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BT: 24 x SU-35S initial batch and 64 in total.

makes no sense btw production capacity-wise.
9 Russian civilian air liner aircrafts coming to Iran to recive maintaince
It really is a testament to how resourceful this country has become despite being under so much media and economic attack.

Even Iran's enemies have grown to respect its industries. No wonder they want to keep the sanctions on, too much potential to unlock otherwise.
It really is a testament to how resourceful this country has become despite being under so much media and economic attack.

Even Iran's enemies have grown to respect its industries. No wonder they want to keep the sanctions on, too much potential to unlock otherwise.
Yes. Trial by fire.
One source is saying Iran has also placed an order for Ka-226 Helis.
if we produce Shahed-278, Bell-214 and Sorena helicopters , what need we have for those utility helicopters?

You ask hard questions.

Haj Qassem GV vs Kheybar Shikan GV
Shahed-149 vs Fotros vs Kaman-22
Azarakhsh vs SaeghehI/II vs Kowsar-I/II
Zolfaghar-III MBT vs Karrar MBT
Emad-II MRBM vs Khorramshahr-II MRBM vs Ghadr-H MRBM

Ka-226 have already been tested in Iran btw as key-aero reported.
You ask hard questions.

Haj Qassem GV vs Kheybar Shikan GV
Shahed-149 vs Fotros vs Kaman-22
Azarakhsh vs SaeghehI/II vs Kowsar-I/II
Zolfaghar-III MBT vs Karrar MBT
Emad-II MRBM vs Khorramshahr-II MRBM vs Ghadr-H MRBM

Ka-226 have already been tested in Iran btw as key-aero reported.
at least we built those ourselves , here we are gonna buy something that first we have abundance of it , 2nd we are supposed to build ourselves.
my guess is we even have more utility helicopter than Russia itself.

are we really need them or we are like India that in late 90s went and bought those t-72 Russia called t-90 to save Russia tank industry and then have to praise them once in a while to save face while in reality they only brought them problem , they are under-performing , not suitable for india hot weather , they are a lot more expensive than any t-72 and funny part is Pakistan actually get a lot better deal over T-80 from another country that inherit another part of USSR tank industry

are we on a mission to save Russia aviation industry , i'm afraid very soon we here Iran is interested in Islander missiles and Smerch artillery system
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at least we built those ourselves , here we are gonna buy something that first we have abundance of it , 2nd we are supposed to build ourselves.
my guess is we even have more utility helicopter than Russia itself.

Tell me which helicopter engines Iran produces?

Iran still cannot build a heavy helicopter engine. It’s stuck with the light composite Cobras and Bell.

If it could build helicopter engine it wouldn’t be flying 1970’s design transport helicopters. You don’t even know how many of those Cobras/transport can actually fly full time without breaking down. You see some fly during a war game and draw your conclusions based on that small sample of time. Much like Iran’s entire airforce, the sortie rate is down and the airframes/engines cannot take continued stress.

Lets not act like Iran is as self sufficient as China. Even after so long, the IR-140 light transport plane shown off is still not flying. Neither is Yasin. Neither is the attack helicopter prototype.
Tell me which helicopter engines Iran produces?

Iran still cannot build a heavy helicopter engine. It’s stuck with the light composite Cobras and Bell.

If it could build helicopter engine it wouldn’t be flying 1970’s design transport helicopters. You don’t even know how many of those Cobras/transport can actually fly full time without breaking down. You see some fly during a war game and draw your conclusions based on that small sample of time. Much like Iran’s entire airforce, the sortie rate is down and the airframes/engines cannot take continued stress.

Lets not act like Iran is as self sufficient as China. Even after so long, the IR-140 light transport plane shown off is still not flying. Neither is Yasin. Neither is the attack helicopter prototype.
we actually import the engine , did i say we built them . i say we build the helicopter or you guys claiming all the news about we build those helicopters are lie . and bell 206 and 214 play the same role as ka-226 if they are light helicopter then ka-226 is also light helicopter.

and wonder why you compare AH-1 with Ka-226 . they have different role



now tell me what make Ka-226 more suitable for iran ? it use wheel instead of Skids ?
do we have any facility to maintain Ka-226 ? we have the facility to maintain Bell Helicopters , we new them in and out , we knew nothing about ka-226

and for the record this is AH-1J


a complete different design for a complete different purpose and If i want to go and fight enemy helicopters and tanks i'll take it every time over ka-226
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we actually import the engine , did i say we built them . i say we build the helicopter or you guys claiming all the news about we build those helicopters are lie . and bell 206 and 214 play the same role as ka-226 if they are light helicopter then ka-226 is also light helicopter.

Tell me which helicopter engine we import for Cobras and Bell.

Tell me what happened to “National Helicopter Project” that was talked about for years and then faded into oblivion.

Most of Iran’s helicopters get overhauled and refurbished. If Iran could build a viable helicopter engine it would have the long talked about attack helicopter project (Super cobra) that prototype is sitting collecting dust on Google earth.

Once again you make mountain out of ant hill. KA-226 news has been around for a while. At the time the helicopter was being looked at for civilian use and medical transport in small numbers. You act like Iran is replacing its entire helicopter fleet with KA-226. The civilian sector and police sector has bought Russian helicopters before. But that was before you became a women who just sits and complains all the time.

Iran also has one of the largest Russian MI helicopter maintenance hubs in the Middle East they were supposed to get licensed by Russia as an official maintenance hub for other countries to send their helicopters too for repairs. Not sure what ended up happening to that. That news came out around the same time as the KA-226 news.

You keep touting Iranian domestic production in areas where Iran is literally the weakest. And when Iran does actually produce something locally (Shahid Solemani) you sit and complain it doesn’t have enough pew pew pew (missiles) on it.

In conclusion you are insufferable and cannot make up your mind.
Tell me which helicopter engine we import for Cobras and Bell.

Tell me what happened to “National Helicopter Project” that was talked about for years and then faded into oblivion.

Most of Iran’s helicopters get overhauled and refurbished. If Iran could build a viable helicopter engine it would have the long talked about attack helicopter project (Super cobra) that prototype is sitting collecting dust on Google earth.

Once again you make mountain out of ant hill. KA-226 news has been around for a while. At the time the helicopter was being looked at for civilian use and medical transport in small numbers. You act like Iran is replacing its entire helicopter fleet with KA-226. The civilian sector and police sector has bought Russian helicopters before. But that was before you became a women who just sits and complains all the time.

Iran also has one of the largest Russian MI helicopter maintenance hubs in the Middle East they were supposed to get licensed by Russia as an official maintenance hub for other countries to send their helicopters too for repairs. Not sure what ended up happening to that. That news came out around the same time as the KA-226 news.

You keep touting Iranian domestic production in areas where Iran is literally the weakest. And when Iran does actually produce something locally (Shahid Solemani) you sit and complain it doesn’t have enough pew pew pew (missiles) on it.

In conclusion you are insufferable and cannot make up your mind.
the overhaul project are Panha 2091 for AH-J, Shabaviz-2061 for bell-206, Shabaviz-2075 for Bell-205,

if by national helicopter you mean Saba-248 which suspiciously resemble bell-427 , i guess 6 produced and handed over by 2019. and about its engine they only said its a 4th generation engine and can keep the helicopter at sky for 6 hour at acceptable speed and said the flight altitude can be up to 6km if you wan't more information you must ask this guy
if you mean Homa you must ask the ones who called it national helicopter

You keep touting Iranian domestic production in areas where Iran is literally the weakest. And when Iran does actually produce something locally (Shahid Solemani) you sit and complain it doesn’t have enough pew pew pew (missiles) on it.
I complained iran didn't produce vertically launched cruise missile yet , go read the discussion if you didn't already
Iran posess 3th largest helicopter fleet in the World, and also large civilian helicopter fleet and passenger aircrafts, there is no way you can rebuild such fleet with Iran domestic industry, it would take too long, that is why if sanctions would ever be lifted, you Will see large order of passenger aircraft.. Russia could not provide Iran passenger aircrafts because their moderne civilian jets have more than 10% OF US parts... But they can help with helicopter fleet, Iran bought already small number of Ka 226 and tested, electra(or how it is called in Iran, remeber seen few in their yellow scheme) operate some, and if I am not mistake, this version exist in Anti submarine role.
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