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Iraq's war against IS terrorism | Updates and Discussions

Why don't you guys get along. Whether we are in Syria, Iraq, Pakistan or Palestine or wherever we are the same blood and the same people. Lets not fight each other but lets try to improve our countries and work together. Muslims are so divided and Jews are so united. No wonder 7 million Jews are dominating billion + muslims.

Do note that ISIS and Taliban have done nothing for muslims other than kill fellow muslims by calling them kaffir. If we go by ISIS logic anyone can be declared a murtid and blasphemer or non religious. This is how the wahabi mindset works. I believe we should work together, first to get rid of militancy, then the US influence from our countries. Around 80%+ of taliban victims are muslims. So lets not support these kinds of people.

There are also better ways to support muslims than to support regimes that have lost their credibility by killing their own people.

Everyone wants unity but nobody knows how to get us to that point. You are welcome to make suggestion. :)

Me and 1000 can argue, we are Western educated and live abroad. No need for us to accept each other views. If we wanted to and needed to we could do so any second unlike the a large amount of people overseas. :)
You expect us to believe videos on Youtube? Random men arrested, then leader of Shia militia presents as victory to public. What will happen to the men? Nobody knows.

Wise up.

No this isn't a victory. This is just to show who was involved. The victory will be when the entire tribes which joined in this operation are wiped out from the area with all their properties being confiscated.

Many of the students which were running away were actually killed by the locals as they approached them and begged to hide in their homes. These locals would take out their guns and execute the men.

But the PMF are just on the outskirts of these areas. Soon enough every living human in the area will be dead. The terrorists lucky enough to escape will never see their homes again.

As for what will happen to the men in the video, we all know, they probably are dead already. AAH aren't known to hand over prisoners to the corrupt iraqi government which will probably have them released under a "national reconciliation" deal.
No this isn't a victory. This is just to show who was involved. The victory will be when the entire tribes which joined in this operation are wiped out from the area with all their properties being confiscated.

Never will happen without American support.

Many of the students which were running away were actually killed by the locals as they approached them and begged to hide in their homes. These locals would take out their guns and execute the men.

Never heard of that, most likely isn't true either.

But the PMF are just on the outskirts of these areas. Soon enough every living human in the area will be dead. The terrorists lucky enough to escape will never see their homes again.

Full blown sectarian war is last thing we need. :nono:
But they don't sell their remaining su-25s. And if new built they might as well buy su34s instead.

They sell their Su 24s but those are for attack not CAS
They will sell their used if our lot ask for it. It's our lot that delaying the arming for some stupid reasons.
They will sell their used if our lot ask for it. It's our lot that delaying the arming for some stupid reasons.

Only for a very high price tag, Russia doesn't seek to sell it's current SU-25's.

Never will happen without American support.
They cleared Diyala without American support, you overestimate America's involvement. Ground forces are doing the largest part of the job.

Never heard of that, most likely isn't true either.
You never heard of it as this doesn't interest you as much as it interests him. Your main interest is the situation in Egypt and Gaza.

Full blown sectarian war is last thing we need. :nono:
It's a full blown war already, Those who joined ISIL have chosen a side, killing them is not sectarian it's killing the enemy as people from all religious group are participating in the fight against ISIS.
No this isn't a victory. This is just to show who was involved. The victory will be when the entire tribes which joined in this operation are wiped out from the area with all their properties being confiscated.

Many of the students which were running away were actually killed by the locals as they approached them and begged to hide in their homes. These locals would take out their guns and execute the men.

But the PMF are just on the outskirts of these areas. Soon enough every living human in the area will be dead. The terrorists lucky enough to escape will never see their homes again.

As for what will happen to the men in the video, we all know, they probably are dead already. AAH aren't known to hand over prisoners to the corrupt iraqi government which will probably have them released under a "national reconciliation" deal.
Can you tell me why would you even answer this guy or care t answer him.

This one is full of shit. PLease keep posting your news, let's know what's going on.

let the popular mobilization wipe these scums in silent.
They cleared Diyala without American support, you overestimate America's involvement. Ground forces are doing the largest part of the job.

ISIS reached Baghdad, if it wasn't for US army 'belt line' they would've conquered it. What halted their ground offensive was US air power. This was observed by everyone.

Can you tell me why would you even answer this guy or care t answer him.

This one is full of shit. PLease keep posting your news, let's know what's going on.

let the popular mobilization wipe these scums in silent.

You posted threads about ISIS targeting tribes. Now you are advocating and assuring us that pro-government militia will also do same thing. That's double standard and backwards. Not sure you're stating that. Better to let Jordanian and Iraqi army do operation to ensure no more tensions in Iraq.

If you are saying this for intimidation, why aim it at me. I'm not Iraqi, you want to intimidate your own citizens which is foolish. Or are you directing message at Sunni Arabs? Because that wouldn't make sense.
ISIS reached Baghdad, if it wasn't for US army 'belt line' they would've conquered it. What halted their ground offensive was US air power. This was observed by everyone.

They couldn't even take the tiny town Amirli which was besieged by ISIS. Amirli has a Shi'a Turkmen majority, everyone even kids and women took up arms. That's how incapable they are when resistance is shown from a city hence you don't see them anywhere in the South. Yet they would've taken Baghdad you say because the western media was stating that all over the place simply to reach viewers.

Amirli siege lasted for over 2 months yet they couldn't enter it.
Siege of Amirli - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
They couldn't even take the tiny town Amirli which was besieged by ISIS. Amirli has a Shi'a Turkmen majority, everyone even kids and women took up arms. That's how incapable they are when resistance is shown from a city hence you don't see them anywhere in the South. Yet they would've taken Baghdad you say because the western media was stating that all over the place simply to reach viewers.

Amirli siege lasted for over 2 months yet they couldn't enter it.
Siege of Amirli - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

As I said, when US air support came, along with Iranian forces. Combined with Peshmarga armed by Germany, plus local militias. They managed to counter ISIS. Prior to period of air support ISIS was gaining on all fronts in Iraq. The Baghdad Belt which isn't actually in the heart of capital but on towns bordering it was the red line where US would provide Apache support and in certain cases that occurred. I don't overestimate ISIS. ISIS was able to do what it did because divisions in Iraqi society and corruption in Iraqi government. In my opinion all the militias have poor to okay training.
As I said, when US air support came, along with Iranian forces. Combined with Peshmarga armed by Germany, plus local militias. They managed to counter ISIS. Prior to period of air support ISIS was gaining on all fronts in Iraq. The Baghdad Belt which isn't actually in the heart of capital but on towns bordering it was the red line where US would provide Apache support and in certain cases that occurred. I don't overestimate ISIS. ISIS was able to do what it did because divisions in Iraqi society and corruption in Iraqi government. In my opinion all the militias have poor to okay training.

There's no Iranian forces besides advisers in the country though. As for air strikes, like you said they're of supportive role to ground forces. They degrade and enforce ISIL to split up thus making it harder for them to carry out large offensive operations. However even without air strikes or any foreign help, there's no way they can advance into southern territory where the locals won't welcome them. We've seen that in the tiny besieged town of Amirli. All they can do in such territories is send suicide bombers. Unfortunately Mosul will have to endure the suicide bombers chapter again after it is liberated unless there's some cleansing of terrorist supporters which you will label as sectarian.
There's no Iranian forces besides advisers in the country though. As for air strikes, like you said they're of supportive role to ground forces. They degrade and enforce ISIL to split up thus making it harder for them to carry out large offensive operations. However even without air strikes or any foreign help, there's no way they can advance into southern territory where the locals won't welcome them. We've seen that in the tiny besieged town of Amirli. All they can do in such territories is send suicide bombers. Unfortunately Mosul will have to endure the suicide bombers chapter again after it is liberated unless there's some cleansing of terrorist supporters which you will label as sectarian.

I do agree that Baghdad would have been much more difficult to attack. I was just making point that air power helped shatter their offensives(even if temporary) and enabled Peshmarga/Hashd Sha3bi to go on counteroffensive. Now it work of ground forces to retake territories.
@Ceylal @Serpentine @al-Hasani @Dr.Thrax

After the recent bombings according to some reports 120 killed today in Ghouta if I'm correct from barrel bombing Jaysh Al Islam said they will shell Damascus targets with 1000 rockets. Not sure if this is true or it will actually happen. But conflict is only seeming to intensify in violence. And of course sectarianism.

There are reports that Iranian General said killing of Sunnis is halal and their women are halal(as in rape). If this is true then Iranians are losing their mind and they will cause tragedy in this region. Arabs are patient because the regimes want to, not the people. Again if this is true the patience will be lost in near future.
IS conquer Baghdad :lol:. Baghdad has a population of 7+ million, including nearly 5 million shia. Do you think they IS will enter without resistance. As for getting close to Baghdad, the baghdad belt has always been control by terrorists, but they can't move towards Baghdad. Baghdad belt is the source of all the terrorism in the capital.

As for the "PMF" they started to operate a few months after the call for mobilization. The number of volunteers was high and needed a strong structure to support the operations.

Even now there are tens of thousands of volunteers who haven't been lucky enough to get a spot. I personally have a friend who enlisted 6 months ago and still hasn't earned a spot in the PMF, and possibly won't until 5 months from now. Lots of details not in the media.

@Ceylal @Serpentine @al-Hasani @Dr.Thrax

After the recent bombings according to some reports 120 killed today in Ghouta if I'm correct from barrel bombing Jaysh Al Islam said they will shell Damascus targets with 1000 rockets. Not sure if this is true or it will actually happen. But conflict is only seeming to intensify in violence. And of course sectarianism.

There are reports that Iranian General said killing of Sunnis is halal and their women are halal(as in rape). If this is true then Iranians are losing their mind and they will cause tragedy in this region. Arabs are patient because the regimes want to, not the people. Again if this is true the patience will be lost in near future.

Military generals aren't religous scholars to give "fatwas" or deciding what's halal and what's haram. As for barrel bombing vs mortars it's a natural consequence of insisting on war. Many of the frontlines are in stalemate and now each side is trying to kill as much from the other side as possible.

Opposition fires rockets, SAA retaliates with areal bombings on random targets. In the end 90% of the casualties are civilians with no near end in site. Right now both sides see the areas of control as "enemy territory" in which they try to justify killing civilians in these areas. Even Sunni areas under government control are seen as "enemy territory".

Let the big game starts...
Well they did have a few mortars fall near the Jordanian border guards , no casualties though.
I doubt they will enter Iraq though. Although I wouldn't mind if they attack IS held towns in the car east.

It will be a mess for the ground troops though, they have no experience on how to fight house to house battles.
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