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Iran's 'The Salesman' Wins Oscar For Best Foreign Language Film

Iranian nationalism can make your culture stronger. By bashing Iranian nationalism as kufr or imperialist invention to divide the ummah (ideological reasoning, like Islamists and communist do), Iranic culture gets weak and gets easier and faster infected by western propaganda.

Currently the biggest enemy of Iranic culture is the Islamic republic. By this, they fastened the westernisation of Iran because they left no other/second identity option open beside Islam for Iranians, even suppressed other identity options.

Aren't Iranians already nationalistic to a huge degree? Comparatively speaking, they tend to emphasize their nationalism more than your average American, British, Italian, Moroccan, Qatari, Syrian, Libyan...etc. That manifestation of nationalism can sometimes be good and tolerable. Other times, it is childish, utobic, and unrealistic. I think this side has always been strong, but got stronger after Shah Reza's rule. I don't think that religious pride is something common among Iranians, especially after the 1979 enghleab.​
there couldn't be any bigger lie about Ekhrajiha, and it shows how biased your view point is.
Ekhrajiha is a comedy, it's natural to put an idiot character in a comedy movie, it's based on true story, about a gang and his members who volunteer for the war because of their private cause, this movie shows the evolve of their character, and how in the end they sacrifice their life for their country.
Yet director shows the reality of our war and soldiers in the background. we see an army colonel who has lost his leg in the war, yet to serve his country again, hides his identity and joins as an ordinary volunteer. We see volunteer who throws himself on a grenade to save his comrades.
And this is the diferrence between a patriot director and a traitor one like Farhadi.

You said Separation is a common subject between families, so I ask how many percent of those seperations is because of migration?
Director chooses the migration cause he wants to tell bright and healthy people in Iran want to migrate, Iran is an unlivable place (according to the dialog) if the husband doesn't doesn't want to leave, it's not because he doesn't want to, but because of his sick father.
we see religious families (those who don't wanna leave the coutry) as cunny, poor, misrable, and full of tension.
What do we see outside of these two families? Accident in Street, loan sharks lined up to seize the compensation money from the poor family, cold, crowded judicial system, and of course an unevitable seperation and the doomed condition of the child. Nothing positive, just darkness.
And finally the accident which a pregnant woman is hurt by the door, it's a sarcasm to Shiah beliefs about the daughter of Prophet.

So I do have enough reason when I call Farhadi as a traitor, I do mean every letter in the word traitor.

If farhadi's film became a success, it's due to the heavy propaganda both from inside and outside, it was because of a fake advertised competition between Seperation and Ekhrajiha (which same media were talking against), people were wondering if the movie was a match for the popular title "Ekhrajiha".

The funny thing about the people who slam the Ekhrajiha with the excuse of defending our soldiers is that they are the same people who insult the basijis and our soldiers in Iraq and Syria.
Apparently hypocracy has no limit in this world.
well , so you tell me what's one of the reason behind nearly 30% separation rate in Tehran
and for the information main reason for the separation was not migration it was difference between the values of wife and husband. and I didn't knew that children of Divorce end up happy children and Farhadi wrongly showed them and if you say those lone sharks and the calculating husband who want extort money and the wife who is under pressure by his husband family is lie then I have nothing to say to you . it seems you are not ware of the reality of life for poor families .
پیشنهاد میکنم برو فیلم فقر و فحشا را دوباره نگاه کن اگر اتباه نکنم کارگردانش صددرصد مورد تایید هستش .
If Ekhrajia was a comedy and allowed to mock soldiers then why not say farhadi movies are drama and allowed to show the dark side of the society .
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می‌توان خود را به ندیدن زد و خوشحالی خواهر امیر قطر، سرمایه‌گذار فیلم فروشنده از دریافت اسکار را هم کاملا تصادفی دانست؛ جایی که «شیخه المیاسه بنت حمد بن خلیفه آل ثانی» در اینستاگرام شخصی خود نوشت: «افتخار می کنم که به عنوان اولین بنیاد سینمایی عربی، در سه سال متوالی 4 بار نامزد اسکار شدیم و امشب برای فیلم فروشنده اسکار بهترین فیلم خارجی را گرفتیم»


it wouldn't win the prize if the movie wouldn't insult the Iranian.

ahmad ghorbani:
‍ ورزشگاه 60هزار نفری آرسنال که اکنون به "ورزشگاه امارات"مشهور است با 390میلیون پوند شرکت هواپیمایی امارات ساخته شد اما اگر آرسنال تیمی را مغلوب کند و چند ده نفر اماراتی پای پست اینستاگرامی هواپیمایی امارات "به به و چه چه" کند و در خیال واهی افتخار(!) عقالی پرتاب کنند و دشداشه ای بگردانند، هیچ انگلیسی ابلهی به تیم آرسنال لقب "مهره" امارات، نمی دهد و هیچ آدم عاقلی در جهان این افتخار انگلیسی را به پای امارات نمی نویسد.
هواپیمایی قطر سالیان سال حامی مالی بارسلونای اسپانیا ست اما اگر این تیم در جام ملت های اروپا افتخاری کسب کند هیچ اسپانیایی ابلهی بازیکنان تیم را مهره قطر نمی داند و اگر چند قطری سرخوش پای پست اینستاگرامی قطر ایرویز، شمشیری بگردانند و هلهله ای سر دهند، هیچ آدم عاقلی در جهان این افتخار را به سبد قطری ها نمی ریزد.
انگلیسی یا اسپانیایی وطن فروش البته وجود دارد اما اینگونه چوب حراج به اعتباری که دنیا را حیران خود کرده در هیچ جای جهان سابقه ندارد. نمونه وطنی این سرمایه گذاری را در همین "هایپر استار" خودمان هم داریم(هایپر استار در سال ۱۳۸۸ با نسبت مشارکت ۲۵٪ و ۷۵٪ کارفور و ماجد الفطیم امارات به عنوان اولین فروشگاه زنجیره‌ای بین‌المللی در ایران در بزرگراه شهید باکری در غرب تهران افتتاح شد. همچنین شعبه‌های دیگر این ابربازار نیز در سال ۱۳۹۲ در شهر شیراز در محل مجتمع خلیج فارس و در شهر اصفهان در مجموعه سیتی سنتر راه‌اندازی شدند.) جاییکه ماجد الفطیم بیزنس من اماراتی و بنیانگذار و مالک و رئیس گروه ماجد الفطیم (از شرکت‌های اماراتی املاک و مستغلات و خرده فروشی) بابت سرمایه گذاری و برپا کردن علم و کتل فروشگاه هایپر استار در تهران و شیراز فقط در سال 2012حدود 236 میلیون دلار درآمد داشته است با این حال نه آقای یامین پور و نه هیچ ایرانی دیگری شهرداراصولگرای تهران و شیراز و نیز شهروندانی را که از این فروشگاه خرید می کنند را مهره امارات نمی دانند چون سرمایه و سرمایه گذاری جزیی از بیزنس و پشتوانه تولید و خلق است و آمیخته شدن آن با خودفروشی و مهره شدن ووجه المصالحه کردنش برای ارضای عقده های فروخفته...جزو ویارانه های جماعت دلواپسی است که اصولن به شادی مردم و افتخارات وطنی، آلرژی دارند ، اوج درک شان از هنر، اثبات فاحشه بودن فلان بازیگر است و نیک می دانند که جمع سرمایه ای که کارگردان مستقل ایرانی با کد یمین، جلب اثر هنری خود می کند بسیار کمتر از بودجه حاتم بخشانه ای است که نصیب شومن های داخلی و برنامه های نفرت پراکنانه آنها می شود.
از اینها که بگذریم این خود زنی آقای یامین پور که برای باورهای ایدئولوژیک و جناحی خود حتا حاضرند که افتخار جهانی یک ایرانی و تودهنی هنرمند ایرانی به ترامپیسم کور ضد ایرانی را در سبد قطری ها بیاندازند و "وطی" عرب حاشیه خلیج فارس به غرور ایرانی را به انتظار بنشینند ، من را یاد این داستان راغب اصفهانی در کتاب "المحاظرات الادبا و محاورات الشعرا و البلغاء"انداخت:
هُدبه بن خشرم عذری، ابن عمّ خود را کشته بود. او را برای قصاص آوردند. پسر مقتول شمشیر در دست داشت و اولیای قاتل دیه را مضاعف می کردند تا به صد هزار رسانیدند. مادر پسر ترسید که پسر به طمع مال از قصاص درگذرد. گفت:ای فرزند! بالله که با خدای عهد کرده ام که اگر او را نکشی به او شوهر کنم تا هم پدرت را کشته باشد و هم مادرت را وَطْی کرده باشد.

only bigots and extremists like trump in the world are not happy about it. the only things these people understand are destroying, hate, human violence and cruelty. Fascist minds of their own and their leaders is fill full of Illusion and hypocrisy.​
Congrats to the team behind film.
Aren't Iranians already nationalistic to a huge degree?

Comparatively speaking, they tend to emphasize their nationalism more than your average American, British, Italian, Moroccan, Qatari, Syrian, Libyan...etc. That manifestation of nationalism can sometimes be good and tolerable. Other times, it is childish, utobic, and unrealistic. I think this side has always been strong, but got stronger after Shah Reza's rule. I don't think that religious pride is something common among Iranians, especially after the 1979 enghleab.​
No and No. America I dont consider comparable and about Qataris I dont know much. But Italians and British respect and cherish their past, culture, their Empires, their kings.

Currently there is a "silent cultural war" in Iran and it will be a decisive one. You can compare it to the French revolution but in a soft way. We Iranians have a 1000 year burden on our back that Will be dealt with. From that moment the influence Will reach our neighbours and they will follow.
No and No. America I dont consider comparable and about Qataris I dont know much. But Italians and British respect and cherish their past, culture, their Empires, their kings.

Currently there is a "silent cultural war" in Iran and it will be a decisive one. You can compare it to the French revolution but in a soft way. We Iranians have a 1000 year burden on our back that Will be dealt with. From that moment the influence Will reach our neighbours and they will follow.

So you deny that Iranians are notably nationalistic comparatively speaking? That's the complete opposite of my observation in the last 15 years or so (unless you define nationalism by having to be anti-Islam, which is a narrow definition of nationalism).
So you deny that Iranians are notably nationalistic comparatively speaking? That's the complete opposite of my observation in the last 15 years or so (unless you define nationalism by having to be anti-Islam, which is a narrow definition of nationalism).
Your observation is not representative, based on few people abroad I guess. You havent lived among Iranians inside Iran, the villages, the small cities, downtowns etc.

Unlike Turkish nationalism, Islam and Iranian nationalism don't connect well and don't fit each other, they reject each other... we had this kind of weird experiments (melli-mazhabiyoun=religious nationalists) like mehdi bazargan who finally became slave of khumaani.

We learned from the mistakes for the final clash to come. The winner decides the future mindset of Iran and the countries east of Iran. This Will happen between 10 to 100 yeara (I'm extremely lenient). The question is not if it will happen, but when.
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ahmad ghorbani:
‍ ورزشگاه 60هزار نفری آرسنال که اکنون به "ورزشگاه امارات"مشهور است با 390میلیون پوند شرکت هواپیمایی امارات ساخته شد اما اگر آرسنال تیمی را مغلوب کند و چند ده نفر اماراتی پای پست اینستاگرامی هواپیمایی امارات "به به و چه چه" کند و در خیال واهی افتخار(!) عقالی پرتاب کنند و دشداشه ای بگردانند، هیچ انگلیسی ابلهی به تیم آرسنال لقب "مهره" امارات، نمی دهد و هیچ آدم عاقلی در جهان این افتخار انگلیسی را به پای امارات نمی نویسد.
هواپیمایی قطر سالیان سال حامی مالی بارسلونای اسپانیا ست اما اگر این تیم در جام ملت های اروپا افتخاری کسب کند هیچ اسپانیایی ابلهی بازیکنان تیم را مهره قطر نمی داند و اگر چند قطری سرخوش پای پست اینستاگرامی قطر ایرویز، شمشیری بگردانند و هلهله ای سر دهند، هیچ آدم عاقلی در جهان این افتخار را به سبد قطری ها نمی ریزد.
انگلیسی یا اسپانیایی وطن فروش البته وجود دارد اما اینگونه چوب حراج به اعتباری که دنیا را حیران خود کرده در هیچ جای جهان سابقه ندارد. نمونه وطنی این سرمایه گذاری را در همین "هایپر استار" خودمان هم داریم(هایپر استار در سال ۱۳۸۸ با نسبت مشارکت ۲۵٪ و ۷۵٪ کارفور و ماجد الفطیم امارات به عنوان اولین فروشگاه زنجیره‌ای بین‌المللی در ایران در بزرگراه شهید باکری در غرب تهران افتتاح شد. همچنین شعبه‌های دیگر این ابربازار نیز در سال ۱۳۹۲ در شهر شیراز در محل مجتمع خلیج فارس و در شهر اصفهان در مجموعه سیتی سنتر راه‌اندازی شدند.) جاییکه ماجد الفطیم بیزنس من اماراتی و بنیانگذار و مالک و رئیس گروه ماجد الفطیم (از شرکت‌های اماراتی املاک و مستغلات و خرده فروشی) بابت سرمایه گذاری و برپا کردن علم و کتل فروشگاه هایپر استار در تهران و شیراز فقط در سال 2012حدود 236 میلیون دلار درآمد داشته است با این حال نه آقای یامین پور و نه هیچ ایرانی دیگری شهرداراصولگرای تهران و شیراز و نیز شهروندانی را که از این فروشگاه خرید می کنند را مهره امارات نمی دانند چون سرمایه و سرمایه گذاری جزیی از بیزنس و پشتوانه تولید و خلق است و آمیخته شدن آن با خودفروشی و مهره شدن ووجه المصالحه کردنش برای ارضای عقده های فروخفته...جزو ویارانه های جماعت دلواپسی است که اصولن به شادی مردم و افتخارات وطنی، آلرژی دارند ، اوج درک شان از هنر، اثبات فاحشه بودن فلان بازیگر است و نیک می دانند که جمع سرمایه ای که کارگردان مستقل ایرانی با کد یمین، جلب اثر هنری خود می کند بسیار کمتر از بودجه حاتم بخشانه ای است که نصیب شومن های داخلی و برنامه های نفرت پراکنانه آنها می شود.
از اینها که بگذریم این خود زنی آقای یامین پور که برای باورهای ایدئولوژیک و جناحی خود حتا حاضرند که افتخار جهانی یک ایرانی و تودهنی هنرمند ایرانی به ترامپیسم کور ضد ایرانی را در سبد قطری ها بیاندازند و "وطی" عرب حاشیه خلیج فارس به غرور ایرانی را به انتظار بنشینند ، من را یاد این داستان راغب اصفهانی در کتاب "المحاظرات الادبا و محاورات الشعرا و البلغاء"انداخت:
هُدبه بن خشرم عذری، ابن عمّ خود را کشته بود. او را برای قصاص آوردند. پسر مقتول شمشیر در دست داشت و اولیای قاتل دیه را مضاعف می کردند تا به صد هزار رسانیدند. مادر پسر ترسید که پسر به طمع مال از قصاص درگذرد. گفت:ای فرزند! بالله که با خدای عهد کرده ام که اگر او را نکشی به او شوهر کنم تا هم پدرت را کشته باشد و هم مادرت را وَطْی کرده باشد.

only bigots and extremists like trump in the world are not happy about it. the only things these people understand are destroying, hate, human violence and cruelty. Fascist minds of their own and their leaders is fill full of Illusion and hypocrisy.​
بعضی ها میخوان خودشون رو به نفهمی بزنن، آیا انگلیس هم در وسط جنگ جهانی در یک تیم آلمانی سرمایه گزاری میکرد؟
as if there is any difference between trump and Obama.
only a fool thinks his bloody enemy has a goodwill for him.
The cannibal Wahhabis whose ideology is killing Shiah and go to heaven (and their Zionist masters in Hollywood) became Iranian friend! as if it wasn't a year ago when that anti-Iranian junk movie "Argo" in a complete political show win the prizes.
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well , so you tell me what's one of the reason behind nearly 30% separation rate in Tehran
certainly not the migration.
so I ask again why migration was chosen?
answer: to win the prize.

and for the information main reason for the separation was not migration it was difference between the values of wife and husband.
The reason for migration is shown as the unlivable condition of the country (wife clearly says can't bear it anymore), and both husband and wife agree on this. the only reason that husband can't migrate (want to but can't) is his sick father (again against the reality of relationship in these families).

and I didn't knew that children of Divorce end up happy children and Farhadi wrongly showed them and if you say those lone sharks and the calculating husband who want extort money and the wife who is under pressure by his husband family is lie then I have nothing to say to you . it seems you are not ware of the reality of life for poor families .
پیشنهاد میکنم برو فیلم فقر و فحشا را دوباره نگاه کن اگر اتباه نکنم کارگردانش صددرصد مورد تایید هستش .
If Ekhrajia was a comedy and allowed to mock soldiers then why not say farhadi movies are drama and allowed to show the dark side of the society .
it's not a coincidence that poor, miserable, and nervous family was chosen as the religious one (the opposite to the reality), director is giving a message to his viewers, and again it's not a coincidence that the upper class family is calm and full of passion (which unfortunately due to the unlivable conditions of Iran is collapsing).

nobody is against the criticism, but a fair and honest one and in the right form. but apparently you can't or don't want to distinguish the difference.

You mentioned Faghr and Fahsha, it's a documentary about poverty and it's consequences, director didn't add any drama to it, secondly did he offer his work for prize? has any foreign member of this forum ever heard about it? No, why not, cause unlike that traitor Farhadi, Dehnamaki's intention is not the prize but his own people. because unlike the movies which Farhadi and the rest of westernized directors build it's not a Festival movie (فیم جشنواره ای).

You repeat a lie about Ekhrajiha again, but it didn't mock our soldiers at all.
The character in a movie may be a good or bad man, the important is to firstly tell why, and secondly draw a line between that individual character and the rest of society, and Dehnamaki did it very well (as I explained in the previous comment) and that's why the family of volunteers (the ones who should have been offended) supported this movie more than those who watched it just for the sake of it's comedy theme.
certainly not the migration.
so I ask again why migration was chosen?
answer: to win the prize.

The reason for migration is shown as the unlivable condition of the country (wife clearly says can't bear it anymore), and both husband and wife agree on this. the only reason that husband can't migrate (want to but can't) is his sick father (again against the reality of relationship in these families).

it's not a coincidence that poor, miserable, and nervous family was chosen as the religious one (the opposite to the reality), director is giving a message to his viewers, and again it's not a coincidence that the upper class family is calm and full of passion (which unfortunately due to the unlivable conditions of Iran is collapsing).

nobody is against the criticism, but a fair and honest one and in the right form. but apparently you can't or don't want to distinguish the difference.

You mentioned Faghr and Fahsha, it's a documentary about poverty and it's consequences, director didn't add any drama to it, secondly did he offer his work for prize? has any foreign member of this forum ever heard about it? No, why not, cause unlike that traitor Farhadi, Dehnamaki's intention is not the prize but his own people. because unlike the movies which Farhadi and the rest of westernized directors build it's not a Festival movie (فیم جشنواره ای).

You repeat a lie about Ekhrajiha again, but it didn't mock our soldiers at all.
The character in a movie may be a good or bad man, the important is to firstly tell why, and secondly draw a line between that individual character and the rest of society, and Dehnamaki did it very well (as I explained in the previous comment) and that's why the family of volunteers (the ones who should have been offended) supported this movie more than those who watched it just for the sake of it's comedy theme.
why not migration it's as good reason as any and the salesman did not become the bestselling movie for all time in Iran because it was offered for festival .
by the way were i said Faghr and Fahsha was offered for festival ,I said go and look at it again to see how some families live . well ,honestly it's not worth the discussion when it become the best selling Iranian movie people answered you .
Your observation is not representative, based on few people abroad I guess. You havent lived among Iranians inside Iran, the villages, the small cities, downtowns etc.

Unlike Turkish nationalism, Islam and Iranian nationalism don't connect well and don't fit each other, they reject each other... we had this kind of weird experiments (melli-mazhabiyoun=religious nationalists) like mehdi bazargan who finally became slave of khumaani.

We learned from the mistakes for the final clash to come. The winner decides the future mindset of Iran and the countries east of Iran. This Will happen between 10 to 100 yeara (I'm extremely lenient). The question is not if it will happen, but when.

Well, it is your country and you know it better. I have never been to Iran, and have mostly seen diaspora Iranians. There were very few that had some relgious emotions, the rest however were anything but relgious. I think even inside Iran, only %20-%30 of the population are relgious in the regular way you see in other Islamic countries. Iranians have gone through a state enforced nationalisim that had a prime focus (arabs are the worst thing ever walked the face of earth, and Islam should therefore be hated b/c it came from inherntly inferior people). This idea seems more prevailing among Iranians than any type of religious concepts. I once read that nearly %40 of Tehranis don't fast in Ramadan. You get the point.
Well, it is your country and you know it better. I have never been to Iran, and have mostly seen diaspora Iranians. There were very few that had some relgious emotions, the rest however were anything but relgious. I think even inside Iran, only %20-%30 of the population are relgious in the regular way you see in other Islamic countries. Iranians have gone through a state enforced nationalisim that had a prime focus (arabs are the worst thing ever walked the face of earth, and Islam should therefore be hated b/c it came from inherntly inferior people). This idea seems more prevailing among Iranians than any type of religious concepts. I once read that nearly %40 of Tehranis don't fast in Ramadan. You get the point.
Unfortunately the only thing that Iranian state does not enforce is nationalism.

What do you know about the letter that Kuwait's foreign minister handed over to Iran's president from the GCC members? Its content was never revealed but it followed by Iran's president visit to Oman and Kuwait. Any rumors on your side?
Unfortunately the only thing that Iranian state does not enforce is nationalism.

What do you know about the letter that Kuwait's foreign minister handed over to Iran's president from the GCC members? Its content was never revealed but it followed by Iran's president visit to Oman and Kuwait. Any rumors on your side?

I meant the nationalsim during the Pahlavi era, which has huge impact on Iranians today. It accompanied Iranians first encounter with mass education back in the 1920s.

BTW, I know nothing about the letter.
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