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Iraq has bought used Su24 from Russia and Belarus to fight terrorist after F-16 delayed delivery

Su-25 would have done a much better job.
While Su-24 is an all weather attack aircraft, Su-25 is a dedicated ground attack and close air support fighter jet, much like the American A-10.
Also, they would have got two Su-25 for the price of one Su-24.

The picture on Al Jazeera is also of a SU-24. Everyone is saying its SU-25 that have reached Iraq.
Surprising that the Americans delayed in supplying, usually they are bang on target on delivery
go to americans ask them for patriots if we are so bad
Dont talk nonesense, Iran has bought S-300 systems and paid for them, but you never delivered them due to US pressure.

So dont give us the Russia reliable rubbish.
Now this should boost the morale of Iraqi army.

May be if need be SU-25 will be flown by Russian pilots.
Very good point my friend. I support Russia and Iran but in this instance Russia acted like a cheap hooker.

Dont talk nonesense, Iran has bought S-300 systems and paid for them, but you never delivered them due to US pressure.

So dont give us the Russia reliable rubbish.
If USA really wanted to fight terrorism it wouldn't have delayed their weapons delivery to Iraq for years...
It is a dangerous initiative.

Pup Jihadis can ask Chechens to wage Jihad against Russian interests.

Russia should stay away from Mossad/CIA/Arab/MI6 Jihad games.
If USA really wanted to fight terrorism it wouldn't have delayed their weapons delivery to Iraq for years...

just don't ignore this simple fact that USA is the one who TRAINED ISIS thugs and supporting Syrian rebels ( and they freely share their weapon with their ISIS brothers ... )
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