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Iraqi Birth Defects Worse than Hiroshima

Everything is true, probably the Most brutal rule in history. Ways of killing included cutting limbs off, putting people in grinding machines and throwing their bodies for the fish in the rivers( the lucky ones were able to pay a bribe to go head first instead of the legs), lab rats for chemical tests, drowning people in oil, cutting heads, hands, noses, ears, tongues as punishment. Many of the people who had their tongues cut eventually commit suicide. Beating people to death, rapes, electric shocks, burning the skin, bombing the bodies, breaking bones, and hundreds of other ways of torture.

Btw Saddams is actually a bastard. His mother sabha was a wh*re and had slept with many men. She later married hussien but his actual father is not know, but his registered father is Hussien majid.
Yes Saddams sons used to pick up women and girls from the streets, sometimes he take married women from their husbands, sometimes he takes school girls, he could kill and do whatever he wants without anyone talking to him. He even raped one women on her wedding say, she ended up commit suiciding.

There's also a video of him hunting and eating wild boars, which is forbidden in Islam.

during Saddams time many people were killed during eid, the Ba'ath members used to go to the families of the victims and demand the cost for the execution bullets, most families were barely surviving and didn't have money to give the , SOS they just took whatever they wanted from the house. Families of executied people were not allowed to make any funueral, and most people would stop talking to them in fear of being targets by the Saddams regime. That is why saddam was executed during the eid. everything he did to the people happened to him. His family was scattered, his sons killed, he was humiliated and executed. But his orphans still exist in Iraq causing chaos and bombing people.


this video is graphical.

saddam,his son and his supporters will rot in hell for eternity
you contradict yourself in so many ways...
first of all it was GCC countries that opened their arms for the west to invade and destroy Iraq.... the only two countries that VOTED NO in the Arab League were Syria and Algeria.....
second of all if you really oppose the western destruction of Iraq, then why do you support a NATO invasion in Syria?? and why do you support more bloodshed in Syria? you support the west and their puppet to arm the terrorists in Syria and that will only cause more bloodshed...

Blackeagle you are one perfect American politician.... DOUBLE STANDARD is in your blood....

and about those pics.... you should tell the governments who allowed the destruction of Iraq to REST IN HELL...

The excuse of a human being you replied is the epitome of his "king" and other GCC leaders. On one hand, he curses out the US and on the other hand sides with them while destroying Syria.

Now you know why he posted the Israeli flag
Arent they the same Iraqi people who were throwing flowers at US troops when they entered Iraq?

As you sow so shall you reap....

Not really. That most Iraqis supported the invasion is a US media invention to justify the war and the occupation. I've seen a doc, I think it was Al Jazeera's, where a reporter who covered for a Western outlet (CNN?) admitted to censoring some things on the ground, and exaggerating others, to lend moral credence to the invaders. Many US journalists were in collusion with the military, and this affected coverage, as did the journalists' sense of patriotism and personal support for the war.
You have to see the toll on the american troops. 50,000 are practically mentally or physically handicapped for the same reason. The top commander died of cancer related to depleated uranium. You will witness the phenomena in Lybia in a couple of years..
US invaded Iraq to liberate women and children.

thank you US.
Are the 600 predator's strikes to liberate you from the Taliban chokehold? Your comment is an apology to everthing that is demonic in this world.
Are the 600 predator's strikes to liberate you from the Taliban chokehold? Your comment is an apology to everthing that is demonic in this world.

In case you haven't realized, this comment was directed at idiots who still claim that the US went there to liberate women and children.
This time it's your illegitimate regime who is doing worse than what US did in Iraq. I support anything and anybody who can stop him from massacring more. And regarding the GCC, KSA opposed the invasion and tried to persuade America and Kuwaitis not to invade Iraq but they refused and their relations deteriorated after it was bad already after 9/11 attacks. I hated Kuwaiti and Qatari leaders as any Arab, but what would I get or hope for? Destroying Kuwait for instance? I think we have no choice but to let it go and let Allah deal with them. Moreover, when it comes to GCC being threatened by Iran off course I would take GCC side no matter what.

Who are you to judge if a government is legitimate or not...You live under a king that is far more vicious than Assad and Saddam combined. Your king is dying of pekeritisis and transmitted his sickness to all his followers. Instead of lambasting Syria, what don't you talk about the auction of Syrian girls that are held in your country for the deprived cheikh of the GCC? You have no shame. You have no spine. And you can call your friend mosa whatever his name to the rescue. He can ban me all he wants. I will come back as fiery as ever to destroy your agenda and I hope that the webmaster wakes up from his lethargy and see what you and your cronies are doing to this forum!
Syria will survive you and your likes and the GCC. And shame will be your companion for eternity.
Hope the same happens to u also.................


That at least would make us equal.Now i find arguing with baboons quite difficult.
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