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Iraqi Sunni Arab patriot and politician who called for war with Kurds barred from polls


Feb 1, 2013
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Saudi Arabia
That's unfair and insane. Mishaan al-Juburi is one of the few titans left in Iraqi politics dominated by retarded Shia Rafida Islamists and other annoyances and sell-outs. An real Iraqi and Arab patriot that knows about the Kurdish situation and the dirty hand of the Majoos and Safavids.

Another attempt at targeting and silencing the proud Sunni Arab community in Iraq that was the backbone of Iraqi society since the country's founding until the illegal war in 2003.

Here he totally defeats an majoosi traitor and agent.

The Kurdish snakes are creating problems in Syria and they cannot be trusted. No inch of Arab land should be given to those migrants from Mullahistan. At least in Syria.
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Kurds are Sunni Muslims. ALL top Shafi'i Sunni Scholars in 'Iraq are Kurdish.

Half the Arab Sunni Population in 'Iraq has Kurdish relatives, or is of partial Kurdish lineage

Half the leftover Sunni population in Baghdad is Kurdish.

I believe, what he called for was war if 'Iraq were to be divided by Marxist PKK's
Kurds are Sunni Muslims. ALL top Shafi'i Sunni Scholars in 'Iraq are Kurdish.

Half the Arab Sunni Population in 'Iraq has Kurdish relatives, or is of partial Kurdish lineage

Half the leftover Sunni population in Baghdad is Kurdish.

I believe, what he called for was war if 'Iraq were to be divided by Marxist PKK's

Most of the Kurds main religion is nationalism.

That's because most of the Iraqi Sunni Arabs belong to the Hanafi fiqh.

Half is a hugely, hugely exaggerated number. Iraqi Sunni Arabs rarely intermarried or intermarry with Kurds. Mostly only in the Northern areas.

No, that's not correct. Most of the Kurds in Baghdad are Shia Feyli Kurds.

The point is that the Kurds cannot be trusted and are trying to steal Arab land and ancient Semitic land.

They are not to be trusted in Syria either where some of them are collaborating with Al-Asshead.

I have no doubt about a future "Kurdish state" collaborating with Iran and Israel and that they are working against Arab and Sunni Muslim interests.

Thus they are among the number of potential enemies in the future.

Besides many Kurds seem to have a hatred for Arabs which of course means that we will hate them too.

I am talking about their rulers and leaders here. Most of the ordinary Kurds are good people.
Most of the Kurds main religion is nationalism.

That's because most of the Iraqi Sunni Arabs belong to the Hanafi fiqh.

Half is a hugely, hugely exaggerated number. Iraqi Sunni Arabs rarely intermarried or intermarry with Kurds. Mostly only in the Northern areas.

No, that's not correct. Most of the Kurds in Baghdad are Shia Feyli Kurds.

The point is that the Kurds cannot be trusted and are trying to steal Arab land and ancient Semitic land.

They are not to be trusted in Syria either where some of them are collaborating with Al-Asshead.

I have no doubt about a future "Kurdish state" collaborating with Iran and Israel and that they are working against Arab and Sunni Muslim interests.

Thus they are among the number of potential enemies in the future.

Besides many Kurds seem to have a hatred for Arabs which of course means that we will hate them too.

I am talking about their rulers and leaders here. Most of the ordinary Kurds are good people.

Iraqi Sunni Arabs intermarry with everyone. One third their families have intermarried with Shia Kurds make up 1/3rd the Sunni population of 'Iraq. All major Sunni Schools in 'Iraq are controlled and runned by Kurds essentially. Fayli kurds are a tiny minority in Baghdad and live in Shia districts ALL Sunni Hayy's are filled with Kurds in Baghdad. From Zayouna to Khadraa, and from Ghazaliya down to Dora

Kurds are the ONLY leftover backbone of Sunni Islam in Baghdad today, and not just there in ALL Major Iraqi Sunni cities. Kirkuk, Mosul, Irbil, and even in Basra.
Iraqi Sunni Arabs intermarry with everyone. One third their families has intermarried with Shia Kurds make up 1/3rd the Sunni population of 'Iraq. All major Sunni Schools in 'Iraq are controlled and runned by Kurds essentially. Fayli kurds are a tiny minority in Baghdad and live in Shia districts ALL Sunni Hayy's are filled with Kurds in Baghdad. From Zayouna to Khadraa, and from Ghazaliya down to Dora

Kurds are the ONLY leftover backbone of Sunni Islam in Baghdad today, and not just there in ALL Major Iraqi Sunni cities. Kirkuk, Mosul, Irbil, and even in Basra.

I have to say that I do not know where you get this information from. I happen to have Iraqi ancestry on my father's side and relatives living in the country to this day. Most of the Sunni Arabs do not intermarry with everyone rather the opposite.

Most Kurds marry other Kurds. Yes, there have been Arab-Kurdish intermarriages but they are exaggerated and to write that half of the Sunni Arabs have married Kurd is with all due respect and insane and false claim.

No, they are not. The Iraqi Sunni Arabs have their own Islamic leadership. The Kurds have their own in the so-called Iraqi Kurdistan.

No, most of the Kurds in Baghdad are Fayli Kurds. Besides the Kurds in Baghdad do not exceed 1 million people and most of the Sunnis in Baghdad are obviously Iraqi Sunni Arabs.

Most of the Arab-Kurdish intermarriages have taken place in Northern Diyala, Kirkuk and to a smaller extent Mosul.

In any case I have no love left for the Kurdish leadership of the ME.

Also if you get to know Kurds in the West or in the ME then you will know that most of them are more interested in nationalism and seeing their dream (Kurdistan) than Islam.

Visit any Kurdish forum for confirmation.
Sunni Islam in Iraq is alive due to only one community. The Kurds. The biggest Hanafi School running in the country is controlled by Sunni Hanafi Turkmen in Karkuk. But once again, these Sunni Hanafi Turkmen are intermarried with the Sunni Arabs.

I have to say that I do not know where you get this information from. I happen to have Iraqi ancestry on my father's side and relatives living in the country to this day. Most of the Sunni Arabs do not intermarry with everyone rather the opposite.

Most Kurds marry other Kurds. Yes, there have been Arab-Kurdish intermarriages but they are exaggerated and to write that half of the Sunni Arabs have married Kurd is with all due respect and insane and false claim.

No, they are not. The Iraqi Sunni Arabs have their own Islamic leadership. The Kurds have their own in the so-called Iraqi Kurdistan.

No, most of the Kurds in Baghdad are Fayli Kurds. Besides the Kurds in Baghdad do not exceed 1 million people and most of the Sunnis in Baghdad are obviously Iraqi Sunni Arabs.

Kurds make up half the Sunni population of Baghdad today. They populate all left over Sunni Hayys in Baghdad.

The Kurdish Shafi'i Sunni Ulama also control half the Sunni mosques in Baghdad, and more than half the Sunni schools in the country. They are a dominant force in all Sunni ulama circles in Baghdad Shareef.

Fayli kurds are Shia kurds, who live in Shia areas in Baghdad, and form a tiny minority.

Almost 1/3rd the Sunni Arab families have married Iraqi Shia, especially women.

Intermarriage in Iraq is extremely common.

Iraqi Sunni Arabs have been marrying Iraqi Kurds and Turkmen for 1000 years
What have the Kurds anything to do with the Turkmens?

No, it's not. It's controlled by Sunni Arabs as it has always been the case. Since Islam reached what is now modern-day Iraq.

Kurds are not Iraqis. 90% of them live in Iraqi Kurdistan which is nearly 95% Kurdish populated after the Kurds committed genocide on the native Semitic Assyrians.

Iraqi Sunni Arabs make up about 25-30% of Iraq's entire population. There are nearly no Kurds who live in the Iraqi Sunni Arab provinces and the Kurds who live in Baghdad are mostly Shia Feylis while the Kurds living South of Baghdad can be counted on 1 hand.

Turkmens have not even been in Iraq for 1000 years. They are fairly new arrivals (500 years) and are a small, small minority.
In any case we are off-topic.
Seems like the responsible thing to do if he called for war against his own people. lol
These are the left over Sunni Hayys in Baghdad, that are filled with Kurdish Sunnis, both poor and rich people

even Adnan's Adel

Kurds are the only Sunnis left in deep Rusafa, as the Sunni Arabs left due to tribal warfare with southern shia tribes

Palestine Street
Seems like the responsible thing to do if he called for war against his own people. lol

Nobody in Iraq considers Kurds as their own people. Most see them as a foreign entity with a totally different history, language ,culture, political views etc. They are an foreign entity who committed genocide on the native and ancient Semitic Assyrians.
They are totally different people. Some intermarriages or not. They have their own state now. If not for patriotic feelings of not wanting to break up Iraq and having a romanticized view of a united Iraq most of the Iraqis would have wanted to separate from this so-called Kurdistan a long, long time ago.

Lastly the Kurds are stealing money on a yearly basis from the central government in Baghdad (whom I have no love left for) and they also openly work against the interests of Iraq.

In any case his original interview was not controversial if you ask me. The Kurds want to annex non-Kurdish territory and that will not be allowed by the local Sunni Arabs or other Iraqis who are not loyal to this so-called Kurdistan.

Kurds have a disturbing love for Zionism and the state of Israel and their main religion is Kurdish nationalism and they cannot be trusted.

In a perfect world they would be driven back to where they came from (God knows from where).
What have the Kurds anything to do with the Turkmens?

No, it's not. It's controlled by Sunni Arabs as it has always been the case. Since Islam reached what is now modern-day Iraq.

Kurds are not Iraqis. 90% of them live in Iraqi Kurdistan which is nearly 95% Kurdish populated after the Kurds committed genocide on the native Semitic Assyrians.

Iraqi Sunni Arabs make up about 25-30% of Iraq's entire population. There are nearly no Kurds who live in the Iraqi Sunni Arab provinces and the Kurds who live in Baghdad are mostly Shia Feylis while the Kurds living South of Baghdad can be counted on 1 hand.

Turkmens have not even been in Iraq for 1000 years. They are fairly new arrivals (500 years) and are a small, small minority.
In any case we are off-topic.

I don't think you know Iraq. Even Salahaddin has a massive Kurdish population. Even tikrit is filled with Sunni Arabs of Kurdish origin and Kurdish families, in huge numbers, who still speak Kurdish

Actually, Iraqi Sunni Arabs make up 40% of Iraq's population, not 25 to 30%
Nobody in Iraq considers Kurds as their own people. Most seem them as a foreign entity. They are totally different. They have their own state now. If not for patriotic feelings of not wanting to break up Iraq and having a romanticized view of a united Iraq most of the Iraqis would have wanted to separate from this so-called Kurdistan a long, long time ago.

Lastly the Kurds are stealing money on a yearly basis from the central government in Baghdad (whom I have no love left for) and they also openly work against the interests of Iraq.

In any case his original interview was not controversial if you ask me. The Kurds want to annex non-Kurdish territory and that will not be allowed by the local Sunni Arabs or other Iraqis who are not loyal to this so-called Kurdistan.

Well it seems like in the first video he had problem with the Shia rafida as well which form over 70 % of Iraq population?
So he is enemy of Shia rafida majoosi and enemy of Kurds.
How is he supposed to win an election then?

So barring him is just a red herring. lolz
Most of the Kurds main religion is nationalism.

That's because most of the Iraqi Sunni Arabs belong to the Hanafi fiqh.

Half is a hugely, hugely exaggerated number. Iraqi Sunni Arabs rarely intermarried or intermarry with Kurds. Mostly only in the Northern areas.

No, that's not correct. Most of the Kurds in Baghdad are Shia Feyli Kurds.

The point is that the Kurds cannot be trusted and are trying to steal Arab land and ancient Semitic land.

They are not to be trusted in Syria either where some of them are collaborating with Al-Asshead.

I have no doubt about a future "Kurdish state" collaborating with Iran and Israel and that they are working against Arab and Sunni Muslim interests.

Thus they are among the number of potential enemies in the future.

Besides many Kurds seem to have a hatred for Arabs which of course means that we will hate them too.

I am talking about their rulers and leaders here. Most of the ordinary Kurds are good people.
wasnt Sultan Slahudin Ayubi a kurd too? <------- no offense or bad intentions just asking
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