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Iran's manned space capsule

Yup. We could hear anytime for the news of launch of this beast. It is on space pad and ready to unleash its gases. China is well ahead in the game. China will not invite Iran for any collaboration in human space program. What Iran needs is a launch platform. India is the way to go here. We can collaborate and fund a space program for both of us.

we are sanctioned man :D

we are working on something like Soyuz ...

is there any plan in India about space station ?
we are sanctioned man :D
we are working on something like Soyuz ...
is there any plan in India about space station ?
Not discussed yet. Most probably India will join ISS if we ever think of. Currently ISRO is focused on GSLV MK III, Moon Landing mission Chandrayaan - II, Mars Mission and Manned Space Mission, IRNSS - Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System.

Don't think till 2020, we are going to try since we have yet to send a man in space and there are more important missions.

I think they can do it. :tup:
And hopefully Iran will also have cooperation with us on the upcoming Chinese space station. (Right now it is just a space lab, but we are adding modules for an entirely new system).
I think most probably Iran will work with China if space station is concerned. US didn't allow China for ISS, China building its own. US won't allow Iran either. So its pretty much sure that iIF Iran decides for space station, it will be with Chinese SS. This is a better alternative in my opinion.
Wait a sec, is Iran trying to build a space statin :cheesy:, I thought you guys just wanted to send a human to space. Don't you think that sending a space station is a bit out of Iran's capabilities especially with the kind of rocket they have.
Wait a sec, is Iran trying to build a space statin :cheesy:, I thought you guys just wanted to send a human to space. Don't you think that sending a space station is a bit out of Iran's capabilities especially with the kind of rocket they have.
No they are not. Its just a discussion that IF Iran tries this after a decade or so, they will most probably go with China.

Just a discussion on possibility.
No they are not. Its just a discussion that IF Iran tries this after a decade or so, they will most probably go with China.

Just a discussion on possibility.

Well according to me Krait, Iran today is hungry for indegineous technologies not just something bought off the shelf for use. Technologies are best shared when the product is being developed not when it is in use. My bet is that Iran will go with India for collaboration in manned space capabilities with them funding 20-30% of cost. Iran in no way can build a rocket to launch their space capsule, India can provide them a good launch platform.
Well according to me Krait, Iran today is hungry for indegineous technologies not just something bought off the shelf for use. Technologies are best shared when the product is being developed not when it is in use. My bet is that Iran will go with India for collaboration in manned space capabilities with them funding 20-30% of cost. Iran in no way can build a rocket to launch their space capsule, India can provide them a good launch platform.

you can't man ...

we are sanctioned !!!

you have good relations with Israel ...

etc ...




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