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Is Bhutan moving away from Delhi... towards Beijing?

Come out of the mentality of race. Race don't make nations. India is a prime example. All humans are related to one another.

Chinese people are made up of 56 different ethnicities. :lol:

We have the Han, the Zhuang, the Hui, the Manchu, the Miao, the Yi, and countless others.
The NE states are not going anywhere.

Interesting to see wet dreams from those whose parents we saved from genocide and rapine.

But guess, such dreams is all they are capable of now, being so totally and utterly insignificant in the real world.

The NE people hate the demographic invasion from BD Muslim aliens and our army and government is so far holding them from repeating (and repeating again) another Nellie with great difficulty.

There is no Nazi Germany like lebensraum in store for BD in either India or Myanmar. Both want to have nothing to do with them.

PS: Regarding geography, if needed, we can capture the top 3rd or so of Bangladesh to increase the width of the corridor anytime we feel the need. It is anyway a just compensation for holding a significant population share of BD Muslim aliens in India. There are already demands for it from some politicians.

These people moved there during British period as there was no border at the time, and many are indigenous from there. What you do with your citizens is your business, you will be answering to UN and world community for that.

As for NE states not going anywhere, that is precisely my point. We will not need to do anything about them, they will do what they want to do with their future, with ASEAN, Burma and China's help, without our help. So unfortunately we will not give you any excuse for capturing any of our territory. But like Pakistan we will also get nukes someday, we will just be nice with you till that time.

And save your fairly tales for saving anyone, you have used your trained agents to fool Bangladeshi public promoting autonomy to trigger a civil war to break Pakistan, so you can secure NE states, your intelligence RAW high official B Raman admitted as much in his book, Kaoboys of RAW:
The Kaoboys of R&AW: Down Memory Lane - B. Raman - Google Books
….........pages 7-8
In India, one tends to think that Pakistan’s use of terrorism against India started in 1989 in Jammu and Kashmir (J&K). It is not so. It started in 1956 in Nagaland. The ISI trained the followers of Phizo, the Naga hostile leader, in training camps set up in the Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) of East Pakistan. It also provided them with safe sanctuaries in the CHT from which they could operate in the Indian territory through northern Myanmar.

In the 1960s, it started providing similar assistance and sanctuaries to the Mizo National Front (MNF) headed by Laldenga in the CHT. The ISI’s set-up in East Pakistan also enabled the Naga and Mizo hostiles to establish contact with the Chinese intelligence. This paved the way for the training of the Naga and Mizo hostiles in training camps set up by the Chinese intelligence in the Yunnan province of China.

It was partly to put an end to the activities of the ISI in India’s North-East from East Pakistan that Indira Gandhi decided to assist the Bengali-speaking people of East Pakistan in their efforts to separate from Pakistan and achieve an independent State to be called Bangladesh.

The lie part in above sentence in red is that Rameshwar Nath Kao drew up a plan to break Pakistan, Bangladeshi people were fooled by Indian agent Awami League working with RAW's instruction to promote autonomy, only Indian agents knew that they were really working for secession. So the people who died in civil war are responsibility of the master mind puppet masters who planned and engineered this civil war from New Delhi.

And I am glad Hasina kicked out ULFA so its easy to label her as Indian agent which she really is, but don't expect BNP to do Indian police job for you, if they come to power.
These people moved there during British period as there was no border at the time, and many are indigenous from there. What you do with your citizens is your business, you will be answering to UN and world community for that.

As for NE states not going anywhere, that is precisely my point. We will not need to do anything about them, they will do what they want to do with their future, with ASEAN, Burma and China's help, without our help. So unfortunately we will not give you any excuse for capturing any of our territory. But like Pakistan we will also get nukes someday, we will just be nice with you till that time.

And I am glad Hasina kicked out ULFA so its easy to label her as Indian agent which she really is, but don't expect BNP to do Indian police job for you, if they come to power.

You Bangladeshis keep munching smuggled Beef and don't wet dream above your limit.
Even if there is no AL govt in power, why would Bangladesh provide sanctuary to the Indian Insurgent groups who are not even muslims. The Insurgent groups operating in NE are over 40 and they are either Hindu groups(ULFA) or Christian or tribals. But none of them is muslim group. Why would Khalida like to support these group as she was doing instead of concentrating on improved relations with India. Is she playing in the hands of some external powers?

*ahem* We didn't exactly intentionally harbor ULFA agents. They just came into Bangladeshi territory to seek safe shelter. There is no extradition treaty between Bangladesh and India in the first place.

Whatever shenanigans that went on over NE India, it never really affected us too seriously. At least, not in the form of terrorism and the likes.

Those agents never threatened us.

PS: Regarding geography, if needed, we can capture the top 3rd or so of Bangladesh to increase the width of the corridor anytime we feel the need. It is anyway a just compensation for holding a significant population share of BD Muslim aliens in India. There are already demands for it from some politicians.

Wow...upgraded from a one-man party to 'some'!? Damn! That's a huge development :woot:
In the mean time, do keep entertaining us with your fairy tales :rofl:
You Bangladeshis keep munching smuggled Beef and don't wet dream above your limit.

That is why Indians are called delusional, read my above posts, where did I say we will do anything. It is up to North East states people to do what they want with their future. Regardless of how they see their future, they will always have our moral support, as we are also victims of "mainland" India's imperialism in this region, where they do not belong.

This guys is the biggest idiot India ever produced.
Are you sure about that? I saw some pictures in the news recently like this:

Suu Kyi in Burma

Look at the guy right behind her. Many of the Burmese people look like Malays or South Asians, from the facial features.

I think maybe the ones in the Northern parts of Burma (next to Yunnan province) look more like East and Southeast Asians.

They look Southeast Asians because their mtDNA is predominantly Southeast Asian, nevertheless its Y-DNA still remains Sino-Tibetan which shares the same origin with the Han Chinese. All Sino-Tibetan speakers are dominantly the carrier of the O3 haplogroup.

Even many Cantonese have the Southeast Asian features, because they have the Southeast Asian component in their mtDNA (maternal lineage). However Cantonese are considered as Han because their Y-DNA (paternal lineage) is still predominantly Sino-Tibetan/Han.
That is why Indians are called delusional, read my above posts, where did I say we will do anything. It is up to North East states people to do what they want with their future. Regardless of how they see their future, they will always have our moral support, as we are also victims of "mainland" India's imperialism in this region, where they do not belong.

Hembo was right about Poonting Bangladeshis. :rofl:
Are you sure about that? I saw some pictures in the news recently like this:

Suu Kyi in Burma

Look at the guy right behind her. Many of the Burmese people look like Malays or South Asians, from the facial features.

I think maybe the ones in the Northern parts of Burma (next to Yunnan province) look more like East and Southeast Asians.

Going a little off topic.

Bamar's are a mixed South East Asian people between some earlier Bamar migrants, Mons and Tai Shans:


More about ethnic groups in Burma:
Interactive Myanmar Map | Programs | The Stimson Center | Pragmatic Steps for Global Security

But there are Chinese people in Burma like many South East Asian countries:
Chinese people in Burma - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Going a little off topic.

Bamar's are a mixed South East Asian people between some earlier Bamar migrants, Mons and Tai Shans:


More about ethnic groups in Burma:
Interactive Myanmar Map | Programs | The Stimson Center | Pragmatic Steps for Global Security

But there are Chinese people in Burma like many South East Asian countries:
Chinese people in Burma - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Tibetans are less mixed with foreign groups, and i believe the original Chinese should have the appearance closer to the Tibetans, the except the Tibetans are generally a bit more tanned because the area they live. :coffee:
I see that far too many BD posters have some weird fantasy for NE states when they want to have just nothing to do with them.

Well, one can't stop people's fantasies. Especially when that is the only escape from the utter insignificance in the real world. Now one even see the fantasy about nukes as if they fall from the air and anyone would allow them.

This escape mechanism from the harsh realities of life is easy to understand. People tend to focus on "geopolitics" when they can't even decide which school their kid goes to.

And obsession with "Indian Hindus" comes in handy when their "Islamic brethern" claim "Imaan taaza ho gaya" after the orgy of rapine and genocide.

There is no depth the wretchedness of human beings can't sink to. It is also a natural if abhorrent tendency for some to have the maximum hate for those who did them the maximum favor.

So keep obsessing about the NE states and "Indian Hindus" and "ASEAN+" and "renewed Japanese empire" in your fantasies. We don't really mind though we may retort at times at our pleasure.

We both know the score at the end of the day. ;)

The utter insignificance and "the basket case" syndrome!

And the not so well hidden desire for lebensraum in NE.

Not going to happen!

PS: The BD illegal aliens will always remain illegal even if they illegally get the documents. The locals will throw them out as soon as the idiotic politicians are unable to play their vote bank politics. They all came after independence and the two nation theory makes sure they and their ilk have no claims to be given any favors by India.
Just because the razakaars and jamaati haters and traitors are a majority on this forum for obvious reasons, they think they are a majority of BD as well.

BD public has spoken by throwing out the jamaatis and putting the razakaars in their place on the Dhaka parade ground after the India helped liberation.

The IA and Mukti were magnanimous in pardoning several Razakaars when they deserved no mercy. The same Razakaars are showing their true colors in revenge of that mercy shown.

Chinese people are made up of 56 different ethnicities. :lol:

We have the Han, the Zhuang, the Hui, the Manchu, the Miao, the Yi, and countless others.

No mention of Hakkas?

Are they all fully cooked now and become Hans?
I see that far too many BD posters have some weird fantasy for NE states when they want to have just nothing to do with them.

Well, one can't stop people's fantasies. Especially when that is the only escape from the utter insignificance in the real world. Now one even see the fantasy about nukes as if they fall from the air and anyone would allow them.

This escape mechanism from the harsh realities of life is easy to understand. People tend to focus on "geopolitics" when they can't even decide which school their kid goes to.

And obsession with "Indian Hindus" comes in handy when their "Islamic brethern" claim "Imaan taaza ho gaya" after the orgy of rapine and genocide.

There is no depth the wretchedness of human beings can't sink to. It is also a natural if abhorrent tendency for some to have the maximum hate for those who did them the maximum favor.

So keep obsessing about the NE states and "Indian Hindus" and "ASEAN+" and "renewed Japanese empire" in your fantasies. We don't really mind though we may retort at times at our pleasure.

We both know the score at the end of the day. ;)

The utter insignificance and "the basket case" syndrome!

And the not so well hidden desire for lebensraum in NE.

Not going to happen!

PS: The BD illegal aliens will always remain illegal even if they illegally get the documents. The locals will throw them out as soon as the idiotic politicians are unable to play their vote bank politics. They all came after independence and the two nation theory makes sure they and their ilk have no claims to be given any favors by India.

The ones dreaming are delusional Hindutva fanboys.

Just because the razakaars and jamaati haters and traitors are a majority on this forum for obvious reasons, they think they are a majority of BD as well.

BD public has spoken by throwing out the jamaatis and putting the razakaars in their place on the Dhaka parade ground after the India helped liberation.

The IA and Mukti were magnanimous in pardoning several Razakaars when they deserved no mercy. The same Razakaars are showing their true colors in revenge of that mercy shown.

Yes, but RAW itself acknowledge that their plan backfired as Mujib and family became unpopular and was killed and after a lot of effort they brought back Awami League with Hasina as the figure head, but it looks like they are also going to be history in next election like before. Lets see how your RAW does in Dec. 2013.
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