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Iraq to fund Sahwa forces in fighting al-Qaeda


Feb 10, 2013
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The Iraqi government on Tuesday (August 27th) said it has drawn up a national programme to support Sahwa forces and organise their ranks so they can help army and police forces in the war on terror and confronting al-Qaeda attacks.

"The programme includes approving new elements from among the tribes who desire to volunteer with the Sahwa forces to fight al-Qaeda," said national reconciliation advisor Amer al-Khuzaie.

It also involves raising monthly Sahwa salaries from 500,000 Iraqi dinars ($431) to 750,000 Iraqi dinars ($646); and supplying Sahwa members with bulletproof vests, helmets, weaponry and other supplies, he said.


This move was an attempt to halt the deterioration of the security situation in Iraq to using the “specific opponent” theory, which contributed to the expulsion of al-Qaeda from Sunni regions in 2008.
Amer al-Khuzai, adviser to the Iraqi prime minister for national reconciliation affairs, affirmed, “The Sahwa forces have scored many victories against al-Qaeda. Based on this, we have thought about reforming them, especially given that [al-Qaeda] began to restore activities in light of [the eruption of] protests.
“The new forces will be more organized and will receive more training. They will include a specific age group, not exceeding 40 years of age,” Khuzai added.
This push is a response to the continuous worsening of the security situation and the bombing attacks that have targeted different Iraqi cities, indications that al-Qaeda has regained its influence and found a welcoming environment. Furthermore, it has acquired resources that allow the organization to carry out large operations quickly and efficiently.
At the end of 2006, the US military changed its strategy in Iraq in favor of transforming armed groups and tribal chiefs into organizations supported with money and arms, whose sole aim was fighting al-Qaeda in Sunni regions.
Iraqi security sources who requested anonymity affirmed to Al-Monitor that the calls made by security officials to tribal chiefs in Mosul to form new Sahwa forces have not yielded any tangible results.
Mosul is the only Sunni city in which US forces failed to form effective Sahwa forces similar to those established in Anbar in 2006 at the hands of Abdul Sattar Abu Risha. The leader of Iraqi Arab Sunni tribes, Risha was assassinated in September 2007 and replaced by his brother Ahmed Abu Risha.
In February 2013, the Iraqi government supported the re-election of the Sahwa forces' leader. Sheikh Wissam al-Hardan was favored over Ahmed Abu Risha, who backed the Sunni protests that have been ongoing in Sunni cities for about eight months.
Risha opposed the re-election as being “imposed by the government.” Risha’s stance can be seen part of the criteria for measuring the possibilities for success in reforming the Sahwa forces.
Tribal sources in Anbar told Al-Monitor that Hardan’s forces were not able to compete with Risha’s Sahwa forces, noting that the latter have been led by members of the Risha family ever since their formation.
The main factor that allows the new Sahwa forces to follow the lead of previous ones is the support of Sunnis who have been protesting against the government since late 2012. Sunnis have been accusing the government of discrimination, marginalization and conducting mass arrest campaigns against them.
On the other hand, Iraqi security and political circles note that al-Qaeda is once again attracting Sunni support after weakening the Sahwa forces. This has largely facilitated the escalation of al-Qaeda operations. In fact, Sahwa members themselves are accusing the government of mistreatment, even after they succeeded in constraining the activity of al-Qaeda.
Since 2008, key Sahwa leaders have been subject to prosecution, and Sahwa forces are being methodologically eradicated at the hands of al-Qaeda.
Abu al-Fawz al-Iraqi, a leading member of the Sahwa forces in Diyala, told Al-Monitor, “The Iraqi government has neglected the Sahwa forces and has subjected them to prosecution, some of which was due to information provided by imprisoned al-Qaeda elements.”
Iraqi affirmed, “The reformation of the Sahwa forces should be methodological and should come as part of strategic planning. This must include the release of imprisoned Sahwa men and the provision of military and financial support.”
The majority of the Sahwa forces, which numbered around 100,000 fighters at their peak, were granted monthly salaries not exceeding $300. In 2012, the Iraqi parliament, however, refused to allocate more to them, and their salaries were reduced by 20%. In the same year, Sahwa elements complained about plans fomented by al-Qaeda to eradicate them.
Ahmad Said, a leading member of the Sahwa forces in Yusufiyah, south of Baghdad, told Al-Monitor that only 16 Sahwa members out of 3,000 have remained in his city. Many of them were assassinated by al-Qaeda, while others moved away. Some of the Sahwa men, however, succeeded in assuming civil governmental posts.
The Iraqi government has launched a project to merge 20% of Sahwa members into the military and security forces, while providing the rest with civil jobs. The absence of allocations and the emergence of security complications in regard to the Sahwa project have led to the postponement of this process.
It could be said that in 2006, the Iraqi government did not rejoice when the US army established the Sahwa forces. Yet, since 2007, it has begun to feel the positive impact of this organization on the security situation. At the time, Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki decided to move this project from Sunni to Shiite regions. The latter has formed what are known as Isnad councils to face Shiite militias in southern Iraq.
A former leading member of the Sahwa forces in Baghdad, who is also a former member of a Sunni armed group, noted on condition of anonymity that the restoration of the relationship between the Sahwa forces in Sunni regions and the government requires “an understanding of what happened in 2006, including the reasons why Sahwa succeeded.”
The leader, who had left the Adhamiyah Sahwa forces, told Al-Monitor that he attended — along with the leader of the Baghdad Sahwa, Abu Abed (formerly a member of the Islamic Army) — the majority of the meetings that were held with the US military in 2006 to form the Sahwa forces in al-Amiriya, west of the city, and then in Adhamiyah.
He continued, “The establishment of the Sahwa forces was a salvation for the residents from the horror they lived through under the thumb of al-Qaeda. The latter is effectively controlling many Sunni cities and is imposing its own lifestyle on them.”
He added, “There were signs of a big confrontation between Sunni armed groups, due to the fact that al-Qaeda insisted on imposing its own ways in managing military operations and carrying out mass murders against innocent residents. Al-Qaeda accused the residents of working for the US army or refraining from supporting the fighters. The situation was pointing at an unequal confrontation with al-Qaeda — the most organized and armed organization.
“Following tribal mediations, agreements were made with the US army to establish the Sahwa forces, whose main aim would be to fight al-Qaeda. The majority of Sunni fighters joined the project, which enjoyed wide popular support,” he added.
The leading member then said, “Nowadays, the situation is different. It is true that al-Qaeda is regaining its power and carrying out retaliation operations against the residents. The government, however, did not succeed in gaining the support of the Sunnis to form new Sahwa forces. This is why I expect the failure of the project, especially if it is directed against Sunni protests and not al-Qaeda.”
This last sentence is worth noting. Khuzai, the adviser to the prime minister for reconciliation affairs, stated, “Al-Qaeda has found its way to emerge through protests. This is why we decided on providing assistance for tribes in the tense areas, namely Mosul, Kirkuk, Diyala and Baghdad’s [surroundings].”
The Iraqi government wants to prove that its sole aim is confronting al-Qaeda and not Sunni protests. The first choice may lead to a new popular consensus over the Sahwa forces, while the second could usher in further security chaos.

Read more: http://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/ori...hwa-qaeda-sunni-protesters.html#ixzz2dGguhSs0
Wherever AMERICA goes they leave thier product AL QAEDA= ALCIA DA behind IRAQ should also ask for help from MUQATADA AL SADR nd MAHDI ARMY 2 hunt those who r carrying out attacks in IRAQ nd killing IRAQIS IRAQI ARMED FORCES ND IRAQI ARMY should conduct an operation against AL QAEDA= AL CIA DA nd wipe them from IRAQ once nd for all. thanks
So in order to destroy one evil, they are creating another evil? Now wait till they bite you back!!
The Iraqi government on Tuesday (August 27th) said it has drawn up a national programme to support Sahwa forces and organise their ranks so they can help army and police forces in the war on terror and confronting al-Qaeda attacks.

"The programme includes approving new elements from among the tribes who desire to volunteer with the Sahwa forces to fight al-Qaeda," said national reconciliation advisor Amer al-Khuzaie.

It also involves raising monthly Sahwa salaries from 500,000 Iraqi dinars ($431) to 750,000 Iraqi dinars ($646); and supplying Sahwa members with bulletproof vests, helmets, weaponry and other supplies, he said.
Brother y doesnt IRAQI ARMED FORCES nd IRAQI ARMY nd INTELLIGENCE AGENCIES of IRAQ conduct operation against so called AL QAEDA= ALCIA DA haan Can u plz reply brother. thanks
Okay , pardon my ignorance but why Sunni Sahwa forces fight against Sunni Al Qaeda ? That too by joining hands with the Shia majority in Iraq.

Same reason why predominant Sunni Egyptian army fights al qaeda, al qaeda went to Iraq in 2003/2004 imposed their rules on the people living there, the tribals did not like that and saw the savage behavioru thus allied with the American forces to fight them.
That should have happened long ago. Al-Maliki has been letting them down and Sunni Arabs overall. Hence all the widespread protests in Al-Anbar, Sunni majority areas in Baghdad, Salah ad-Din and Diyala. Besides Mosul of course.

Nobody is better to control their own areas, cities, villages then the local inhabitants and the Iraqi Arab tribes are very respected like most tribes in all of Iraq and the sheikhs. They yield a very big influence.

The Shammar, Dulaim, Jabour, Tamim etc. tribes are powerful and ancient Arab tribes that proudly protect the integrity of their societies, land, cities etc. and loyal servants of their country.







Long live the Arab tribes of Iraq and may they defeat the enemies of Islam and Arabs.
TO AL HASSANI I hve seen ur posts brother sometimes u cross red lines ur name is so gud al hassani hassan (A.S) was a name of r BELOVED PROPHET MUHAMMAD(S.A.W) GRANDSON IMAM HASSAN(A.S) was exactly the same as r BELOVED PROPHET MUHAMMAD(S.A.W) in appearance nd yet u brother use so ugly words brother i hope u sometimes cross red lines brother tht u dont cross the red lines nd ponder on wat ur writing first nd then write it brother i hve met so many of SAUDI ARABIANS brother they r so friendly nd very hospitable brother but u give bad name 2 SAUDI ARABIA ND SAUDI ARABIANS nd ur fellow citizens by writing in the manner u write brother i hope brother from next time u ponder before u write. thanks
TO AL HASSANI I hve seen ur posts brother sometimes u cross red lines ur name is so gud al hassani hassan (A.S) was a name of r BELOVED PROPHET MUHAMMAD(S.A.W) GRANDSON IMAM HASSAN(A.S) was exactly the same as r BELOVED PROPHET MUHAMMAD(S.A.W) in appearance nd yet u brother use so ugly words brother i hope u sometimes cross red lines brother tht u dont cross the red lines nd ponder on wat ur writing first nd then write it brother i hve met so many of SAUDI ARABIANS brother they r so friendly nd very hospitable brother but u give bad name 2 SAUDI ARABIA ND SAUDI ARABIANS nd ur fellow citizens by writing in the manner u write brother i hope brother from next time u ponder before u write. thanks

I am afraid that I don't know what you talk about and how this is relevant here? I use my mother's surname since my real surname has been taken. It's a Hashemite one too.

I only reply in the same manner as people who insult Islam, Arabs and my country. Otherwise I do not bite. The moderators can confirm this. There are many heated debates here and most participate in them. All what is said is said during a heated debate. Of course people do not speak to each other like that in real life like many times on this forum. Nor are any probably proud of losing their temper or making stupid comments, me, you and most others included. I have tried to ignore most trolls and also do. Anyway all the best to you 7abibi. Don't know who you are and why you are getting banned and what former user you are.

Let us not destroy this thread and stay on topic. Talk with the moderators and sort out your problems. Creating new users will only make it worse.

Take care.
They should use them to fight alqaeda long ago while bring the army to protect the capital and secure the borders around the country also make another shiite sahwa to protect there cities, towns and villages and be ready to any kind of coupes against the regime since these sunny people has no morality they belong to whome they scare of or get paid by.
Let's see how "Sahwa" is going to help Iraq fighting terrorists.

Let it to Iraqi Government and people...

You saudis stay away and quit this "lets see" across the globe because coming soon it will bite obnoxious saudi regime in the azz.
Let's see how "Sahwa" is going to help Iraq fighting terrorists.

Let it to Iraqi Government and people...

You saudis stay away and quit this "lets see" across the globe because coming soon it will bite obnoxious saudi regime in the azz.

Dear Mr. Wannabe Canadian,

LoLz, you mad bro? :lol: Iraq = 0 to " Saudia " :lol:

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