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Iran's SAM Coverage

S-200s only have 2 missiles per site. http://geimint.blogspot.com/2007/07/s-200-sam-system-site-analysis.html?m=1

I gave a link in my blog post to the analysis by Sean O'Connor which included the locations of all sites I have put on my blog post. I can see them on Google earth.

And yes, SAMs typically reside at prepared, fixed locations. Their mobility allows them to use a "shoot and scoot" tactic in a war.
What i mean is Amir is each sites is 6 missile launcher right?
S-200s have 2 missile launchers per site.
You are wrong a standard S200 launch area has 6 launcher but at a single time it only can control 1 of them
its what a site typically look

each radar site control two to five launching area and each launching area is consist of 6 launching pad

its a typical site from Sky (Somewhere in Belarus)

but Iran site is not a typical site , in Iran each Radar only control two missile
S-200s only have 2 missiles per site. http://geimint.blogspot.com/2007/07/s-200-sam-system-site-analysis.html?m=1

I gave a link in my blog post to the analysis by Sean O'Connor which included the locations of all sites I have put on my blog post. I can see them on Google earth.

And yes, SAMs typically reside at prepared, fixed locations. Their mobility allows them to use a "shoot and scoot" tactic in a war.

So these are static sites? Kool, US just drop Tomahawk GPS guided missiles on these fixed locations.

They don't even need Anti-radiation missiles.
but Iran site is not a typical site , in Iran each Radar only control two missile

That's what I said.

So these are static sites? Kool, US just drop Tomahawk GPS guided missiles on these fixed locations.

They don't even need Anti-radiation missiles.

The newer systems like Talash/Sayyad, Raad and S-300, as well as soon Bavar-373, are fully mobile. They would be "shoot and scoot", ie in a combat situation they would pack up everything in a few minutes and then disperse away from the launch site or go into a bunker if fired upon.
That's what I said.

The newer systems like Talash/Sayyad, Raad and S-300, as well as soon Bavar-373, are fully mobile. They would be "shoot and scoot", ie in a combat situation they would pack up everything in a few minutes and then disperse away from the launch site or go into a bunker if fired upon.
There is nothing like shoot and scoot, the systems deploy for 72 hours before it redeploys.
And no it doesn't take few minutes, but hours.

Whoever pouring this info, have no sense of what is warfighting and operationalization of equipment in the battlefield.

And then what about the C&C?
There is nothing like shoot and scoot, the systems deploy for 72 hours before it redeploys.
And no it doesn't take few minutes, but hours.

Whoever pouring this info, have no sense of what is warfighting and operationalization of equipment in the battlefield.

Modern systems like the S-300 do not take long to set up or pack up. If they want to leave a location, all they need to do is disconnect all cables, fold/retract all radars and launch tubes, remove jacks, and that's it. They can move under their own power.

And then what about the C&C?

Modern systems have mobile command posts.

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