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Iraq condemns Turkey’s invasion


Oct 2, 2015
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of

Iraq condemns Turkey’s invasion​

The country is no place for foreign parties to settle scores, Baghdad outlined

Screenshot from footage released by the Turkish defense ministry

Turkey's invasion of Iraq is “a violation of its sovereignty and the sanctity of the country” that goes against the concept of being a good neighbor, Baghdad's foreign ministry said in a statement on Monday. Ankara launched a new military campaign against Kurdish forces in the north of the Middle Eastern state on Sunday evening.
Baghdad said it denounced the Turkish military operation waged on its territory. Iraq does not and will not serve as a staging ground for attacks on neighboring countries [there is also a large Kurdish enclave in Syria] and should not become “an arena for conflicts and settling scores for other external parties,” the statement said.
Turkey’s Operation Claw-Lock targets Kurdish militias in the northern Iraqi regions of Metina, Zap, and Avasin-Basyan, according to the Turkish military. Ankara perceives them as allies of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK).
Turkey releases video from Iraq invasion (VIDEO)
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Turkey releases video from Iraq invasion (VIDEO)

The ethnic Kurdish insurgency has fought against the Turkish government for decades and is considered a terrorist organization by Ankara. Over the years, Turkey has launched several military incursions into Iraq and Syria, targeting Kurdish militias.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan commented on the new operation on Monday, saying his government was “determined to continue this struggle until terrorism ceases to be a threat to our country, our region, and all of humanity.”
Speaking to a group of foreign diplomats, he said his country expected strong support from friendly nations, particularly in cracking down on the financial architecture of terrorist groups. He mentioned the PPK and Syrian Kurdish militia YPG, the organization of US-based Turkish politician Fethullah Gulen and the terrorist group Islamic State among the primary targets for Turkey.
Ankara claims its military action is covered by the national self-defense clause of the UN charter and that it is being conducted with the utmost respect for Iraqi sovereignty.

Kurdi in Irak is Iraqi, WTF Turkey doing there.....
They are infiltrating and attacking from Iraq. So Turkey has right to defend itself. wtf do you think Turkey will wait until they come and attack us?

I believe the attack made by Kurdi rebel who live in Turkey, they go to iraq for hiding

The same Papuan rebel does, this is why it is difficult to eliminate Papuan rebel since we have long border with Papua Nuigini

Erdogan must respect other country sovereignity, similar like Indonesian troops never attack Papuan rebel when they hide in Papua Nuigini,

Better Erdo has good relation with Kurdi in Iraq since if he doesnt do that, Turkey will be regarded as the enemy of all Kurds

Keterangan Pers Presiden RI & Perdana Menteri Papua Nugini, Istana Bogor, Kamis (31/3)​

Apr 1, 2022
I believe the attack made by Kurdi rebel who live in Turkey, they go to iraq for hiding

The same Papuan rebel does, this is why it is difficult to eliminate Papuan rebel since we have long border with Papua Nuigini

Erdogan must respect other country sovereignity, similar like Indonesian troops never attack Papuan rebel when they hide in Papua Nuigini,

Better Erdo has good relation with Kurdi in Iraq since if he doesnt do that, Turkey will be regarded as the enemy of all Kurds

Keterangan Pers Presiden RI & Perdana Menteri Papua Nugini, Istana Bogor, Kamis (31/3)​

Apr 1, 2022
Some countries just don't listen...

Look how many times Pakistan has asked IEA. Still they do not care.
If only PA wasn't under direct command of CENTCOM and taking orders from fourth rate US bureaucrats, they could have done the same thing across the Durand line and the Wakhan corridor.
I believe the attack made by Kurdi rebel who live in Turkey, they go to iraq for hiding

The same Papuan rebel does, this is why it is difficult to eliminate Papuan rebel since we have long border with Papua Nuigini

Erdogan must respect other country sovereignity, similar like Indonesian troops never attack Papuan rebel when they hide in Papua Nuigini,

Better Erdo has good relation with Kurdi in Iraq since if he doesnt do that, Turkey will be regarded as the enemy of all Kurds

Keterangan Pers Presiden RI & Perdana Menteri Papua Nugini, Istana Bogor, Kamis (31/3)​

Apr 1, 2022
Dont invent stories here this is not about Kurds this is about trr group which has bases inside Iraq. They dont just hide there they live there and have bases. Those bases are legitimate targets for Turkey. Countries must secure its own soil otherwise Turkey will secure it for them. Simple as that. We don’t care how they or others regard us we have enough soil to burry everybody who comes with bad intentions.

Some countries just don't listen...

Look how many times Pakistan has asked IEA. Still they do not care.
If Turks were relaxed and nonchalant like those indonesians we would have been eradicated and wiped out some 1000 years ago.
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I believe the attack made by Kurdi rebel who live in Turkey, they go to iraq for hiding

The same Papuan rebel does, this is why it is difficult to eliminate Papuan rebel since we have long border with Papua Nuigini

Erdogan must respect other country sovereignity, similar like Indonesian troops never attack Papuan rebel when they hide in Papua Nuigini,

Better Erdo has good relation with Kurdi in Iraq since if he doesnt do that, Turkey will be regarded as the enemy of all Kurds

Keterangan Pers Presiden RI & Perdana Menteri Papua Nugini, Istana Bogor, Kamis (31/3)​

Apr 1, 2022
Finally Indonesian troops never attack Papuan rebels when they hide in Papua Nuigini because Indonesia is weak.

Turkey is not weak like indonesia, Turkey is taking action same way as all strong countries take action when there is a threat to their national security.
Some countries just don't listen...

Look how many times Pakistan has asked IEA. Still they do not care.

You need to win the hearts, not increase the military operation

Finally Indonesian troops never attack Papuan rebels when they hide in Papua Nuigini because Indonesia is weak.

Turkey is not weak like indonesia, Turkey is taking action same way as all strong countries take action when there is a threat to their national security.

Not weak, but I say clever. Going after the rebel inside Papua Nugini territory can actually make Papua Nugini resentment that later can give more support to Papuan rebel factions.

Violence will not solve anything, how long is conflict going on in Turkey in relation to Kurdi people ? The rebellation is basically started because Turkey government behavior to Kurdi people and not give them enough freedom to express their Kurdi culture

Here Indonesia can solve conflict with Aceh rebel through peaceful agreement, we need to be ready to give them some of their demands in order to reach peace

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You can hear me talking with Palpatine's voice:

"Goood,gooood....search your feelings!"
Iraq's condemnation is just a sovereign country routine job.

But they don't have issue to see Turkey bombing Kurds, actually.

I dont think so, doing military operation inside other country territory will humiliate that country. For instant, there will be war if Australia military dare to go inside Indonesian territory without permission and do military operation to ISIS operative in Indonesia, it is despite Indonesian government is against ISIS operation in Indonesia.

I also dont think Iraqis hates Kurdi people, Iraq and Kurdi is basically the same people just different with etnicity, the same between Indonesian Javanese and Indonesian Minang ethnic for example, the look is relatively similar despite some different may still exist for careful eyes.

After the emergence of ISIS in Iraq and the ability of Kurdi to hold their territory inside Iraq, I believe more respect will be given to Kurdi, any way they are all Muslim and also in the same sect (Sunni)
Good stuff... keep going harder on these terrorists Turkey!!!!!!!!!!!!! may be someday we will learn from you guys!!!!!!!!!!
You need to win the hearts, not increase the military operation

Not weak, but I say clever. Going after the rebel inside Papua Nugini territory can actually make Papua Nugini resentment that later can give more support to Papuan rebel factions.

Violence will not solve anything, how long is conflict going on in Turkey in relation to Kurdi people ? The rebellation is basically started because Turkey government behavior to Kurdi people and not give them enough freedom to express their Kurdi culture

Here Indonesia can solve conflict with Aceh rebel through peaceful agreement, we need to be ready to give them some of their demands in order to reach peace

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Turkey tries to win heart and minds there since 30 years but this alone will not solve the issue. It is just one of the things the Turkish state is doing.

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