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Is blasphemy a pardonable offense?

In Quran there are many verses which when read in Quranic order contradict each other.

The verses of Meccan period contradict with the Verses of Madinan period. Ultimately Quran says if Mulsims do not find answers in Quran they have to follow hadiths and Sunnah of Prophet.
Nope they dont contradict ...If I say you are Indian and you are son of so and so...it is not contradiction both are addressing you in different ways

I and @TankMan have quoted from the Quran so no need to go to Hadith of course desperate Indians cant stop themselves :tsk:
Nope they dont contradict ...If I say you are Indian and you are son of so and so...it is not contradiction both are addressing you in different ways

I and @TankMan have quoted from the Quran so no need to go to Hadith of course desperate Indians cant stop themselves :tsk:

Read my post completely I have edited it !!
For murder simple beheading is enough, why torture till death ??

Prophet considered the sin these guys committed is more than murder. And the sin is ridiculing religion and messenger.

As I have mentioned earlier there are many who accepted Islam ridiculed and left just to discourage Prophet.

In Quran there are many verses which when read in Quranic order contradict each other.

The verses of Meccan period contradict with the Verses of Madinan period. Ultimately Quran says if Mulsims do not find answers in Quran they have to follow hadiths and Sunnah of Prophet.
For murder, pardon is the 1st option and the Qadi (if shariah court would advice the family the same)
2nd is punishment ordered by the Qadi and if it is murder then the WORST OR LAST CHOICE is death....Not the first nor the only...
Now show me from the Quran where you found beheading as an option?

1) Prophet called it that...ONLY PROPHET (no prophet is alive in this world right now) so normal humans have no rights to say such things...
2) Which sin is more than murder?

The these guys in the hadith? They killed and looted....Prophet equated murder more than murder? Please show me your conclusion drawing skills! WIKIISLAM being your guide is really pathetic...I have no knowledge about Hadith nor do I take extra interest like Indians do...THIS differentiates WORLD WIDE MUSLIMS from those living and dwelling in India....Coz Indians prefer going to peer to get someone to do their work -reading the Quran or holy scriptures was their work but they asked others to do it and bowing to whatever the peer said good or bad! This was the same as priests and bishops during the crusades ....
The source of Hadith I quoted is from "Sahi Bukhari"

This guy recorded the happenings during the Prophet times accurately and is an unbiased source. Most of the Islamic scholars do not quote from this source it seems, I have no idea !!

The source is talking about Sunnah Prophet did. The sin is ridiculing prophet and his religion as well as leaving Islam + murder. The punishment is torture till death. For murder as you said it can be pardoned in certain circumstances but for ridiculing and leaving Islam is considered as bigger sin by Prophet.

I don't want to go in detail, you can verify the hadees of Sahi Bukhari.

For murder, pardon is the 1st option and the Qadi (if shariah court would advice the family the same)
2nd is punishment ordered by the Qadi and if it is murder then the WORST OR LAST CHOICE is death....Not the first nor the only...
Now show me from the Quran where you found beheading as an option?

1) Prophet called it that...ONLY PROPHET (no prophet is alive in this world right now) so normal humans have no rights to say such things...
2) Which sin is more than murder?

The these guys in the hadith? They killed and looted....Prophet equated murder more than murder? Please show me your conclusion drawing skills! WIKIISLAM being your guide is really pathetic...I have no knowledge about Hadith nor do I take extra interest like Indians do...THIS differentiates WORLD WIDE MUSLIMS from those living and dwelling in India....Coz Indians prefer going to peer to get someone to do their work -reading the Quran or holy scriptures was their work but they asked others to do it and bowing to whatever the peer said good or bad! This was the same as priests and bishops during the crusades ....
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You don't have evidence I have posted clear cut proof you want to live in denial your choice mate no body can do nothing about it. @Hyperion Mr first issue of Blasphemy is most raised by Barelvis and Sufis not Deobandis and Ayats and Hadees are clear if you want to deny your choice.

Kaab was killed for Blasphemy not for other things that one hiding in Kaba was also killed for same reason and Ayats are also rightly told and agreed by all except you and there are more examples than these given in this one. Mate I would give more examples tomorrow.

Bhai for once in your life read and understand the things you post before you actually post and defend them. I can't judge your intentions but we can all make mistakes in putting out something we do not understand. The interpretation of the ayat that you give was not even given by Maudidi. If you think me insignificant then at least take heed from the interpretation of Maudidi.
The answer, it is clear, was a categorical yes.

The untold story of Pakistan’s blasphemy law - Blogs - DAWN.COM

Why does no credible source from the mainstream religious leadership then step forward and set the record straight?

It seems to be of greater importance to withhold the facts of the case, as a more open dialogue may also incidentally amount to collusion with the secular position – surely, the worst of crimes.

In the midst of all this chaos and misinformation, there is still hope for the likes of Asia Bibi and Junaid Jamshed.

There is no need to change the letter of the blasphemy law for Junaid Jamshed and Asia Bibi to get their pardon. All that is required is to revisit the judicial interpretation, and rectify the erroneous conclusion of the Federal Sharia Court that was reached on the basis of dubious research.

The blasphemy law, according to the Hanafi position, allows for pardon.

That is all that Imam Ibn Abidin pointed out.
First thing, and very important, what is blasphemy?
The source of Hadith I quoted is from "Sahi Bukhari"

This guy recorded the happenings during the Prophet times accurately and is an unbiased source. Most of the Islamic scholars do not quote from this source it seems, I have no idea !!

The source is talking about Sunnah Prophet did. The sin is ridiculing prophet and his religion as well as leaving Islam + murder. The punishment is torture till death. For murder as you said it can be pardoned in certain circumstances but for ridiculing and leaving Islam is considered as bigger sin by Prophet.

I don't want to go in detail, you can verify the hadees of Sahi Bukhari.

This is why I always tell people on PDF to read up on anything they copy paste before hand. Imam Al Bukhari was born and lived during the 9th century, obviously not during the Prophet (saw) times.

Since you obviously don't understand where the Hadeeth come in regards to the Holy Qur'an, let me explain it to free of charge. Any Hadeeth that contradicts the Qur'an, no matter how excellently corroborated, must be ignored. Sahih Bukhari comes way below the Holy Qur'an.

I suggest you go and study a bit more before wildly copy pasting random Hadeeth that glaringly contradict the Qur'an.
Lol, I know what is Blasphemy bro. But did we know the read meaning of it?
Tang na kar google kar
Blasphemy is the act of insulting or showing contempt or lack of reverence for deities, to religious or holy persons or things, or toward something considered sacred or inviolable.[1][2][3]

Some countries have laws to punish religious blasphemy,[4] while others have laws that allow those who are offended by blasphemy to punish blasphemers. Those laws may condone penalties or retaliation for blasphemy under the labels of blasphemous libel,[5] expression of opposition, or "villification," of religion or of some religious practices,[6][7] religious insult,[8] or hate speech.[9]
Tang na kar google kar
Blasphemy is the act of insulting or showing contempt or lack of reverence for deities, to religious or holy persons or things, or toward something considered sacred or inviolable.[1][2][3]

Some countries have laws to punish religious blasphemy,[4] while others have laws that allow those who are offended by blasphemy to punish blasphemers. Those laws may condone penalties or retaliation for blasphemy under the labels of blasphemous libel,[5] expression of opposition, or "villification," of religion or of some religious practices,[6][7] religious insult,[8] or hate speech.[9]

Yes, and how we decide that. Isnt that a legal issue.
This is why I always tell people on PDF to read up on anything they copy paste before hand. Imam Al Bukhari was born and lived during the 9th century, obviously not during the Prophet (saw) times.

Since you obviously don't understand where the Hadeeth come in regards to the Holy Qur'an, let me explain it to free of charge. Any Hadeeth that contradicts the Qur'an, no matter how excellently corroborated, must be ignored. Sahih Bukhari comes way below the Holy Qur'an.

I suggest you go and study a bit more before wildly copy pasting random Hadeeth that glaringly contradict the Qur'an.
Sahih Bukhari : Read, Study, Search Online
The source of Hadith I quoted is from "Sahi Bukhari"

This guy recorded the happenings during the Prophet times accurately and is an unbiased source. Most of the Islamic scholars do not quote from this source it seems, I have no idea !!

The source is talking about Sunnah Prophet did. The sin is ridiculing prophet and his religion as well as leaving Islam + murder. The punishment is torture till death. For murder as you said it can be pardoned in certain circumstances but for ridiculing and leaving Islam is considered as bigger sin by Prophet.

I don't want to go in detail, you can verify the hadees of Sahi Bukhari.
Be it Sahih Bukhari or Sahih Muslim or anything nothing comes above the Quran....

Sahih Bukhari was born some 200-300 yrs after Prophet's death...He didnt WRITE the Hadith he COLLECTED THEM! And AT THE END OF HIS HADITH BOOKSSS (yea more than 1) he writes the following (also written behind EVERY SAHIH BOOK): If any Hadith collected contradicts the Quran throw that hadith away and follow the Quran....He didnt even need to write that but maybe Indians need to read it!

The Sin was KILLING AND LOOTING as I showed from what you quoted!
Not until the punishment is written in the Quran, it is changeable!

Show me where its CONSIDERED A BIGGER SIN!
@Zarvan now do you see where BS comes from? ^^ Hint Indian Hindus!

Please stop embarrassing your ignorant self!
The fact that this law still exists is telling us that something is going terribly wrong within Pakistan.

It would have been a much more successful nation in every field if it had stuck to secular views instead of this kind of dark age mentality.

Wasnt Jinnah himself secular?
Narrated Anas bin Malik: A group of eight men from the tribe of 'Ukil came to the Prophet and then they found the climate of Medina unsuitable for them. So, they said, "O Allah's Apostle! Provide us with some milk." Allah's Apostle said, "I recommend that you should join the herd of camels." So they went and drank the urine and the milk of the camels (as a medicine) till they became healthy and fat. Then they killed the shepherd and drove away the camels, and they became unbelievers after they were Muslims. When the Prophet was informed by a shouter for help, he sent some men in their pursuit, and before the sun rose high, they were brought, and he had their hands and feet cut off. Then he ordered for nails which were heated and passed over their eyes, and whey were left in the Harra (i.e. rocky land in Medina). They asked for water, and nobody provided them with water till they died (Abu Qilaba, a sub-narrator said, "They committed murder and theft and fought against Allah and His Apostle, and spread evil in the land.")

Qur'an, Hadith and Scholars:Muhammad and Torture - WikiIslam

as if you have the monopoly over the hadiths on the internet :whistle:
The same hadith you quoted says:
''Abu Qilaba, a sub-narrator said, "They committed murder and theft and fought against Allah and His Apostle, and spread evil in the land.")

And the sin is ridiculing religion and messenger.
No, the sin was murder, theft and waging war against the prophet, according to the very source you have provided. All these crimes combined are what called for a greater punishment.
Additionally, some commentators even say that the criminals in that case had done the same to their victims, which is why they were given a proportional punishment.

The verses of Meccan period contradict with the Verses of Madinan period.
They don't contradict - they show that different circumstances call for different courses of action. In certain circumstances, a good response would be different than it would be in different circumstances. For example, a doctor may prescribe one medicine for back ache and another for a bullet wound - you wouldn't say to him ''but... but.. you're contradicting yourself!''.
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