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How do you feel right now?

Naggers now got exposed in a ridicule fashion right in their denial moment, "no no this is fake this is not happening no never"

This will not be the last time the naggers will get exposed
There always are sellouts
Go read about Canada aviation industry and avro cf-105 airplane

Cough cough... what was that?

A mea culpa would be in order.
Another avro arrow cf-105 in making
What is really expected? That Iran says "In two days guys be prepared"? Military is something aside (socially) from the society, we are in a military public forum, this is different, not like a hard working Iranian wants to have all actuality about what Iran awaits to get delivered.

Do we need announcements and then smoke shows and disco lights for things like this?


I find the Iran pushes Russia to deliver to be a paranoid thought, people were praying for some reason that it was a fake news and fortunately it wasn't. When something good happens, we always imagine the worse behind it.

There is nothing to “imagine”. Go look at Russian and Iranian arms relations since 1990. It is fraught by Russian backstabbing and failure to honor agreements. Some of you have memories of goldfishes.
With this event, we can now sleep, then wake up and see Mi-26 on Iranian airfields or a random picture of a Pantsir operating in Iran.

Who cares about Mi-26? It’s is a flying Soviet era cow. You can literally take it down with a cheap MANPAD. Pantsir is over-rated. Both Turks and Israel abused it in Syria. Iran can build a better equivalent (and already is).

SU-35 and S-500 (for its hypersonic tech) are the only platforms worth purchasing. Rest Iran can already build itself or is just old Soviet waste of money (ie Mi-26).

Nonetheless i cannot understand what some people wants for Iran, when something is bought, then Iran is giving up its whole Kowsar/Yasin project and is a slave, if Iran doesn't get anything, then Iran is being scammed.

No, what I don’t get is when I tell people Kowsar and Yasin are nothing more than test bed projects to keep engineers busy and they sit trying to convince everyone how these platforms are going to be mass produced in “near future”

Look they have no problem throwing money at Yak-130. Why? Because it’s proven mass produced design. Yasin hasn’t left prototype stage (I don’t think more than 2 even exist). Kowsar has been going thru various iterations in past 20 years. Only small amount get built per year/generation.
Look they have no problem throwing money at Yak-130. Why? Because it’s proven mass produced design. Yasin hasn’t left prototype stage (I don’t think more than 2 even exist). Kowsar has been going thru various iterations in past 20 years. Only small amount get built per year/generation.
Don't you think it has something to do with money
yak-130 flight characteristic is nowhere like su-35 even the electronic and everything else is different
its only a fairly modern advanced trainer just like any other advanced trainer

no confirmation or video or photo just some random unnamed reports and that is fantastic ?:undecided:
Why you only do t speak and some time only see or think why they are doing this maybe better for you
Don't you think it has something to do with money
The iriaf seemed to have money to waste on its own in house drone program....
.......despite there already being combat proven [but non-iriaf developed] drones available.
So money may be one factor,tho I think that could have as much to do with poor usage of resources as much as it does to not have enough of them,but its pretty clear that theres other systemic problems at work here as well.

I mean it definitely make more sense iran would receive an advanced training aircraft first than advanced fighter jets. I think now you guys will start seeing more advanced equipment coming in the near future.
I like to think [hope] that you may well be right,however time will tell.
I like to think [hope] that you may well be right,however time will tell.
Army statement:
The Yak 130 training planes will be used to train pilots who are going to fly with the new generation fighters of the Air Force of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
This is a deliberate move from Iran in my opinion to not draw public attention

Reports were saying that Iran was interested in Yak-130 and others in 2021, this is a "surprise delivery" indeed

Didn't I predict they'll soon attempt some sort of a desperate comeback throwing around red herrings once their diatribe was debunked through hard proof? Western-apologetic oppositionists are obsessive types who will hardly ever admit to the flawed nature of their wild assessments.

Notice how this time around, it took them close to an entire day to muster the latest series of hollow speculative narratives though, in hopes of saving their sinking ship somehow. It's plain obvious the shock sat very deep with this crowd. Contemplating their blatant disorientation made for some of the most enjoyable moments in quite some time.

I find the Iran pushes Russia to deliver to be a paranoid thought,

It's nonsense. With no evidence to back it up, of course.

people were praying for some reason that it was a fake news and fortunately it wasn't. When something good happens, we always imagine the worse behind it.

Not us. They (obtuse, short-sighted oppositionists to the Islamic Revolution) do. We are nothing alike.

As an user said here, Iran is not that kind of shouting on roofs about what they bought and this is not the moment to do that, in fact this is a wise move from Iran to remain silent before the delivery, so no public pressure.

Indeed, keeping public communication on arms procurement (whether sourced from domestic or very rarely, foreign suppliers) as opaque and confusing as possible represents a beneficial strategy for Iran.

It has nothing to do with supposed institutional factionalism, nor necessarily with shortcomings in the PR area. It is on the contrary a desirable and necessary practice. Iranian authorities shouldn't be expected to gear their communication on defence matters towards the comparatively tiny demography of patriotic military enthusiasts surrounded as these are by an ocean of hostile regime shills and millions of brainwashed patsies.

Nonetheless i cannot understand what some people wants for Iran, when something is bought, then Iran is giving up its whole Kowsar/Yasin project and is a slave, if Iran doesn't get anything, then Iran is being scammed.

They're dreaming of Pompeo-style "normalization" and a return to the Pahlavi era of submission to the western imperial yoke (including at the cultural level). That's what they want. Hence the 'damned if you do, damned if you don't' type of fallacy they're reduced to resorting to.

There is a cost for drone ToT, and some people here only nagging and nagging will continue to be exposed in ridiculous fashion like yesterday.

At this point any additional discursive subterfuge they could possibly concoct, will instantly expose them. Their demagoguery has been invalidated by the facts and their credibility won't recover before long.
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STETSON PAYNEView Stetson Payne's Articles

Russia has reportedly delivered Yak-130 “Mitten” trainer jets to Iran in the latest example of Moscow and Tehran's increasing military ties and the associated arms trades that have come with them.
Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps-linked Tasnim News Agency reported Saturday that the Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force (IRIAF) received the trainers. The story includes a picture of a Yak-130 in a hangar displaying a high-visibility IRIAF paint scheme. A video on Twitter shows a Yak-130 with the same paint job reportedly taxiing at Iran’s Isfahan Air Base.

An Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force (IRIAF) Yak-130 inside a hangar. <em>Tasnim News Agency</em>.

An Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force (IRIAF) Yak-130 inside a hangar. Tasnim News Agency.
The Yak-130’s arrival in Iran fits with past reporting on Tehran securing new Russian equipment in exchange for supplying Moscow’s war effort in Ukraine. Russia went shopping for Iranian drones in 2022, the prelude to ongoing raids against Ukraine using Iranian-made Shahed-136 kamikaze drones that began in October.
In exchange for drones and other supplies, Russia would provide more advanced weapons systems, among them a batch of Su-35 “Flanker-E” fighters. We reported on the claimed Su-35 deal when Iranian state media said Moscow and Tehran finalized the agreement in March. White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby told reporters in February that the exchange also included Yak-130s, attack helicopters, and radars.
An Su-35 landing at Russia's airbase in Syria. <a href=https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=User:AnShmat&action=edit&redlink=1>Andrei Shmatko</a>/wikicommons (CC BY-SA 4.0)

An Su-35 landing at Russia's airbase in Syria. Andrei Shmatko/wikicommons (CC BY-SA 4.0)
Originally a joint design between Yakolev and the former Italian manufacturer Aermacchi, the project collapsed and led to two remarkably similar designs, one Russian, and one Italian. While Aermacchi and its eventual successor Leonardo produced the M-346 Master, the Yak-130 entered service in 2010 as Russia worked to replace its aging fleet of Czechoslovakian Aero L-39 Albatros trainers.
A Yak-130 Mitten of the Russian Air Force. <em>Russian Ministry of Defense</em>.

A Yak-130 "Mitten" of the Russian Air Force. Russian Ministry of Defense.
Not only a trainer aircraft, the Yak-130 has a secondary light attack capability. Its nine hardpoints can carry gun pods, rockets, the R-73 (AA-11 “Archer”) air-to-air missile, and both guided and unguided bombs.
A Russian Yak-130 on display at the 2013 MAKS airshow alongside its potential armaments and a MiG-31 Foxhound. <em>Wikimedia Commons</em>.

A Russian Yak-130 on display at the 2013 MAKS airshow alongside its potential armaments and a MiG-31 Foxhound. Wikimedia Commons.
Although not an absolutely definitive step toward IRIAF Su-35s, the Yak-130 definitely brings Iran closer to operating modern Russian fighter aircraft. The Yak-130 is arguably the most advanced fast jet in service with Iran overall, which will have other impacts when it comes to modernizing the very geriatric IRIAF. Iran may also see value in the Yak-130 in a light attack role. The military junta in Myanmar has used its Yak-130s for airstrikes, for instance.
Now we will have to wait and see if the Su-35s follow in the Yak-130's footsteps. It sure seems like Iran is prepping to receive the type, with reports that Iranian pilots have already received training on the Flanker-E. Even a full-scale mock-up of an Su-35 have been spotted at Iran's new highly fortified airbase that features extensive underground aircraft parking and support areas, named 'Eagle 44.'
It's always pathetic to see the comments of misinforming and confusing people on this forum react. But it's encouraging to see some people denouncing them, a fresh wind is blowing on this forum.

The latest version of the Yak-130 are even more advanced as the Su-35 is even more advanced than before, this is very good news. Su 35S coming, with Yak-130s and the new generation of kowsar, Iran is getting much stronger. More other new fighter jets coming from home-made Iran side

when the quantity of new aircraft increase , we will be able to retire all of old aircraft like ( F7/J7 , Mig 23/Mig 27 , Mirage F1 , F5 and ... ) this will finally free our air force from its logistic nightmares ...

After receiving Su-35 in batch , we can ground our F4 and F14 squadrons and overhaul them to be used as reserved jets in time of need ... Russia and Ukraine war showed us that in real war , you need everything you have ...

so in near future we will have this configuration in our air force :

combat ready fighters : Su-35 , Kowsar , Yak 130 and probably some modernized F4 and F14
reserved fighters : Su24 , F4 and F14
side note :

Yak 130 uses https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ivchenko-Progress_AI-222 engine ,

If I could purchase these engines in great number or co-produce them with Russian helps , then it can be used in Kowsar and soon we can have light fighter jet in class of Pakistan Thunder ....




look like the maintenance is going to completly be done by our crews ...

Side Note and security warning to our Army : Some of Advanced A.I software can completely remove Blur from the pictures
side note :

Yak 130 uses https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ivchenko-Progress_AI-222 engine ,

If I could purchase these engines in great number or co-produce them with Russian helps , then it can be used in Kowsar and soon we can have light fighter jet in class of Pakistan Thunder ....

Never! No. they are not comparable and while the AI-222 is a decent small turbofan suitable for jet trainer, the RD-93 is the much larger and powerful engine for fighters. So regardless if you will be able to put it in the Kowsar, the result will never be a fighter in the same class.
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Never! Not are not comparable and while the AI-222 is a decent small turbofan suitable for jet trainer, the RD-93 is the much larger and powerful engine for fighters. So regardless if you will be able to put it in the Kowsar, the result will never be a fighter in the same class.
2 pair of Al-222 produce same dry thrust as 1 RD-93 . So with 2 Al-222 you can get same output as 1 RD-93

side note : the dry weight of RD-93 is 1,055 kg while the dry weight of Al-222 is 560 , so there is not much disadvantage in weight area as well ....

currently kowsar use 2 pair of G-85 with dry thrust of 16 KN for each , while AL-222 has 24.7 KN dry thrust and 41 KN with afterburner ...

I'm sure using and co-producing Al-222 is a lot easier for Iran compare to Rd-93

We need light turbo-fan jet engines for producing regional civil airplanes as well .

Iran need at least 300 regional civil airplane to cover its domestic need ...
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2 pair of Al-222 produce same dry trust as 1 RD-93 . So with 2 Al-222 you can get same output as 1 RD-93

side note : the dry weight of RD-93 is 1,055 kg while the dry weight of Al-222 is 560 , so there is not much disadvantage in weight area as well ....

currently kowsar use 2 pair of G-85 with dry trust of 16 KN for each , while AL-222 has 24.7 KN dry trust and 41 KN with afterburner ...

I'm sure using and co-producing Al-222 is a lot easier for Iran compare to Rd-93

We need light turbo-fan jet enegines for producing regional civil airplanes as well .

Iran need at least 300 regional civil airplane to cover its domestic need ...
maybe it's news that went unnoticed, but Russia's Salyut is developing the SM-100 turbofan (based on AI-22-25) for the modernized Yak-130M combat training aircraft.


enclose the article in Russian and a translation made with "traslate"

The United Engine Corporation of the State Corporation Rostec presented for the first time at the Army-2023 International Military-Technical Forum a mock-up of the promising SM-100 engine for the upgraded Yak-130M combat training aircraft. The project will be the development of the AI-222-25 base engine. The new power plant will have improved performance with similar dimensions and weight, in particular, the maximum thrust will increase by 20%, and the resource will double

The power plant is being developed by the Salyut production complex of the United Engine Corporation (part of the Rostec State Corporation).

The improvement in performance was achieved by increasing the compression ratio, installing a modern three-stage low-pressure compressor, introducing upgraded combustion chamber units and a turbine of increased reliability. The low-pressure compressor and turbine are currently undergoing bench tests, and the combustion chamber is undergoing flight tests.
In addition, a modernized high-pressure compressor will also be tested in the near future. This node has become smaller and lighter, cheaper to manufacture. Also, for the upgraded engine, a reinforced gearbox was developed, which allows installing a drive-generator, the rated power of which is twice as high as that of the basic version of the AI-222-25 engine.

“The development of the SM-100 is carried out as part of the work to modernize the base engine for the Yak-130 combat training aircraft. The scientific and technical groundwork obtained during the work is used to modernize the AI-222-25 engines. Along with this, the engine has great potential for use in the field of military aviation, and can also be considered as the basis for a family of power plants for light regional and administrative aircraft. We are ready to cooperate with aviation design bureaus at all stages of aircraft development,” said Alexei Gromov, head of the Salyut production complex at UEC JSC.

All work is carried out in a planned manner and is at the stage of experimental confirmation of the characteristics of the upgraded aircraft engine components.
maybe it's news that went unnoticed, but Russia's Salyut is developing the SM-100 turbofan (based on AI-22-25) for the modernized Yak-130M combat training aircraft.

View attachment 950681
enclose the article in Russian and a translation made with "traslate"

The United Engine Corporation of the State Corporation Rostec presented for the first time at the Army-2023 International Military-Technical Forum a mock-up of the promising SM-100 engine for the upgraded Yak-130M combat training aircraft. The project will be the development of the AI-222-25 base engine. The new power plant will have improved performance with similar dimensions and weight, in particular, the maximum thrust will increase by 20%, and the resource will double

The power plant is being developed by the Salyut production complex of the United Engine Corporation (part of the Rostec State Corporation).

The improvement in performance was achieved by increasing the compression ratio, installing a modern three-stage low-pressure compressor, introducing upgraded combustion chamber units and a turbine of increased reliability. The low-pressure compressor and turbine are currently undergoing bench tests, and the combustion chamber is undergoing flight tests.
In addition, a modernized high-pressure compressor will also be tested in the near future. This node has become smaller and lighter, cheaper to manufacture. Also, for the upgraded engine, a reinforced gearbox was developed, which allows installing a drive-generator, the rated power of which is twice as high as that of the basic version of the AI-222-25 engine.

“The development of the SM-100 is carried out as part of the work to modernize the base engine for the Yak-130 combat training aircraft. The scientific and technical groundwork obtained during the work is used to modernize the AI-222-25 engines. Along with this, the engine has great potential for use in the field of military aviation, and can also be considered as the basis for a family of power plants for light regional and administrative aircraft. We are ready to cooperate with aviation design bureaus at all stages of aircraft development,” said Alexei Gromov, head of the Salyut production complex at UEC JSC.

All work is carried out in a planned manner and is at the stage of experimental confirmation of the characteristics of the upgraded aircraft engine components.
exactly , China has her own engine for civil airplanes , and Iran need something between 200-300 regional airplane for its domestic uses ...
now days russians don't have much customers , so we can approach them for using their Al-222 family of turbo fan engine for our own Iran-140 aircraft to cover our own need ... this will be win-win situation for both sides ... they will get found for their company while we will be able to over come one of main area of sanction and develop safe and more econonomical way to connect our people around the country ...
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