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Iraqi Birth Defects Worse than Hiroshima


Jun 1, 2012
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Iraqi Birth Defects Worse than Hiroshima

The United States may be finished dropping bombs on Iraq, but Iraqi bodies will be dealing with the consequences for generations to come in the form of birth defects, mysterious illnesses and skyrocketing cancer rates.

Al Jazeera’s Dahr Jamail reports that contamination from U.S. weapons, particularly Depleted Uranium (DU) munitions, has led to an Iraqi health crisis of epic proportions. “[C]hildren being born with two heads, children born with only one eye, multiple tumours, disfiguring facial and body deformities, and complex nervous system problems,” are just some of the congenital birth defects being linked to military-related pollution.

In certain Iraqi cities, the health consequences are significantly worse than those seen in the aftermath of the atomic bombing of Japan at the end of WWII.

(Dr Samira Alani/Al Jazeera])

The highest rates are in the city of Fallujah, which underwent two massive US bombing campaigns in 2004. Though the U.S. initially denied it, officials later admitted using white phosphorous. In addition, U.S. and British forces unleashed an estimated 2,000 tons of depleted uranium ammunitions in populated Iraqi cities in 2003.

Today, 14.7 percent of Fallujah’s babies are born with a birth defect, 14 times the documented rate in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Fallujah’s babies have also experienced heart defects 13 times the European rate and nervous system defects 33 times that of Europe. That comes on top of a 12-fold rise in childhood cancer rates since 2004. Furthermore, the male-to-female birth ratio is now 86 boys for every 100 girls, indicating genetic damage that affects males more than females.

(Dr Samira Alani/Al Jazeera)

(On a side note, these pictures are rather sanitized compared to other even more difficult to look at images. See here if you can bear it.)

If Fallujah is the Iraqi Hiroshima, then Basra is its Nagasaki.

According to a study published in the Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, a professional journal based in the southwestern German city of Heidelberg, there was a sevenfold increase in the number of birth defects in Basra between 1994 and 2003.

According to the Heidelberg study, the concentration of lead in the milk teeth of sick children from Basra was almost three times as high as comparable values in areas where there was no fighting.

In addition, never before has such a high rate of neural tube defects (“open back”) been recorded in babies as in Basra, and the rate continues to rise. According to the study, the number of hydrocephalus (“water on the brain”) cases among new-borns is six times as high in Basra as it is in the United States.

This isn’t isolated to Fallujah and Basra. The overall Iraqi cancer rate has also skyrocketed:

Official Iraqi government statistics show that, prior to the outbreak of the First Gulf War in 1991, the rate of cancer cases in Iraq was 40 out of 100,000 people. By 1995, it had increased to 800 out of 100,000 people, and, by 2005, it had doubled to at least 1,600 out of 100,000 people. Current estimates show the increasing trend continuing.

As Grist’s Susie Cagle points out, “That’s potentially a more than 4,000 percent increase in the cancer rate, making it more than 500 percent higher than the cancer rate in the U.S.“

(Dr. Samira Alani/Al Jazeera)

Instead, the international community, including the nation most responsible for the health crisis (hint: it starts with a “U” and ends with an “S”), is mostly ignoring the problem.

To make matters worse, Iraq’s healthcare system, which was once the envy of the region, is virtually nonexistent due to the mass exodus of Iraq’s medical doctors since 2003. According to recent estimates, there are currently fewer than 100 psychiatrists and 20,0000 physicians serving a population of 31 million Iraqis.

Dahr Jamail was on Democracy Now this morning discussing the horrific effects of military-related pollution in Iraq:

Yanar Mohammad, President of the Organization for Women’s Freedom in Iraq was also on Democracy Now and addressed the toxic legacy of birth defects in Iraq. (I interviewed Mohammed for a piece I wrote for Muftah about the deterioration of Iraqi women’s rights since the invasion, which you can read here.)
war is never good for anyone wether its done by US in Iraq or someone other country in som other part of the world...may god bless these kids.
this is terrible.. but check if its been photo shopped as is many of these kind of material. sometimes it may not belong to this location as we have seen in india
Democracy US style...!

that is western/gcc democracy.... and yet no western leader was even condemned or anything close... they are only good at preaching "democracy" with bloodshed and destruction..

Look up the allied war crimes in Post Nazi Germany..one allied soldier was shot in a village so they rounded up 200 able bodies men and shot them dead!
Maybe people here don't know Iraqis. Iraqis used to be the most educated and cultured people in the ME, literacy reached 100% in the end of the 70s topping Western countries, education which was one of the best at the time was completely free including university education, it was free for all Arabs not only Iraqis. Health treatment was free. Iraqis per capital income used to be one of the highest. Iraqi dinar reached 5 dollars at some points. In short they used to live as rich as GCC people and as hard working and educated as the Westerners. They had millions of foreign workers just like GCC today. But, US invasion after 13 years of the harshest Sanctions, it's like their souls were crushed. Starving and killing millions of innocent people in the name of freedom and democracy, that's American logic.

Those pics make me feel much better, rest in hell:





This is the legacy of Democrazy Thank you USA for giving us the taste of Democrazy
Maybe people here don't know Iraqis. Iraqis used to be the most educated and cultured people in the ME, literacy reached 100% in the end of the 70s topping Western countries, education which was one of the best at the time was completely free including university education, it was free for all Arabs not only Iraqis. Health treatment was free. Iraqis per capital income used to be one of the highest. Iraqi dinar reached 5 dollars at some points. In short they used to live as rich as GCC people and as hard working and educated as the Westerners. They had millions of foreign workers just like GCC today. But, US invasion after 13 years of the harshest Sanctions, it's like their souls were crushed. Starving and killing millions of innocent people in the name of freedom and democracy, that's American logic.

you contradict yourself in so many ways...
first of all it was GCC countries that opened their arms for the west to invade and destroy Iraq.... the only two countries that VOTED NO in the Arab League were Syria and Algeria.....
second of all if you really oppose the western destruction of Iraq, then why do you support a NATO invasion in Syria?? and why do you support more bloodshed in Syria? you support the west and their puppet to arm the terrorists in Syria and that will only cause more bloodshed...

Blackeagle you are one perfect American politician.... DOUBLE STANDARD is in your blood....

and about those pics.... you should tell the governments who allowed the destruction of Iraq to REST IN HELL...
all hail america..:disagree:
pathetic..chemical warfare is the main reason behind this...
you contradict yourself in so many ways...
first of all it was GCC countries that opened their arms for the west to invade and destroy Iraq.... the only two countries that VOTED NO in the Arab League were Syria and Algeria.....
second of all if you really oppose the western destruction of Iraq, then why do you support a NATO invasion in Syria?? and why do you support more bloodshed in Syria? you support the west and their puppet to arm the terrorists in Syria and that will only cause more bloodshed...

Blackeagle you are one perfect American politician.... DOUBLE STANDARD is in your blood....

and about those pics.... you should tell the governments who allowed the destruction of Iraq to REST IN HELL...

This time it's your illegitimate regime who is doing worse than what US did in Iraq. I support anything and anybody who can stop him from massacring more. And regarding the GCC, KSA opposed the invasion and tried to persuade America and Kuwaitis not to invade Iraq but they refused and their relations deteriorated after it was bad already after 9/11 attacks. I hated Kuwaiti and Qatari leaders as any Arab, but what would I get or hope for? Destroying Kuwait for instance? I think we have no choice but to let it go and let Allah deal with them. Moreover, when it comes to GCC being threatened by Iran off course I would take GCC side no matter what.
This time it's your illegitimate regime who is doing worse than what US did in Iraq. I support anything and anybody who can stop him from massacring more. And regarding the GCC, KSA opposed the invasion and tried to persuade America and Kuwaitis not to invade Iraq but they refused and their relations deteriorated after it was bad already after 9/11 attacks. I hated Kuwaiti and Qatari leaders as any Arab, but what would I get or hope for? Destroying Kuwait for instance? I think we have no choice but to let it go and let Allah deal with them. Moreover, when it comes to GCC being threatened by Iran off course I would take GCC side no matter what.
I didn't even mention Iran... keep your nightmare to yourself....

who are you to decide if the Syrian government is illegitimate ? you have no say when it comes to Syria since you support bloodshed and destruction... you never even supported democracy which means PEACE and DIALOGUE NO MATTER WHAT... but just like the west, you support bloodshed and war... you people destroyed Libya, and even a GCC country sent its planes to bomb and kill Libyans and destroy Libya... GCC have done nothing to Arabs but bring foreign invasion... and till this day GCC can't even liberate Palestine, Qatari leader calls for an "Army" to destroy Syria, but he didn't even dare to call for an army to liberate Palestine... anyways... like I said before, DOUBLE STANDARD IS IN YOUR BLOOD, or maybe its just racism and hatred that the Aljazeera and Alarabieyh propaganda feeds you with... The more you post , the more you expose yourself ....
I didn't even mention Iran... keep your nightmare to yourself....

who are you to decide if the Syrian government is illegitimate ? you have no say when it comes to Syria since you support bloodshed and destruction... you never even supported democracy which means PEACE and DIALOGUE NO MATTER WHAT... but just like the west, you support bloodshed and war... you people destroyed Libya, and even a GCC country sent its planes to bomb and kill Libyans and destroy Libya... GCC have done nothing to Arabs but bring foreign invasion... and till this day GCC can't even liberate Palestine, Qatari leader calls for an "Army" to destroy Syria, but he didn't even dare to call for an army to liberate Palestine... anyways... like I said before, DOUBLE STANDARD IS IN YOUR BLOOD, or maybe its just racism and hatred that the Aljazeera and Alarabieyh propaganda feeds you with... The more you post , the more you expose yourself ....

GCC esp some of them like Qatar follows the USA's agenda for the region to keep their reign, today Syria must be targeted 'cause western countries have resolved to do so.
Bush and Assad should be tried for crimes against humanity...............

Iraq terrine was the toughest for a guerilla war and Iraqis did well defending there country.
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