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Iraq: Eight killed by shelling on popular tourist resort in Kurdistan

" US has to leave the region"..I think every player in this episode agrees with that statement....The ones that do not agree ..I guess I do not need to name them..lol
Yes US has to leave the region,but will Turkey leave Syria and Iraq as well?
Yes US has to leave the region,but will Turkey leave Syria and Iraq as well?

l think no Turks in the poltics care what a Greek or Greece think.

Turkish armed forces will stay there as long as Turkiye wishes.
Yes US has to leave the region,but will Turkey leave Syria and Iraq as well?
When US leaves..SDF and KRG will loose their support and become just irrelevant minor players .Iraq will get back her full territorial integrity and so does Syria...If they can control Kurds then the idea of Kurdish independence will be shelved...and so goes the reason why Turkey is in these two countries in the first place..PkK will go back to be a minor headache for Turkey...So will Turkey leave...ask them..lol
Basic reason of US existence in ME is Iran and their dumb Mullahs.
NATOist and Soros'ist manipulation.

The US is openly using the PKK as a proxy element. PKK members operate in bases with the US flag hoisted. CENTCOM has been crying for a few days because we neutralize a senior terrorist who came out of these bases and killed at an airstrike a few kilometers from the US base.

US military bases in the region, face Turkish borders, not Iran's.
Pedhmerga are the fags who invite Turks, Kurds are a joke. Hating on Iraq so they let Turks take their land

NATOist and Soros'ist manipulation.

The US is openly using the PKK as a proxy element. PKK members operate in bases with the US flag hoisted. CENTCOM has been crying for a few days because we neutralize a senior terrorist who came out of these bases and killed at an airstrike a few kilometers from the US base.

US military bases in the region, face Turkish borders, not Iran's.

CENTCOM is already in Turkey, not on your borders LOL

without CENTCOM you'd be a Soviet satellite
l think no Turks in the poltics care what a Greek or Greece think.

Turkish armed forces will stay there as long as Turkiye wishes.
Ah as long as Turkey wishes. Then that it invasion and occupation. Then you are just like Americans.
Our brothers in Iraq didn't just crush you physically, you are mentally destroyed too. It will take at least a seven generations for you to partially recover. Try to be sane as much as you can, otherwise you'll have the same fate as your fellow ex-bathists. Take medications.


Retarded shia islamist, keep beating yourself
Erdogan: "America's involvement with the terrorist organization (PKK-YPG) will result in it falling into the pit it dug."
Our brothers in Iraq didn't just crush you physically, you are mentally destroyed too. It will take at least a seven generations for you to partially recover. Try to be sane as much as you can, otherwise you'll have the same fate as your fellow ex-bathists. Take medications.
The remnants of Ba'athis joined ISIS, you are aware what happened to them.

Btw, UN also condemned Turkish attack on civilians of Iraq. @aryobarzan

UN Security Council condemns Zakho bombardment​

The remnants of Ba'athis joined ISIS, you are aware what happened to them.

Btw, UN also condemned Turkish attack on civilians of Iraq. @aryobarzan

UN Security Council condemns Zakho bombardment​

Where is it written that UN council condemned TR? I'm in a dilemma whether you can't understand what you're reading or are you lying specifically. UN do not condemmed any country related to this false-flag attack.

The purpose of the accusations made without any evidence just after minus of this vile attack, is also clear.

The first ballistic examinations show that this was a mortar attack and that the shells in question were used by the peshmerga and some armed militia groups in the region, and are a type not in the inventory of the TAF. The Iraqi army is doing these investigations, not us.

The trap exploded in the hands of the holders.
Basic reason of US existence in ME is Iran and their dumb Mullahs.
Not the bases in your country that NATO and US use to project imperialism into the Middle east? go sit down child.
Our brothers in Iraq didn't just crush you physically, you are mentally destroyed too. It will take at least a seven generations for you to partially recover. Try to be sane as much as you can, otherwise you'll have the same fate as your fellow ex-bathists. Take medications.

lol, Majority of Iraqi Shias would curse you for your attempts as a foreigner in dividing us.

Iraqi Shias hate Iran and their interference, the PMU doesn't adhere to IRGC orders.

A high level Iraqi figure (shia) had a role in soleimanis assassination. This intel was shared with the US and has to do with the power struggle in Iraq.

Keep beating yourself
Most sane bathist.

Baathist ruled Iraq well, can't say the same about the karbala crying faggots who still can't fix the power grid after 20 years.

Today Iraq is corrupt and Turkish cockroaches roam around due to these shia faggots. We would've gassed the Turks.

May Allah azza wa jal enable the Arabs to rectify the mistakes of the evil ahriman worshilping majoos, if it was up to Saddam Turkey and Iran would be a pool of Sarin gas right now
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