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Iraqi Air force Commander Visits PAF


Nov 9, 2009
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United Kingdom



excellent post @Windjammer,the situation to which Pakistan is currently passing through,we definitely need to have stronger relationships with powerful armies of world.
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excellent post @Windjammer,the situation in which Pakistan is currently passing through,we definitely need to have stronger relationships with powerful armies of world.

Let's hope these visits to Kamra bear some fruits....PAF academy already trains cadets from many friendly countries and the Mushak trainers are also in service with several air forces, let's see who is first foreign customer for the JF-17.
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The Russian Air Chief sat in JFT number 138, the Iraqi sat in 137.

@nuclearpak , while Thunder 137 is visible in one of the above pictures, here in the background another one can be seen being assembled.
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@nuclearpak , while Thunder 137 is visible in one of the above pictures, here in the background another one can be seen being assembled.

Hard to say if it is being assembled or not, maybe just a routine maintenance procedure? The avionics bay covers taken off...
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Hard to say if it is being assembled or not, maybe just a routine maintenance procedure? The avionics bay covers taken off...

Here's some interesting news.


A senior CATIC representative had a meeting with the commander of the Iraqi air force in April.
Reportedly, they agreed to allow Iraq to evaluate some of CATICs aircraft.
excellent post @Windjammer,the situation to which Pakistan is currently passing through,we definitely need to have stronger relationships with powerful armies of world.

Of course, and when the Iraqi army becomes powerful, then we really should have stronger relations.
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Brother if they want to do it, they can do it..otherwise they dont need 101 reasons to say no..

He had a point actually.

They can however buy Chinese/Pakistani weapons, just like how KSA and Kuwait bought PLZ-45's from China, but never completely replace American arms as a whole. Especially in regards to aircraft.
@nuclearpak , while Thunder 137 is visible in one of the above pictures, here in the background another one can be seen being assembled.
Hard to say if it is being assembled or not, maybe just a routine maintenance procedure? The avionics bay covers taken off...
Most likely maintenance.

Blog | Nuts About Southwest

Assembly facilities have a lot heavy equipment such as cranes, frames, and tow vehicles of assorted sizes to move large aircraft structures. When an aircraft is being assembled, especially at the early stages of manufacture, not all major structures are attached at the same time. Wiring and plumbing components are usually 'prepped' days or even weeks beforehand. Then as the structure, a wing for example, is slowly being moved towards the fuselage, workers must carefully route the wiring or incrementally install the appropriate sub-systems components in correct locations.

Assembly do not take place in a hangar because a typical hangar do not have the necessary upper structural strength to support heavy lifting equipment. Assembly take place in a building designed specifically for those heavy lifting equipment and usually is taller than an average hangar. On the other hand, if the aircraft is something much smaller like a prop jobber commuter or a 'fighter', then a hangar can serve as an assembly facility if necessary, as long as there are sufficient perimeter space to move mobile heavy lifting equipment into place. From that picture, my take is that the jet is being opened for maintenance.
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Let's see if that deal really works and PAF will go for this, if they go for this they will have to think twice considering the Iraqi situation....
coz just yesterday US Foreign Minister said that Iraq must be divided into three Parts, Shittis, Sunni and Kurds.....(As British Says, Divide and Rule).....A great agenda to capture the whole Islamic World, if you see Iraq on Map its surrounded by all Islamic Countries and Iraq is in Center.
Americans want to divide Iraq and then they will let each of its part to fight with each other (Kurd, Shittis, Sunni) and sell weapons to them and establish more US bases their in the name of protection from each other (Same as they did with Kuwait and Iraq)....And this is the plan of this great agenda, just in last month more than 1000 Iraqis are died in bomb blasts...............A monkey is on his business to divide the bread among the cats.....:usflag:

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