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I wouldn't call Rouhani or any of his people as pro-West as I would call it pro-economic faction since goal was to lift sanctions which they partially were successful for which Irans economy managed to grow yet when Trump came that all went down drain and Biden continues that policy. Probably one of reasons why Iran managed to acquire FJ33 and produce it as Jahesh.

Hopefully during that gap when JCPOA more or less worked that some hardware and technologies could have been acquired also due to JCPOA with those that adhere under UNSC such as Russia and China, which west now is hostile towards them are more willing to provide something even at least under the table if possible. It was mentioned that Kowsar has Grifo based radar.

Qaher-313 project should be continued as it has promise by what is shown and known publicly and perhaps design a new air to air missile for it that has performance of MICA IR.
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Probably one of reasons why Iran managed to acquire FJ33 and produce it as Jahesh.

What are you smoking man?

FJ33 was captured from RQ-170 that was downed inside Iran. Iran spent a decade reverse engineering its version.

Iran didn’t “buy” FJ33 on open market because of Rouhani’s economic policy.
What are you smoking man?

FJ33 was captured from RQ-170 that was downed inside Iran. Iran spent a decade reverse engineering its version.

Iran didn’t “buy” FJ33 on open market because of Rouhani’s economic policy.
Your first sentence is ironic as you must be smoking or you're just ignorant and uneducated on the subject.

FJ33 in no way could provide enough thrust for RQ-170 to be able to lift off from runway as its predecessor 4 ton Polecat needed FJ44-3 to lift off and RQ-170 is larger than that.

Different turbofan of comparable thrust as FJ44-3 was used to provide thrust for Boeing's Bird of Prey and we know that it was 3.7 tons heavy for its full weight.

Jahesh-700 provides 7kN of thrust that is lower than FJ44-1A used on RQ-3 Darkstar that was 3.8 ton heavy at full load.

There are two speculated jet engines, one is TFE731 which FJ44-4A could match lower end of that old turbofan.

Another is TF34 that is used on A10 Thunderbolt.

if its former than maybe RQ-170 was powered by FJ44-4 and Jahesh is scaled down FJ44 or Iran imported FJ33 in some way be it by buying some light jet or some other way.
Your first sentence is ironic as you must be smoking or you're just ignorant and uneducated on the subject.

According to General Hatami, it is “of the same type that powered the American RQ-170 drone” captured by Iran in 2011, but is “entirely designed in Iran.”

We don’t need Rouhani Shills in here spreading propaganda that Rouhani economic policy was reason for FJ33 procurement and development.
According to General Hatami, it is “of the same type that powered the American RQ-170 drone” captured by Iran in 2011, but is “entirely designed in Iran.”

We don’t need Rouhani Shills in here spreading propaganda that Rouhani economic policy was reason for FJ33 procurement and development.
Iran doesn't need people like you that lie shamelessly as you do about me since it is clear your parents haven't taught you to not lie hence you label me Rouhani shill.

I said that it is possibility that FJ33 could have been acquired during time when JCPOA was in effect, not that it was certain as you assert hence lie.

You have no sense of shame even if hit by soles of the shoe repeatedly that you deserve you dirty kafir.

Did Iran release information on dimensions of RQ-170 they captured? If its powered by FJ33 then its dimensions should be smaller than Polecat.
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Iran doesn't need people like you that lie shamelessly as you do about me since it is clear your parents haven't taught you to not lie hence you label me Rouhani shill.

I said that it is possibility that FJ33 could have been acquired during time when JCPOA was in effect, not that it was certain as you assert hence lie.

You have no sense of shame even if hit by soles of the shoe repeatedly that you deserve you dirty kafir.

Did Iran release information on dimensions of RQ-170 they captured? If its powered by FJ33 then its dimensions should be smaller than Polecat.

Only a complete imbecile would think that Iran after signing JCPOA in 2015 (a deal which provided Iran with no tangible economic benefits outside of reselling oil it has been selling for decades years PRIOR to JCPOA) would then be able to not only somehow acquire FJ33, but with no ToT of the engine turn around and reverse engineer a fairly advanced engine in under 5 years. Laughable.

The thing you don’t realize is the RQ-170 that was sent over Iran was designed for Iran and was equipped with a sensor package made to detect covert nuclear activity at various sites. Thus it had to be able to drop altitude and fly for long periods of time without giving off a heat signature.

So I can either believe you that RQ-170 was not FJ33 equipped or I can believe Iranian generals.

Lastly, ridiculous timing aside, JCPOA wouldn’t have allowed Iran to access dual-use military technologies.

And Rouhani isn’t Pro-West? Months after Iranian Revolution he was one of the few establishment figures to meet with Western officials to try to get Islamic Republic to be allies with West. To this day he is one of the only Iranian officials to have ever met Zionist officials. The main is a western vessel if I have ever seen one.
Only a complete imbecile would think that Iran after signing JCPOA in 2015 (a deal which provided Iran with no tangible economic benefits outside of reselling oil it has been selling for decades years PRIOR to JCPOA) would then be able to not only somehow acquire FJ33, but with no ToT of the engine turn around and reverse engineer a fairly advanced engine in under 5 years. Laughable.
Laughable is your outright disingenuous behavior or is it outright delusion of seeing yourself as being correct...

Iran gained back access to some of its foreign reserves during JCPOA along being able to use SWIFT banking system that made trading with countries, simpler, faster, easier and cheaper than previously while also cooperation in many areas were no longer sanctioned.

Iran reverse engineered J85-GE-21 that has compressor blades and rotor made out of titanium instead of AM355 alloy, because of that some of requirements for modern up to date turbofan were fulfilled.

The thing you don’t realize is the RQ-170 that was sent over Iran was designed for Iran and was equipped with a sensor package made to detect covert nuclear activity at various sites. Thus it had to be able to drop altitude and fly for long periods of time without giving off a heat signature.

...and? Doesn't answer in no way my question.

So I can either believe you that RQ-170 was not FJ33 equipped or I can believe Iranian generals.

My point is that of skepticism, is RQ-170 smaller and lighter than Polecat its derived from?

Lastly, ridiculous timing aside, JCPOA wouldn’t have allowed Iran to access dual-use military technologies.

FJ33 first and foremost is a civilian jet engine like its older bigger brother FJ44 unlike if Tri-60 series.

And Rouhani isn’t Pro-West? Months after Iranian Revolution he was one of the few establishment figures to meet with Western officials to try to get Islamic Republic to be allies with West. To this day he is one of the only Iranian officials to have ever met Zionist officials. The main is a western vessel if I have ever seen one.
Apparently being pragmatic is pro-west instead of ardent idealist like fools of IRGC that achieve far less per rial spent than IRIAF does which showed blatantly with success of Owj.
Apparently being pragmatic is pro-west instead of ardent idealist like fools of IRGC that achieve far less per rial spent than IRIAF does which showed blatantly with success of Owj.

It didn’t take much for me to pull out your true colors.

Iran’s most advanced technologies are developed by IRGC and IRGC backed companies and universities. IRGC is the one importing top tech and materials into the country using his massive network across the global of front companies and connections with black market middle men.

Hope other members read this post and understand what type of vatanforoosh you are. IRGC single handly saved Iran from being a Western balakanized banana country you ungrateful swine.
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It didn’t take much for me to pull out your true colors.

Iran’s most advanced technologies are developed by IRGC and IRGC backed companies and universities. IRGC is the one importing top tech and materials into the country using his massive network across the global of front companies and connections with black market middle men.

Hope other members read this post and understand what type of vatanforoosh you are. IRGC single handly saved Iran from being a Western balakanized banana country you ungrateful swine. Iran’s most advanced technologies are developed by IRGC and IRGC backed companies and universities. IRGC is the one importing top tech and materials into the country using his massive network across the global of front companies and connections with black market middle men.
Ironic that bonafide kafir labels me vatanforoosh for questioning nepotism and favoritism of IRGC that lead to monopolization and cronyism for it to take all glory and success of its ventures being assured thus ironicaly outdoing America in monopolitization and that makes former Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact look like free market economy.

Because of that structure one way or another IRGC will get credit because they get preference not out of being competent as it is nepotism and cronyism for which rest of Iranian military force suffers for it. It also gives fodder for MEK then surprise when there is internal sabotage with covert support of outside forces.

Extent of IRGC integration way beyond military matters into civilian and economic that those with connections get preference, I hate it as it reminds me of my country with Croatian Democratic Community being dominating force with only reason why Social Democratic Party could ever have ruling power for four years is due to being in Europe and scrutiny. Otherwise it would have stayed a fascist and even more of a banana republic.

Sooner or later North Korea is going to be ahead of Iran technologically in every regard because of IRGCorruption is limiting potential of Iranian nation like ever growing cancer it is that is hogging resources and infecting like a capitalist virus.

What was suppose to be a hero turned into a manipulative villain when to succeed one has to be Islamist and not Iranian in order to be choosen by them and allowed to succeed or be rejected and wither away.

Anyone supporting IRGC is kafir as they defend organization that justifies its action in name of Islam thus in name of God in act of heresy when appropriating in naming Islam and Jihad as to own it as if they're Allah themselves by the way they justify themselves or give excuses to others to justify own actions to them.

Placing Islam in name of state, political party, organization as if its political ideology and not religion.
You first need to develop an engine that can power such a fighter jet.

Tell me a non global power country that develops its own engine without any spare parts or technology from either from Russia, China, US.

Building 100% state of the art jet engine is more difficult than mastering the 1940’s nuclear cycle.
Alternative is to retire two engine fighter jets and design single engine aircraft reusing those engines.
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