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Nonsenses, 99,9 % of Muslims and Arabs do not support ISIS, that is rubbish what you said, man.
Why should Arabs/Muslims support ISIS in killing Iraqis ?? Iraqis are 80% Arabs and 99% Muslims.
Maby they supported them in 2014, becouse they thought ISIS is fighting for ISLAM.

After ISIS show their takfiri terrorism, nobody support them anymore, of course there are always extremists, just like people who support Alawi sectarian regime in Syria, who killed even more civlians/people.

Al Jazeera twitter polls show that 70%~ of the subscribers support ISIS over Iraqi forces.
IS attacked Hit with dozens of suicide bombers and many other terrorists, tribal fighters collapsed, ISOF regained control of the area. Over 50 dead ISIS in that.
'Peshmerga' begins large offensives east of Mosul to regain 'formerly Kurdish villages', it seems everything becomes Kurdish territory overnight. And Jewish run Western media and government legitimize these claims.


Kurds are taking over your country it seems. Also the Georgian figure in ISIS resurfaces in video and isn't dead:


It seems like Obama is trying to rush some things near the end of his legacy, and is willing to allow Kurds to takeover Raqqa and Mosul rather than indigenous peoples. And it's unclear what Arab agenda is here.
'Peshmerga' begins large offensives east of Mosul to regain 'formerly Kurdish villages', it seems everything becomes Kurdish territory overnight. And Jewish run Western media and government legitimize these claims.


Kurds are taking over your country it seems. Also the Georgian figure in ISIS resurfaces in video and isn't dead:


It seems like Obama is trying to rush some things near the end of his legacy, and is willing to allow Kurds to takeover Raqqa and Mosul rather than indigenous peoples. And it's unclear what Arab agenda is here.

best thing is iraqi iranian government does not do anything :D
Listen, I am not stupid, okay ? I saw what they already did in villages around Fallujah.
This forum prohibit posting pictures which contains blood and killings, of course in ANYBODY WANTS TO SEE I will left some popular twitter profiles he can check, in one video they are even slaughtering man, praying our shahada.
Look at these profiles :
@Malcolmite - look at video he published before 21h (Shia militias slaughtering man and praying shahada).
@Nidalgazaui look at video he published 24 May 8:53 AM ( Shia militias entering house and killing entire family, and not afraid to film that) .
- of course there are many more viedos of Iraqi military and religious leaders calling to clean whole city, becouse there is no even one good person, city od adultery ect., which are only warming up situation.
I also remember what happened in Tikirt, however I really hope that there would't be so much killing of civilians.

But what I fear most is what will happen when Iraqi Kurdistan became independent in September/October this year, and Iraq became more than 80% Shia Muslim country, Sunni Arabs will unfortunately suffer even more oppresions of the government, and again there won't be peace.
Did you notice why most of the vids we see for civilians leaving the town mainly women and kids no men can you tell me where the men gone why the women alone with the kids!!!!!!! have you asked your self this question NO.

because most of the men either fight with isis or held hostages by isis.

best thing is iraqi iranian government does not do anything :D
Hey they talk about a big battle between Iraqis and Turks and Iraqis will kick your butt in that battle so I'm waiting to see that happen.
best thing is iraqi iranian government does not do anything :D
1. Kurds will have referendum as Barzani said (in an interview with Al-Monitor media website, 23 March) maby between September-October 2016, so it is logical that they are trying to take as much land as they can.

2.Nobody knows what will happen with Kirkuk, who was incorporated in Iraqi Kurdistan in 2014, after ISIS came on scene.

3.I can not find informations about current demographic composition in Kirkuk, but in 1997 :

Arabs - 72 % (544,596)

Kurds - 21 % (155,861)

Turkmens - 7% ( 50, 099)

After agression on Iraq, and overturning of Saddam Hussein, many Kurds came back (many of them were forced to leave becouse of Arabization).
Today almost 20 years have passed, maby today Arabs make 50%, who knows !?

4. Turkey said that will recognize independent Kurdistan, Barzani and Erdogan both fight against PKK/YPG terrorists, and border between Iraqi Kurdistan and teritory in Syria that is controlled by PKK is closed.
Turkey will solve much of her problems on this way and gain strong ally, however Iran will also benefit from independent Kurdistan.

5. Arabs do not have agenda, it seems that they have many land to sell others, they are divided in 15 countries in Asia and maby 7-8 in Africa, so it is not surprise at all that they are helpless.

Well none of it is funny, I would honestly leave this matter to the Iraqi's if what we're seeing wasn't part of an overall crisis across the whole region that will affect everybody. The people of the region will not survive in the near future(30 years tops), and will face severe famine/food and water shortages if they don't take these matters seriously. No country should be cut up, and there should not be this tribal mentality where everyone is taking what they deem part of theirs.
Iranian? no it's old books prophecies in those books if that right then we will kick your butt so prepare it to be kicked.

I hope you know the 'Turks' in those books you're referencing are not a reference to modern day Turks.
members of JAHSH (Jyash Alhashd Alshabi) militia along with Iraqi military bombed a mosque in Karma next to Fallujah , then one of them took pictures before and after!
So they claim they are fighting Daesh!



Wow for the guy who is not even Muslim, you sure are concerned about mosques, so much so that you are photo shopping them, in and out of pics, look at the flags Einstein they are flowing in two different directions.
members of JAHSH (Jyash Alhashd Alshabi) militia along with Iraqi military bombed a mosque in Karma next to Fallujah , then one of them took pictures before and after!
So they claim they are fighting Daesh!


That's a car bomb you JAhsh.
How much progress has the Iraqi army made against Daesh? Have they dislodged them from majority of the territory they took over?
By Ramadan there will be no ISIS in Faloujah that's the plan. So far they made tremendous progress in the town don't forget they taking it bite by bite since tens of thousands of civilians still in the city.

BTW, Ramadan coming in few days mainly 4-5 days so we will celebrate liberating the town soon.

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