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Is Another War in the Middle East Coming?

Hassan Al-Somal

Jan 18, 2015
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Has a decision to go to war against Iran been made? Looking back at the rhetoric preceded this deployment of this THAAD air defense system and the emphasis on its capability to destroy ballistic missiles, it seems a preparation is underway before the final decision is announced.

Just look back at the preparation that preceded the war against Iraq in 2003 and how a military build-up was put in place before the final attack was announced, you would actually notice the parallel.

For whatever reasons behind the deployment of these THAAD systems, something is really cooking.

U.S. military deploys THAAD missile defense system to Israel: https://defence-blog.com/news/u-s-military-deploys-thaad-missile-defense-system-to-israel.html

"The drill comes shortly after the completion of Juniper Falcon 2019, which tested the level of coordination between the two countries in the event of a ballistic missile threat against Israel.

The THAAD element provides a globally-transportable, rapidly-deployable capability to intercept ballistic missiles inside or outside the atmosphere during their final, or terminal, phase of flight. THAAD is strictly a defensive weapon system. The system uses hit-to-kill technology where kinetic energy destroys the incoming target."

Pentagon contracts THAAD missile system for Saudi Arabia: https://defence-blog.com/news/pentagon-contracts-thaad-missile-system-for-saudi-arabia.html

"The THAAD missile system is a land-based platform capable of intercepting ballistic missiles both inside and just outside the atmosphere."
Has a decision to go to war against Iran been made? Looking back at the rhetoric preceded this deployment of this THAAD air defense system and the emphasis on its capability to destroy ballistic missiles, it seems a preparation is underway before the final decision is announced.

Just look back at the preparation that preceded the war against Iraq in 2003 and how a military build-up was put in place before the final attack was announced, you would actually notice the parallel.

For whatever reasons behind the deployment of these THAAD systems, something is really cooking.

U.S. military deploys THAAD missile defense system to Israel: https://defence-blog.com/news/u-s-military-deploys-thaad-missile-defense-system-to-israel.html

"The drill comes shortly after the completion of Juniper Falcon 2019, which tested the level of coordination between the two countries in the event of a ballistic missile threat against Israel.

The THAAD element provides a globally-transportable, rapidly-deployable capability to intercept ballistic missiles inside or outside the atmosphere during their final, or terminal, phase of flight. THAAD is strictly a defensive weapon system. The system uses hit-to-kill technology where kinetic energy destroys the incoming target."

Pentagon contracts THAAD missile system for Saudi Arabia: https://defence-blog.com/news/pentagon-contracts-thaad-missile-system-for-saudi-arabia.html

"The THAAD missile system is a land-based platform capable of intercepting ballistic missiles both inside and just outside the atmosphere."

War is closer than expected. War will be declared on Iran along with Pakistan. In any case, trouble in neighborhood will have severe repercussions for Pakistan. Also, keep in mind that Iran is the last thing to be removed and destruction of Iran means safety of IsraHELL forever!
Iranian generals are busy in giving threats to Pakistan

When did this happen? No threads on PDF about it. You would think someone threatening Pakistan would make some impact on PAKISTAN DEFENCE FORUM.

Please do not do propaganda against Iran.

Iranian generals are busy in giving threats to Pakistan, so US & Israel have to wait.
You! Guard your jurisdictional area and Iranians should guard their respective jurisdictional area. Issue is resolved. And one thing more: Both Iran & Pakistan are on the hit list, so please, take this thing with a pinch of salt!
Iranian generals are busy in giving threats to Pakistan, so US & Israel have to wait.
it seem too that Pakistan nowadays in close relationship with USA and Israel . in this era , esp after Imran khan previous marriage to Jewish woman ! and deep ties with pro USA countries like Saudi Arabia!o_O:-)

Franky speaking no country in the region has required military power projection capabilities to declare war against IRAN except PAKISTAN AND TURKEY. And it not wise to expect a war among us any time soon! just May be some verbal exchanges between some hot headed PDF members! :devil:
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We don't need to declare war on Iran. In the modern era of Proxies and Guriella warfare this is highly suicidal to step inside other territory. Yes, you can afford battles on LOC ofcourse with collateral damage but nobody will want a long run war atleast for sake of its own economy.
You! Guard your jurisdictional area and Iranians should guard their respective jurisdictional area. Issue is resolved. And one thing more: Both Iran & Pakistan are on the hit list, so please, take this thing with a pinch of salt!
Pakistan is no easy target....if we go.... israel will think the holocaust was a picnic. They will glow for a 1000 years.
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actually you mentioned two nation that lack a proper air defence and you know what iranian military is famous for so...

FAmous for nothing except for displaying toys !

Anyway, should a war start, it will be the end of the world.
IT will not remain contained. it will go everywhere, and it will be the final war before we see Mehdi.
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