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Iraqi Birth Defects Worse than Hiroshima

Iraq during Sadam rule used to be a heaven compared to what Americans have left of it now. Another legacy of American Bastard$ :angry:

Compared to Iraq Afghanistan has been exposed to every single kind of hellish weapon. Entire extent of damages will be revealed after these yanks make a run for it once again.
Arent they the same Iraqi people who were throwing flowers at US troops when they entered Iraq?

As you sow so shall you reap....

We, together with the world were expecting them to free Iraq from the dictator, the sanctions and all the other poverty, we though that democracy would run easily, that once the former Iraqi army was destroyed there would be peace.
No one was thinking about insurgency, the sunni-shia war that would take place, heavy fueled aswell cause we are between Iran and Saudi arabia.
We, together with the world were expecting them to free Iraq from the dictator, the sanctions and all the other poverty, we though that democracy would run easily, that once the former Iraqi army was destroyed there would be peace.
No one was thinking about insurgency, the sunni-shia war that would take place, heavy fueled aswell cause we are between Iran and Saudi arabia.

Or may be you were naive to think that a foreign army will come and save you..
Doesnt happen like that...

People bring change in their country on their own...not on the back of a fireign army..
That is called being a traitor...which iraqis have been by welcoming an army from thousands of miles away...and hence the results...
Or may be you were naive to think that a foreign army will come and save you..
Doesnt happen like that...

People bring change in their country on their own...not on the back of a fireign army..
That is called being a traitor...which iraqis have been by welcoming an army from thousands of miles away...and hence the results...

The same Libyans though, the same some Syrians think.
What do you expect, not every person is educated in these things or knows what happened during similar events in history.
and not everyone just welcomed them in, there was heavy resistance everywhere in the country by the republican guard aswell but they switched to guerilla warfare ( nakshabandi army ).
Or may be you were naive to think that a foreign army will come and save you..
Doesnt happen like that...

People bring change in their country on their own...not on the back of a fireign army..
That is called being a traitor...which iraqis have been by welcoming an army from thousands of miles away...and hence the results...

We tried change in 1991 and over 150 thousand people were killed, this the one revolution that was not televised or even know to the world.

Maybe you should learn your history before commenting. The traitors are actually Saddams own people who betrayed him. They all deserted him including the head of the fedayeen and the republican guard. The person who ratted him put was his own personal body gaurd and companion.
We tried change in 1991 and over 150 thousand people were killed, this the one revolution that was not televised or even know to the world.

Maybe you should learn your history before commenting. The traitors are actually Saddams own people who betrayed him. They all deserted him including the head of the fedayeen and the republican guard. The person who ratted him put was his own personal body gaurd and companion.

i saw a documentary on uday(saddam's son).
they showed him as a ruthless and merciless bastard son of a dictator.

is this documentary some propaganda or true story???
We tried change in 1991 and over 150 thousand people were killed, this the one revolution that was not televised or even know to the world.

Maybe you should learn your history before commenting. The traitors are actually Saddams own people who betrayed him. They all deserted him including the head of the fedayeen and the republican guard. The person who ratted him put was his own personal body gaurd and companion.

Are you on about kurdish revolt?
Well kurds are a special case,they arent peaceful in any country they reside in....

I was on about local arab population...
Or may be you were naive to think that a foreign army will come and save you..
Doesnt happen like that...

People bring change in their country on their own...not on the back of a fireign army..
That is called being a traitor...which iraqis have been by welcoming an army from thousands of miles away...and hence the results...

Apart from all the rest, when did Iraqis welcome americans with flowers ?
The resistance in Iraq was heavier then in Afghanistan and many Americans lost their lifes, the debt in Iraq was higher then in Afghanistan and that in a shorter time.
Kurds welcomed them, you saw some people celebrating the fall of the saddam statue and you conclude a few little events as if the whole war was like that, and then ofcourse we get 2 saudis liking your comments that Iraq is to blame while their countries have helped the occupiers enter Iraq.
If you do not know about it you should not throw assumptions.

I have a question, Pakistan has a great air force
Why are you allowing the US to use drones and bomb your citizens or what some call terrorists ?
If there are terrorist the Pakistani air force should take care of it not Americans, why are you welcoming them?
Are you on about kurdish revolt?
Well kurds are a special case,they arent peaceful in any country they reside in....

I was on about local arab population...

Yes I'm talking about the Arab population.



i saw a documentary on uday(saddam's son).
they showed him as a ruthless and merciless bastard son of a dictator.

is this documentary some propaganda or true story???

Everything is true, probably the Most brutal rule in history. Ways of killing included cutting limbs off, putting people in grinding machines and throwing their bodies for the fish in the rivers( the lucky ones were able to pay a bribe to go head first instead of the legs), lab rats for chemical tests, drowning people in oil, cutting heads, hands, noses, ears, tongues as punishment. Many of the people who had their tongues cut eventually commit suicide. Beating people to death, rapes, electric shocks, burning the skin, bombing the bodies, breaking bones, and hundreds of other ways of torture.

Btw Saddams is actually a bastard. His mother sabha was a wh*re and had slept with many men. She later married hussien but his actual father is not know, but his registered father is Hussien majid.
Yes Saddams sons used to pick up women and girls from the streets, sometimes he take married women from their husbands, sometimes he takes school girls, he could kill and do whatever he wants without anyone talking to him. He even raped one women on her wedding say, she ended up commit suiciding.

There's also a video of him hunting and eating wild boars, which is forbidden in Islam.

during Saddams time many people were killed during eid, the Ba'ath members used to go to the families of the victims and demand the cost for the execution bullets, most families were barely surviving and didn't have money to give the , SOS they just took whatever they wanted from the house. Families of executied people were not allowed to make any funueral, and most people would stop talking to them in fear of being targets by the Saddams regime. That is why saddam was executed during the eid. everything he did to the people happened to him. His family was scattered, his sons killed, he was humiliated and executed. But his orphans still exist in Iraq causing chaos and bombing people.

1. Neither white phosphorus nor Depleted Uranium cause birth defects.Armor of M1A2 is made up of depleted uranium uranium.If it would have had been carcinogenic then troops spending majority of time in M1A2 would have shown increased rate of cancer or their progeny would have had elevated birth defect.

Radio isotopes used in medical science are 3 times more radioactive than 1 kg of depleted uranium .

Radiation | Nuclear Radiation | Ionizing Radiation | Health Effects

2.White phosphorus is like any other element in periodic table.It could cause no harm unless ingested and even in that case it would cause only chemical poisoning.

3.The article if accurate does more to negate the genetic defects in Hiroshima and Nagasaki rather than prove them for Iraq.Correlation does not means causation.The birth defects caused by radiation has always been a doubtful subject.Only 2 deaths at Chernobyl have been conclusively attributed to Radiation irrespective of what pressure groups are claiming.

4.This propaganda piece has been written and posted to propagate " how evil west is" and "why our self righteous suicide bombing is justified ".People here have internet and could Google information to gain knowledge or for sake of echo chamber and wallow in their victimhood complex.So no need to post some crap from fundamentalist green websites or more halal websites.If you hate US and want to blow yourself while chanting "Allahu Akbar" in a marketplace,go ahead and make my day.These kind of articles are just an excuse for what you always wanted to do.

Anyway statistics is funny,it is a delight for anyone who understands them to see the sheeple braying when you manipulate base rate.
1. Neither white phosphorus nor Depleted Uranium cause birth defects.Armor of M1A2 is made up of depleted uranium uranium.If it would have had been carcinogenic then troops spending majority of time in M1A2 would have shown increased rate of cancer or their progeny would have had elevated birth defect.

Radio isotopes used in medical science are 3 times more radioactive than 1 kg of depleted uranium .

Radiation | Nuclear Radiation | Ionizing Radiation | Health Effects

2.White phosphorus is like any other element in periodic table.It could cause no harm unless ingested and even in that case it would cause only chemical poisoning.

3.The article if accurate does more to negate the genetic defects in Hiroshima and Nagasaki rather than prove them for Iraq.Correlation does not means causation.The birth defects caused by radiation has always been a doubtful subject.Only 2 deaths at Chernobyl have been conclusively attributed to Radiation irrespective of what pressure groups are claiming.

4.This propaganda piece has been written and posted to propagate " how evil west is" and "why our self righteous suicide bombing is justified ".People here have internet and could Google information to gain knowledge or for sake of echo chamber and wallow in their victimhood complex.So no need to post some crap from fundamentalist green websites or more halal websites.If you hate US and want to blow yourself while chanting "Allahu Akbar" in a marketplace,go ahead and make my day.These kind of articles are just an excuse for what you always wanted to do.

Anyway statistics is funny,it is a delight for anyone who understands them to see the sheeple braying when you manipulate base rate.

Depleted Uranium: Horror from America
Depleted uranium - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Normal functioning of the kidney, brain, liver, heart, and numerous other systems can be affected by uranium exposure.

British Army doctors warned the British MoD (Ministry of Defence) that exposure to depleted uranium increased the risk of developing lung, lymph and brain cancer.

" The report warns that 'All personnel ... should be aware that uranium dust inhalation carries a long-term risk... [the dust] has been shown to increase the risks of developing lung, lymph and brain cancers."

Over 200,000 US troops who returned from the 1991 war are now invalided out with ailments officially attributed to service in Iraq.

Whatever other factors there may be, some of their illnesses are strikingly similar to those of Iraqis exposed to DU dust. For example, soldiers have also fathered children without eyes. And, in a group of eight servicemen whose babies lack eyes seven are known to have been directly exposed to DU dust.

They too have fathered children with stunted arms, and rare abnormalities classically associated with radiation damage. They too seem prone to cancer and leukemia. Tellingly, so are EU soldiers who served as peacekeepers in the Balkans, where DU was also used. Indeed their leukemia rate has been so high that several EU governments have protested at the use of DU.

The Vital Evidence

Despite all that evidence of the harm done by DU, governments on both sides of the Atlantic have repeatedly claimed that as it emits only 'low level' radiation DU is harmless. Award-winning scientist, Dr. Rosalie Bertell who has led UN medical commissions, has studied 'low-level' radiation for 30 years. 2 She has found that uranium oxide particles have more than enough power to harm cells, and describes their pulses of radiation as hitting surrounding cells 'like flashes of lightning' again and again in a single second.[2] Like many scientists worldwide who have studied this type of radiation, she has found that such 'lightning strikes' can damage DNA and cause cell mutations which lead to cancer.

Several studies using cultured cells and laboratory rodents suggest the possibility of leukemogenic, genetic, reproductive, and neurological effects from chronic exposure.[5] A 2005 epidemiology review concluded: "In aggregate the human epidemiological evidence is consistent with increased risk of birth defects in offspring of persons exposed to DU.

The chemical toxicity of depleted uranium is about a million times greater in vitro than its radiological hazard.

Hope the same happens to u also.................
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