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Iran’s threat to avenge Fakhrizadeh: Don’t hold your breath

I think the best retaliation at this point is to carry a violent internal purge with some public executions and even allowing "leaks" of the brutal torture and demise of the infiltrators. A thorough spring cleaning should be done in the country before 1400 Khorshid.
i think you got wrong, this is Islamic Republic NOT Muammar al-Gaddafi or Saddam dictatorship or Monarchy
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Brother Yavar, why do we see so many leaks?
20% leaks by MKO terrorist from region, and 20% by sertern section of intelligence ministry ,

same as20099/ it took us after 2009 colour revolution up to now to clean IRGC out fully and so many high ranking IRGC were retired ex..... it going to take time the process is ongoing for
Robert McFarlane Contra base + ................................. base to be clean out but it take some Serious time,

the good news is U.S burning some very high up sources which they can not replace ever unless there regime change
20% leaks by MKO terrorist from region, and 20% by sertern section of intelligence ministry ,
And this should not be a cause for an internal purge and a little bit of brutality, especially with the mko roaches?
Okay then.
And this should not be a cause for an internal purge and a little bit of brutality, especially with the mko roaches?

No, we need to be smart and play game Behind-the-scenes and Ouster these people for good in total denial

We just need to throw them out country and in right moment take care of them

Look at all these cases MKO and others in Europe

Not a single case after all these investigation by all those European countries intelligence services and police services and the judiciary has managed to find slightest evidence slightest evidence that Islamic Republic was involved and they couldn’t represent single evidence to the whole world that Islamic Republic did any of those

All What they’re claiming is that they don’t have no evidence but they know Iran has done it,
So I can’t can’t take the cases any further or take it to the Hague or impose sanctions over any of those cases
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The west doesnt work on evidence... did they have evidence to invade Iraq? Did they not ignore the evidence of Iraqi use of chemical weapons against Iran? Did they not forge the evidence of chemical weapons by the syrians??!!

Did they not ignore all the evidence of Israeli assasinations around the globe? Did they not ignore the Khashoghji murder?

The west undrestnds power... not decency and documented evidence.
You're full of shit, Iranian regime said they seek to return to deal after Biden is sworn in. You've been parroting this nonsense about military strike on Israel/US for 10 years on this forum now, do you not get tired? Your regime agenda is to commit genocide against Sunni Muslims and nothing more. They tell Israel/US through European mediators that what they say is for domestic consumption and they don't seek escalation with Israel or the US.

Nothing will happen.
I do not think there is a active agenda to ''commit genocide'' on Sunni population by IR. That is just a bit too extreme. However, IR has been less ''revolutionary'' than before with many officials enjoying the good life or providing the good lives for their families in Western countries instead of fighting for the cause they are shouting about everyday.
No, we need to be smart and play game Behind-the-scenes and Ouster these people for good in total denial

We just need to throw them out country and in right moment take care of them

Look at all these cases MKO and others in Europe

Not a single case after all these investigation by all those European countries intelligence services and police services and the judiciary has managed to find slightest evidence slightest evidence that Islamic Republic was involved and they couldn’t represent single evidence to the whole world that Islamic Republic did any of those

All What they’re claiming is that they don’t have no evidence but they know Iran has done it,
So I can’t can’t take the cases any further or take it to the Hague or impose sanctions over any of those cases
The deaths of the mko roaches involved in the 1980 terrorist attack on the IRI headquarters was 99.99% done by mko roaches themselves as the goon who planted the bomb had a falling out with those scum bags and that dirty cult will deal harshly with anyone who leaves them.
The only one of the assassinations that could possibly be IRI was the Greek restaurant incident in Berlin in the 90s.
I would love to believe the assertions of the bbc rats to be true and that Iran brought true justice to some of these degenerate bloated dung beetles, but sadly this is just mko roaches eating their own. May europe burn for its support of this evil group and equally vile "pan" groups and may their chickens come home to roost as they always do.
What's funny is the assertion of the bbc rat that europe didn't want to upset the jcpoa and that's why they won't accuse Iran directly; oh yes, we have seen how the euro trash scrambled and worked so hard to preserve the jcpoa and Iran's face, lol lol lol lol lol!!!!!
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It is on its way but we have too many leaks so not clear if we can continue it

موشک های برد کوتاه آرش و هواپیماهای بدون سرنشین سپاه
در عراق

We already have Iraqi delegation here in Tehran protesting Not use there airspace, After being briefed and giving intelligence images by U.S
Iraqi delegation asks Iran

Israeli chief of staff issued warning so their intelligence has picked it up they know is happening but they don’t know when and in what scale
IDF chief of staff warns Iran attacking Israel

US send this submarine strikeforce to Russell had Oman
Navy submarine packed with missiles sends Iran a message

it will be multi layer, cyber ex.......+++ at same time, the ground is already prepared for it
Iranian hackers hit top Israeli defense contractor, data leaked

minutes after Trump Kick out of the office so .........

so far The order is standby

Israel channel 13 TV Report: Iran has set up a suicide drone base in Yemen & Syria satellite images showing they set up an array of aircraft and missile with capable of reaching a distance of 2,200 km.

Israel channel 13 TV Report: Iran has set up a suicide drone base in Yemen & Syria satellite images showing they set up an array of aircraft and missile with capable of reaching a distance of 2,200 km.

Zionist lies to show Iran as a bigger threat. Are you working with the zionists?
Israel channel 13 TV Report: Iran has set up a suicide drone base in Yemen & Syria satellite images showing they set up an array of aircraft and missile with capable of reaching a distance of 2,200 km.

for Syria if people needed bit of history


very nice analyses from hassan abbasi. for those who ask why Iran is not attacking israhell (with military forces) for assassinating fakhrizadeh.

very nice analyses from hassan abbasi. for those who ask why Iran is not attacking israhell (with military forces) for assassinating fakhrizadeh.

He is spot on almost everything he said, we have already said many times that these foreign agencies would not be able to function inside Iran if it were not for internal assets, he gave a good list of them but did not seem to mention the MEK bunch. They're another major group aiding the Americans/Israelis. Clearly the current system is not rigorous enough and things need to change and he gave a good list of solutions.

Where he is wrong in on the nuclear weapons issue. People like him need to dispel this borderline naive notion that nuclear weapons have no place in Iran's defence doctrine. He said himself that Iran's enemies do not care about mass destruction. He takes pride that Iran does not resort to this sort of barbarism and I agree. However, the important point he seems to miss is just because Iran choses to be honourable, this will not stop its enemies from resorting to nuclear weapons. One cannot allow its survival to rely on the decision making of its adversaries and hope they will not resort to nukes in a non-nuclear environment, such as in a war with Iran. We need an active deterrence against that. In my view, only WMDs provide this deterrence. Notice I use the word deterrence. Nuclear weapon power is not in their use but mostly in their deterring power. Thus just because Iran is not happy with their mass destruction effect if used, this does not diminish their value as a deterrence source. I have said before, I think this "Fatwa" against nukes is just smoke and mirrors, after all we know Iran had a nuclear bomb project. I believe Iran is covertly building or has already built nukes. Anyone that truly swears off nukes in this world is not sane.
Iraqi army was kicked out by Iran in 1982 bro. We decided to continue for 6 years more. Iran was on the offensive for 6 years. Most of the fighting from 1982 onwards occured on Iraqi soil.

except by 1988 Iraq advanced into Iran in the south and Iran got on the defensive. That's when Khamenei decided it was time to go for ceasefire.

This is why Saddam was and always has been an idiot, instead of continuing the war which he was winning in 1988, he goes for a ceasefire and attacks Kuwait instead.
i think you got wrong, this is Islamic Republic NOT Muammar al-Gaddafi or Saddam dictatorship or Monarchy

nothing Islamic about it
except by 1988 Iraq advanced into Iran in the south and Iran got on the defensive. That's when Khamenei decided it was time to go for ceasefire.

This is why Saddam was and always has been an idiot, instead of continuing the war which he was winning in 1988, he goes for a ceasefire and attacks Kuwait instead.

This is incorrect, by the end of the war Iran had controlled many border areas of Iraq including oil fields along the border. The war was ended when the Iraq started using missiles indiscriminately in cities and Iran retaliated leaving both sides to stop the bloodshed as it was going no where and costs were high. Kuwait was just an easy target for him.
This is incorrect, by the end of the war Iran had controlled many border areas of Iraq including oil fields along the border. The war was ended when the Iraq started using missiles indiscriminately in cities and Iran retaliated leaving both sides to stop the bloodshed as it was going no where and costs were high. Kuwait was just an easy target for him.

In the last months of 1988 a lot of things changed, starting with the 2nd battle of Al-Faw which saw the island reclaimed, as well as parts of Khuzestan. In mid to end 1988 the tide quickly changed not to Iran's favor.

Saddam offered a ceasefire in 1982, when things turned to Iran's favor. Iran rejected, but accepted once things turned bad for them in 1988. Yes Iraq was resupplied, but that's not the point. The point is, Khomeini accepted a ceasefire once things turned bad for him.

A lot of life's lost could've been avoided, that Mullah never bled neither did Khamenei.
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