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Is this true? Is a Saudi scholar asking his government to rescue 300 Saudis in Fallujah? What are they doing there in the first place?

That's definitely not true, I checked out this guy on Twitter and I didn't see him tweeting such a tweet. Needless to say, He is a scholar so he knows very well how to write in perfect Arabic for example the photoshoped tweet you quote has many spelling mistakes such as, الفلوجه, سعوديه, عربيه, فريسه it all must end with ta'a marboutah like الفلوجة and سعودية
Also the same tweet has no commas and the word ان must be أن starting with Hamzat Qate3 not Hamzat Wasel. So many mistakes that no scholar can ever make.
That's definitely not true, I checked out this guy on Twitter and I didn't see him tweeting such a tweet. Needless to say, He is a scholar so he knows very well how to write in perfect Arabic for example the photoshoped tweet you quote has many spelling mistakes such as, الفلوجه, سعوديه, عربيه, فريسه it all must end with ta'a marboutah like الفلوجة and سعودية
Also the same tweet has no commas and the word ان must be أن starting with Hamzat Qate3 not Hamzat Wasel. So many mistakes that no scholar can ever make.
It seems you are the one who don't know how to write in arabic.

This scum scholar asking his ambassador in Baghdad to intervene to save 300 girls all Saudis and arab because they were used for sex jihad!!! any filthiness worst than that?.
Iraqi Popular Mobilization Units rescue over 70 families from ISIS held Fallujah

Iraqi PMU fighters have organized the freedom of over 70 families consisting of approximately 350 individuals from the hands of ISIS. Radio messages, mobile phone numbers and loudspeaker broadcasts are routinely put up to give civilians new information on humanitarian corridors. PMU fighters hold these corridors open from ISIS by fighting them and allowing as many civilians to get out as possible. Many villages and towns around Fallujah are now fully liberated giving many hundreds of remaining families some safety from ISIS but the city is still ISIS held and over 50,000 civilians are trapped there. ISIS does not allow people to leave peacefully and we must use all our efforts and force to ensure these civilians can escape the brutality of ISIS occupation.

Popular mobiliaztion forces are one of the rare lights in the tunnel of this unfortunate war, becouse Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi approved the appointment of 40,000 Sunni fighters to join Popular Mobilization Forces, in January 2016.
I hope that fact will save at least some of Sunni civilians from bloodbath when Shia Militias enter Fallujah, becouse according to videos that are circling on Twitter, dark future is smiling to Sunni Arabs.

No blood bath awaits civilians. Fallujah isn't the first Sunni city to be liberated.
Listen, I am not stupid, okay ? I saw what they already did in villages around Fallujah.
This forum prohibit posting pictures which contains blood and killings, of course in ANYBODY WANTS TO SEE I will left some popular twitter profiles he can check, in one video they are even slaughtering man, praying our shahada.
Look at these profiles :
@Malcolmite - look at video he published before 21h (Shia militias slaughtering man and praying shahada).
@Nidalgazaui look at video he published 24 May 8:53 AM ( Shia militias entering house and killing entire family, and not afraid to film that) .
- of course there are many more viedos of Iraqi military and religious leaders calling to clean whole city, becouse there is no even one good person, city od adultery ect., which are only warming up situation.
I also remember what happened in Tikirt, however I really hope that there would't be so much killing of civilians.

But what I fear most is what will happen when Iraqi Kurdistan became independent in September/October this year, and Iraq became more than 80% Shia Muslim country, Sunni Arabs will unfortunately suffer even more oppresions of the government, and again there won't be peace.

As far as I know Sunni clerics are hand in hand with these filthy Shia militias slaughtering Sunnis in Falluja ...


Listen, I am not stupid, okay ? I saw what they already did in villages around Fallujah.
This forum prohibit posting pictures which contains blood and killings, of course in ANYBODY WANTS TO SEE I will left some popular twitter profiles he can check, in one video they are even slaughtering man, praying our shahada.
Look at these profiles :
@Malcolmite - look at video he published before 21h (Shia militias slaughtering man and praying shahada).
@Nidalgazaui look at video he published 24 May 8:53 AM ( Shia militias entering house and killing entire family, and not afraid to film that) .
- of course there are many more viedos of Iraqi military and religious leaders calling to clean whole city, becouse there is no even one good person, city od adultery ect., which are only warming up situation.

Malcomite is an IS supporter, Nidalgazaui is anti Shi'a.
It's true that atrocities have been carried out against IS members but many are comitted by Sunnis themselves.

See for yourself: https://twitter.com/SunniTribes

A few days ago Sunnis beheaded and stabbed an IS guy in the neck, I think it's great.
If you want to believe ISIS propaganda then they still hold Baiji, Tikrit and Ramadi. Crimes in Tikrit occurred when the Sunni Al Alam and Al Jabouri tribe attacked the ISIS ad Ba'athi affiliated Albu Ajeel tribe. The area that was targeted is even named after the tribe, the Albu Ajeel area within Tikrit. Over 95% of the civilian population has returned to Tikrit thanks to the Iraqi forces. This is contrary to ISIS media saying everyone will be slaughtered. ISIS committed the Speicher massacre in Tikrit in which they killed 1,700 Shia oil defense cadets on their training rotation. Albu Ajeel tribe promised to transport 4,000 cadets (Sunni and Shia) out of Tikrit as the training was cancelled due to ISIS threat. Albu Ajeel tribe was found to transport and join in the ISIS massacre of the cadets. They were separated based on religion and the Sunni cadets were let go and the Shia cadets were massacred. Despite this the civilians of Tikrit have returned and no revenge attacks on all these Sunni civilians has been committed by Shia groups.

I notice you guys say that if Sunnis work with the Iraqi government they are traitors and the like. Who should Sunnis work with? ISIS? That has not worked out for them as ISIS cannot provide for people. It is a failed project.
Iraqi Popular Mobilization Units rescue over 60 families from ISIS in Fallujah

The Iraqi Popular Mobilization Units have recently rescued over 60 families from ISIS in Fallujah. The humanitarian corridors that are open for these civilians take military force to maintain open from ISIS and to clear the pathways from IEDs and sniper fire. Many losses of PMU fighters have been incurred in keeping these static passages open for civilians but the PMU remains steadfast in it's mission with the whole Iraqi Security Force to ensure humanitarian corridors so ISIS cannot hold a city hostage. As these families escape ISIS they are able to call inside the city and assure the safety of their friends and family to leave the city. ISIS propaganda has maintained that anyone leaving Fallujah will be slaughtered by the Iraqi forces and those leaving will also be a target for ISIS snipers. These attempts by ISIS will not succeed as the fighters advance on Fallujah and enure the safety of civilians fleeing ISIS.

What a load of shit.

Many Muslims/Arabs are against IS in their own countries however they support them in killing others (Iraqis mostly). I can tell you that even on this forum every Arab supported them in their 2014 uprising, some even paid a special visit back to the forum to celebrate.


Paper about ISOF, a lot of good information pointing out the succes of a USSOF replica in a middle eastern force.

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