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I hope he learned his mistake. Next time he should wear a helmet. Helmet may be not charming, but better to have it on head rather than a bullet in head.

Mods, if you find it graphic, you may delete.
Horribly trained, they can't even aim properly. Reminded me of this video! They just pretend to take their job seriously :lol:

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Horribly trained, they can't even aim properly. Reminded me of this video! They just pretend to take their job seriously :lol:

Each bullet is at least $1, i would not spend a fortune to make a fireshow. Nowadays money is hard earned. :)
I love Middleast!

Shia militiamen arrest Peshmerga near Kirkuk

By RUDAW 8 hours ago
TUZ KHURMATU, Iraq - A Shia militia fired on Iraqi Kurdish Peshmerga forces and arrested a number of soldiers, local officials said on Thursday.

The confrontation occurred near Tuz Khurmatu, southeast of Kirkuk, at a checkpoint separating Peshmerga-held areas from territory held by a local affiliate of the Badr Organization, whose militant wing is one of the most powerful Shia militias in Iraq. The reported incident was described as having taken place in recent days.

Kirkuk, which Peshmerga forces secured after the Iraqi army fled an Islamic State offensive in August, is regarded by the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) in Erbil as Kurdish territory. But this is disputed by Baghdad and by leaders of the Shia and Sunni communities.

Two Peshmerga were injured in the attack, which the officials claim was instigated by the Shia militia.

"I barely survived the attack, and then they wanted to arrest me even though I was injured," Shakhawan Kareem told Rudaw.
The group arrested ten Peshmerga in the wake of the stand-off, but later released seven. Local officials said the Shia threatened they would send the three remaining Peshmerga to Baghdad for trail, although the Kurdish officers present said that had not happened yet.

“This problem was caused by a misunderstanding,” Shalal Abdul, the mayor of Tuz Khurmatu told Rudaw. He has convened an emergency committee to try to resolve the issue.

The Badr Brigades and Peshmerga forces have cooperated on a number of offensives—most successfully the battle of Amerli at the end of August—but they have also clashed on several occasions, especially in the area south of disputed Kirkuk.

A local, wishing to remain anonymous for fear of his safety, indicated that many of the area’s Sunni residents fled the area after repeated harassment from the Shia militia.

Tony Hayward Gets His Life Back as Kurdish Pipeline Opens


Erbil, the regional capital of Iraqi Kurdistan, has all the trappings of an oil boomtown. It bristles with construction cranes. Land Cruisers and Range Rovers with tinted windows ply the busy streets. Oil workers and briefcase-bearing foreigners crowd into the Divan Erbil Hotel’s piano bar.

At the foot of the 8,000-year-old Citadel -- which claims to be the oldest continuously inhabited town in the world -- currency traders in the central market swap dollars, euros and Turkish liras for Iraqi dinars out of glass boxes on the sidewalk. Shoppers flock to Erbil’s Family Mall, which features stores such as French hypermarket operator Carrefour SA (CA)and Spanish clothing chain Mango.

With the opening of a new oil pipeline this year, the boom is getting a boost, Bloomberg Markets magazine will report in its June issue. Crude that used to be transported by truck across the rugged, mountainous terrain of the three northern provinces known as Iraqi Kurdistan began flowing in stages through the pipeline in January.

The conduit, built by the Kurdistan Regional Government, or KRG, runs about 400 kilometers (250 miles) from Khurmala, southwest of Erbil, to the Turkish border, where it connects with an existing link to the Mediterranean port of Ceyhan. Oil that sells for about $70 a barrel domestically could fetch $100 or so in world markets.

Soaring GDP
The KRG said in October that an average output of 400,000 barrels a day in 2014 could jump to 1 million barrels by 2015 and twice that much by 2019. For 5.2 million Kurds in an area roughly the size of Switzerland, the influx of foreign investment and rising oil-related income promises an improving standard of living as the rest of the country remains mired in sectarian violence.

The KRG’s Ministry of Planning forecasts that the economy will grow 8 percent a year through 2016. Since the KRG began selling oil contracts to foreign investors in 2007, per capita gross domestic product in Kurdistan has soared; it hit $5,600 in 2012, up from $800 10 years ago.

The boom has also benefited oil exploration companies, especially those that placed early bets. Beginning with the 1980 to 1988 Iran-Iraq War, the development of natural resources across all of Iraq, including the north, was virtually on hold for more than two decades.

Fractious Leadership
That’s because a series of full-blown conflicts and internecine clashes preoccupied first Saddam Hussein and then the fractious leadership in Baghdad that followed his ouster by U.S. and U.K. coalition forces in 2003.


Since then, almost daily clashes in the south have pitted the Shiite majority that dominates Iraq politically today against the Sunni minority that held sway under Hussein. In the north, the population is overwhelmingly Sunni and relatively free of sectarian strife. In fact sheets for foreign investors, the KRG says that no coalition soldiers have been killed and no foreigners kidnapped in Iraqi Kurdistan.

Todd Kozel, chief executive officer of Hamilton, Bermuda–based Gulf Keystone Petroleum (GKP) Ltd., came to Iraqi Kurdistan three years after the 2003 invasion.


“If you were an oilman in 2006, with oil in your blood, you just had to be here,” he says, sipping Johnnie Walker Black Label at the Divan.

Highly Rewarded
Pittsburgh-born Kozel, 47, says he saw opportunity in a land where high risk would be highly rewarded. And it was. Since Gulf Keystone discovered oil at Iraqi Kurdistan’s Shaikan field in 2009, its market value has grown to about 1 billion pounds ($1.66 billion) from about 50 million pounds.


Todd Kozel, the CEO of Gulf Keystone Petroleum, placed an early bet on Kurdistan's oil riches, arriving in the north three years after the 2003 invasion of Iraq. Photography: Courtesy of Gulf Keystone Petroleum

The first foreign exploration firm to come to Kurdistan -- in 2004 -- was Oslo-based DNO International ASA. (DNO) Chairman Bijan Mossavar-Rahmani says in his London office that DNO plans to increase output from its Tawke field to about 200,000 barrels a day this year from about 125,000 in 2013, showing how companies will hike production when their oil can be sold at higher world-market prices.

Former BP Plc (BP/) CEO Tony Hayward came to Kurdistan after the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil rig explosion in the Gulf of Mexico cost him his job as BP’s chief executive -- in part because of a string of public relations fiascoes that included his saying “I would like my life back” to a group of reporters while touring an oil-slicked beach in Louisiana.


Photographed in London, Tony Hayward, the CEO who left the oil giant BP after the 2010 Deepwater Horizon rig explosion in the Gulf of Mexico, joined forces a year later with British financier Nathaniel Rothschild to acquire a Turkish firm already operating in Kurdistan. Photographer: Daniel Stier/Bloomberg Markets

In 2011, Hayward joined forces with British financier Nathaniel Rothschild to acquire a Turkish firm already operating in Kurdistan. The firm, renamed Genel Energy Plc (GENL), says it’s poised to raise production at Taq Taq and other fields to 70,000 barrels a day this year from 44,000 in 2013. On May 8, Hayward was named chairman of Glencore Xstrata Plc (GLEN), the mining company that is also one of the world’s biggest crude traders.

‘Frontier Types’
Since 2011, four big oil companies -- Chevron Corp., Exxon Mobil Corp., Hess Corp. andTotal SA (FP) -- have followed 30 or so smaller players into Iraqi Kurdistan and signed exploration deals. Hayward, whose career straddles oil majors and minors, says the pattern is a familiar one.

“There are lots of entrants early on, the real frontier types,” Hayward says in his London office. “Then the big guys arrive, and there’s consolidation. If you’re a little guy, you have to get there early.”

The oil boom is transforming a part of Iraq that ethnic Kurds throughout the South Caucasus and Middle East consider their homeland. Unlike Kurdish enclaves in Iran, Turkey, Syria andArmenia, Iraqi Kurdistan is self-ruled, having gained autonomous status in a 1970 agreement with the central government in Baghdad.

Changing Relations
Though it defers to the government on most external affairs such as treaties and membership in international organizations, the KRG has its own parliament, issues its own visas and has its own army, the Peshmerga, meaning “those who confront death” in Kurdish.

Oil is also changing relations between Iraqi Kurdistan and the central government in Baghdad. They’ve been tense for decades -- never more so than in the closing days of the war with Iran, when Hussein’s forces launched a chemical attack on the Kurdish city of Halabja, killing as many as 5,000 people in retaliation for collusion between Kurdish and Iranian fighters.

In 1991, at the end of the first Gulf War, the U.S. and its allies established a safe haven in Iraqi Kurdistan enforced by a no-fly zone. While the no-fly zone effectively created a buffer between the Kurds and their masters in Baghdad, accelerating economic development in the north, the north-south dispute over oil carried on.

Iraq’s State Oil Marketing Organization maintains that it has exclusive rights to the sale of Iraqi Kurdistan’s oil, whether it flows through the new pipeline or through pipelines outside of Iraqi Kurdistan.

Unanswered Questions
In December, the KRG agreed to work with the central government in Baghdad in determining how to distribute revenue from Kurdistan oil exports, though a lot of questions remain unanswered, according to Sanford C. Bernstein & Co. in a note published on April 29.

“The resource base is too big for a solution not to be found,” analysts led by Hong Kong–based Neil Beveridge wrote.

The new pipeline, fully in KRG territory, should make it easier for Kurdistan to overcome central government resistance and get its oil to market, says Gareth Stansfield, a senior associate at the Royal United Services Institute, a London-based research organization.

“If the Kurds are able to pump the amounts of oil they’re promising, then this is a fundamental geopolitical game changer,” Stansfield says. “It gives the Kurds economic independence from Baghdad.”

‘Wasting Time’
Many Iraqi Kurds want more than that: Almost 60 percent of those surveyed supported statehood in a 2012 poll by the Kurdistan Institute for Political Issues.

“We’re wasting our time trying to deal with Baghdad,” says Davan Yahya Khalil, a Kurdish writer who grew up in an internment camp when Hussein was in power. “It’s better to call for independence today.”

Iraq ranks fifth in the world in proven oil reserves -- 150 billion barrels, according to the BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2013. The KRG says Kurdistan alone -- comprising less than a 10th of Iraqi territory -- holds 45 billion barrels. If the autonomous region were a country, its reserves would rank it 10th in the world, after Libya, according to BP.

While oil production has soared in the north, slower output in the war-torn south has kept Iraq-wide production low: Only in recent months has output reached 1979 levels of 3.62 million barrels a day, according to OPEC.

Complex Bureaucracy
The hassles of dealing with Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki’s Baghdad government compound sluggish production in the south, says Paolo Scaroni, CEO of Eni SpA, Italy’s biggest oil company. Eni is one of several large companies, including BP and Royal Dutch Shell Plc (RDSA), operating in the south.

“We’re suffering from a lot of complex bureaucracy,” Scaroni says.

Eni had planned to invest $7 billion this year in developing its oil business in the south; it will end up spending only $3 billion, he says.

In the north, it’s a different story. Genel has been shipping crude to Turkey by truck, with 700 tankers rolling out of its Taq Taq field every day. With the new pipeline expected to be fully up and running later this year, the company says it’s poised to take advantage of the new transportation capability by increasing production.

The KRG’s Ministry of Natural Resources says its goal is to transport 300,000 barrels a day by the end of the year via the pipeline, shifting a sizable portion of exports away from tanker transport, not to mention pipelines controlled by the government in Baghdad.

‘Safe, Secure’
Hayward, who visited southern Iraq as the head of BP from 2007 to 2010, says he was impressed by the contrast between Erbil and Baghdad when he first traveled to the north in 2011.

“The thing that really struck me was the amount of development that was taking place,” Hayward says of Erbil. “It felt safe, secure and prosperous.”

Oil is also helping to change the relationship between Turkey and Iraqi Kurdistan.

Beginning in the 1980s, the Kurdistan Workers’ Party, known by its Kurdish acronym, PKK, began an armed struggle against the Turkish government. Turkey was wary of Iraqi Kurdistan as a staging area for PKK paramilitaries seeking to establish an independent Kurdish nation in and around northern Iraq.

Genocidal Attacks
In 2003, Turkey, though a NATO member, refused to allow U.S. troops to invade Iraq from the north through Turkish territory partly out of concern the invasion would, in toppling Hussein and a regime that had oppressed the Kurds, promote Kurdish independence movements. The PKK and the Turkish government agreed to a cease-fire in March 2013, easing tensions.

“Turkey’s been a big help,” Gulf Keystone’s Kozel says. “All our drilling rigs come through there.”

Iraqi Kurds -- fearing their enemies, distrustful of neighboring governments, victims of Hussein’s genocidal attacks -- are used to doing whatever they can to determine their destiny, Hayward says.

“It’s clear as the Kurds get more and more production and infrastructure, they’re just going to do their own thing,” he says. “As they like to say, ‘We have no friends but the mountains.’”

Kurdistan has made Kozel a wealthy man. Gulf Keystone, which operates almost exclusively in Iraqi Kurdistan, has paid him a base salary of $675,000 since 2008, with varying bonuses. By 2011, his total compensation had soared to $22.2 million, according to company reports.

‘Biggest Risk’
Relaxing in the Divan’s piano bar on a February evening, Kozel, who started his first oil company when he was 21, reflects on how far he and Gulf Keystone have come.

“Our biggest risk when we entered here in 2006 was logistics,” he says. “We imported literally every single thing we needed -- equipment, people, products.”

He says it wasn’t a gamble everybody was willing to take.

“I guess I was just a bit less risk averse than most,” he says.

The same could be said for other investors who came early to this corner of Iraq -- and whose bets on Kurdistan are also paying off.

Tony Hayward Gets His Life Back as Kurdish Pipeline Opens - Bloomberg
American mercenaries fighting for YPG/PKK. Why? Check the map. Oil companies.



View attachment 138934
Its somehow funny how our separatists are cheering that Peshmerga is getting attention in Turkey, in the end of the day these Peshmerga are there to save our cheap oil source but i dont expect critical thinking from those guys.

Let the Oil flow and the weapons speak, this is Middle East, either you play by the game or you go down.
Its somehow funny how our separatists are cheering that Peshmerga is getting attention in Turkey, in the end of the day these Peshmerga are there to save our cheap oil source but i dont expect critical thinking from those guys.

Let the Oil flow and the weapons speak, this is Middle East, either you play by the game or you go down.
not only save the oil source, but also to serve as extra cannon fodder since pkk/pyd want all the help they need. US has been pressuring Turkey since a long time, no way our govt would suddenly give in to such a pressure. i am confident that our govt have their plan and reason to allow peshmerga through. we shouldnt take pkk/pyd supporters serious, they are at a point where they are prepared to bend and lick every boot to secure some support.

31 October 2014

The most significant developments today are the continuing military operations in Anbar, especially in Hit township, and the aftermath of the massacre in which at least 238 men were shot to death in the Zuwaya area in the extreme southwest of the township. Security forces have launched a campaign against the locations of ISIL gunmen; there were intermittent fierce clashes. News reports confirmed by our sources indicate that ISIL has executed the top sheikh of the Bu-Nimr tribe, after having abducted him five days ago.
In Fallujah, a preliminary count has confirmed that 4 residents have been killed and 11 wounded by the bombardment exchanges between the security forces on the city's perimeter and ISIL gunmen within the city that they have been holding for nearly 10 months.
The Anbar Council has decided today to close the Al-Ma'arif University, run by the Al-Sa'adi tribe and owned by Sheikh Abdul-Malik Al-Sa'adi, because of the alleged role of Al-Sa'adi in 'supporting terrorism.'
In Ramadi, the intensity of military operations has receded, particularly in the central districts where a few families have been returning to their homes.
During the past two days two attacks have been launched: first on the Bu-Mahal area in northeastern Ramadi that had been held by ISIL gunmen. The second was in the centralMu'allimeen district. The operations, and the killing of ISIL gunmen has provided a morale boost for the fighters, especially the tribal fighters.

Daily Updates from Anbar: 31 October 2014
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American mercenaries fighting for YPG/PKK. Why? Check the map. Oil companies.



View attachment 138934

you cant be serious?


fucking animals, fucking saudi terrorist shit. not a single one of them are iraqi. no words to have disgusting this is

for all ayn al arab voters, this is your daesh
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