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Dadash, this could be a simple case of mistaken intentions.

It seems that Deino's views are so staunchly opposed to Evil's, that naturally to him (that being Deino). Dismissing Evil's claims is/was the right action to take. But I don't think he meant to intentionally slight all Iranians and Iran itself, maliciously.

Agreed though, what he said wasn't becoming of a mod. Let's see what Evil has to say in response. I mean realistically we can just ignore what Deino says lol and just move on.
A simple apology would have gone a long way but instead he is giving negative ratings to any one who questions his behavior...do we know his real nationality...unlike of any real German..
Could you please stop posting stupid what-if and kindergarten-ideas? :crazy: :hitwall:

This is a thread for IRIAF-news and discussion and not on some fan-boy's wet-dreams. To think Iran could build a F-4-alike type is beyond anything and to think a single engined F-14 with top mounted engine intakes :fie: added by a sentence "I gave you some ideas, food for thought, potential scenarios, and possibilities" and "Hope Iran AF or AF planners and decision makers have a GREAT JUDGEMENT" show only that you have no clue on Iran's capabilities and lack of, no understanding of what the IRIAF needs and wants and even lesser on aircraft development and engineering. :omghaha:

So just plain and simple: STOP with these wet-dreams in this thread. Start a new one called "my own fancy ideas and why the IRIAF should listen to me" but here stop with this BS!

What is this guy doing here?

I rarely mention you in my posts since i always think that you might have more important issues to deal with hence didn't decide to waste your time.

But deino is crossing all the lines defined for a moderator, he Simply is bullying other members about what they can or cannot post, ironically in a thread related to Iran and apparently in the parallel world of deino, Iranians cannot discuss IRIAF and he is the only One that knows everything about Iranian airforce and its capabilities.

First he was ridiculous now he is turning into a dumbf**k throwing Negative rating on every Iranian member that reminds him of his stupidity.

A simple apology would have gone a long way but instead he is giving negative ratings to any one who questions his behavior...do we know his real nationality...unlike of any real German..

Yeah, his actions are a bit reprehensible but I don't want to get caught up in the drama brother.

I'm just gonna excuse myself lol.
Could you please stop posting stupid what-if and kindergarten-ideas? :crazy: :hitwall:

This is a thread for IRIAF-news and discussion and not on some fan-boy's wet-dreams. To think Iran could build a F-4-alike type is beyond anything and to think a single engined F-14 with top mounted engine intakes :fie: added by a sentence "I gave you some ideas, food for thought, potential scenarios, and possibilities" and "Hope Iran AF or AF planners and decision makers have a GREAT JUDGEMENT" show only that you have no clue on Iran's capabilities and lack of, no understanding of what the IRIAF needs and wants and even lesser on aircraft development and engineering. :omghaha:

So just plain and simple: STOP with these wet-dreams in this thread. Start a new one called "my own fancy ideas and why the IRIAF should listen to me" but here stop with this BS!

Your outburst here regarding my post is quite outrageous and uncalled for. There is no purpose to it other than a personal, egotistical, spurt of nonsense.

You offered no proof of what IRIAF defence industry is capable of or not. They have had both of the platforms I mentioned for nearly 50 years. They have modified them and have completely rebuilt them, almost in whole (as in the case of the crashed F-4e).

I was responding to WudangMaster question, and having read my post again, before commenting here now, I still think it was appropriate and adequate and the information I provided are things well within Iran's defence industry's capabilities, given the funding and political support.

I am not offended by your insults. I now have simply no respect for you or your views, as these are based on ignorance and lack of discipline on your part.

You mentioned Germany, well EuroJet Turbo GmbH is partly owned by Rolls-Royce Holdings, where I worked for decades. I visited Hallbergmoos, more times than I can remember. I love Bavaria. I worked with many Germans over the course of my career.

I have never thought someone living or growing up in German culture would be this ignorant and backward considering how much the German culture and society frowns upon unenlightened, repulsive public behavior.

You embarrassed yourself. Learn from it, and don't do again to anyone else ever again.

Thank you my Iranian brothers for your support.
@WebMaster @Deino

Seems to be a very poor moderator judgment to attack and provoke a member for his posts, irrespective of them being based on facts or personal experience/opinion. And then to go around and hand out negative ratings when other members become provoked and call you out.
I’m sorry but may I ask what logical outcome you wished would have come out of your provoking input to this thread?

@Deino you have effectively flamed an entire section and I for one cannot make sense if it? Maybe you can educate us as to what good this has brought. Or maybe, be deserving of your moderator status, and apologize firstly to Evil and then to the rest of the community!?
Could you please stop posting stupid what-if and kindergarten-ideas? :crazy: :hitwall:

This is a thread for IRIAF-news and discussion and not on some fan-boy's wet-dreams. To think Iran could build a F-4-alike type is beyond anything and to think a single engined F-14 with top mounted engine intakes :fie: added by a sentence "I gave you some ideas, food for thought, potential scenarios, and possibilities" and "Hope Iran AF or AF planners and decision makers have a GREAT JUDGEMENT" show only that you have no clue on Iran's capabilities and lack of, no understanding of what the IRIAF needs and wants and even lesser on aircraft development and engineering. :omghaha:

So just plain and simple: STOP with these wet-dreams in this thread. Start a new one called "my own fancy ideas and why the IRIAF should listen to me" but here stop with this BS!

Was ist denn mit dir los? So kennt man dich ja gar nicht. Kritik ist immer gut, ja, aber so, in dieser Art, passt gar nicht zu dir. Und so abwegig sind seine Spekulationen gar nicht. Auch wenn er auf seiner Lieblingsidee irgendwie hängen bleibt und auch in Diskussionen mit ihm davon nicht weg kommt, so ist sie dennoch im Bereich des Möglichen für den iranischen Militärflugzeugbau. Ja, wird nie so gebaut werden, stimmt schon, Aber Quatsch oder Kindergarten isses deswegen nicht.
Was ist denn mit dir los? So kennt man dich ja gar nicht. Kritik ist immer gut, ja, aber so, in dieser Art, passt gar nicht zu dir. Und so abwegig sind seine Spekulationen gar nicht. Auch wenn er auf seiner Lieblingsidee irgendwie hängen bleibt und auch in Diskussionen mit ihm davon nicht weg kommt, so ist sie dennoch im Bereich des Möglichen für den iranischen Militärflugzeugbau. Ja, wird nie so gebaut werden, stimmt schon, Aber Quatsch oder Kindergarten isses deswegen nicht.


Vielen Dank, dass Sie Klarheit bieten. Mir wird oft vorgeworfen, zu wenig einzuschätzen, da ich realistischer als optimistisch sein möchte. Ich schätze Ihre Kommentare. Ich habe immer großen Respekt vor den Menschen und vor der deutschen Kultur. Ich war in den letzten 40 Jahren etwa 100 Mal in Deutschland. Ich liebe dieses Land und die Menschen, denen ich begegnet bin. Nochmals vielen Dank für Ihre Unterstützung.
@WebMaster @Deino

Seems to be a very poor moderator judgment to attack and provoke a member for his posts, irrespective of them being based on facts or personal experience/opinion. And then to go around and hand out negative ratings when other members become provoked and call you out.
I’m sorry but may I ask what logical outcome you wished would have come out of your provoking input to this thread?

@Deino you have effectively flamed an entire section and I for one cannot make sense if it? Maybe you can educate us as to what good this has brought. Or maybe, be deserving of your moderator status, and apologize firstly to Evil and then to the rest of the community!?

My brother Sina-1,

Thank you for your kind words. But neither you or anyone else here that matters, owes me an apology. You have done nothing to me whatsoever. I was not offended, honestly, by such an amateurish outburst that offered no dispute of the facts regarding Iran's defense industry. I had my @$$ chewed by a VP in front of 20+ of my peers on a 16 million pound project, so this ego trip of one small man does not constitute an offense, in my world.

It is about time that Iranians have a forum absent of intellectual constraints or personal emotional traps, where we can all openly discuss, debate, and help elevate each other both in knowledge and professional conduct.

I am willing to fund, fully, any project that delivers a TECHNICAL FORUM for and on behalf of Iranians, so that our people can share knowledge and ideas without being held back with wasted energy on a bowl of beans that doesn't even matter.

I speak with my mouth, not my backside. I will fund fully, if a group of you come together to start such a forum on behalf of Iranians. I also have many friends within my career industry, that I can bring along to share occasional presentations and we can all get to see some FUTURE technological developments and research.

The funds that I mention, is really nothing to me. But I cannot be involved in its development, or day to day management. I am very busy at work with my own projects. I would also be happy to share software that I have access to, and conceptual research that my current employer would allow me to share with you on a new forum (although they would want the publicity for it).

The ball is in your court. You lead, and I will provide the funding.

Thank you again for your kind words and support.
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Just in case there is an assumption that engines on top of air crafts, are an impossibility, and it represents an unsurmountable engineering design problem or flaw, I would offer SAAB research for more than 20+ years.

(right from Saab's archives),




Saab designed the original Gripen with engine intake above the air frame. They researched it and tested it for nearly 2 decades. The reason they finally chose the side air intake, was the same reasons why U.S. chose F-22 instead of YF-23 - it had nothing to do with INABILITY, INEFFICIENCY, or FAULTY design.

No it is not a CRAZY idea. It has been tested and researched for its effectiveness and viability for decades. Whether it had been selected or not, may depend on many things, as do other designs.
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Upon reflection on recent events within this forum, having seen and experienced first hand debates and outbursts that offer nothing, provide nothing, achieve nothing, but only accomplish release of anger, almost always misplaced, pointless, idiotic, and irrelevant in the real scheme of life, I have decided to end my participation within this forum. I see no point to be here, I can make no contributions, I can make no difference for Iranian people and my beloved Iran.

At heart, I am still that boy whose dream was to go and be a part of IIAF and stand proud with my family members and family friends, many of whom returned to Iran when the war started and happily gave their lives to fight for Iran, even though their wives were still in jail.

I thank you all for sharing your knowledge with me during the time I have been part of this forum, with you.

I thank you all for enriching my life with your knowledge, and making me think in ways I was not able on my own.

I thank you for your perspective. God knows there is so much to learn from others, once we are willing to have an open mind.

It is time for me to serve my country, and the best way I know how to do it, is to start a new forum with the help of anyone who can and wishes to help.

My direct email is shown in previous post. You are all welcome to contact me.

I will not post here any more, nor will I visit this site, as it has nothing to offer me. My devotion and support will go to a new forum dedicated to my people and my country.


God bless you all that love Iran, and god bless Iranian people who have suffered at the hands of others who now poo poo the idea of injustice unless there is anything that has been directed towards them.

Good luck with your lives and keep the love for Iran alive.

As a nation, our time will come if we don't sit still and refuse to accept their bullying.

Long live Iran.
Ok, gentlemen ... after careful consideration, I have come to the conclusion that my post was inappropriate and above all, a big mistake in the way I wrote. :fie:

I know now that I caused more damage than I feared and that I missed my actual goal of sticking to the topic "IRIAF news". So I would like to apologize in all form. I am sincerely sorry since it was never my intention to insult a whole group in this forum nor Iran as a country. I hope you accept this.

BUT, I stick to my original intention that this is a topic for "RIAF News & discussion" and yes, discussion is important as long as related to IRIAF news and not speculative what-if ideas and projects that not at least now have not any specific IRIAF reference other than being a private idea. As such it rather fits into their own topic. In the PAF thread there is also a topic "New fighter for PAF Doctrine?" so why not also here a thread "New fighter for IRIAF Doctrine - ideas, concepts & proposals?"

As such here, too, I stick to my point of view: To assume that Iran is currently able to develop a single-engine F-14, powered by an R-35 turbojet (by the way, what is that supposed to be?) or even to think such a design might be realistic or even feasible is simply ridiculous. Anyway, in forums one has have to accept other opinions, however, my criticism was unfounded in the way I put it forward.
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