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Iraq's war against IS terrorism | Updates and Discussions

29 October 2014

ISIL has committed a massacre involving the execution of at least 50 tribesmen of the Bu-Nimrtribe that had been fighting for more than three weeks in the Zuwaya area to the west of Hit. The gunmen gathered 50 men of the police and Awakenings forces - who are reported to have announced their 'repentance' two days ago - at a roundabout in the Al-Bakr district in the western sector of Hit township where everyone thought they would be released. But they were lined up and all 50 were summarily executed. The gunmen then evicted every family in the area where the victims had lived, and moved into the vacated houses. There was a mass migration today from Al-Bakr and Zuwaya with families making their way on foot towardsHaditha township, more than 50-60 km away. The head of the Anbar Council, Sabah Karhout, has confirmed that 5 of the migrants died along the way, 4 children and an elderly woman. The local government and the Bu-Nimr tribe are expected to announce in the next two days a major operation to avenge the victims of today's mass execution.
In Fallujah, there are reports that at least 21 civilians have been killed or wounded as a result of fresh clashes and the renewed bombardment exchanges between the ISIL gunmen and the security forces.
In Garma, coalition warplanes have carried out airstrikes; an Anbar Operations source has reported that at least 14 gunmen have been killed and a number of their vehicles have been destroyed.
In Baghdadi, gunmen today launched an attack - the fifth in less than 10 days - aimed at seizing control of the town, but security forces at the Ayn Al-Asad military base provided support for the tribal fighters within the town in resisting the attack. Meanwhile, at least 70% - 80% of the town's residents have abandoned their homes, fleeing the exchanges of fire around them.
In Haditha today, there were some low-level military operations, with security forces setting up checkpoints around the town. Haditha is to be the training center for the 30,000 volunteers whose recruitment has been authorized by the Prime Minister.

Daily Updates from Anbar: 29 October 2014
@Alienoz_TR so you just posed this yourself, yet you say ISIS defends Iraqi Sunni honor.

ISIL has committed a massacre involving the execution of at least 50 tribesmen of the Bu-Nimrtribe that had been fighting for more than three weeks in the Zuwaya area to the west of Hit. The gunmen gathered 50 men of the police and Awakenings forces - who are reported to have announced their 'repentance' two days ago - at a roundabout in the Al-Bakr district in the western sector of Hit township where everyone thought they would be released. But they were lined up and all 50 were summarily executed. The gunmen then evicted every family in the area where the victims had lived, and moved into the vacated houses.

pics even prove it



ISIS terrorism is on everyone, they use the excuse of Shiites to gather support.
@Alienoz_TR so you just posed this yourself, yet you say ISIS defends Iraqi Sunni honor.

pics even prove it



ISIS terrorism is on everyone, they use the excuse of Shiites to gather support.

Photos are from Jurf al Sakhr. They escape from the conflict between IS and IA. Jurf al-Sakhr area will be depopulated by political decision.
Photos are from Jurf al Sakhr. They escape from the conflict between IS and IA. Jurf al-Sakhr area will be depopulated by political decision.

Ok, now you responded on the photo's now respond on the other part.
Ok, now you responded on the photo's now respond on the other part.

If Iraqi government is feeble and cannot protect its territory from USA, Kurds or anyone else, then maybe it is IS who should rule Iraq. Survival of the fittest.

What remained of Iraq lost northern Iraq to Peshmerga, western and northwestern parts to IS. We, Turks should design our policies according to recent developments. Against terrorist groups like PKK, YPG and Peshmerga, We should revise where we stand.
If Iraqi government is feeble and cannot protect its territory from USA, Kurds or anyone else, then maybe it is IS who should rule Iraq. Survival of the fittest.

What remained of Iraq lost northern Iraq to Peshmerga, western and northwestern parts to IS. We, Turks should design our policies according to recent developments. Against terrorist groups like PKK, YPG and Peshmerga, We should revise where we stand.

You idiot, answer the question I said!
you better return go to your 'university' and return your bolitical science or whatever degree. Always avoid the questions gtfo man.
Peshmerga has taken over Zammar in Nineveh Province recently, though it was never displayed as IS territory in the temporary situation maps.


You idiot, answer the question I said!
you better return go to your 'university' and return your bolitical science or whatever degree. Always avoid the questions gtfo man.

Show some respect to your Turkmen brother. What kind of Turkmen are you?

I answered. If it is not enough, then remember I am not an Iraqi.
Show some respect to your Turkmen brother. What kind of Turkmen are you?

This is irrelevant here, the 2nd leader of ISIS is Turkmen, even if family supports ISIS then why would I respect them ?

I answered. If it is not enough, then remember I am not an Iraqi.
You don't need to be anything to answer it, you said they defend Sunni honor a few days ago whilst today you post an article saying ISIS massacred Sunni civillians.
You don't need to be anything to answer it, you said they defend Sunni honor a few days ago whilst today you post an article saying ISIS massacred Sunni civillians.

They killed sahwat militia, traitors, collaborators, or whatever they call it.

Unfortunately humanity is lost in Iraq. Blame USA and Kurds for "the liberation of Iraq from Saddam's tyranny".

They killed sahwat militia, traitors, collaborators, or whatever they call it.

Unfortunately humanity is lost in Iraq. Blame USA and Kurds for "the liberation of Iraq from Saddam's tyranny".

Read the red part

ISIL has committed a massacre involving the execution of at least 50 tribesmen of the Bu-Nimrtribe that had been fighting for more than three weeks in the Zuwaya area to the west of Hit. The gunmen gathered 50 men of the police and Awakenings forces - who are reported to have announced their 'repentance' two days ago - at a roundabout in the Al-Bakr district in the western sector of Hit township where everyone thought they would be released. But they were lined up and all 50 were summarily executed. The gunmen then evicted every family in the area where the victims had lived, and moved into the vacated houses.

That is civillians, like they bomb civillians all over the country. So you know very well of their crimes but for some reason deny listing them as crimes, humanity isn't lost is that the excuse to justify killing innocents ? It's easy to kill people anywhere.
Eviction prevents IS fighters to be shot from the behind. They get the hostile populace together and concentrate them in an area.

USA did to Japanese, Turkey to Armenians, Germany to Jews, Soviet Union to various ethnic groups, Jews to Arabs, Armenians to Azerbaijanis, Kurds to Assyrians and Armenians, so on, so on...
Eviction prevents IS fighters to be shot from the behind. They get the hostile populace together and concentrate them in an area.

USA did to Japanese, Turkey to Armenians, Germany to Jews, Soviet Union to various ethnic groups, Jews to Arabs, Armenians to Azerbaijanis, Kurds to Assyrians and Armenians, so on, so on...

I don't care about their or your reasons, nuking an entire city evics resistance as well, gassing people on a mass scale evicts resistance, does that make it alright ?
No you start spamming "Assad is a mass murderer" all over the place if he does that but when ISIS does you come with excuses which make no difference, it remains massacre of civillians.

so how should I respect a hypocrite, just because of your ethnicity ?

@Alienoz_TR at least you taught us, killing civillians prevents being shot from behind so support the bombings from the Syrian air force.
I don't care about their or your reasons, nuking an entire city evics resistance as well, gassing people on a mass scale evicts resistance, does that make it alright ?
No you start spamming "Assad is a mass murderer" all over the place if he does that but when ISIS does you come with excuses which make no difference, it remains massacre of civillians.

so how should I respect a hypocrite, just because of your ethnicity ?

@Alienoz_TR at least you taught us, killing civillians prevents being shot from behind so support the bombings from the Syrian air force.

Are we going to discuss about me, my opinions, or the situation in Iraq!?
I hope he learned his mistake. Next time he should wear a helmet. Helmet may be not charming, but better to have it on head rather than a bullet in head.

Mods, if you find it graphic, you may delete.

what a moron, he was shooting everyhere but not the target...:-) Like watching rambo....
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