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Though it wouldn't surprise anyone. The MB took this stance on the Fallujah OP supporting IS against the ISF.


No, it would. MB comes off as most sensible movement in the region, better than the other two Saudi led and Iran led camps. I still believe they suffer same curse others suffer in region, which is having only attention to their interests and plights. All of them are not favorable to me, so the demonization campaign led by Saudi Arabia and allies plus others in region of the MB does nothing for me, as they are magnitudes times worse from my perspective. Of course that doesn't matter to general people, because they don't actually care as much as I do, or care about values of equality and justice. So my views will conflict with almost everyone and anyone I run into, and I don't care. I'll continuing saying what needs to be said.
No, it would. MB comes off as most sensible movement in the region, better than the other two Saudi led and Iran led camps. I still believe they suffer same curse others suffer in region, which is having only attention to their interests and plights. All of them are not favorable to me, so the demonization campaign led by Saudi Arabia and allies plus others in region of the MB does nothing for me, as they are magnitudes times worse from my perspective. Of course that doesn't matter to general people, because they don't actually care as much as I do, or care about values of equality and justice. So my views will conflict with almost everyone and anyone I run into, and I don't care. I'll continuing saying what needs to be said.

I take this opinion about the MB by looking at the foreign policy of Qatar and Turkey the 2 MB led states.

Turkey has facilitated the growth of IS by allowing thousands of foreigners to enter Syria and by continuously providing arms to terrorists. Qatar's AJ Arabic is IS's media agency openly celebrating their attacks, they've also provided financial support.

It's fine if this model works for others but for us they're enemies that have in the past supported IS, some parts of the MB still do.
I take this opinion about the MB by looking at the foreign policy of Qatar and Turkey the 2 MB led states.

Turkey has facilitated the growth of IS by allowing thousands of foreigners to enter Syria and by continuously providing arms to terrorists. Qatar's AJ Arabic is IS's media agency openly celebrating their attacks, they've also provided financial support.

It's fine if this model works for others but for us they're enemies that have in the past supported IS, some parts of the MB still do.

You can have whatever opinion you want, point is MB in different nations are different. In Palestine for example, there really is no shared ideology or regional agenda among Hamas. It purely serves agenda of just one peoples. In Syria MB is something else, that was historically in clash with the Assad dynasties, Egypt it is part of society, but now has become less important, and I don't know everything about Egypt anyway. Turkey I think would have left Syria open with or without Erdogan, it was also Western policy to allow flow of fighters. Qatar, I don't like the media role it plays in Iraq and Syria, but I attribute to their Gulf Arab background. So I have same concerns you have in some cases, but I recognize them as different entities and my main concern now isn't MB, for most part they are peaceful, and in Libya for example are fighting ISIS. ISIS is my bigger concern, in Egypt's Sinai they seem to be more active than previously thought, and before they pose a threat to Cairo, they pose a bigger threat to Gaza.

I read their sympathizers statements and so on lately, and they are hateful psychopaths who have very odd linear way of thinking. Everyone to them is an infidel, they harshly demonize minorities, and they also claim MB and other Islamists are apostates because of minor corruption or not wanting to implement Sharia Law punishments by means of force. They are less harsh on Al Qaeda, and I never see them planning or urging for warfare in Gulf nations. It's always other countries and entities they're threatening. I do not understand their agenda, and I'm bothered by their insistence to assert that no matter what, everyone else is corrupt or unfaithful besides them, and use that rambling as excuse to kill people. I'm not worried about them, the people who fight for them are lost causes. I'm worried about Gulf Arab and Saudi clerics plus state media demonizing MB, by claiming they are not the real Islam, and the 'Muwahadeen'(same terms ISIS and AQ use) , or the original Salafs etc are the real ones. And they're rewarding these groups by associating that kind of Islam as the true one(even though they don't practice it), as a means to combat the more moderate religious approach of the MB. And that's why I'm not interested in demonizing the MB.

Because trust me, these types are using it, and some of these ISIS sympathizers keep urging conquests of Gaza, Egypt, Libyan MB 'apostates', Shia's, etc....And for some odd reason, to them, Muslims who are practicing but don''t implement Sharia Law physical punishments are worse than the governments in Gulf Arab nations that don't care for Islam, have hordes of wealth, host their enemies, etc.... So they will urge demonization of MB before Gulf Arab governments. And to me, some of them come as defensive of these states and royal family's, and that hypocrisy is dangerous, as they are urging war against other's in name of religion, when really it seems to be in interest of these monarchies, to tackle their main Sunni enemies(MB), but also Shia across the region.
No, it would. MB comes off as most sensible movement in the region, better than the other two Saudi led and Iran led camps. I still believe they suffer same curse others suffer in region, which is having only attention to their interests and plights. All of them are not favorable to me, so the demonization campaign led by Saudi Arabia and allies plus others in region of the MB does nothing for me, as they are magnitudes times worse from my perspective. Of course that doesn't matter to general people, because they don't actually care as much as I do, or care about values of equality and justice. So my views will conflict with almost everyone and anyone I run into, and I don't care. I'll continuing saying what needs to be said.

MB is better than most other non-state islamists, but they still have a long way to go. They finally came to power in Egypt and they completely dropped the ball. Of course, its not a surprise, since wanting to be in politics and actually being in politics is completely different. They didn't have much time to really understand the world of politics.

I think the most successful non-state islamist group is Hezbollah, but that is probably because they have had the same ally for more than three decades. The others have a disadvantage of having only temporary partners in countries like Qatar, Turkey, or Saudi, who come and go, which can be devastating for a party. Hamas has the same disadvantage.

If MB worked in Egypt, then MB Egypt could have been a strong supporter of all the MB groups in the region. However, their biggest mistake was that they tried to act too fast and became too confident. The new age Syrian/Libyan/Iraqi jihadists were a huge trap for all the moderate, realistic islamist parties. Hamas supported them, and lost the backing of their major ally and promises from Qatar, etc did not materialize, and they soon learned that the so-called new islamists did not really much care about Palestine nor imperialism. The same thing happened to MB. It was an extremely well placed trap by the defenders of the status quo.

But this is all off-topic. I'm not religious at all, but the middle east needs pragmatic religious parties and states. Secularism nor exact replica of western democracy does not work in the long term in a region that has a huge religious mentality.
New from this week.

Clearance operations continue in khaldiya island with some casualties from both sides. With the area being surrounded and no safe passage means the remaining daish fighters will fight untill killed or captured. House to house ops continue. Iraqi forces have also captured the last remaining village between Ramadi and Fallujah. This secures Fallujah and ramadi from any possible attacks.

In the west, Iraqi forces have recaptured the Walid border crossing with Syria for the first time in over 1.5 years. With IS positions falling one after another. Iraqi forces are massing east and south of alqaem to launch and two front operation sweeping North along the syrian border and west towards the syrian town Albu Kamal.
New from this week.

Clearance operations continue in khaldiya island with some casualties from both sides. With the area being surrounded and no safe passage means the remaining daish fighters will fight untill killed or captured. House to house ops continue. Iraqi forces have also captured the last remaining village between Ramadi and Fallujah. This secures Fallujah and ramadi from any possible attacks.

In the west, Iraqi forces have recaptured the Walid border crossing with Syria for the first time in over 1.5 years. With IS positions falling one after another. Iraqi forces are massing east and south of alqaem to launch and two front operation sweeping North along the syrian border and west towards the syrian town Albu Kamal.

Iraqi forces seem to fare off better than some SAA forces in Syria, can you explain the reasons? The Fallujah offensive was very impressive and well drawn out, among other offensives.
4 IQAF F-16's arrived today

It would be nice if they sold us AIM-120 and AIM-9X though our US friendly neighbors lobby against that.
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Iraqi forces seem to fare off better than some SAA forces in Syria, can you explain the reasons? The Fallujah offensive was very impressive and well drawn out, among other offensives.

-Iraq has much more manpower for the war, meaning there are enough men to cover all fronts and hold ground as well.
-iraq has one enemy, IS, rather then tens of "rebel" groups. IS has lost most of its financial and media support over the past year due to pressure against it's supporters.
-vast majority of Iraq's population support the army.
- most of IS pockets have been dealt with, meaning most of the air/ artillery pieces are focused on a few fronts rather then tens of fronts.

IS in Iraq are morally defeated. They are fighting while they know they will be defeated. On the other hand, iraqis are fighting and they know that victory is inevitable.

Besides thousands of iraqi fighters took part in a number of battles. They have discovered all IS tactics and learned how to counter them.
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Iraqi officials say separate attacks outside Baghdad have killed at least 10 people.

Police say the deadliest attack Wednesday took place in the town of Latifiyah, where a suicide bomber struck an army checkpoint, killing four civilians and three soldiers. They added that 11 others were wounded.



US gifted a King Air 350 ISR plane
Latest updates.

In Anbar two breaches have been recorded. A suicide bomber near the Jordanian border has killed 7 soldiers and civiians.

IS supporting population has assisted IS pockets in Albu itha area North of Ramadi. An attack on an iraqi forces outpost led to the death or nearly a dozen troops last week. A dangerous shift which may lead to depopulating the area by nearby anti-IS tribes.

In khaldiyah island regiona few hundred fighters are besieged in two remaining areas after the rest of the island was liberated. This is the last IS pocket in Eastern Anbar. All the remaining surviving IS fighters who managed to flee the latest ops have taken refugee in the area.

A full seige have been Imposed against IS in Khaldiyah. However the op seems to have slowed down after liberating 90% of the area. Possibly a long term seige is planned to kill the morale of and also minimize iraqi casualties.

In sallahiddin a large scale op to clear and create a safe zone around the Qayara air base has started. The op led to the capture of all towns, oilfields and important infrastructure around The city of Qayara. Iraqi forces are currently on the outskirts of Qayara.

Op will continue once the nearby towns are cleared of IED's and civilians return.
Locals telling the ISF whom amongst them are IS. Qayyarah city.

Attack towards Qayyarah

Bell 407 engaging IS and being engaged by IS with MANPAD
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