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Iraq: Eight killed by shelling on popular tourist resort in Kurdistan

Anyway Turkey is not the one funding religious/terrorist militias in certain Arab countries that aim to weaken the central authority in those states
Yeah well,they only destroyed Syria by helping,funding and arming radicals and destabilizing the entire country,along with their Saudi,Qatari and Western friends.

I know about the silly Greek-Turkish rivalry, but come, hard to take seriously.
Hard to take seriously? If the BJP government officials were taking photos or interviews with maps featuring the entire Punjab,Azad Kashmir and Sindh as Indian and then constantly armed themselves,all the while blaming you for "escalation" and "arms race",would you consider that silly or be cautious?

Turkey picked a side in the Libyan civil war, how is that different from anyone else involved? What with Palestine? Erdogan uses Palestine to rally supporters home and abroad as many leaders (if not all Muslim leaders) have done throughout history. Even non-Muslim leftists use Palestine for their political gains.
That's what I'm telling you,he uses Islam to gain voters and influence.

As I see it, Turkey is actually the biggest regional reason why KRG is not a fully independent entity today.
No,not Turkey. I'd say the Americans and other Westerners.
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Shows how you didn't do your homework.
Turkey sustained the KRG post 2003 against a Baghdad which has been hostile to Kurds. There's a reason the KRG invites Turkey to build bases on its lands, as bargaining chips against Baghdad.

Turkey was the main cause of the Syrian war that caused the millions of refugees.

Turkey is far more damaging to Arab countries than Iran, Iran's influence is barely present in Arab countries other than Iraq, and it is in Iraq as Iraqi Shias feel close to Iranians.

Iran does not try to carve any lands out of its neighbors, Turkey does, and has.

Those Turkish bases are used to fight the PKK are they not? Where they not built with the permission of Iraq as well?

So Turkey is to blame for Arabs (Syrians) killing each other and having a crappy leadership (Al-Assad family)? Nobody that was involved in Syria is innocent nor is any side angels or perfect. Who suffers is the average people (civilians) who have no influence.

All I see in the Arab world (in terms of outside interference) is harmful Iranian-funded/sponsored terrorist groups, militia creating havoc and undermining the governments from Lebanon, to Syria, to Iraq to Yemen. They even tried in Bahrain. I would not say this is comparable to what Turkey is doing.

What land grabbing? If Turkey has annexed parts of Syria (not the case) what about Russia or Iran?

As for refugees, before Turkey's involvement or any outside involvement, Turkey was being flooded by Syrians escaping the war which is natural being a neighbor.

Anyway I am not a Turk, I am just looking at it from the outside.

A simple thing here, Iran is recruiting (actively) impoverished Afghans and Pakistanis to die for their failed imperial ambitions in the Middle East while Turkey has never done that. Easy to pick a side here.
Shows how you didn't do your homework.
Turkey sustained the KRG post 2003 against a Baghdad which has been hostile to Kurds. There's a reason the KRG invites Turkey to build bases on its lands, as bargaining chips against Baghdad.

Turkey was the main cause of the Syrian war that caused the millions of refugees.

Turkey is far more damaging to Arab countries than Iran, Iran's influence is barely present in Arab countries other than Iraq, and it is in Iraq as Iraqi Shias feel close to Iranians.

Iran does not try to carve any lands out of its neighbors, Turkey does, and has. What is the big problem with it? Arabs aren't waiting for Turks to come with their different language and instill their trash on them. Libya and Syria need cleaning, Iraq needs to bolster up its defense to deter their wannabe ottoman dying sultan.
This is exactly why even secular Sunni Muslims can't stand Iraqi Shias. You guys sold your souls to the Persians. Tehran literally has built armed militias to control your country from within and all you can do is criticize Turkey for having a relationship with KRG? Nobody in Ankara is trusting you pro-Iranian zombies in Baghdad and that's entirely your fault.
Yeah well,they only destroyed Syria by helping,funding and arming radicals and destabilizing the entire country,along with their Saudi,Qatari and Western friends.

Hard to take seriously? If the BJP government officials were taking photos or interviews with maps featuring the entire Punjab,Azad Kashmir and Sindh as Indian and then constantly armed themselves,all the while blaming you for "escalation" and "arms race",would you consider that silly or be cautious?

That's what I'm telling you,he uses Islam to gain voters and influence.

No,not Turkey. I'd say the Americans and other Westerners.

Yes, 1000-2000 mainly native radicals are the reason for all of Syria's problem, not Al-Assad family destroying its own country and refusing to reform politically or step down like was the case in many Arab countries which avoided such a tragedy (civil war). Mubarak stepped down for instance.

You are talking about Turkish-Greek stuff, I am not interested in that or focusing on it, I was talking about the Middle East/wider region.

Which he is far from the only one to use, most do it. Nobody uses it more than the "Islamic Republic of Iran". Rings any bells?

Turkey has most to lose in case of a Kurdistan emerging in the region hence my opinion.
Those Turkish bases are used to fight the PKK are they not? Where they not built with the permission of Iraq as well?

They aren't used to fight the PKK and weren't built with permission.

Example; Bashiqa base just north of Mosul. Was built in 2015, without permission. There is no PKK in that area. The base was used to train militiamen under command of Atheel al Nujaifi (former governor of Mosul) - he has links to the Muslim brotherhood and stems from the Iraqi Islamic Party. This is further linked to Tareq al Hashimi who was kept secure in Turkey from handover to Baghdad court.

Turkey's plan was to take part in the Mosul offensive and claim presence afterward, this plan failed.

So Turkey is to blame for Arabs (Syrians) killing each other and having a crappy leadership (Al-Assad family)? Nobody that was involved in Syria is innocent nor is any side angels or perfect. Who suffers is the average people (civilians) who have no influence.

All I see in the Arab world (in terms of outside interference) is harmful Iranian-funded/sponsored terrorist groups, militia creating havoc and undermining the governments from Lebanon, to Syria, to Iraq to Yemen. They even tried in Bahrain. I would not say this is comparable to what Turkey is doing.

What land grabbing? If Turkey has annexed parts of Syria (not the case) what about Russia or Iran?

As for refugees, before Turkey's involvement or any outside involvement, Turkey was being flooded by Syrians escaping the war which is natural being a neighbor.

Anyway I am not a Turk, I am just looking at it from the outside.

A simple thing here, Iran is recruiting (actively) impoverished Afghans and Pakistanis to die for their failed imperial ambitions in the Middle East while Turkey has never done that. Easy to pick a side here.

You're sounding like some white American now. in the 2000s and 2010s, when we weekly read about 20-30 Pakistanis dying in suicide attacks. Should we say, brown Pakistanis killing each other, not our fault?

Turkey flooded Syria with arms and gave bases to the opposition, fueling the war. Meaning they kept the war ongoing, no?

Turkey has taken parts of Syria, you really need the obvious pointed out? LOL

I don't see what land Iran has annexed, which parts of Iraq for example has Iran annexed?

No you're not a Turk, just an average Pakistani who happens (very unusual that is, sarcastic of course) has some type of strange love for Turkey, in the past it used to be Saudi Arabia).

This is exactly why even secular Sunni Muslims can't stand Iraqi Shias. You guys sold your souls to the Persians. Tehran literally has built armed militias to control your country from within and all you can do is criticize Turkey for having a relationship with KRG? Nobody in Ankara is trusting you pro-Iranian zombies in Baghdad and that's entirely your fault.

I don't think i'd name myself Saddam if I was Shia.

Iran has little influence over these militia's. Iraq's Shias are more extremist than Iran's ideologically, something people forget.
They aren't used to fight the PKK and weren't built with permission.

Example; Bashiqa base just north of Mosul. Was built in 2015, without permission. There is no PKK in that area. The base was used to train militiamen under command of Atheel al Nujaifi (former governor of Mosul) - he has links to the Muslim brotherhood and stems from the Iraqi Islamic Party. This is further linked to Tareq al Hashimi who was kept secure in Turkey from handover to Baghdad court.

Turkey's plan was to take part in the Mosul offensive and claim presence afterward, this plan failed.

You're sounding like some white American now. in the 2000s and 2010s, when we weekly read about 20-30 Pakistanis dying in suicide attacks. Should we say, brown Pakistanis killing each other, not our fault?

Turkey flooded Syria with arms and gave bases to the opposition, fueling the war. Meaning they kept the war ongoing, no?

Turkey has taken parts of Syria, you really need the obvious pointed out? LOL

I don't see what land Iran has annexed, which parts of Iraq for example has Iran annexed?

No you're not a Turk, just an average Pakistani who happens (very unusual that is, sarcastic of course) has some type of strange love for Turkey, in the past it used to be Saudi Arabia).

I don't think i'd name myself Saddam if I was Shia.

I take your word for it but even if that was the case, are those Turkish bases used to attack Iraqi soldiers/Iraq? From what I see and hear, they are only used to attack the PKK and to begin with the KRG operates like a separate state. Why does Baghdad not regain full control of all of KRG? If they did that there would be no need for any foreign bases, don't you think? PKK has/had based in Northern Iraq that it used to attack Turkey with. Natural for Turkey to try to put an stop to that if Baghdad cannot.

Most Arabs openly talk about how bad their leaderships are and most would agree that the Al-Assad dynasty tops that list or are close. It is a widely shared opinion.

Turkey is not the cause for the Arab Spring, for the civil war in Syria or for Syrians stating mass-protests and rising up against a corrupt and incompetent (largely) Al-Assad regime.

If Al-Assad was a sane leader he would have reformed if he did not want to step down. Instead he began to mass-murder his own people like your typical dictator. When that did not work he began to call for outside help (Russia and to a smaller extend Iran). Yet you are not blaming Russia or Iran for destroying Syria?

Pakistan has had useless leaderships (continue to this day), no problem admitting that. Pakistan was ravaged by terrorism in the past (luckily this has stopped mostly) due to the Afghan war and internal dynamics as well. Our fault indeed.

I have an overall positive view of Turkey as a country, yes, but no "love".

However if you want to know it, I am more pro-Arab than anything when it comes to foreigners.
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I take your word for it but even if that was the case, are those Turkish bases used to attack Iraqi soldiers/Iraq? From what I see and hear, they are only used to attack the PKK and to begin with the KRG operates like a separate state. Why does Baghdad not regain full control of all of KRG? If they did that there would be no need for any foreign bases, don't you think?

Most Arabs openly talk about how bad their leaderships are and most would agree that the Al-Assad dynasty tops that list or are close. It is a widely shared opinion.

Turkey is not the cause for the Arab Spring, for the civil war in Syria or for Syrians stating mass-protests and rising up against a corrupt and incompetent (largely) Al-Assad regime.

If Al-Assad was a sane leader he would have reformed if he did not want to step down. Instead he began to mass-murder his own people like your typical dictator.

Pakistan has had useless leaderships (continue to this day), no problem admitting that. Pakistan was ravaged by terrorism in the past (luckily this has stopped mostly) due to the Afghan war and internal dynamics as well. Our fault indeed.

I have an overall positive view of Turkey as a country, yes, but no "love".

However if you want to know it, I am more pro-Arab than anything when it comes to foreigners.

Have a glimpse of Mosul 2015.

This is Turkey, training a force outside of Baghdad's chain of command, funded by Turkey. They were trying to repeat Syria's scenario in Iraq, with the aim to make Mosul theirs. Do you think this is friendly behavior, when Baghdad told Turkey a million times it is against such actions? The entire US-led coalition was arming and training troops through Baghdad. It was only Turkey which was looking for a way to exploit the situation.

Hence, Turkey is hostile. Iran is far friendlier, coming from Saddam Hussein.
Yes, 1000-2000 mainly native radicals are the reason for all of Syria's problem
2,000 "mainly native"? Oy veyyyy... You haven't followed the war since the start,have you?

Which he is far from the only one to use, most do it. Nobody uses it more than the "Islamic Republic of Iran". Rings any bells?
At least Iranians don't call Palestinians "brothers" and then sign deals with the Israelis 😂
Something a bathist would know better than anyone else. Through the blessing of Najaf and Hashd, Iraq has been cleansed. Throughout the history of Iraq one Saddam has come one after another, but look at what remains and what's in rubble.

YA Hossain
Have a glimpse of Mosul 2015.

This is Turkey, training a force outside of Baghdad's chain of command, funded by Turkey. They were trying to repeat Syria's scenario in Iraq, with the aim to make Mosul theirs. Do you think this is friendly behavior, when Baghdad told Turkey a million times it is against such actions? The entire US-led coalition was arming and training troops through Baghdad. It was only Turkey which was looking for a way to exploit the situation.

Hence, Turkey is hostile. Iran is far friendlier, coming from Saddam Hussein.

As I wrote, I don't know every thing or claim to. From the outside looking at events in the Arab world, Iran has played a far more destructive role than Turkey which first started involving itself post-Arab Spring really. Iran (Mullah regime I would say as the average Iranian is mostly against this interference at least the educated lot) has been at it since 1979. Not only in the Arab world but also in Pakistan. I told you about the recruitment of Afghans and Pakistanis in Middle Eastern wars, all done by Iran and not Turkey or Arabs.

Looking at it from the outside, the same Mullah's have done far more harm in Iraq than Turkey has.

Anyway you did not answer but why does Baghdad not gain military control of all of KRG?
2,000 "mainly native"? Oy veyyyy... You haven't followed the war since the start,have you?

At least Iranians don't call Palestinians "brothers" and then sign deals with the Israelis 😂

Are you going to deny that most of the fighting was done by local Syrians on both sides or do you think that aliens were fighting on both sides? Blame everything on everyone but the main case for Syria's civil war, the Al-Assad regime. Makes sense. Why is it that other Arab countries (hit by the Arab spring) their autocratic leaders stepped down relatively peacefully or reformed, why could Al-Assad not do it? And if Al-Assad was/is so strong, why did he need Russian, Iranian etc. help to safe him?

No, instead they import Israeli weapons while fighting Arabs (Iraq).


BTW, I already told you that Turkey (Erdogan) uses opportunistic/Islamist rhetoric in the Arab world to gain influence but Iran is 100 times worse on this front. You know that as well.

Lastly, ending it here, Turkey long ago recognized Israel and they never made a secret of it. Educated Palestinians/Arabs have known that forever, not Turkey's fault that there are some idiots among Arabs that have unrealistic views of what Turkey will do in regards to Israel.

I have written that already, if Arabs were united and had good leadership we would not be talking about any Iranian or Turkish interference. It is very simple, weak states will be taken advantage of. Simple geopolitics.
So you're gonna go the Indian way, huh.

IEA supapowa when?

Wdym by Indian way?

Pakistan is an Islamic Republic on paper as well but we are not ruled by religious people and most of our laws are British in origin with those contradicting Islam openly not followed (adjusted).

Pakistan has rajm on paper but has never executed it
I remember back in 2003-2004,when Iraq fell,the Turks wanted to march to Kirkuk with the excuse of "fighting terrorism",but the Americans said no and opposed Erdogan on it. That's when movies and TV series like "Kurtlar Vadisi Irak" started coming out. They had their eye on the oils of Kirkuk and northern Iraq. But Americans and British had other plans for the Kurds and the Shia.
Give them the island, western Thrace and selanik not just Mosul and kirkuk.
Wdym by Indian way?

Pakistan has rajm on paper but has never executed it

Very hard to implement. In fact historically (in all Islamic states) this happened extremely rarely due to all the necessary conditions for such a serious punishment. Hudud punishments in general are that.

taliban much strong such power wow

Iran has enough Afghans and Hazaras to recruit them in house, taliban ain't stopping shi*

Because millions of poor Hazaras live in Iran and are used as cheap and illegal labor force and often mistreated. Nothing to boost about. Funny that this does not work with Pashtuns.

Taliban has ghayrat, something our useless establishment has not.

It was happening openly under Karzai and Ghani. Remember Alipour? Iran at one point was supporting NRF lmao

There was even a border clash between Taliban and Iran.

Taliban (Pashtuns) won't tolerate such games. Huge difference here.
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