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Here's Taghvai with a not so credible claim. Wonder whether he will leave it on "Twitter" or whether he is going to delete it.

A similar observation can be made about Tom Cooper, who in an article (which I believe you shared on here) suggested that Bavar-373 is actually made in China, that Iran's modern AD systems are in fact custom designed by the Chinese for Iran, that Iran lacks the industrial management and scientific capability to develop and produce such modern weaponry, while dismissing Iran's ranking in peer reviewed scientific publications which you often elaborated upon, as baseless and misleading (arguing namely that the bulk of papers in question are copies of foreign works or dealing with not very relevant topics, and when they do not present these flaws, that their authors proceed to emigrate from Iran soon afterwards).


Here's Taghvai with a not so credible claim. Wonder whether he will leave it on "Twitter" or whether he is going to delete it.

A similar observation can be made about Tom Cooper, who in an article (which I believe you shared on here) suggested that Bavar-373 is actually made in China, that Iran's modern AD systems are in fact custom designed by the Chinese for Iran, that Iran lacks the industrial management and scientific capability to develop and produce such modern weaponry, while dismissing Iran's ranking in peer reviewed scientific publications which you often elaborated upon, as baseless and misleading (arguing namely that the bulk of papers in question are copies of foreign works or dealing with not very relevant topics, and when they do not present these flaws, that their authors proceed to emigrate from Iran soon afterwards).
Whenever Babak claims that 'sources told him' you can be 90% sure that it's made-up bogus.
Now also directly confirmed by Artesh telegram channel. :partay:



Here's Taghvai with a not so credible claim. Wonder whether he will leave it on "Twitter" or whether he is going to delete it.

A similar observation can be made about Tom Cooper, who in an article (which I believe you shared on here) suggested that Bavar-373 is actually made in China, that Iran's modern AD systems are in fact custom designed by the Chinese for Iran, that Iran lacks the industrial management and scientific capability to develop and produce such modern weaponry, while dismissing Iran's ranking in peer reviewed scientific publications which you often elaborated upon, as baseless and misleading (arguing namely that the bulk of papers in question are copies of foreign works or dealing with not very relevant topics, and when they do not present these flaws, that their authors proceed to emigrate from Iran soon afterwards).
What can we expect from a white boy that cannot accept mentally non-westerners have made something that compares to their systems. The China claim has always been here, all of Iran drones made in China, missiles made in China. China has HQ air defense which is inspired from S-X00 and others that uses cold launch, but somehow China has made a completely custom design with RIM 66 that China doesn't even have? He is working for one of those think tanks and is attached to neocons/evangelical zionism, you can see it right on his twitter page, only biased comments for Ukraine, no need to go further

They also said at the time that Sejjil was made by China (without an once of proof), they actually create fake documents of order receipt from Russia/China, written in Persian (i have no idea how China or Russia would do their sales by speaking Persian) that says "We confirm the order from *insert any weapon*", based on their inhate hatred

According to them, everything is made in China, Iran cannot buy J-10C fighters, but has literally a custom SAM and solid fueled missile design by China only for Iran? How did Iran paid? With sea shells?

The dismissive comments from users we see here and elsewhere are based on assumptions such as, “it’s almost certainly not capable of abc”, or “there’s no way the Iranians have developed an actual xyz”. Basically, it’s non-experts saying they simply can’t believe Iranians can make something serious because of their hatred brought to them via propaganda and the Q-313 drama in 2013 etc. Their comments ooze with contempt.

Even the few “experts” from murky think tanks seem to base their opinions on the argument from personal incredulity, essentially saying “It’s not possible for me to believe Iranians could have made a decent X because of my innate hatred and contempt” without a single technical spec at their disposal, any references, or basically offering any kind of hard observations about the images and footages publicly available that would lead one to believe any part of it is a hoax. Apparently it’s too mind-boggling to accept that making a decent tank is whithin the realm of possibility for a culture that invented Algebra and produces world-class Engineers and Scientists.

Claims of copy on some systems are just as valid as calling the American Vanguard and Juno rockets a rip off, or “just an upgrade”, of the German V-2 since both US and USSR missile and jet technology was not only based on German know-how, but in fact employed captured Germans such as von Braun. At least Iran haven’t been keeping Russian/Chinese/American designers captive last I heard.
Well, finally a good news for us ... Our Air force need modern trainer and capable fighters ....

Wee need at least 300-500 fighter jets...

About Yasin and Kowsar , well , our designers and engineers can learn a lot by study Yak 130 .
Well, finally a good news for us ... Our Air force need modern trainer and capable fighters ....

Wee need at least 300-500 fighter jets...

About Yasin and Kowsar , well , our designers and engineers can learn a lot by study Yak 130 .
And this is one of the first "big system" delivered from a foreign country to Iran since S-300PMU2 (2007)

A good news, no only that this will help for future projects, but also seeing that Russia is delivering, so i expect Su to be delivered along with Mi-26 helicopters and attack versions, this is a good start but we'll see how things goes with new deliveries and other systems


Here's Taghvai with a not so credible claim. Wonder whether he will leave it on "Twitter" or whether he is going to delete it.

A similar observation can be made about Tom Cooper, who in an article (which I believe you shared on here) suggested that Bavar-373 is actually made in China, that Iran's modern AD systems are in fact custom designed by the Chinese for Iran, that Iran lacks the industrial management and scientific capability to develop and produce such modern weaponry, while dismissing Iran's ranking in peer reviewed scientific publications which you often elaborated upon, as baseless and misleading (arguing namely that the bulk of papers in question are copies of foreign works or dealing with not very relevant topics, and when they do not present these flaws, that their authors proceed to emigrate from Iran soon afterwards).

At leat he admits he was wrong!

So the videos of it flying were Russian testing it, this may explain why the aircrafts were doing barrell rolls and acrobatics at the first flight
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