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Iran's possible next President [TIME]

Federalism if you can.

Well,at first,here is a simple definition of federalism

Federalism is a political concept in which a group of members are bound together by covenant (Latin: foedus, covenant) with a governing representative head. The term "federalism" is also used to describe a system of the government in which sovereignty is constitutionally divided between a central governing authority and constituent political units (such as states or provinces). Federalism is a system based upon democratic rules and institutions in which the power to govern is shared between national and provincial/state governments, creating what is often called a federation. Proponents are often called federalists.

For a populated,large and diverse country like Iran,federalism is the best option.It gives each state/province more independence from central government,it's like that all the things that needs to be done,are shared between the central govenment and each states.Today in Iran,central government has almost all the power and budget in it's hand.So naturally it becomes harder to develop all the country at a decent rate.So government can leave some of the tasks to the states themselves.Each state can have slightly different rules,just like the U.S today or Canada I think.It leads to faster development of all the country,since each state should worry about their limited area of command and if executed well,it also leads to less corruption since all the organizations will be under local and more strict supervision.Usually for large and diverse countries,it is too difficult for central government too handle the whole country very well all by their own.I hope I could be clear enough here.
I'm iffy about him since he is a former revolutionary guard but if he can hold his own against the mullah then I hope he becomes President.
These will be the Choices i think ( it will be my first vote :D i must search about them :D) :
1- Mr. Velaiaty ( He really is a good politician )
2. Mr. Rezaii ( He had many roles in the Regime before and i think he just did the best thing in the previous election : Just Accept it...)
3. Mr. Qalibaf ( He is Good 2) he show that he can manage a huge city like tehran (bejoz ghazie ab gerefti metro to barandegi ! yeki baiad in yeki ro doros kone :D )
4. Khatami : i hate him , he really is a damned person ! he just want to sell everything up to just have relations with USA .... i definitly won't vote him ! remember in his presidency Natanz UF6 industries and enriching was stopped .... so some of our best scientist just went out of country because of this ........................ (tarjih midam noono sabzi bokhoram vali be in rai nadam !)
5. others..............
I dont really know about the politics of Iran but i wish you guys a future full of promises and ofcourse sanction free...hehe
Don't know about him, but all I know is that a new president under the current system wouldn't make any significant reforms.
Its possible, if lets say war stars soon, obviously there wont be another elections till war is over, and it may last for years.

we had war before and in that war we had enough election to show we even held elections in war
Qalibaf could be a good choice but he's well known only in Tehran due to (being mayor and Tehran's police chief) , in 2005 presidency election he got only 4 million votes . I think Larijani won't come he's already got a good job .but I'm curious to know who might be Ahmadinejad's candidate ...

Iran's elections have been always held in Iran on the nose without any interruption even during the war , and it'll continue in this way
i think Ahmadinejad still will be the President, due to the possible emergency situation in the next year and there will be no election.
That's Impossible until we change the constitution till then
Khatami is the worst candidate for presidency , he would be a good think tank*but when it come to the actual work , he has no back bone the only thing he know how to do well is how to talk.
his place is at university not government
Khatami is the worst candidate for presidency , he would be a good think tank*but when it come to the actual work , he has no back bone the only thing he know how to do well is how to talk.

Seem to me like a Iranian characteristic anyway.
my opinion only

by reading the above article i think it will be better if Tehran Mayor runs for the Presidency also
next election will be serious in IRAN History and even i think USA and Israel will wait and see
all candidates are good

but i would to say Ahmadinejad is good person who is with LOGIC
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