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Man, you an your generals have severe issues with reality. The US has never looked into a ground offense of Iran. It'll be aquick air assault that'll leave the air defence useless and the ground targets converted into useful rubble for recycling.
We don't need to use Diego Garcia as there are Stealth Assets in area. Sufficient enough to level your air defence before the major airassault. Now if we left it at the Israeli's, they might not even care for the stealth and will use their F-15's and -16's for this.
None of your rant comes across "statements" as its a rant. No, I am not brainwashed. I just know the capabilities of the US armed forces. And I truly hope you never get to find out as the reality shock is a bitc*h. Ask Saddam's buddies what they thought and what actually happened when they were all caught. Try to understand if you are speaking reality of from both sides of your mouth. May help in fxing the usual rant issue.

You seem fixed on your own reality, and anyone reading your posts and mine will see that you are ranting.
Reality is that you have started wars you could not win, neither in Afghanistan nor in Iraq two countries that were less than 10 % strong as Iran, and you are still talking about the american might, wich I consider as enormous to defend the USA but not very efficient to attack other countries. Your reality shock bitc*h is most apparent in your army officers who are still commiting suicide or killing each other in the States, due to the shock and awe they have experienced in the long run battles that followed your invasions, be it in Iraq or Afghanistan. Iranian Generals depicted your US army as very shaky when it gets hit hard
Your best generals said it before that Iran is no Afghanistan nor Iraq, it is a much mightier foe.
The US army has attacked two contries on both sides of Iran, but not Iran. This fact alone should clean a bit your tortured and brainwashed mind. Have a look again how the American army was ejected from Iraq and Afghanistan, and the dire consequences on your soldiers back home.
Israel is an extention of the US somehow, revise your tpost and you'll see that your bringing in the F-16s and F-15s which both are American warplanes given for free to Your proxy. So believed or not you and your unofficial wannabe generals that neither the US nor Israel can attack Iran without unacceptable results for both.
Who has shitty stuff like the Patriot The US or Iran? Have the F-15s and F-16s ever faced the S-300 or even the S-200, the pantsir- like systems or any efficient air defense system in all its wars and existence?
Your stealth assets in the area are nothing but a show, the F-22 faces so many issues of its own that you should be ashamed of mentionning it before another 10 or 15 years if it can ever achieve what it was expected for.
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You seem fixed on your own reality, and anyone reading your posts and mine will see that you are ranting.
Reality is that you have started wars you could not win, neither in Afghanistan nor in Iraq two countries that were less than 10 % strong as Iran, and you are still talking about the american might, wich I consider as enormous to defend the USA but not very efficient to attack other countries.
Your reality shock bitc*h is most apparent in your army officers who are still commiting suicide or killing each other in the States, due to the shock and awe they have experienced in the long run battles that followed your invasions, be it in Iraq or Afghanistan. Iranian Generals depicted your US army as very shaky when it gets hit hard
Your best generals said it before that Iran is no Afghanistan nor Iraq, it is a much mightier foe.
Have a look again how the American army was ejected from Iraq and Afghanistan, and the dire consequences on your soldiers back home.
Israel is an extention of the US somehow, revise your tpost and you'll see that your bringing in the F-16s and F-15s which both are American warplanes given for free to Your proxy. So believed or not you and your unofficial wannabe generals that neither the US nor Israel can attack Iran without unacceptable results for both.
Who has shitty stuff like the Patriot The US or Iran? Have the F-15s and F-16s ever faced the S-300 or even the S-200, the pantsir- like systems or any efficient air defense system in all its wars and existence?
Your stealth assets in the area are nothing but a show, the F-22 faces so many issues of its own that you should be ashamed of mentionning it before another 10 or 15 years if it can ever achieve what it was expected for.

I am wondering if your post is even worth the response.... just a few things though to make sure that the history is fixed as your posts are far from objectivity and everywhere from a topic's standpoint:
1) What you consider defeat in Afghanistan, we call that mission achieved. OBL is DEAD, and Talibans are on the run in little numbers. Plus we have facilities to use against Iran in case we need to. Now you have US jets that can come in from multiple directions and not just from the gulf. It's not "ejection" from Afghanistan and Iraq, we are DONE in both of these places with our objectives. No need to spend billions in a mountainous region that has no value. In Iraq, Saddam's gone. People are MUCH better without him and you can see that. Iraq will become prosperous very soon. And you guys are still under sanctions.....?
2) Out of hundreds of thousands of soldiers deployed, a few psychiatric conditions are going to happen. War is a war and it always has its toll on people. As the largest military power in the world, a few of these issues with regards to its soldiers are bound to happen. Plus, we have freedom of speech, media, reporting, tc so everything gets out on TV. You guys have freedom of nothing so nothing gets out. Simple is that.
3) Israel is an extension as the US government supports it. Sucks for you that no one on the planet likes you besides Venezuela and North Korea. What a great alliance from all aspects. Three blind got together and decided to find a place on the map. Shortly after they realized they were all lost going in separate direction as NONE of them can read the map or see. Blind leading the blind. It's great. Well done in building the weirdest alliance on the planet!
4) Patriots are well tested and battle proven. And yes, the -15 and -16's HAVE faced Russian missiles. I'll leave it at that. The true question is not about FACING them, the true question is how many would you even be able to fire before your AD will be converted over to useful rubble for recycling purposes? You can make Cocacola bottle cans with that destroyed melted steel that used to be Radars after US jets hit them with anti-radiation missiles.
5) By telling me that the -15, -16 and now the F-22 are useless planes and F-22 is soo bad at stealth, etc means nothing (but yet, it can fly over your house and no one would know it was there.... ). The world knows the capabilities of the American systems and they are proven in almost every condition. In fact, the Russians and the Chinese started their Stealth programs a decade after the F-22 became operational. You going to say these guys are spending billions in R&D to compete with a bad stealth plane? Two of our F-22's can take down about a full squadron of your top end planes. You can count on that. I hope you guys never get to witness it as the super advanced Radars, S-300 missiles you keep referring to, the GREAT Migs, etc won't be functional within a few hours into a conflict. THAT much, I can personally guarantee you as I have trust in our military and it's been fighting wars since the WW's of 1900's.
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I am wondering if your post if even worth the response.... just a few things though to make sure that the history is fixed as your posts are far from objectivity and everywhere from a topic's standpoint:
1) What you consider defeat in Afghanistan, we call that mission achieved. OBL is DEAD, and Talibans are on the run in little numbers. Plus we have facilities to use against Iran in case we need to. Now you have the US jets that can come in from multiple directions and not just from the gulf. It's not ejection, we are DONE in both of these places with our objectives. No need to spend billions in a mountainous region that has no value. In Iraq, Saddam's gone. People are MUCH better without him and you can see that. Iraq will become prosperous very soon. And you guys are still under sanctions.....?
2) Out of hundreds of thousands of soldiers deployed, a few psychiatric conditions are going to happen. War is a war and it always has its toll on people. As the largest military power in the world, a few of the issues with regards to its soldiers are bound to happen. Plus, we have freedom of reporting so everything gets out. You guys have the freedom of nothing so nothing gets out. Simple is that.
3) Israel is an extension as the US government supports it. Sucks for you that no one on the planet likes you besides Venezuela and North Korea. What a great alliance from all aspects. Three blind got together and decided to find a place on the map. Shortly after they realized they were all lost going in separate direction as NONE of them can read the map or see. Blind leading the blind. It's great. Well done in building the weirdest alliance on the planet!
4) Patriots are well tested and battle proven. And yes, the -15 and -16's HAVE faced the Russian missiles. I leave it at that. The question is not FACING them. The true question is how many would you even be able to fire before your AD will be converted over to useful rubble for recycling purposes. You can make Cocacola bottle cans with that destroyed melted steel that used to be Radars after the US jets hit them with anti-radiation missiles.
5) By telling me that the -15, -16 and now the F-22 are useless planes and F-22 is soo bad at stealth, etc means nothing (but yet, it can fly over your house and no one would know it was there.... ). The world knows the capabilities of the American systems and they are proven in almost every condition. In fact, the Russians and the Chinese started their Stealth programs a decade after the F-22 became operational. You going to say these guys are spending billions in R&D to compete with a bad stealth plane? Two of our F-22's can take down about a full squadron of your top end planes. You can count on that. I hope you guys never get to witness it as the super advanced Radars, S-300 missiles you keep referring to, the GREAT Migs, etc won't be functional within a few hours into a conflict. THAT much, I can guarantee you.
Well, you can guarantee what you want, you post still does not hold together, it just shows how your mental functions.
I have nothing to repeat, read my posts again and there you will find the answers. If someone is isolated today it is The US and Israel, the US by it own people first who have seen the light for the first time, and Israel by the world community including Europe.
Bin Laden was dead long time ago, but since you have not achieved any objective apart from encouraging the production of heroin in Afghanistan, your politicians and military staged the whole bin laden raid and death scenario, I know this first hand body. There is a proof for you to meditate on too, which is the murder of the seal unit that staged that raid; they are all dead.
In Iraq you managed to be liked for no more than a month after the invasion and the USS and its allied armies faced resistance and daily death since than, it was tick for tack for 10 years till you got tired and depressed and had to leave, you did not fare any better in Afghanistan either.
I do understand your sense of patriotism, I told you before that I had nothing against the majority of American decent people.
It is you lack of knowledge that is appalling in this forum, Only if you knew how the Iraqi people lived under Saddam Hussein. These people had a 0 rate of illiteracy, had one of the best standards in construction and civil engineering, mastered the nuclear cycle and had a decent life, with almost no poverty, you f** it all up and you dare to say that the Iraqis have a better life today? that was the Israeli objective that you have achieved for them while paying a heavy price for it.
In Afghanistan, in the 2 years period of taliban governance, the production of heroin went down to almost 0, and in the first year or two that you were there it went up to 90% or where it was before the Taliban which I am not defending here, but facts are facts like it or not.
You got it wrong on the F-16s and F-15s, since I never said that they were bad fighter planes, they are probably the best in the 4th generation fighters, although they have a serious and real competition from the Migs-29s and up and the Su-30s and up, and some fighter planes from China too.
I said, based on many serious American, Australian and European articles that the F-22 has very serious problems and can not for the time being fulfill its mission as it was intended to, if it can fulfill any mission at all, maybe a reconnaissance one at best if the pilots do not shock on their oxygen supply, so that will have to be a subsonic mission, making it a flying duck as soon as it is picked by radars.
I said, based on many serious American, Australian and European articles that the F-22 has very serious problems and can not for the time being fulfill its mission as it was intended to, if it can fulfill any mission at all, maybe a reconnaissance one at best if the pilots do not shock on their oxygen supply, so that will have to be a subsonic mission, making it a flying duck as soon as it is picked by radars.

I am going to ONLY respond to this part from your post. The rest is paranoid conspiracy theory at the best. OBL was living with wife, children, etc and due to that, we have had serious issues with the Pakistanis as OBL was our enemy number 1 and they were hosting him (whether they knew about him or not, that's a different story, the fact that he was found there is an issue). And YOU are going to tell me that he was already dead?? Common man, let the paranoia go. Why is it that people from this region make up stories, grandiose ideas and conspiracy theories the most?

Next, your articles means smelly shi$t to me. If the F-22 had so many issues that it wasn't working, it won't be deployed on the front lines. We have other stealth jets that have been combat proven. We take our pilots lives VERY seriously and the F-22 won't be flying in all major areas.
There was an issue with an F-15 once, a few years ago, the ENTIRE F-15 line in the USAF was grounded to ensure safety and to avoid a pilot getting hurt. That means hundreds of F-15's across the globe. We had to ask the Canadians to give us cover on the Western part of the country that touches Canada, till we were able to deploy the -16's in that area. That one example can tell you how serious we take this stuff.
Last but not least, the F-22 is working JUST fine. If a conflict broke out, you'll see it eliminating some air force's jets like killing birds. That's for sure. It's deployed in all major theaters including your neighborhood. So watch out. In fact a recent F-22 told two of your jets "You ought to go home", while he'd been flying underneath both of these guys undetected for many miles :) . You call that "it has serious issues" I call that "it has Serious Stealth"!
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If you have killed bin laden you will have shown his body's picture like you did with Saddam... and many others.
Why did you skip the seal team murder, are you a conspiratorial theorist? it is just a fact, added to to the lack of evidence of the death of bin laden on the hands of the same seal team. Conspiracies come from the USrael and other people theorize about them all over the world, not just in that area.
The F-22 was grounded for many different issues, and production have stopped, the same with the F-35, read scientific analysis and articles about theses issues from your own scholars, politicians and military experts.
I have already told you my answer about the encounter of an undefined type of US plane with Iranian fighter planes chasing a predator in the Persian Gulf, and that it was depicted by the media as a Us happy ending fantasy movie. the Iranians just made sure that the drone does not enter Iranian skies since it was approaching that limit, it was most probably to test Iranian radars and air forces readiness and response. So you've got your answer with the fact that if Iranian radars could pickup a predator drone, they could detect the F-22 (most probably an F-18, if ever this story was true) more easily. Just remember that these guys produce AESA radars and have the same kinds of radars that detected the F-117 over the ex-Yugoslavia.
Another important fact is that Iran had nothing on this encounter with US warplanes apart from chasing an American drone not specified of which type over the Persian Gulf, since they give most details about these encounter all the time, and would have been a big deal to talk about the F-22 encounter, so I take this encounter as false while you have the right to you own opinion although tinted with much bragging and an obvious lack of factual knowledge.
I don't even know how to respond to someone who lives in the Iranian Military Disney where "all dreams come true"! Apparently everything about the US is a lie to you. I'd LOVE to see a small incident now where an F-22 got provoked, and out of piss*d off feelings (like what I am having here), the F-22 was given a go-ahead to defend itself.... and it took out half the squadron of your jets and went home without anyone knowing it was even there. May be THEN we'll have a decent conversation about the US military's capability. People like you, don't want to accept the reality unless it bites them.
I don't even know how to respond to someone who lives in the Iranian Military Disney where "all dreams come true"! Apparently everything about the US is a lie to you. I'd LOVE to see a small incident now where an F-22 got provoked, and out of piss*d off feelings (like what I am having here), the F-22 was given a go-ahead to defend itself.... and it took out half the squadron of your jets and went home without anyone knowing it was even there. May be THEN we'll have a decent conversation about the US military's capability. People like you, don't want to accept the reality unless it bites them.

Well, something bit you body, not me.
Now you are talking about the F-22 defending itself... please blame the media and your government, who came up with this conflicting story.
Iranians do not have Disney, you have, so think about it.
Not everything about the US is a lie to me (that is reserved to Israel), I appreciate much the American scientists and decent people. There have been just too many lies, deceptions, false flag operations or attempts, conspiracies and their theories, to trust or believe everything coming from the US media (controlled by Zionists by the way!)
. .
What's the point of this stupid thread?
Iran cannot purchase any fighter jet whilst Pakistan can. You people think having a better air force over a a country which has been under sanctions for 30 years is something to be proud?
You brought you planes, it's not like you made them.

Having said all of that. I still take an upgraded f-14 armed with phoenix missile over any of the Pakistani planes which Pakistan purchased :p

That is a total of 794 fighter planes.
What's the point of this stupid thread?
Iran cannot purchase any fighter jet whilst Pakistan can. You people think having a better air force over a a country which has been under sanctions for 30 years is something to be proud?
You brought you planes, it's not like you made them.

Having said all of that. I still take an upgraded f-14 armed with phoenix missile over any of the Pakistani planes which Pakistan purchased :p

Your policies, your fault, your repercussions. Plus Block 52 with Aim 120-C/D with ECW, ECCW and sniper modules will make life impossible for F-14s. Yes F-14s have a very powerful radar in range but it is an older generation plus susceptible to electronic warfare.

No offence intended but please do a little research regarding capabilities. We have to counter better planes ( SU-30 MKI ) than your F-14 ( albeit the best plane in its time ). Yours planes have no ECW or ECCW mods that are going to handle the jamming by Block 52. Phoenix is an old tech, which can only hit targets in a simple trajectory and has a bit uneasing rate of failure to hit targets.

Yeah we do make JF-17s that is real. Though obviously in cooperation with China, but then again we are a small nation with not so much money. We made a lot than what people credit us with.

If you believe I am wrong then please counter it with data.
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Your policies, your fault, your repercussions. Plus Block 52 with Aim 120-C/D with ECW, ECCW and sniper modules will make mince meat out of your F-14s.

No offence intended but please do a little research regarding capabilities. We have to counter better planes ( SU-30 MKI ) than your F-14 ( albeit the best plane in its time ). Yours planes have no ECW or ECCW mods that are going to handle the jamming by Block 52. Phoenix is an old tech, which can only hit targets in a simple trajectory and has a bit uneasing rate of failure.

Yeah we do make JF-17s that is real. Though obviously in cooperation with China, but then again we are a small nation with not so much money. We made a lot than what people credit us with.

The F-14 could detect and take out any plane in your arsenal whilst being out of reach of any planes in your possession. Iran has developed a upgraded phoenix called fakhur. Second, your so called statement about uneasing failure of pheonix is trash created by you it seem. You need to research the success of phoenix in Iran-Iraq war.
Secondly,you think Iran is not upgrading it's plane and only Pakistan is?

No, Pakistan does not make JF-17. Prove me otherwise. How many have you manufactured inside?
You don't have the capability to make engines , radars etc etc.
At best all you can do is put it together in your country after China has given you all the parts. You live in a fantasy it seems.
Pakistan starts production of Avionics for JF-17 Thunde

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