of their lashkaris who have been killed by the Taliban. It is the same story as major shafaat of severely failing to honor our heroes.

Of course this isn't a long term solution. Bhittani and AuI would have to be disarmed eventually but making TTP fight each other would be a good solution.

The best way to beat the taliban is an approach that is indirect and good intelligence. But the reality is which TTP leader did we kill other than Abdullah Maseed which was also in the early years of the war? Hakimullah, Baitullah, Wali Ur Rehman, Qari Hussain which of these died by our hand? So I mean I don't know why we face hostility when advocating we adopt a different approach. I have spent 4 years studying the region for my book and I should not provide advice here?

I have written a book on the TTP. My views are based on intense research and not a single Maseed/Burki or Wazir (Tribes in S Waziristan) has said anything positive about the government and some were very critical of the army too. It is not lack of patriotism that drives me-but finding a long lasting solution to the TTP problem.

what is name of ur book ?
Oh bhai, what are they going to do? We go in and conduct airstrikes, what are the yanks going to do? shoot down our birds. If we take an offensive/aggressive posture, be it Afghans or Americans they can't do anything about it. Mark my words, the second we get Intel on high value target, good Intel, we will conduct an operation similar to what Americans done in Abbottabad. We will not share it with the incompetent Afghan security forces.

I am agreed with you but still not feasible as soon as we reach our birds to fly US will alarmed 24/7 they monitored or F-16 fleet even we need codes for our new block 52+. anyways we don't need to strike by air we have many operatives inside Afghanistan with the help of these operatives we can kill any high value target without being come in headlines and i think it is the most reasonable way to covertly hit our targets inside Afghanistan.
what is name of ur book ?
Badal. But you won't find it anywhere. It is not yet published and I am searching for a literary agent-the first stage of publishing. It is fiction but about a very real situation. It is pro army yet points outs some of the mistakes we made-mostly the government.

I mean if you look at it FATA was bound to be on fire. Kept off limits to foreigners and modern way of life, illiteracy high 22% literacy and 60%+ unemployment. I hope what has happened in FATA does not happen in Kohistan because it has a literacy of 10% though Gilgiti people have been attacked in Kohistan and it was also the focus of a case where a girl was killed for dancing in a marriage.

In short I point out the relation between poor literacy and unemployment with terrorism.
Badal. But you won't find it anywhere. It is not yet published and I am searching for a literary agent-the first stage of publishing. It is fiction but about a very real situation. It is pro army yet points outs some of the mistakes we made-mostly the government.

I mean if you look at it FATA was bound to be on fire. Kept off limits to foreigners and modern way of life, illiteracy high 22% literacy and 60%+ unemployment. I hope what has happened in FATA does not happen in Kohistan because it has a literacy of 10% though Gilgiti people have been attacked in Kohistan and it was also the focus of a case where a girl was killed for dancing in a marriage.

In short I point out the relation between poor literacy and unemployment with terrorism.

something which u see but stupid pakisan government cant see
Well to explain my cynical outlook I will say that the death of innocent civilians is having a toll on me as is the sheer amount of intolerance in society. We are a very divided people and unless we show one face and one voice to the TTP, perhaps even adopting their tactics to kill them. I have an insane hatred for the taliban and what they have done to my country. A policy that is strong and pro active is needed.

Well a good idea would have been to put our weight behind Turkestan Bhittani temporarily or the Ansar Ul Islam to beat back the TTP. Also supporting the tribal elders would not be foolish. But elders are dying like flies and the sad part: It does not even gain our attention. For example everyone knows about the Karachi airport attack or the Lahore FIA attack. But no one knows about the 200-300+ elders and more of their lashkaris who have been killed by the Taliban. It is the same story as major shafaat of severely failing to honor our heroes.

Of course this isn't a long term solution. Bhittani and AuI would have to be disarmed eventually but making TTP fight each other would be a good solution.

The best way to beat the taliban is an approach that is indirect and good intelligence. But the reality is which TTP leader did we kill other than Abdullah Maseed which was also in the early years of the war? Hakimullah, Baitullah, Wali Ur Rehman, Qari Hussain which of these died by our hand? So I mean I don't know why we face hostility when advocating we adopt a different approach. I have spent 4 years studying the region for my book and I should not provide advice here?

I have written a book on the TTP. My views are based on intense research and not a single Maseed/Burki or Wazir (Tribes in S Waziristan) has said anything positive about the government and some were very critical of the army too. It is not lack of patriotism that drives me-but finding a long lasting solution to the TTP problem.

Why ?

Haven't we learned the lesson yet ? there is no such thing as a good taliban or bad.
Haven't you gone through Gen Sharif's vision, that no one except for the state will be allowed to use and own weapons

Such is our need, we need to take an aggressive stand and share our concern with the Afghans.

Seems like you hate current Think Tank Chairman, any reason?

There is no reason I don't like qibla @fatman17

I was only referring to the not so wise remark from the TT analyst

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