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Iraq: Eight killed by shelling on popular tourist resort in Kurdistan

Remember what? Every Afghan town has three militias and taliban have clashed with Pakistan more than they have with Iran. What's the point?

There's a reason they offered security to Shias this time, at least outwardly.

Which only speaks well about them, Shias are Muslims and a part of the social and religious fabric of Afghanistan. Notice how terrorism has fallen after Taliban came to power.

However Shias need to stop this idiotic collective victim blaming/insecurity constantly and worship of a certain foreign theocracy. The majority don't like a minority of illoyal elements. Many of the most corrupt Afghan officials under the traitor Ghani were on Iranian payroll why do you think that many of them fled to Iran after Taliban's takeover? Abdullah Abdullah was the second in command after Ghani. Anyway it looks like ties are not hostile nowadays which is a good thing for the region. No problem with Iran as a country, just certain Mullah regime policies abroad. As for Shias, they live in most/many Muslim countries, and pro-Iran Shias should stop pretending that all Shias or even the majority, follow them blindly. Not the case. Stop making legitimate criticism of the foreign policy of the Mullah's of Iran and equal that with criticism of Shias or Shia Islam or hiding behind this. A very primitive and ridiculous tactic that I have seen time and time again online and in person.
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How dare you deny the the Aroobiya of Chechens? True sons of Adnan and Qahtan both.

forever and always Ya Hussain(AS), a thousand tikrits be sacrificed for Samarra and Karbala

Wasn't it the people of Samara and Karbala who killed Hussain? These cursed shia cities who killed Hussain should be levelled to the ground.
How dare you deny the the Aroobiya of Chechens? True sons of Adnan and Qahtan both.

forever and always Ya Hussain(AS), a thousand tikrits be sacrificed for Samarra and Karbala

Karbala and Najaf should be nuked off the map, Saddam didn't complete the job in 1991. Should've set it ablaze.

The askari shrine must become a military base of Arabization. Fucking shias and their arbaeen nonsense. Keep crying about what happened a million years ago.

You spread diseases when you flaggelate and spread your blood.
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Karbala and Najaf should be nuked off the map, Saddam didn't complete the job in 1991. Should've set it ablaze.

The askari shrine must become a military base of Arabization. Fucking shias and their arbaeen nonsense. Keep crying about what happened a million years ago.

You spread diseases when you flaggelate and spread your blood.

Iraqi Journalist Selam Adil:

"Iraqi military experts, who went to the region to investigate the attack in Iraq-Zaho, reported that 4 piece 120 mm and 6 km range mortars were used in the attack, and these shells only used by the Peshmerga and armed groups in the region."

"The mortar shells that in TAF's inventory are different. It does not seem likely that Turkey carried out the attack in Zaho. Therefore, the incident should be investigated thoroughly, we have to wait for the facts to come to light."


This false-flag attack is a completely amateurish and murderous attempt. I hope this false flag attack has nothing to do with Iran-affiliated organizations and they have just been manipulated in this vile game.

The strong unity at the Tehran summit and the strong messages about the US must leave the region are clear enough for me to who try this type of operation just one day later.

A few days ago, we neutralized one of the PKK executives responsible for such covert operations in the region.

Do you know who published the condolence message?

Iraqi Journalist Selam Adil:

"Iraqi military experts, who went to the region to investigate the attack in Iraq-Zaho, reported that 4 piece 120 mm and 6 km range mortars were used in the attack, and these shells only used by the Peshmerga and armed groups in the region."

"The mortar shells that in TAF's inventory are different. It does not seem likely that Turkey carried out the attack in Zaho. Therefore, the incident should be investigated thoroughly, we have to wait for the facts to come to light."


This false-flag attack is a completely amateurish and murderous attempt. I hope this false flag attack has nothing to do with Iran-affiliated organizations and they have just been manipulated in this vile game.

The strong unity at the Tehran summit and the strong messages about the US must leave the region are clear enough for me to who try this type of operation just one day later.

A few days ago, we neutralized one of the PKK executives responsible for such covert operations in the region.

Do you know who published the condolence message?

The next day after attack a mossad sabotage team on its way from KRG to Iran were caught all alive...so both US and Israel very unhappy about the summit results went to work...I made a thread for it here.
The next day after attack a mossad sabotage team on its way from KRG to Iran were caught all alive...so both US and Israrl very unhappy about the summit results went to work...I made a thread for it here.
The US has to leave the region. If the US withdraws from the region, the territorial integrity of both Syria and Iraq will be guaranteed. However, when they happened, there will be no good results for its proxy terrorist organizations and Israel.

Even CENTCOM started to issue condolence messages for the terrorists, which is actually expressing the pathetic situation they are in, in a way.
The US has to leave the region. If the US withdraws from the region, the territorial integrity of both Syria and Iraq will be guaranteed. However, when they happened, there will be no good results for its proxy terrorist organizations and Israel.

Even CENTCOM started to issue condolence messages for the terrorists, which is actually expressing the pathetic situation they are in, in a way.
" US has to leave the region"..I think every player in this episode agrees with that statement....The ones that do not agree ..I guess I do not need to name them..lol
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