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More Popular mobilization forces enter Kerkuk, they have recruited local Turkmen as well.

As you hear in the car radio.

Army plans to establish new divisions in the province.

Information from the US ambassador in English
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More Popular mobilization forces enter Kerkuk, they have recruited local Turkmen as well.

As you hear in the car radio.

Army plans to establish new divisions in the province.

Information from the US ambassador in English
They should never liberate Mosul that is wrong because these people are so filthy they don't,t deserve a drop of blood. Once they liberated they will provoke the army again by calling them savafid. Also they will keep making ambushes to kill innocent soldiers. The best thing they can do is by using sof to haunt them down by ambushes and raid their villages and towns rats like these should pay for their betrayals.
Large offensive in Baiji city, parts have been recaptured




volunteers and army after battle


abrams training being given in Besmaya complex. Abrams tanks being destroyed by ISIL earlier were mainly because no infantry was around the tank to protect it.

Bombings in the South have reached a new low thanks to clearing Jurf al Sakhr/Nasr from terrorists. It indicates Baghdad bombings would be far less if dealing with Fallujah as Jurf al Nasr had a big impact as well.
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More popular mobilization forces ??? Kurds, Shia Militia ?

Popular mobilization came to existance mainly from shia volunteers after Sistani's call to arms but has since than recruited Sunnis and Christians as well
Russia should co-operate by sending all of the Su-25s with upgrades to Iraq along with experienced trainers.
Russia should co-operate by sending all of the Su-25s with upgrades to Iraq along with experienced trainers.

But they don't sell their remaining su-25s. And if new built they might as well buy su34s instead.

They sell their Su 24s but those are for attack not CAS
But they don't sell their remaining su-25s. And if new built they might as well buy su34s instead.

They sell their Su 24s but those are for attack not CAS
I mean for free as Russia is against the ISIS too.
Terrorists involved in the Tikrit air academy ( COB Speicher ) massacre of cadets have been arrested by Asaib Ahl al Haq

Terrorists involved in the Tikrit air academy ( COB Speicher ) massacre of cadets have been arrested by Asaib Ahl al Haq

You expect us to believe videos on Youtube? Random men arrested, then leader of Shia militia presents as victory to public. What will happen to the men? Nobody knows.

Wise up.
You expect us to believe videos on Youtube? Random men arrested, then leader of Shia militia presents as victory to public. What will happen to the men? Nobody knows.

Wise up.

I don't expect the emotional & unstable Hazzy do believe anything.
One day cheering for Rafidi Iran, next day supporting ISIS/ABM, than suddenly you tell us you're not religious. Lol Don't believe it for all I care.
I don't expect the emotional & unstable Hazzy do believe anything.
One day cheering for Rafidi Iran, next day supporting ISIS/ABM, than suddenly you tell us you're not religious. Lol Don't believe it for all I care.

It's better for me to confuse, so nobody will ever know my actual views. Falcon knows his way. ;)
It's better for me to confuse, so nobody will ever know my actual views. Falcon knows his way. ;)

We already know your view, Palestinian nationalist.
You can troll from time to time but that doesn't hide, you are too emotional on the keyboard.

Now let's keep this shit for the news instead
We already know your view, Palestinian nationalist.
You can troll from time to time but that doesn't hide, you are too emotional on the keyboard.

Now let's keep this shit for the news instead

Nope, Marxist. ;)

Nope, Marxist. ;)

We already know your view, Palestinian nationalist.
You can troll from time to time but that doesn't hide, you are too emotional on the keyboard.

Now let's keep this shit for the news instead

Why don't you guys get along. Whether we are in Syria, Iraq, Pakistan or Palestine or wherever we are the same blood and the same people. Lets not fight each other but lets try to improve our countries and work together. Muslims are so divided and Jews are so united. No wonder 7 million Jews are dominating billion + muslims.

Do note that ISIS and Taliban have done nothing for muslims other than kill fellow muslims by calling them kaffir. If we go by ISIS logic anyone can be declared a murtid and blasphemer or non religious. This is how the wahabi mindset works. I believe we should work together, first to get rid of militancy, then the US influence from our countries. Around 80%+ of taliban victims are muslims. So lets not support these kinds of people.

There are also better ways to support muslims than to support regimes that have lost their credibility by killing their own people.
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