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Iraq calls for faster arms deliveries, nears F-16 deal

The Sunnis be it Iraq, Iran, Pakistan or Afghanistan are stuck in their typical hardcore jahalat which lets the opposing factions of 1/10th minority to recombine their strength and run them over. Saddam wasn't a saint and it is only logical that someone will retaliate when given a chance so - in this case Shia co-operating with invading Americans and forming an untold alliance to bring sunnis under their domination.

Blame nobody else, it is the fault of political Islam.

Since when Shias are 1/10th minority in these 2 countries?:P
Iraq is currently an extension of Iran. Here let me explain it to you the way the Iraqi explained it to me:

Khameni is the great leader, under him there are states, Iran is one of those states, now Iraq is another one with the help of the americans. Iran has a president and so does Iraq but both answer to Kahmeni first regarding everything. You get it now?

Sunnis have been violently driven out of Iraq under the nose of the Americans and cooperation between security forces and Shia armed groups. He is one of those who were given "either leave by next week or you won't be able to walk away anymore" and so he did. Others weren't as lucky.

Are you aware that Iran and Iraq were at war for 8 years??? Iraqis and Iranis don't consider each other best friends!! maybe just neighbors! but to say they are best friends is an over exaggration! It was an 8 year war. A million people died from each side! I think you guys live in a fanatsy land to think Iran and Iraq are buddies. Since the removal of saddam , iran and iraq both have been in many different arguments over several very important issues. Same Issues that Saddam had with Iran over oil fileds! Its the same story different regime! But to my understanding Iraq wants nothing to do with iran, Wants to stay out of any conflict, I think it's a wise choice, as long as they stay out of iran-American conflict. Poor Iraqis been at war for 30 years now. Iraq-Iran , Iraq-kuwait, Iraq-America. I hope they stay out of this one!
But why Iraq need such expensive weapon? Does Iraq has an enemy?
This divide has been going on since the death of Prophet Muhammed (pbuh)

not since then stupid long after that but as a Muslim we r to follow Allah,Quran,Prophets, Sahabas+Tabatabien.

Where in hell did they mentioned anything abt sects n all that?
It is our self created on BS, racism, ego or personal liking or disliking. That was no such thing in the time Khulfa e Rashdeen. Later on those corrupt mullas dis that n divided our Muslim Brotherhood on just small issue n created sects.

Allah says in Quran '' Hold my rope strongly n b not divided into Sects ''.
This what im basically saying...
Iraq called for the US to speed up its weapons deliveries on Thursday as the two countries near a deal on a second set of 18 F-16s, days after Baghdad signed $4.2 billion in arms deals with Moscow.

The contracts with Russia made the country Iraq's second-biggest defence supplier after the United States, as Baghdad looks to build up its military, which it admits is unable to adequately protect its borders, airspace or maritime territory after US forces withdrew from the country last year.

Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki pushed for faster deliveries from Washington during talks in Baghdad with Deputy Secretary of Defence Ashton Carter, focusing on an initial set of 18 F-16 fighter jets, currently due for delivery in 2014.

Maliki spoke of the "need for the Iraqi army to develop its defensive abilities to protect Iraq's security and national sovereignty," a statement from his office said.

He urged the United States to "speed up the arming of the Iraqi army with what they need in terms of defensive weapons that can protect the sovereignty of Iraq and its independence, and provide a deterrent towards any assault."

It added that Carter told Maliki he had come to Iraq to discuss Baghdad's defence and counter-terror needs, and he told the premier that US Defence Secretary Leon Panetta would visit Baghdad soon for similar reasons.

The premier's spokesman Ali Mussawi told AFP that Maliki in particular pressed for quicker delivery of 18 F-16s, which Iraq had hoped would arrive next year but US officials have said will only be ready by 2014.

Mussawi said Maliki and Carter agreed on further bilateral talks on how to speed up delivery of the fighter jets.

Carter's visit came soon after Deputy National Security Adviser Dennis McDonough met with top Iraqi officials in Baghdad, discussing the ongoing violence in Baghdad's western neighbour Syria but also how the US and Iraq could improve their partnership, including on counterterrorism.

Baghdad and Washington, meanwhile, appear close to sealing a deal for a second set of 18 F-16 fighter planes, but US embassy spokesman Frank Finver said the agreement had not been finalised.

"The United States recently presented the government of Iraq with a Letter of Acceptance for a second tranche of 18 F-16 fighter jets and we await confirmation of their acceptance of that LOA," he said in an e-mail.

"The United States would welcome Iraqi acceptance as another important step in our growing bilateral security assistance relationship."

Acting Defence Minister Saadun al-Dulaimi, meanwhile, told reporters that Iraq was also interested in Apache helicopters and anti-aircraft weaponry, according to remarks broadcast on state television.

The latest announcements came after Russia unveiled $4.2 billion in arms deals with Iraq on October 9.

Russian media said the deliveries -- expected to have been signed in a single package this week -- covered 30 Mi-28 attack helicopters and 42 Pantsir-S1 surface-to-air missile systems.

Discussions were also said to be underway for Iraq's eventual acquisition of a large batch of Russian MiG-29 fighters and helicopters along with heavy weaponry.

I wished that if they want a total of 50-70 F-16s then they should have done that all now instead doing in bits and pieces. They must also consider PAC Super Mushaq along with PAC-Chinese K-8 and may be JF-17(in future) too.
When they couldn't defend their land for decades, what will F-16s do now? Their internal crisis is still there and anyone can go and try to take advantage of that...
When they couldn't defend their land for decades, what will F-16s do now? Their internal crisis is still there and anyone can go and try to take advantage of that...

Pakistan made the case of using F-16 to fight the Taliban.
Iraq is currently an extension of Iran. Here let me explain it to you the way the Iraqi explained it to me:

Khameni is the great leader, under him there are states, Iran is one of those states, now Iraq is another one with the help of the americans. Iran has a president and so does Iraq but both answer to Kahmeni first regarding everything. You get it now?

The man clearly is talking under emotional influence which says nothing about the warm relations between both the countries. He's bringing in the Shiite factor in rather than a rational political argument.

But apart from what the Iraqi told you, yes I agree that Iraq is much closer to Iran than it ever was under the Baathists.

Sunnis have been violently driven out of Iraq under the nose of the Americans and cooperation between security forces and Shia armed groups. He is one of those who were given "either leave by next week or you won't be able to walk away anymore" and so he did. Others weren't as lucky.

Well US is never concerned about which sect of Muslims is on what side and how friendly they are. They were here for something else and they got it. In fact, the most politically affected from this should be you lot and the Turks who have Sunni as the dominant population.

What is KSA's official political stand towards the new Iraq?

Iraq is currently an extension of Iran. Here let me explain it to you the way the Iraqi explained it to me:

Khameni is the great leader, under him there are states, Iran is one of those states, now Iraq is another one with the help of the americans. Iran has a president and so does Iraq but both answer to Kahmeni first regarding everything. You get it now?

The man clearly is talking under emotional influence which says nothing about the warm relations between both the countries. He's bringing in the Shiite factor in rather than a rational political argument.

But apart from what the Iraqi told you, yes I agree that Iraq is much closer to Iran than it ever was under the Baathists.

Sunnis have been violently driven out of Iraq under the nose of the Americans and cooperation between security forces and Shia armed groups. He is one of those who were given "either leave by next week or you won't be able to walk away anymore" and so he did. Others weren't as lucky.

Well US is never concerned about which sect of Muslims is on what side and how friendly they are. They were here for something else and they got it. In fact, the most politically affected from this should be you lot and the Turks who have Sunni as the dominant population.

What is KSA's official political stand towards the new Iraq?
That new government in Iraq... total hpyocrites

They want Migs29s from Russia and F16IQs from USA, which is also idiotic :)
If you want I can teach how to respect the other you idiot. Iraq will never ever be the back yard of your ****** regime got it>
Again, you must know that Iraq has had a rather poor understanding of choosing weapons platforms carefully. It has relied on personal choice rather than technical capabilities.

A better choice would have been F-16IQs as a low mix with Su-35BM as a higher end fighter for the entire air force with trainers from Czech Republic or some other reliable but smaller source. While for Army, tanks should come from again a country that hasn't directly been involved in the power struggle or conflict in Iraq like maybe you guys or Germans or maybe even Koreans.

I just hope that Maliki government thinks through their immature air force choice and reconsiders the current favorites to something more practical and relevant in Iraqi context.
We in urgent need to your expertise buddy. joking well the iraqi gov never signed any deal so far with russia upon aquiring fighters!!! let the russian suggest what ever they say the last word is ours>

Don't you get it? F-16s for thourgh inspection by Iran. And Mig29s for spare parts of Iranian almost dead fleet of Mig29s. Iraqi requirements has nothing to do with this.

Today I met an Iraqi in Taksim- Istanbul and we had a chat for a good 2 hours this afternoon. It was eye watering.
Some thing like this.:cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:. in Ankara. you mean.

Alot of things.
like what????.

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