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Iraq calls for faster arms deliveries, nears F-16 deal

why buy F16 when it will have Israeli components

they are better off with Mig29 Su30 at the same price
The latest announcements came after Russia unveiled $4.2 billion in arms deals with Iraq on October 9.

Russian media said the deliveries -- expected to have been signed in a single package this week -- covered 30 Mi-28 attack helicopters and 42 Pantsir-S1 surface-to-air missile systems.

Discussions were also said to be underway for Iraq's eventual acquisition of a large batch of Russian MiG-29 fighters and helicopters along with heavy weaponry.

Obviously these meant to be used against Turkish airforce.

Sonny, you are such a military mastermind i'm proud of you.

They want Pantsir's to use against Turaf and here you are bitc!ing about some (mig's and f16s) someting totally non of our damn bussiness or in anyway relevant to Turkey.
But why Iraq need such expensive weapon? Does Iraq has an enemy?

It's only to counter the power of Turkey on behalf of Iran..

They want us to stop air strikes against pkk camps in the northern-iraq, well that's what they offically are suggusting but the reason is Iran and also some really bad Turkish foreign policy.
It's only to counter the power of Turkey on behalf of Iran..

They want us to stop air strikes against pkk camps in the northern-iraq, well that's what they offically are suggusting but the reason is Iran and also some really bad Turkish foreign policy.

Its mainly because Turkish Policy, This started a while ago when Iraq suddenly discovered that there where Israeli components in there F-16 and they couldnt lock-on to Turkish F-16s because they dont have the sourche codes. They started showing interest to Russian fighters and then on thing let to another....

But we are fully rightious and justified to do this infact the regional Kurdish goverments supports us, N.Iraq is a save haven for PKK terrorists, Directly being responasle for limiting our battle against these Marxist terrorists.
Don't you get it? F-16s for thourgh inspection by Iran. And Mig29s for spare parts of Iranian almost dead fleet of Mig29s. Iraqi requirements has nothing to do with this.

Today I met an Iraqi in Taksim- Istanbul and we had a chat for a good 2 hours this afternoon. It was eye watering.

Iranian experts have overhauled the mig29s . Iran's strategy is based on missile power however there are some plans for homemade 4.5+ fighters .
You think Iran's like Arabian countries just using western and eastern weapons ?? You're in mistaken dude Iran's mostly independent in military .
All of Iraq's neighbors have large forces with many weapons. Iraq is a rich and strategic country which many states WOULD try to take advantage of if they could. Iraq has internal security issues that need modern weapons in order to deal with them efficiently. As for having an air defence, that's natural and EVERY sovereign state MUST have an air defence system. As for Iraq's enemies, all the neighbors are potential enemies. The most prominent being Syria right now because they don't have stable government and we don't know who's going into power after Assad.
The Turkish guy said it will be use against Turkish Air Force, that statement lacks evidence. First Iraq does not support the PKK, the PKK keep bombing the pipelines that carry Iraqi oil to turkey, so Iraq could care less about air strikes against them. Second the Iraq-Kurdish region has its own forces and does not have any Iraqi troops patrolling it, it will be unlikely for the Iraqi air defence set up in the Kurdish region. third of all the strained relations between Iraq and Turkey are temporary, they will probably return to normal soon.

The Iraqi F-16's don't have any components of Israeli origin, that's a hoax that was misunderstood in the media. Iran WILL NOT have any access to the American weapons, some people here seem to live in a reality of Internet lies. Everyone is over estimating Iran's influence in Iraq. Iraq is a sovereign state. The fact that Iraq and Iran agree on some issue regarding the region does not mean Iraq is controlled by Iran, that is a delusion. Iraq has great relations with the US, why don't people say the US is controlling Iraq? How can two enemies both be controlling iraq at the same time?
The fact that Iraq and Iran agree on some issue regarding the region does not mean Iraq is controlled by Iran, that is a delusion. Iraq has great relations with the US, why don't people say the US is controlling Iraq? How can two enemies both be controlling iraq at the same time?

it is no hard for iran to agree with US in some stragey that if favourable for its benefits..in time of US invation of iraq iran indirectly corparated with US through pro-iran iraqi shia organizations .....in US invation of Afghanistan also situation was the same..Iran corporated with US aganist Taliban government..and now Iran still sincerly support both US puppets Karzai and Maliki governments...
if US and iran come to the same mutual benefits no problem to be agree.. the rest of detail is just a story...bla bla...
it is no hard for iran to agree with US in some stragey that if favourable for its benefits..in time of US invation of iraq iran indirectly corparated with US through pro-iran iraqi shia organizations .....in US invation of Afghanistan also situation was the same..Iran corporated with US aganist Taliban government..and now Iran still sincerly support both US puppets Karzai and Maliki governments...
if US and iran come to the same mutual benefits no problem to be agree.. the rest of detail is just a story...bla bla...

your assumptions are ridiculous. We Iraqis know what's going more than the people who are based outside of Iraq and know nothing other than what they read on "news" written by sectarian media. The idea that Iran and the US are cooperating, Iran's economy is being devastated by the US sanctions. The Iranian currency has lost significant value and is no longer even being accepted in Iraq.
Iraq has had Abrams tanks for over 2 years now why hasn't any of that gone to Iran. seriously the idiocy of some people on this forum is ridiculous.
perhaps you could work on your grammar to at least make your post seem more legitimate.
your assumptions are ridiculous. We Iraqis know what's going more than the people who are based outside of Iraq and know nothing other than what they read on "news" written by sectarian media. The idea that Iran and the US are cooperating, Iran's economy is being devastated by the US sanctions. The Iranian currency has lost significant value and is no longer even being accepted in Iraq.
Iraq has had Abrams tanks for over 2 years now why hasn't any of that gone to Iran. seriously the idiocy of some people on this forum is ridiculous.
perhaps you could work on your grammar to at least make your post seem more legitimate.

first this is a defence forum. not english language and grammar forum...no need to be so sensitive about grmmar.

asfor your evidnces..Rial also in iran hardly being accepted by only state force due to sanctions.....not only in iraq.

maliki government cannot risk underminning agreement with US by selling iran any amrican arms...because in order to be in power it need US supportance beside iran as well.

Now ask yourself..why Maliki support Assad while all arab countries against his regime...?
why most of arab countries have low level diplomatic ties with Maliki government?
Why Maliki government challange to Turkey as soon as Turkey began to support opposition front againist Assad regime...?
Why Maliki government attempted to invade federal Kurdish region after iraqi Kurds began to support Assad opposition..?
Why Maliki arrested, exiled and sentenced to death many sunni politicians by fraudulent plots?

i dont mean iran completly ally with US...
but not forgot that iran is a opportunist country..
it doesnot avoid of any agreemnt with any country if it favour its benefits....invation of afghanistan and iraq are best proofs of irani oppurtunism.....
Iraq has taken a neutral stance on Syria. There is no reason why Iraq should support terrorist groups in Syria. The syrian rebels have already made threats to attack Iraq, why should we support terrorists anyway?

"maliki government cannot risk underminning agreement with US by selling iran any amrican arms...because in order to be in power it need US supportance beside iran as well."

exactly, Iraq wont sell Iran anything, Iraq is working on creating strong military ties with the US, why would they jeopardize these ties before even getting high tech weapons?
even if Iraq did, the Iranians wont be able to operate it without training. The Invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan has nothing to do with Iran. The foreign forces which invaded Iraq came from the US bases in Qatar, UAE, Kuwait, Egypt, and Jordan and not Iran. They came to take out their former friend Saddam Hussein who has became disobedient and replace him with a puppet regime. unfortunately that didn't go so well because the Iraqis weren't willing to become US puppets unlike the gulf states, but the US still has influence and strong relations with Iraq on all fronts, just like it has with Turkey...

Maliki hasn't challenged Turkey, Turkey decided to harbor a fugitive wanted for operating a terrorist cell. before jumping to the conclusion that Tarik Alhashimi is innocent, there are documented crimes with names, places, times and witnesses as well as confessions. So it is Kerdogan who is acting hostile and not Iraq. Iraq has given billions of dollars worth of contracts to Turkish companies...
The idea of Maliki targeting sunnis is another lie as well. Maliki ordered the return of thousands of former sunni officers to the Iraqi army in the past few month. Also many Sunnis support Maliki in his efforts to stop the kurds from taking over Iraqi land (I mean the expansion into kirkuk, mosul, diyala and not the three Kurdish provinces they already have. Does that indicate he is targeting Sunnis? there are tens of sunni MP. The arrest warrants for one or two Sunni politicians who have evidence of terrorism does not mean anything. Besides its the judicial system which makes the arrest warrants, and not Maliki. Lets not forget maliki launched a massive offensive against shia militia in 2008, so the whole Idea of Maliki being sectarian is BS

Invasion of the Kurdish regional government? again baseless claim. The Iraqi army was not sent to invade anything. The formation of Tigris operations command is part of a plan to reconstruct the formations of the Iraqi army. There are plans to make Central Euphrates, Rafidain, Tigris, Baghdad operation commands and a few other one, this isn't directed at anyone. The Tigris operations command will include the provinces of Salahiddin, diyalla, and Kirkuk with the operations command running from kirkuk. kirkuk is historically an Iraqi Turkmeni city. It is a mix of Arab, Turkmen, and kurdish residents. The kurds want to integrate into Kurdistan as well as other land that they have expanded into since 2004 which are not kurdish. They hope to take all This land and declare a country, The Iraqi army has been sent to stop and Further expansion into Iraqi land, and not Invade the Kurdish region.
The Kurds have taken advantage of Iraqs weakness during the 2003-2008 era to take over as much iraqi land as possible in order to make it part of their future Kurdish state.
The KRG also signed illegal contracts in disputed territories giving the companies a 50% profit production sharing deal, this is daylight theft for and the worst contracts signed history.
That has nothing to do with the Assad regime.

Yes Iran is opportunistic, in fact all countries are, all countries for their own interest, I mean seriously what do you really expect? ALL states work based on interest, not morals or good will.

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