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Iraq's war against IS terrorism | Updates and Discussions

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Just reaffirms what I knew and what other articles/papers/officers stated. Contrary to the popular public opinion about the Iraqi army, since the transformation from a COIN to conventional force they've grown as a highly experienced force.

As for ICTF/ISOF they have lead almost every assault on towns and strategic structures, recently they lead the OP that led to the capture of Fallujah within 4 weeks, faster than the Americans did whilst facing a tougher better equipped enemy and having to do so with less equipment. The opinion of the general public was that IS would 'slaughter' the Iraqi forces in this town.

Currently the ISF lacks the big numbers of heavy equipment to strengthen that conventional force. As recently said by US army commanders: The seizure of Qayyarah air base involved the largest Iraqi armored operation since Saddam Hussein’s forces invaded Kuwait in 1990. If they had the big numbers of heavy weaponry (tanks, artillery, jets) they'd outmatch neighboring countries given the experience.

It's true though that ISOF is doing what the regular ISF should be doing, large-scale offenses on towns. ISOF weren't supposed to work in large teams as they are doing today.

The PMF/PMU will undergo changes to be transformed into a 2nd national armed force similar to army. This article describes it though the source is anti PMF/Iran/Iraq therefor some things are expected in the article.


Baghdad – The controversial “popular mobilization” militias would soon become a military body that would be equal to Iraq’s official forces in terms of capacity and arming, following the footsteps of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), which was formed in a similar manner.

An official document signed by Iraqi Prime Minister Haidar Al-Abadi revealed the planned process of converting the militias to a military party equal to counter-terrorism apparatus, including a number of units and fighters subject to direct approval by the prime minister.

The document was leaked by the “popular mobilization” group on Tuesday, in a step that would deepen disputes between the militant group and other Iraqi parties, according to Asharq al-Awsat sources.

The sources added that such militias could be used to execute “sectarian liquidations.”

Last February, Abadi issued a decision to convert the popular mobilization militias into a security apparatus that is supportive to the counter-terrorism apparatus in terms of training capacity, arming, and readiness under the same laws.

The decision stipulated that the new apparatus would have a leader, a deputy-leader and 20 brigades and supportive directorates.

In comments on Tuesday, the “popular mobilization” group’s spokesman, Ahmed Al-Asadi, said that government’s decision ordered that the new parallel force would be directly linked to the general command, in reference to the Iraqi prime minister.

Meanwhile, Iraqi sources close to the matter told Asharq al-Awsat newspaper that the announcement was aimed at pushing the prime minister, who is also the Armed Forces’ general commander, to implement the new decision as soon as possible.

The Iraqi source noted that many challenges would face this conversion, as the prime minister wants the militias to be equal to counter-terrorism apparatus. Those challenges include the required age group and the educational level of militants, the source added.

Another obstacle lies in the required number of troops. While the counter-terrorism apparatus should not exceed 25,000 members, the “popular mobilization” militias gather more than 170,000 militants. This will be a difficult task to resolve, according to the same source.

The PMF/PMU will undergo changes to be transformed into a 2nd national armed force similar to army. This article describes it though the source is anti PMF/Iran/Iraq therefor some things are expected in the article.


Baghdad – The controversial “popular mobilization” militias would soon become a military body that would be equal to Iraq’s official forces in terms of capacity and arming, following the footsteps of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), which was formed in a similar manner.

An official document signed by Iraqi Prime Minister Haidar Al-Abadi revealed the planned process of converting the militias to a military party equal to counter-terrorism apparatus, including a number of units and fighters subject to direct approval by the prime minister.

The document was leaked by the “popular mobilization” group on Tuesday, in a step that would deepen disputes between the militant group and other Iraqi parties, according to Asharq al-Awsat sources.

The sources added that such militias could be used to execute “sectarian liquidations.”

Last February, Abadi issued a decision to convert the popular mobilization militias into a security apparatus that is supportive to the counter-terrorism apparatus in terms of training capacity, arming, and readiness under the same laws.

The decision stipulated that the new apparatus would have a leader, a deputy-leader and 20 brigades and supportive directorates.

In comments on Tuesday, the “popular mobilization” group’s spokesman, Ahmed Al-Asadi, said that government’s decision ordered that the new parallel force would be directly linked to the general command, in reference to the Iraqi prime minister.

Meanwhile, Iraqi sources close to the matter told Asharq al-Awsat newspaper that the announcement was aimed at pushing the prime minister, who is also the Armed Forces’ general commander, to implement the new decision as soon as possible.

The Iraqi source noted that many challenges would face this conversion, as the prime minister wants the militias to be equal to counter-terrorism apparatus. Those challenges include the required age group and the educational level of militants, the source added.

Another obstacle lies in the required number of troops. While the counter-terrorism apparatus should not exceed 25,000 members, the “popular mobilization” militias gather more than 170,000 militants. This will be a difficult task to resolve, according to the same source.

Question: would this apparatus be under the control of Baghdad or Sadr? or would Sadr be automatically be promoted to Commander?
Full text of Office Order 91

Pursuant to the Provisions of Article (78) of the Constitution,
And based upon the requirements of public interests, and for the purpose of restructuring and reorganizing the Hashid al Shaabi organization and the forces belonging to it.

We have decided on the following: –

1. The Hashid al Shaabi will be an independent military formation and a part of the Iraqi armed forces, and linked to the general commander of the armed forces.

2. This formation will act in a manner comparable to the current (counterterrorism apparatus), in terms of organization and affiliation.

3. The formation will be comprised of a leadership, a General Staff , and fighting formations and brigades.

4. This formation and its members will be subject to military regulations [laws] that issue forth from all entities.

5. The assignment of the members, officials and commanders of this formation will be done according to military procedures, concerning its hierarchy, salaries, provisions, and its rights and duties general.

6. The connection of the members of the Hashid al Shaabi organization will be cut from all political, party and social frameworks, and political work will be prohibited in its ranks.

7. The military formation will be formed from the organization of the Hashid al Shaabi, from among its staff, brigades, and members who will adhere to what has been set forth in the description of this organization, and within three months.

8. The concerned parties/agencies will be tasked with carrying out its provisions.

Haidar al-Abadi
Prime Minister
Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces
February 22, 2016

Facsimile Copy to:
– The Defense Ministry – General Secretariat
– The Interior Ministry – Minister’s Office
– The National Security Council
– The Iraqi National Intelligence Apparatus
– The Counterterrorism Apparatus
– Hashid al Shaabi
– The Joint Operations Command
– [Last line is illegible]


Are there going to be any offensives on the 'Hawija' area anytime soon? Every time I check, it seems this area is left out, and operations are more concentred in Bajeei and north of it ....

Are there going to be any offensives on the 'Hawija' area anytime soon? Every time I check, it seems this area is left out, and operations are more concentred in Bajeei and north of it ....

Hawija is a weak area for ISIS. They can't launch attack from it and are always on defensive because it is just flat ground around it with mountains and berms around held by Iraqi forces. When the forces go up north to Mosul they will launch joint Hawija operation but at this stage it poses no real threat. ISIS always used forces from Mosul/North Axis because Hawija side is not strong enough to attack Iraqi forces and take causalities.
The Qayara-shirqat- hawijah operations are being held back because of the lack of accommodation for fleeing civilians. The iraqi forces changed their tactics because of that. Currently the ops are focused on cutting of and laying seige to towns and villages in the region. the ops have been largely successful.

The US wants to keep the operations advancing north towards mosul. The Iraqis want to deal with shirqat because of the horrible humanitarian situations. Fleeing civilians are being targeted by IS, some of them dying in the desert, while civilians inside are running low on food.

Qayara and hawijah are less important because most of the remaining population are IS supported. Shirqat on the other hand has a loyal population which fought against and gave hundreds of martyrs against IS. There are many PMF and army fighters who want to reunite with their families in shirqat.

Currently the fronts are calm with the exception of the ops going on in the khaldiyah peninsula between Fallujah and Ramadi. Securing this area will ensure stability and stop IS from launching attacks against Ramadi, Falujah and nearby areas.

So far 70% of the area has been cleared. Operation is going into its third day.


:/ well that was quick. Jazirat alkhaldiyah has been declared fully liberated about one hour ago. Operation lasted less then 3 days.

Probably needs another week to finish removing IED's and complete house to house search.

But this means a few thousand fighters will be available to relocated elsewhere.
Schermafbeelding 2016-08-01 om 00.47.17 (1).png
According to the wiki map.

H1 & H2 airbases are out of service though.
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Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood threatened to kill Iraq's minister of defense Khaled al Obeidi after earlier this week in parliament the defense minister exposed parliament speaker Salim Al Jubouri of corruption, extortion and blackmail against him and the defense sector.

Both the defense minister and parliament speaker are Sunnis, Jabouri is part of the Islamic party (Iraq's Muslim Brotherhood), basically we have an ISIS speaker of parliament who has worked hard to undermine the military as Obeidi has shown. It's time they ban this party just as dozens of Arab states have done, no one will complain but MB/Erdogan.


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