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Iran's Leader Dares Saudi Arabia to Start an Enrichment Program

to be fair Iran also got foreign help for its nuclear program

Americans got too many technologies from Germans after ww2, does it mean that they did nothing after? Iran under toughest sanctions not only has proceeded its program but has developed it in all aspects , that's why 5+1 is negotiating with Iran.
You know man, I am not pleased with the translation, the noble of hotness in the original context is not delivered completely.
But thanks anyway.

Sorry about that. I agree with you. I had toned it down a bit. Because if I had done a proper translation of it, then some people might have blown themselves up. Literally. :lol:

Begging? What are you talking about? You do realize that there is difference between nuclear energy, building nuclear reactors and then enriching uranium in order to create atomic bombs?

What KSA is basically saying is that if Iran is allowed to develop nuclear weapons then this is something that other regional powers (KSA, Turkey and Egypt) would do too on the long run as well or feel entitled to have a right to do. Do you understand such a simple thing?

Anyway Iran will never be allowed to create a single atomic bomb as long as the West is ruling the world.So continue to live in your "Iran is the undisputed superpower of the Milky Way" bobble together with other Farsi compatriots. To everyone else laughter.

P.S.: KSA cooperates on the field of nuclear energy and research with dozens of states, (China, Japan, France, South Korea etc.), UAE is in the process of building their first nuclear power plants and Jordan and Egypt just recently signed deals with Russia to built several nuclear reactors.

I am on my bloody Iphone currently so I will make this short.

Don't kid yourself.

You do not have enrichment technology. You do not have nuclear reactors. You do not have heavy water technology. And nothing else.

Anyways, he has dared you guys to develop your own enrichment technology. I really doubt, you can.
"Dares"? Who is this supposed Iranian Arab whose country has been isolated, sanctioned and humiliated by the entire world for the past 36 years? The same country that will never develop nuclear weapons?:lol:

KSA will built 30 nuclear power plants before 2030.

Then there is also a certain nuclear program that KSA financed to a great deal a long, long time ago which did not come for free.

I suggest that he worries about his people and helps them become richer on average than the average Jamaican before he barks in his Arabized sissy langauge.

In short nobody gives a flying """" what this old Santa Claus wearing a black tire on his head says.

Hillarious shit that you can only read on PDF or Mullah sites. Anyway what to expect from people living in the North Korea of the ME? They probably truly believe that Iran is the "undisputed superpower of the Milky Way". Given the Farsis on PDF this is not too far-fetched.:lol:

Light water nuclear power plants could not be used to develop Nuclear weapons.

You either need a PHWRs ,if you want to take Plutonium route, or you would need Centrifuges if you want to take Uranium route.

So NO. Nuclear power plant ≠ Nuclear weapons.

Though this kind of "daring" is pointless. If you want to get Nukes, there is nothing that Iran could do to stop you (Rest of the world can). But you are to start from zero in order to get nukes. Your reactors would not help you.

You can always ask Pakistan to give you Nukes or Enrichment Technology . They literally worships you people.
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"Dares"? Who is this supposed Iranian Arab whose country has been isolated, sanctioned and humiliated by the entire world for the past 36 years? The same country that will never develop nuclear weapons?:lol:

KSA will built 30 nuclear power plants before 2030.

Nuclear Power in Saudi Arabia

Nuclear energy in Saudi Arabia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Saudi Arabia Fast-Tracks Nuclear Power - Forbes

Then there is also a certain nuclear program that KSA financed to a great deal a long, long time ago which did not come for free.

I suggest that he worries about his people and helps them become richer on average than the average Jamaican before he barks in his Arabized sissy langauge.

In short nobody gives a flying """" what this old Santa Claus wearing a black tire on his head says.

Hillarious shit that you can only read on PDF or Mullah sites. Anyway what to expect from people living in the North Korea of the ME? They probably truly believe that Iran is the "undisputed superpower of the Milky Way". Given the Farsis on PDF this is not too far-fetched.:lol:
Do you know what a nuclear country is dumdum ?

A nuclear country is a country which has full access to the whole nuclear cycle on it's own soil .

now let me simplify it for your little brain : You should be able to 1- mine Uranium ore (it's stable isotopes) 2- produce yellow cake from it 3-make it in the form of UF6 4- Enrich Uranium isotope 235 to a higher level

Now your retard country with retarder scientists CANNOT simply Pull that , alright ?

Sure you can buy some power plants and buy fuel for it , but dude seriously , don't embarrass yourself :lol:

Stop your "king" from making these types of comments for God's sake :lol: If Iran has that i want it too Papa US and Mommy Israel :cry:


If you can do it , then go on , it's your right and no one's gonna stop you . :rofl:

colossal bunch of jihadists as the monarchs of the country results in this forms of embarrassments :rofl::rofl:


Saudi arabia and science cannot be breathed in one sentence :rofl:
Do you know what a nuclear country is dumdum ?

A nuclear country is a country which has full access to the whole nuclear cycle on it's own soil .

now let me simplify it for your little brain : You should be able to 1- mine Uranium ore (it's stable isotopes) 2- produce yellow cake from it 3-make it in the form of UF6 4- Enrich Uranium isotope 235 to a higher level

Now your retard country with retarder scientists CANNOT simply Pull that , alright ?

Sure you can buy some power plants and buy fuel for it , but dude seriously , don't embarrass yourself :lol:

Stop your "king" from making these types of comments for God's sake :lol: If Iran has that i want it too Papa US and Mommy Israel :cry:


If you can do it , then go on , it's your right and no one's gonna stop you . :rofl:

colossal bunch of jihadists as the monarchs of the country results in this forms of embarrassments :rofl::rofl:


Saudi arabia and science cannot be breathed in one sentence :rofl:

5- re-conversion of UF6 to metal form/fuel rods.

The point that Saudis are not capable is not in dispute. But I think what he means by daring Saudis is that they are not even free and independent enough that they could go ahead and even try. US will never allow them. And Saudis know this fully.

:lol: ^^^


KSA can buy nuclear power plants as much as they want along with their Sudanese brothers.but for uranium enrichment, that is not gonna happen in your backward country in current century.

I do not think even those light power plants are going to be built. It is just talk for internal public consumption. I will only believe it when I see them up and running. Saudi Arabia is one of those countries of the world, which does not have ANY nuclear infrastructure. None. Zilch.

Light water nuclear power plants could not be used to develop Nuclear weapons.

You either need a PHWRs ,if you want to take Plutonium route, and you would need Centrifuges if you want to take Uranium route.

So NO. Nuclear power plant ≠ Nuclear weapons.

Though this kind of "daring" is pointless. If you want to get Nukes, there is nothing that Iran could do to stop you (Rest of the world can). But you are to start from zero in order to get nukes. Your reactors would not help you.

You can always ask Pakistan to give you Nukes or Enrichment Technology . They literally worships you people.

I don't think so. After 9/11 and the implementation of NSG, plus all the publicity of Iran's case, in addition to North Korea leaving NPT, in the last few years, the world changed. These things could be done in last century, with countries trading such techs. Not practically possible anymore. Pakistan is even reluctant to provide a few soldiers as a symbolic measure, let alone providing such sensitive tech, which would make Pakistan irrelevant to Saudis afterwards if they indeed provide Saudis. There is realpolitik and then there is street-politik. These rarely are the same.
I don't think so. After 9/11 and the implementation of NSG, plus all the publicity of Iran's case, in addition to North Korea leaving NPT, in the last few years, the world changed. These things could be done in last century, with countries trading such techs. Not practically possible anymore. Pakistan is even reluctant to provide a few soldiers as a symbolic measure, let alone providing such sensitive tech, which would make Pakistan irrelevant to Saudis afterwards if they indeed provide Saudis. There is realpolitik and then there is street-politik. These rarely are the same.

They could not be traded openly.But...............

And Yesterday few soldiers died in Saudi-Pakistan live fire "exercise" along Yemani border. How often this happens in international exercises?
They could not be traded openly.But...............

And Yesterday few soldiers died in Saudi-Pakistan live fire "exercise" along Yemani border. How often this happens in international exercises?

Well, in today's world it is very difficult to keep things so secret. Russia is no buddy with KSA, for instance. As many others are not. Things get leaked out and juiced for what is it worth. And US in all probability has plan B's and C's and ... even Z's for KSA after the fall of Saud family. I do not think these plans envisage a nuclear KSA though.

As for the soldiers, and international exercises, it depends. If it is Saudis who are holding the gun in a live fire exercise, then you better be not standing in the general area. That is how proficient they are.
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