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Coalition planes destroy IS chemical factory near Mosul

September 13, 2016

The US-led strike on a chemical weapons production center was conducted by fighter jets, ground-attack aircraft and even a B-52 heavy bomber (AFP Photo/Sgt. Paige Behringer)
Washington (AFP) - US-led coalition warplanes destroyed a factory in Iraq used by the Islamic State group to make chemical weapons, the Pentagon said Tuesday.

The production center -- a converted pharmaceutical plant complex -- likely made chlorine or mustard gas, said Lieutenant General Jeffrey Harrigian, who heads US Air Forces Central Command.

"This represents just another example of Daesh's blatant disregard for international law and norms," he told Pentagon reporters in a video call, using an Arabic acronym for IS.

The strike occurred Monday near Mosul and was conducted by fighter jets, ground-attack aircraft and even a B-52 heavy bomber, the Pentagon said.

The Pentagon provided video of the strike, showing a series of large, flat-roofed buildings disintegrating under multiple explosions.

Observers have repeatedly alleged IS has used chemical weapons, and the Pentagon has confirmed the jihadists have deployed chlorine and sulfur mustard devices.

Iraqi security forces, backed by coalition air power, are in the final weeks of "shaping" operations ahead of an assault to recapture Mosul, which IS seized in 2014 and which remains the jihadists' last main stronghold in Iraq.
Finally some long awaited news. Massive ops have started to liberate Hit and Ramadi peninsula in Anbar and shirqat/ northern Sallahiddin.

The gates of hell have been open against daesh.

Air forces, artillery and mortars are raining on IS positions while ground forces prepare to move in.
@f1000n i believe I wrote a detailed story about the events which led to IS takeover long ago. To lazy to dig through or type another one :/.

Some very great achievements this week.

Khaldiyah peninsulah is finally liberated. The reason why the op there took longer is because all Surviving IS members from fallujah, Ramadi and eastern Anbar are trapped there. An estimated 1500 fighters in total.

The last area remaining is cleared or at least close to being cleared. IS was surrounded in around 300 homes. literally hundreds of IS bodies have been found either in the open or in some cases buried inside the houses/ yards.

Many foreign fighters are trapped and killed as well.


Southern Nineveh.

ICTF Spearheaded the operation to storm Qayara. The city was liberated after 3 days of fighting.

IS burned a few oils wells to divert the aviation and air force. However, it did little to stop the iraqi army offensive.

IS in northern Sallahiddin and Hawijah in Kirkuk are now totally besieged. They are living in a nightmare and expecting iraqi forces to advance towards them any minute.

Shirqat is expected to be the next target.

Videos from Qayara. IS lost about 40 fighters inside the town in direct gunfights, that's other then the few vihicles which were taken out by the Air Force as the fled.

it really saddens me to see the very birthplace of civilizations, the home of writing and empires turn into this...

Hopefully you guys will be able to recall your former glory and restore peace to the region, you guys sure do need it after decades of fighting.
it really saddens me to see the very birthplace of civilizations, the home of writing and empires turn into this...

Hopefully you guys will be able to recall your former glory and restore peace to the region, you guys sure do need it after decades of fighting.

Sunni Islam has become the problem given that the Gulf/Saudi are very rich nowadays and export their ideology of Sunnism. Saying that isn't sectarian it's the truth
Sunni Islam has become the problem given that the Gulf/Saudi are very rich nowadays and export their ideology of Sunnism. Saying that isn't sectarian it's the truth
Shia Islam is the problem..but, i bet that is sectarian. :lol:
it really saddens me to see the very birthplace of civilizations, the home of writing and empires turn into this...

Hopefully you guys will be able to recall your former glory and restore peace to the region, you guys sure do need it after decades of fighting.

It wont happen as long as US keeps meddling in Iraqi affairs. Even if "ISIS" is defeated the governments in Baghdad and Erbil are so corrupted and useless that many more bloody events will follow
The Iraqi parliament on Wednesday passed a vote of no-confidence against finance minister Hoshyar Zebari, voting in a secret ballot.

Out of the 249 MPs who voted in the 328-seat parliament, 158 voted against him, 77 were in his favor and 14 abstained. This automatically sacks the finance minister as per Iraqi law.


The most corrupt and foreign member in government finally sacked. 77 vote in his favor, that tells us how many enemies there are in parliament. No wonder there is so much corruption and internal cover for terrorism which eventually made the army command collapse in 2014. A major cleansing campaign is needed.
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It wont happen as long as US keeps meddling in Iraqi affairs. Even if "ISIS" is defeated the governments in Baghdad and Erbil are so corrupted and useless that many more bloody events will follow
Western powers are actually helping Iraqi forces. You think they would have achieved such good results against ISIS if they did not have massive air cover and special forces/advisers support from U.S and U.K?
Iraqi army needs all the help she can get from the international community against these fanatics/jihadists
Western powers are actually helping Iraqi forces. You think they would have achieved such good results against ISIS if they did not have massive air cover and special forces/advisers support from U.S and U.K?
Iraqi army needs all the help she can get from the international community against these fanatics/jihadists

Wow so selfless western powers who after staging an arbitrary invasion and murdering one million people just to steal the oil, are sleepless because they think that the women of Mosul cant wear mini skirts like the western women do. Governments on Baghdad and Erbil are based on corruption. America bribes them to take the oil of Iraq while the common folks suffer.
The result will be the same as with nuri al said who was pro-British and ruled Iraq for 30 years till a revolution killed him
Wow so selfless western powers who after staging an arbitrary invasion and murdering one million people just to steal the oil, are sleepless because they think that the women of Mosul cant wear mini skirts like the western women do. Governments on Baghdad and Erbil are based on corruption. America bribes them to take the oil of Iraq while the common folks suffer.
The result will be the same as with nuri al said who was pro-British and ruled Iraq for 30 years till a revolution killed him

WTH, I JUST NOTICED Your flag says are Greek?:lol: Really?lol :rolleyes:

Anyway, who killed 1million Iraqis people? The U.K/U.S invasion of Iraq caused less than 10.000 Iraqi soldiers death fighting American and British troops during the war(U.S lost about 400 and Britain about 50 soldiers in 2003 during the invasion year) .
What followed after the invasion and overthrow of Saddam was the normal sectarian Sunni -Shias religious war with both sides targeting each other for power.
Granted Saddam was ruthless with them and he never hesitate to crush/massacred them to keep them in line(especially towards the Shias and Kurds). He did it better that I admit. Lol

But dont think you should blame us for their sectarian nature. We couldn't possibly use Saddams ruthless approach for obvious reasons.
It's the Sunni and Shia radicals who should look into their sectarian mindset, instead of killing each other and justifying it on some illogical reason .
Using that logic, Africans , people from SEA, Latin America who were all under western occupation at some point will still be fighting and killing each other while blaming the west. Imperial Japan will still be killing each other for sectarian reasons after the WWII U.S invasion as well if they had this sectarian mindset. instead of coming together to rebuild their country like they did.

What do you mean by we are sleepless because the women of Mosul can't wear skirts like in the west??? So according to you Mosul should remain under Islamic state holy moral rule right?lol
Guess you must be one of those Muslim who lives in the west(sometimes even secound generation ) but wants their country of origin to reject any western values and be more conservative Islamic than they are already. You are welcome to try living in Mosul then. Since it's a model for the Islamic world, which the west doesn't want to succeed. :lol:
WTH, I JUST NOTICED Your flag says are Greek?:lol: Really?lol :rolleyes:

Anyway, who killed 1million Iraqis people? The U.K/U.S invasion of Iraq caused less than 10.000 Iraqi soldiers death fighting American and British troops during the war(U.S lost about 400 and Britain about 50 soldiers in 2003 during the invasion year) .
What followed after the invasion and overthrow of Saddam was the normal sectarian Sunni -Shias religious war with both sides targeting each other for power.
Granted Saddam was ruthless with them and he never hesitate to crush/massacred them to keep them in line(especially towards the Shias and Kurds). He did it better that I admit. Lol

But dont think you should blame us for their sectarian nature. We couldn't possibly use Saddams ruthless approach for obvious reasons.
It's the Sunni and Shia radicals who should look into their sectarian mindset, instead of killing each other and justifying it on some illogical reason .
Using that logic, Africans , people from SEA, Latin America who were all under western occupation at some point will still be fighting and killing each other while blaming the west. Imperial Japan will still be killing each other for sectarian reasons after the WWII U.S invasion as well if they had this sectarian mindset. instead of coming together to rebuild their country like they did.

What do you mean by we are sleepless because the women of Mosul can't wear skirts like in the west??? So according to you Mosul should remain under Islamic state holy moral rule right?lol
Guess you must be one of those Muslim who lives in the west(sometimes even secound generation ) but wants their country of origin to reject any western values and be more conservative Islamic than they are already. You are welcome to try living in Mosul then. Since it's a model for the Islamic world, which the west doesn't want to succeed. :lol:

One good thing with Americans and British is that they have never seen a foreign country invade their realm and fail to understand what an occupation is. So because of this you have so many people in these countries really believing that "its not our fault they are barbarians, we came bombing peacefully(!)".
In my country when we got invaded by the Germans, we lived peacefully. Yet because the Germans were arrogant and wanted to control the country(like you do with Iraq, Afghanistan etc)they put their own people on power and declared everyone who fought them as terrorist. The rebel war caused only some thousands of dead german soldiers(far more were killed in battles between Greeks who fought for independence and Greeks who were German stooges). When the Germans left the country, they left behind a power vacuum and it took another 5 years of civil war in order for peace to come. The unfortunate thing is that the western countries have the tendency to occupy other countries yet their people are completely ignorant on how that works(prefering to parrot about liberation...)
Wow so selfless western powers who after staging an arbitrary invasion and murdering one million people just to steal the oil, are sleepless because they think that the women of Mosul cant wear mini skirts like the western women do. Governments on Baghdad and Erbil are based on corruption. America bribes them to take the oil of Iraq while the common folks suffer.
The result will be the same as with nuri al said who was pro-British and ruled Iraq for 30 years till a revolution killed him

WTH, I JUST NOTICED Your flag says are Greek?:lol: Really?lol :rolleyes:

Anyway, who killed 1million Iraqis people? The U.K/U.S invasion of Iraq caused less than 10.000 Iraqi soldiers death fighting American and British troops during the war(U.S lost about 400 and Britain about 50 soldiers in 2003 during the invasion year) .
What followed after the invasion and overthrow of Saddam was the normal sectarian Sunni -Shias religious war with both sides targeting each other for power.
Granted Saddam was ruthless with them and he never hesitate to crush/massacred them to keep them in line(especially towards the Shias and Kurds). He did it better that I admit. Lol

But dont think you should blame us for their sectarian nature. We couldn't possibly use Saddams ruthless approach for obvious reasons.
It's the Sunni and Shia radicals who should look into their sectarian mindset, instead of killing each other and justifying it on some illogical reason .
Using that logic, Africans , people from SEA, Latin America who were all under western occupation at some point will still be fighting and killing each other while blaming the west. Imperial Japan will still be killing each other for sectarian reasons after the WWII U.S invasion as well if they had this sectarian mindset. instead of coming together to rebuild their country like they did.

What do you mean by we are sleepless because the women of Mosul can't wear skirts like in the west??? So according to you Mosul should remain under Islamic state holy moral rule right?lol
Guess you must be one of those Muslim who lives in the west(sometimes even secound generation ) but wants their country of origin to reject any western values and be more conservative Islamic than they are already. You are welcome to try living in Mosul then. Since it's a model for the Islamic world, which the west doesn't want to succeed. :lol:
Western powers are actually helping Iraqi forces. You think they would have achieved such good results against ISIS if they did not have massive air cover and special forces/advisers support from U.S and U.K?
Iraqi army needs all the help she can get from the international community against these fanatics/jihadists
But Iraqis never asked for your support
well the White house Pentagon where talking about another 15 years for mosul to be liberated!!!!
but when they saw the PMU beating isis left and right they insist to participate in the operation the Iraqis to the last moment refused the participating of any foreign forces

so please don't try to give your self any credit.
But Iraqis never asked for your support
well the White house Pentagon where talking about another 15 years for mosul to be liberated!!!!
but when they saw the PMU beating isis left and right they insist to participate in the operation the Iraqis to the last moment refused the participating of any foreign forces

so please don't try to give your self any credit.

It's some PMF leaders and other politicians that oppose support.

Officially the gov requested air support from the US, this grew into a larger coalition and ground training/different support. Only recently it has grown to battalion level advise and air support from Apaches. In Iraq they are there legally by Iraq's gov request. In Syria they are uninvited by the officially recognized gov.
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