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Iran’s Parliament approves outlines of strategic action plan to counter sanctions


Oct 21, 2011
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In short, Iranian parliament has obligated the Iranian Atomic Agency to:

1- start producing 20% enriched uranium (HALEU) by an amount of at least 120 kilograms per year
2- stop the voluntary execution of the Additional Protocol of the NPT if sanctions are not lifted
3- increase the enrichment capacity of Iran to 190,000 SWU (UF6 Kg/year)
4- increase Iran's number of advanced centrifuges (IR-2m and IR-6) by a 1,000 centrifuges for each type
5- start operating the uranium metal production facility in Isfahan in at most 5 months
6- reconstruct the Arak heavy water reactor in 4 months and design a new heavy water reactor for medical isotopes

The resolution also mentions that any person that does not obey the articles of the resolution will be punished and imprisoned by the Penal Code of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
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This is just political theater.

Law will never be implemented. They are just trying to put pressure on Biden to return to the god awful deal.
This is just political theater.

Law will never be implemented. They are just trying to put pressure on Biden to return to the god awful deal.

Considering that the parliamentary majority is principlist now and opposed to any new dealings with Biden, they are not likely to engage in any joint maneuvering with the Rohani administration. We shall see whether or not it will be implemented, but at any rate those principlist MP's who voted for this aren't intending to assist Rohani and Zarif in pressuring Biden return to the JCPOA.
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EU, US dont like jcpoa because it ends after 9 years. They want to renegotiate the deal to turn it into an eternal deal plus including restriction of Iranian missile/defence and foreign policy in the new deal. And all of that as if nothing happened last 4 years, no compensation.

Whoever in Iran agrees with renegotiation should be executed for treason.
The resolution also mentions that any person that does not obey the articles of the resolution will be punished and imprisoned by the Penal Code of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Man would I enjoy seeing Rohani in shackles...!


EU, US dont like jcpoa because it ends after 9 years. They want to renegotiate the deal to turn it into an eternal deal plus including restriction of Iranian missile/defence and foreign policy in the new deal.

They envisage to restrict missiles and foreign policy in a separate deal (or two separate deals in fact). It would demand too many rounds of negotiations (although the Rockefeller-funded International Crisis Group, which authored >80% of the nuclear JCPOA's text before negotiations were even kickstarted, had also readied a draft for an agreement to limit Iran's ballistic missiles), and they need to be able to show the Iranian public some results prior to the presidential election so they can have Zarif elected next year, or at the beginning of a future Zarif administration (God forbid) to help with his reelection in 2025.
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Man would I enjoy seeing Rohani in shackles...!

I think in reality, that paragraph can target only the personnel of the Iranian Atomic Agency. The President cannot be targeted by that paragraph. I think the Rouhani Administration can still not implement this resolution. The Parliament can impeach him, but even if they do so, it will take 3 to 4 months to replace him which isn't worth it anymore.
I think in reality, that paragraph can target only the personnel of the Iranian Atomic Agency. The President cannot be targeted by that paragraph. I think the Rouhani Administration can still not implement this resolution. The Parliament can impeach him, but even if they do so, it will take 3 to 4 months to replace him which isn't worth it anymore.
Haroomzadeh is just a few more months in office. His name will forever be stained.. pathetic sell out, perhaps on the same level as MEK.

Disgusting that even our missile capabilities are considered for discussion. Pieces of s.hits.
Haroomzadeh is just a few more months in office. His name will forever be stained.. pathetic sell out, perhaps on the same level as MEK.

Disgusting that even our missile capabilities are considered for discussion. Pieces of s.hits.
I dont mind if someone kills him together with jahangiri.
Sorry but I am realistic. When Iran cannot even prevent its top nuclear scientists being murdered openly, and does not have defence against Israeli F-35s, this is just a wish list. And not all wishes come true. IRan needs better air defence systems to protect its airspace and better security for its nuclear scientist.
In short, Iranian parliament has obligated the Iranian Atomic Agency to:

1- start producing 20% enriched uranium (HALEU) by an amount of at least 120 kilograms per year
2- stop the voluntary execution of the Additional Protocol of the NPT if sanctions are not lifted
3- increase the enrichment capacity of Iran to 190,000 SWU (UF6 Kg/year)
4- increase Iran's number of advanced centrifuges (IR-2m and IR-6) by a 1,000 centrifuges for each type
5- start operating the uranium metal production facility in Isfahan in at most 5 months
6- reconstruct the Arak heavy water reactor in 4 months and design a new heavy water reactor for medical isotopes

The resolution also mentions that any person that does not obey the articles of the resolution will be punished and imprisoned by the Penal Code of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Is this resolution effective immediately?
Is this resolution effective immediately?
Well, the Guardian Council has to pass it too. But if it gets passed, the resolution forces the authorities to implement it. Noncompliance with it can lead to a prison sentence from 2 to 25 years.
So essentially it is in most part just a return to pre-JCPOA level and it seems to me it is being done to increase Iran's hand before Biden takes office. However from my perspective, this is a weak response. I expected a part of this bill to give further directions on what Iran should do if sanctions are not removed, such as a requirement to leave the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and perhaps even increased level of enrichment beyond 20% using the excuse of naval nuclear reactors.
Well, the Guardian Council has to pass it too. But if it gets passed, the resolution forces the authorities to implement it. Noncompliance with it can lead to a prison sentence from 2 to 25 years.

Do you think Iran should comply immediately or wait until Biden comes to power?

EDIT: I agree with @Philosopher
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