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Never insulted iran other guy yeah, his own opinions, I had to reply because I have never insulted Iranian people only a few who are also foreigners because they aren’t from Iran themselves, so as he eloquently put now I will stfu.
As I said, I just rate him, what they think is what they think, if they think they are above the forum rule and have a free hand on insulting other people because what they said to their country (Which is exactly what he said by the way) I am more than gladly to leave him a negative rating, let him do the talking and bury him with his own word. I mean, his duplicity is showing very clearly when he said he don't care if someone insult his country and will go on the offensive but then bitch about the rating he received after he insults someone.

He is lucky I didn't post this on TTA forum or Mod forum where I can call for other people to come and rate said member. Or maybe I should? I don't know,, just feel not bothered.
Nice changing of topics. Anyways, I'm done. You can't admit to the most obvious mistake. Likely the biggest mistake of iran in the last 60 years and you can't admit that it was a mistake.

you can cite hundreds of justifications for it, won't make it any less of a mistake.

It's not a change of the topic, it's showing that you as a pro-western shill are in no position to lecture others with your track record of hostile regime change. It was the best thing that happened and actually woke people up to the idea that a unipolar world with united states as the leader is unacceptable and can be stopped. Thank God it happened. Nothing needs to be justified to you nor does your opinion here matter. Ataturk was a bigger mistake since Turkey is a vassal state with an eroding economy.

As I said, I just rate him, what they think is what they think, if they think they are above the forum rule and have a free hand on insulting other people because what they said to their country (Which is exactly what he said) I am more than gladly to leave him a negative rating, let him do the talking and bury him with his own word. I mean, his duplicity is showing very clearly when he said he don't care if someone insult his country and will go on the offensive but then bitch about the rating he received after he insults someone.

He is lucky I didn't post this on TTA forum or Mod forum where I can call for other people to come and rate said member. Or maybe I should? I don't know,, just feel not bothered.

Youre a hypocrite because he did the exact same thing, and he did it first as a provocation, but no negative rating is shown from you. So be a man, for once, and admit you're being selective here. Where the mods come in is that this selective nature is bringing about cronyism and I should have the same right to negatively impact yours or his reputation when the instigation is coming from the other side.

Your second paragraph proves that you're a reddit troll, this is exactly what reddit trolls do. Take screenshots of threads and discuss it on another site and "rate" people. Thanks for admitting you live in your mum's basement. What a loser! 😆
It's not a change of the topic, it's showing that you as a pro-western shill
:rofl: sure

A strong country won't hand over a political asylum seeker just because you took some of their citizens hostage and leveled a bunch of terroristic threats.

You're really, really lucky that they didn't nuke you. If you did this to Russia, they would **** you up.
:rofl: sure

A strong country won't hand over a political asylum seeker just because you took some of their citizens hostage and leveled a bunch of terroristic threats.

You're really, really lucky that they didn't nuke you. If you did this to Russia, they would **** you up.

No a strong nation takes action and shuts down a nuclear powered nation's embassy with no military repercussion as a result. That said asylum seeker was a criminal by their own standards which is why they backtabbed him.

Russia wouldnt do anything either, you shot their plane down and they didn't do much. Theyre not genocidal maniacs like you. It's not luck, shutting down an embassy is not putting the existance of US at risk. Youre just projecting your own genocidal mongolic nature, I feel.
Youre a hypocrite because he did the exact same thing, and he did it first as a provocation, but no negative rating is shown from you. So be a man, for once, and admit you're being selective here. Where the mods come in is that this selective nature is bringing about cronyism and I should have the same right to negatively impact yours or his reputation when the instigation is coming from the other side.

Your second paragraph proves that you're a reddit troll, this is exactly what reddit trolls do. Take screenshots of threads and discuss it on another site and "rate" people. Thanks for admitting you live in your mum's basement. What a loser! 😆
Dude, you have been saying this for last year. Did any of your rating were "returned"??

Again, if you think it's my fault to rate you because you insult people and that because they in turn insulted your country (no matter who started it) then good luck trying to proof your point, because you gonna need it.

But hey, you do yours and I do mine. My philosophy is you keep insulting people, I keep leaving you a negative rating. If you don't change your act, then be prepare to break some record. But hey, as I said, I am more than gladly to rate you if you do break the rules.
You talk about things your tiny brain can not grasp. From now on I'm ignoring you, if the mods know what's good for the site, they will permaban you.

Permaban me because I stood up to your trolling? Lol get a grip!

No it's clear you dont even know what happened yesterday or in 1979 to even be someone reliable on historical events. I guarantee you wont ignore me. Ataturk was a hypocrite and Kemalism has failed Turkey.
A lot of it boils down to how the current regime was founded. You can't storm the embassy of a sovereign nation and take their diplomats hostage. This isn't fucking year 1300. They committed an act of war. They are lucky that yanks didn't just nuke them.

You don't use an embassy to persecute not just locals but political activists across the entire region. If you do, you violated a most basic international law, that of non-interference in the host nation's internal affairs. The facility in question ipso facto ceases to be an embassy.

Another detail you unsurprisingly leave out, is that this was the very same location where an illegal military coup against Iran's democratically elected government, led by Dr. Mohammad Mosadeq, was planned and directed from in 1953. After the Iranian people ousted the dictatorship installed by the CIA in the aftermath of said coup, they intended to make sure that this rather unpleasant page of history wouldn't repeat itself. A thoroughly legitimate reasoning to anyone with an inkling of intellectual and moral rectitude.

What's more, many astonishing things can happen in the midst of revolutionary turmoil. The seizure of the CIA spy den disguised as an "embassy" was not carried out by any government (there's no "regime" in Iran, that term aptly applies to Turkey's American allies or shall we say patrons), but by revolutionary students acting on their own initiative. The beauty of a genuine popular revolution, as said. It takes bravery to kick out an imperialist oppressor. More than conformists could fathom.

Iran supports enemies of Turkey like how they gave weapons to PYD

Iran does not arm the PYD.

they supported Armenia during the 2020 conflict.


me sometimes having some fun at their expense.

Iranian users ought to pay heed. Stop the welcoming attitude towards those who, by their own admission, are here to make fun of you.

They think that the world is afraid of them but in reality what we feel is mostly pity. Iran has enormous natural resources and a large population. They shouldn't be suffering so much.

Believe me, Iranians neither need nor could they care less about your infatuated yet uninformed take.

"Oryx". :lol:

A blog reportedly on the payroll of Turkish defence company, what a reliable source.

Presnece of US and Russian troops is the only thing stopping us in Syria. If SAA takes on the Turkish military they will get fucking slaughtered with or without Iranian help.

Sure, we witnessed how prior to the Russian intervention Erdogan fulfilled his vow of praying at the Umayyad Mosque... not.
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Dude, you have been saying this for last year. Did any of your rating were "returned"??

Again, if you think it's my fault to rate you because you insult people and that because they in turn insulted your country (no matter who started it) then good luck trying to proof your point, because you gonna need it.

But hey, you do yours and I do mine.

I will say it for another year and keep on saying it, and more people will join me in calling to remove this function, especially for outed reddit trolls like yourself.

As I said, it proves the cronyism of the function and how youre abusing it since you didn't negatively rate the insults thrown my way, first. This is why impartial mods should be the only ones to have this power. Shouldnt need luck since the writing is on the wall.

I will continue to use the emoji function on your comments and call out your behaviour, as you can with me, the point is neither of which negatively impacts either of our reputation. It's only this negative rate function that must be removed from trolls like yourself.
You don't use an embassy to persecute not just locals but political activists across the entire region. If you do, you violated a most basic international law, that of non-interference in the host nation's internal affairs. The facility in question ipso facto ceases to be an embassy.
:rofl: okay

I'm sure the whole world would agree with you :-)

Anyway the result is the same, Iraq-Iran war which you nearly lost and iranian people being crushed under the sanctions for decades. Regardless of whether you see your actions as thuggish or heroic(lol :-)) you gained nothing and lost everything. I call that a mistake.
Okay let's get back to the topic, as I said here:

We're on the same level now, both 5th gen fighters did taxi tests. We're equal :-)
Mh, we are not equal. Me wouldnt build any "4th/5th/6th gen" fighter jets. Me only would build flying tanks.

But as i read "...with the hope that the first examples will begin to enter service in 2030.". So Turkey till now doesnt have any jet produced by itself what is already flying or even mass produced?
Mh, we are not equal. Me wouldnt build any "4th/5th/6th gen" fighter jets. Me only would build flying tanks.

But as i read "...with the hope that the first examples will begin to enter service in 2030.". So Turkey till now doesnt have any jet produced by itself what is already flying or even mass produced?
Neither does Iran.

4 bloody Kowsars don't count as "serial" production. they don't even make up a single squadron.
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